<# .Synopsis finds the specified command on system PATH .Description uses `where` command to find commands on PATH #> function Find-Command { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$wally, [switch][bool]$useShellExecute = $true) $usePsFallback = $false if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5) { $useShellExecute = $true $usePsFallback = $true } if ($useShellExecute) { $p = cmd /c "where $wally" if ($p -ne $null) { return @($p) | % { new-object pscustomobject -property @{ CommandType = "Application" Name = (split-path $_ -leaf) Source = $_ Version = $null } } } } if (!$useShellExecute -or $usePsFallback) { # todo: use pure-powershell method return Get-Command $wally -ErrorAction Ignore } return $null } <# .Synopsis Set Environment variable .Parameter name variable name .Parameter val variable value .Parameter user set variable in user scope (persistent) .Parameter machine set variable in machine scope (persistent) .Parameter current (default=true) set variable in current's process scope #> function Set-EnvVar([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $val, [switch][bool]$user, [switch][bool]$machine, [switch][bool]$current = $true){ if ($current) { write-host "scope=Process: setting env var '$name' to '$val'" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($name, $val, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process); } if ($user) { write-host "scope=User: setting env var '$name' to '$val'" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($name, $val, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User); } if ($machine) { write-host "scope=Machine setting env var '$name' to '$val'" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($name, $val, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); } } <# .Synopsis Get Environment variable value .Parameter name variable name .Parameter user get variable from user scope (persistent) .Parameter machine get variable from machine scope (persistent) .Parameter current (default=true) get variable from current process scope #> function Get-EnvVar([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$name, [switch][bool]$user, [switch][bool]$machine, [Alias("process")][switch][bool]$current){ $val = @() if ($user) { $val += [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($name, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User); } if ($machine) { $val += [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($name, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); } if (!$user.IsPresent -and !$machine.IsPresent) { $current = $true } if ($current) { $val = invoke-expression "`$env:$name" } if ($val -ne $null) { $p = $val.Split(';') } else { $p = @() } return $p } <# .Synopsis Add s value to enviroment variable (like PATH) .Description assumes that lists are separated by `;` .Parameter name variable name .Parameter path path to add to the list .Parameter persistent save the variable in machine scope .Parameter first preppend the value instead of appending #> function Add-ToEnvVar { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$name, [Parameter(valuefrompipeline=$true)]$path, [switch][bool] $persistent, [switch][bool] $first ) process { $p = get-envvar $name $p = @($p | % { $_.trimend("\") }) $paths = @($path) foreach ($_ in $paths) { $path = $_.replace("/","\").trimend("\") if ($p -contains $path) { write-verbose "Env var '$name' already contains path '$path'" continue } write-verbose "adding $path to $name" if ($first) { if ($path.length -eq 0 -or $path[0] -ine $path) { $p = @($path) + $p } } else { if ($path -inotin $p) { $p += $path } } } $val = [string]::Join(";",$p) Invoke-Expression "`$env:$name = `$val" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($name, $val, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process); if ($persistent) { write-warning "saving global $name" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($name, $val, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); } } } <# .Synopsis Gets PATH env variable .Parameter user Get the value from user scope .Parameter machine (default) Get the value from machine scope .Parameter process Get the value from process scope .Parameter all Return values for each scope #> function Get-PathEnv { [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="scoped")] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="scoped")] [switch][bool]$user, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="scoped")] [switch][bool]$machine, [Alias("process")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="scoped")] [switch][bool]$current, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="all")][switch][bool]$all ) $scopespecified = $user.IsPresent -or $machine.IsPresent -or $current.IsPresent $path = @() $userpath = get-envvar "PATH" -user if ($user) { $path += $userpath } $machinepath = get-envvar "PATH" -machine if ($machine -or !$scopespecified) { $path += $machinepath } if (!$user.IsPresent -and !$machine.IsPresent) { $current = $true } $currentPath = get-envvar "PATH" -current if ($current) { $path = $currentPath } if ($all) { $h = @{ user = $userpath machine = $machinepath process = $currentPath } return @( "`r`n USER", " -----------", $h.user, "`r`n MACHINE", " -----------", $h.machine, "`r`n PROCESS", " -----------", $h.process ) } return $path } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the specified path to PATH env variable .DESCRIPTION assumes that paths on PATH are separated by `;` .PARAMETER path path to add to the list .PARAMETER persistent save the variable in machine scope .PARAMETER first preppend the value instead of appending .PARAMETER user save to user scope #> function Add-ToPath { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(valuefrompipeline=$true)]$path, [Alias("p")][switch][bool] $persistent, [switch][bool]$first, [switch][bool] $user) process { if ($user) { $p = Get-Pathenv -user } elseif ($persistent) { $p = Get-Pathenv -machine } else { $p = Get-Pathenv -process } $p = $p | % { $_.trimend("\") } $p = @($p) $paths = @($path) $paths | % { $path = $_.trimend("\") write-verbose "adding $path to PATH" if ($first) { if ($p.length -eq 0 -or $p[0] -ine $path) { $p = @($path) + $p } } else { if ($path -inotin $p) { $p += $path } } } $env:path = [string]::Join(";",$p) if ($user) { write-warning "saving user PATH" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User); #add also to process PATH add-topath $path -persistent:$false -first:$first } elseif ($persistent) { write-warning "saving global PATH" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); #add also to process PATH add-topath $path -persistent:$false -first:$first } else { [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process); } } } <# .Synopsis removes path from PATH env variable .Parameter path path to remove-frompath .Parameter persistent save modified path in machine scope #> function Remove-FromPath { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$path, [Alias("p")][switch][bool] $persistent ) $paths = @($path) $p = $env:Path.Split(';') $defaultSlash = "\" $altSlash = "/" $p = $p | % { $_.replace($altSlash, $defaultSlash).trimEnd($defaultSlash) } $removed = @() $paths | % { $path = $_.replace($altSlash, $defaultSlash).trimEnd($defaultSlash) $found = $p | ? { $_ -ieq $path } if ($found -ne $null) { write-verbose "found $($found.count) matches" $p = @($p | ? { !($_ -ieq $path) }) $removed += $found } } if ($removed.length -eq 0) { write-warning "path '$paths' not found in PATH" } $env:path = [string]::Join(";",$p) [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process); if ($persistent) { write-warning "saving global PATH" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine); } } <# .Synopsis tests if specified path is in PATH env variable .Parameter path path to test-envpath .Parameter show should return the found path value #> function Test-EnvPath([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$path, [switch][bool]$show) { $paths = @($path) $p = $env:Path.Split(';') $p = $p | % { $_.trimend("\") } $r = $true $path = $null $paths | % { $path = $_ $found = $p | ? { $_ -imatch (escape-regex "$path") } if (@($found).Count -le 0) { write-verbose "$path not found in PATH" $r = $false } else { write-verbose "$path found in PATH" } } if ($show) { return $found } return $r } <# .synopsis Reloads specified env variable from Registry .parameter name variable name #> function Update-EnvVar { [CmdletBinding()] param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$name, [switch][bool] $pathmode, [switch][bool] $force) if ($name -ieq "PATH" -or $name -ieq "PATHEXT" -or $name -ieq "PSMODULEPATH") { $pathmode = $true $force = $true } $m = get-envvar $name -machine $u = get-envvar $name -user $p = get-envvar $name -current write-verbose " # machine $name :" write-verbose "$m" write-verbose " # user $name :" write-verbose "$u" write-verbose " # proc $name :" write-verbose "$p" if($p -ne $null -and !$force) { write-verbose "not overriding process variable $name" return } if ($pathmode) { $path = @() $path += $m $toadd = $u | ? { $_ -cnotin $m } $path += $toadd $val = $path } else { if ($u -ne $null) { $val = $u } else { $val = $m } } if ($val -is [Array]) { $val = [string]::Join(";",$val) $val = $val.Trim(";") } set-item env:/$name -value $val } <# .synopsis reloads PATH and PsModulePath variables fro registry #> function Update-Env { [CmdletBinding()] param([Alias("all")][switch][bool] $force) $vars = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables([EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) foreach($v in $vars.GetEnumerator()) { update-envvar $ -force:$force } $vars = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables([EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) foreach($v in $vars.GetEnumerator()) { update-envvar $ -force:$force } } function Get-EscapedRegex($pattern) { return [Regex]::Escape($pattern) } <# .synopsis returns a string that is ecaped for REGEX use #> function Get-EscapedRegex([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=0)]$pattern) { process { return [Regex]::Escape($pattern) } } <# .synopsis tests if given path is relative #> function Test-IsRelativePath([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$path) { if ([System.IO.Path]::isPathRooted($path)) { return $false } if ($path -match "(?<drive>^[a-zA-Z]*):(?<path>.*)") { return $false } return $true } <# .synopsis joins two paths and returns absolute path .parameter from base directory or file .parameter to second path to join .example Get full path for a file Get-AbsolutePath . file.txt c:\test\file.txt #> function Get-AbsolutePath([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Alias("dir")][string] $from, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string][Alias("fullname")] $to ) { if (test-path $from) { $it = (gi $from) $dir = $it.fullname; if (!$it.psiscontainer) { #this is a file, we need a directory $dir = split-path -Parent $dir } } else { $dir = $from } $p = join-path $dir $to if (test-path $p) { return (gi $p).FullName } else { return $p } } <# .synopsis returns drive symbol for path (i.e. `c`) #> function Get-DriveSymbol([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$path) { if ($path -match "(?<drive>^[a-zA-Z]*):(?<path>.*)") { return $matches["drive"] } return $null } <# .synopsis calculates relative path .description when given a base path, calculates relative path to the other file location .parameter from base path (will calculate path relative to this location) .parameter to target file or directory #> function Get-RelativePath { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Alias("dir")][string] $from, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string][Alias("fullname")] $to ) try { write-verbose "get relative paths of:" write-verbose "$from" write-verbose "$to" $dir = $from $bothabsolute = !(test-ispathrelative $from) -and !(test-ispathrelative $to) if ($bothabsolute) { Write-Verbose "Both paths are absolute" } if (test-path $from) { $it = (gi $from) if ((test-ispathrelative $from) -or $bothabsolute) { Write-Verbose "using full path for comparison: $($it.fullname)" $dir = $it.fullname } if (!$it.psiscontainer) { #this is a file, we need a directory $dir = split-path -Parent $dir write-verbose "changed 'from' from file to directory: $dir" } } else { write-verbose "path '$from' does not exist" } $FullName = $to if ((test-path $to)) { if (((test-ispathrelative $to) -or $bothabsolute)) { $it = gi $to Write-Verbose "using full path for comparison: $($it.fullname)" $FullName = $it.fullname } if ((get-drivesymbol $from) -ne (get-drivesymbol $to)) { $it = gi $to #maybe the drive symbol is just an alias? Write-Verbose "different drive symbols '$(get-drivesymbol $from)' and '$(get-drivesymbol $to)'. using full path for comparison: $($it.fullname)" $FullName = $it.fullname } } else { write-verbose "path '$to' does not exist" } $separator = "\" $issubdir = $FullName -match (escape-regex $dir) if ($issubdir) { $p = $FullName.Substring($Dir.length).Trim($separator) } else { $commonPartLength = 0 $lastslashidx = -10 for($i = 0; $i -lt ([MAth]::Min($dir.Length, $FullName.Length)) -and $dir[$i] -ieq $FullName[$i]; $i++) { $commonPartLength++ if($dir[$i] -eq "\" -or $dir[$i] -eq "/") { $lastslashidx = $i } } $commonPartLength = $lastslashidx + 1 if ($commonPartLength -le 0) { throw "Items '$dir' and '$fullname' have no common path" } $commonDir = $FullName.Substring(0, $commonPartLength) $curdir = $dir.Substring($commonPartLength) $filerel = $fullname.Substring($commonPartLength) $level = $curdir.Trim($separator).Split($separator).Length $val = "" $dots = $val 1..$level | % { $dots += "$separator.." } $p = join-path $dots $filerel } return $p.Trim($separator) } catch { throw "failed to get relative path from '$from' to '$to': $($_.Exception)`r`n$($_.ScriptStackTrace)" } } <# #> Function Get-ShortPath ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$path) { BEGIN { $fso = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject } PROCESS { if ($path -is [string]) { $path = gi $path } If ($path.psiscontainer) { $fso.getfolder($path.fullname).ShortPath } ELSE { $fso.getfile($path.fullname).ShortPath } } } <# .synopsis creates a Junction (File system directory link) at $path, targeting $target #> function New-Junction($path, $target) { cmd /C mklink /J $path $target } <# .synopsis checks if given path is a Junction (File system directory link) #> function Test-Junction([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$path) { $_ = get-item $path $mode = "$($_.Mode)$(if($_.Attributes -band [IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint) {'J'})" return $mode -match "J" } <# .synopsis return junction taget directory #> function Get-JunctionTarget([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$p_path) { fsutil reparsepoint query $p_path | where-object { $_ -imatch 'Print Name:' } | foreach-object { $_ -replace 'Print Name\:\s*','' } } <# .synopsis installs a module as a linked directory on `PsModulePath` .description this function creates a link to a module in `C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules` directory .parameter modulepath path to installed module (may be a adirectory or .psm1 file) .parameter modulename if `modulepath` contains multiple modules, specify a module name #> function Install-ModuleLink { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param([Parameter(mandatory=$true)][string]$modulepath, [Parameter(mandatory=$false)]$modulename) $target = $modulepath if ($target.EndsWith(".psm1")) { $target = split-path -parent ((get-item $target).FullName) } $target = (get-item $target).FullName if ($modulename -eq $null) { $modulename = split-path -leaf $target } $path = "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules\$modulename" if (test-path $path) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("removing path $path")) { # packagemanagement module may be locking some files in existing module dir if (gmo powershellget) { rmo powershellget } if (gmo packagemanagement) { rmo packagemanagement } remove-item -Recurse $path -force if (test-path $path) { remove-item -Recurse $path -force } } } write-host "executing mklink /J $path $target" cmd /C "mklink /J ""$path"" ""$target""" } <# .synopsis updates specified linked module from source control .description if a module is a linked directory, that is under GIT or HG source control, then pull the newest changes and update the repo #> function Update-ModuleLink { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$false)] param([Parameter(mandatory=$false)]$module) $modulename = $module if ($modulename -eq $null) { $modules = Get-ChildItem "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules" | ? { $_.PsIsContainer -and (Test-Junction $_.FullName) } $modules | %{ Update-ModuleLink $ } return } $path = "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Modules\$modulename" if (test-path $path) { pushd try { if (!(test-junction $path)) { throw "'$path' does not seem like a junction to me" } $target = get-junctiontarget $path cd $target if (".hg","..\.hg","..\..\.hg" | ? { test-path $_ } ) { write-host "running hg pull in '$target'" hg pull hg update } elseif (".git","..\.git","..\..\.git" | ? { test-path $_ } ) { write-host "running git pull in '$target'" git pull } else { throw "path '$target' does not contain any recognizable VCS repo (git, hg)" } } finally { popd } } else { throw "Module '$module' not found at path '$path'" } } function Get-Listing ( [string] $Path = ".", $Excludes = @(), [Alias("Recurse")] [switch] $Recursive, [string] $Filter = $null, $include = @(), [switch][bool] $Files, [switch][bool] $Dirs ) { $r = _GetListing @PSBoundParameters @($r) | write-output } function _GetListing ( [string] $Path = ".", $Excludes = @(), [Alias("Recurse")] [switch] $Recursive, [string] $Filter = $null, $include = @(), [switch][bool] $Files = $false, [switch][bool] $Dirs = $false, $level = 0, $total = @() ) { try { $result = @() if (($Path -eq $null) -or ($Path.Trim() -eq "")) { #return $result } if (!$dirs.ispresent -and !$files.ispresent) { # get dirs by default $dirs = $true $files = $true } #$Excludes = @($Excludes | % { $_ -replace "\\","/" }) if ($Recurse) { $Recursive = $Recurse } Write-Progress -Activity "getting subdirs. Items Found = $($total.length)" -Status "path=$Path" $fullpath = (get-item $path).FullName if (($fullpath -eq $null) -or ($fullpath.Trim() -eq "")) { write-warning "cannot find or resolve path '$path'" #return $result } $path = $fullpath try { $topDirs = Get-ChildItem $Path -ErrorAction Stop } catch { write-error "failed to get child items for path '$path': $_" $topDirs = @() } $topDirs = $topDirs | where { $a = $_ $dirname = "$($a.FullName.Replace("\","/").Substring($Path.length).Trim("/"))/" $matchingExcludes = ($Excludes | where { $dirname -match "$_" }) return $_.PSIsContainer ` -and ($_.Name -ne $null) ` -and ($matchingExcludes -eq $null) } if ($Dirs) { $f = $topDirs | where { $_ -ne $null ` -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter) -or $_.Name -like $Filter) ` -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($include) -or $_.Name -match $include) ` } if (@($f).Length -gt 0) { $result += $f $total += $f @($f) | write-output } } if ($Files) { try { if (!(test-path $Path)) { write-warning "path '$Path' not found" } $ls = Get-ChildItem $path -Filter:$Filter -Recurse:$false | ? { !$_.PSIsContainer } if ($include -ne $null -and $include.length -gt 0) { $ls = $ls | ? { $it = $_ $name = $ $matchingIncludes = $include | ? { ## handle simple globbing case (i.e. *.exe) if ($_.Startswith("*")) { $_ = [Regex]::Escape($_.Substring(1)) $_ = ".*" + $_ } $name -match $_ } return $matchingIncludes -ne $null } } if (@($ls).Count -gt 0) { $result += $ls $total += $ls @($ls) | write-output } } catch { write-error "failed to get child items for path '$path': $_" } } if ($Recursive) { foreach($dir in $topDirs) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dir)) { Write-Warning "empty dir!" } if ($dirs ` -and (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter) -and $dir.Name -like $Filter) ` -and (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($include) -and $dir.Name -match $include)) { #do not recurse into matching dirs continue } else { try { $f = _GetListing -Path $dir.FullName -Excludes $Excludes -Recursive:$Recursive -Filter:$Filter -Files:$Files -Dirs:$Dirs -include:$include -level ($level+1) -total $total if (@($f).Length -gt 0) { $result += $f $total += $f @($f) | write-output } } catch { throw } } } } #return $result | where { $_ -ne $null } } catch { throw } finally { if ($level -eq 0) { Write-Progress -Activity "getting subdirs. Items Found = $($total.length)" -Status "DONE" -PercentComplete 100 -Completed } } } function find-upwards($pattern, $path = "." ) { $path = (get-item $path).FullName $foundfile = $null if (!(get-item $path).PsIsContainer) { $dir = split-path -Parent $path } else { $dir = $path } while(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dir)) { if (($pattern | % { "$dir/$_" } | test-path) -eq $true) { $reporoot = $dir $foundfile = $pattern | % { "$dir/$_" } | ? { test-path $_ } | select -First 1 break; } $dir = split-path -Parent $dir } return $foundfile } new-alias get-childitemsfiltered get-listing new-alias Where-Is find-command new-alias Refresh-Env update-env # refreshenv alias might be already declared by chocolatey if ((get-alias refreshenv -erroraction Ignore) -eq $null) { new-alias RefreshEnv refresh-env } new-alias Contains-Path test-envpath new-alias Escape-Regex get-escapedregex new-alias Test-IsPathRelative Test-IsRelativePath new-alias Get-PathRelative Get-RelativePath new-alias Test-IsJunction Test-Junction Export-moduleMember -Function * -Alias * |