function Get-Path { <# .SYNOPSIS The function converts string with delimiter (e.g. environment variable $env:Path) to array of strings. .DESCRIPTION The function converts string with delimiter (e.g. environment variable $env:Path) to array of strings. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-Path -Path $env:Path Converts environment variable $env:Path to array of strings. Flag "OnlyAvailable" is set by default, so the function will return only existing paths. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-Path -Path $env:Path -OnlyAvailable:$false Converts environment variable $env:Path to array of strings. Flag "OnlyAvailable" is unset, so the function will return all paths. .INPUTS [System.String] .OUTPUTS [System.Array] .NOTES ... #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Source path from $env:Path, $env:PSModulePath or from elsewhere like $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH. Default is $env:Path. [Parameter(HelpMessage="Source path from env:Path, env:PSModulePath or from elsewhere like env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH. Default is env:Path.")] [string] $Path = $env:Path, # Returns only available paths if checked. Default value is "True". [Parameter(HelpMessage="Returns only available paths if checked. Default value is True.")] [bool] $OnlyAvailable = $true ) begin { [array]$pathToArray = $Path.Split(";").Where({$_.Length -ne 0}) [array]$outArray = @() } process { if ($OnlyAvailable) { [array]$tempArray = @() foreach ($pathStr in $pathToArray) { if (Test-Path -Path $pathStr) { $tempArray += $pathStr } } $outArray = $tempArray } else { $outArray = $pathToArray } } end { return $outArray } } function Find-Path { <# .SYNOPSIS The function finds path by keyword. .DESCRIPTION The function finds path by keyword. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-Path -Keyword putty -Path $env:Path Returns from environment variable $env:Path path with keyword "putty": PS C:\> C:\Program Files\PuTTY\ .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-Path -Keyword pageant -Path $env:Path -InContent Function will get paths from $env:Path and will search for files with keyword "pageant", then will return paths to folders where the files are present: PS C:\> C:\Program Files\PuTTY\ PS C:\> C:\Program Files\Git\cmd .INPUTS [System.String] .OUTPUTS [System.Array] .NOTES ... #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Search string [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Keyword for search, mandatory parameter")] [string] $Keyword, # Path to search, default is $env:Path [Parameter(HelpMessage="Path to search, default is env:Path")] [string] $Path = $env:Path, # If true, will search for matches in filenames in path folders. Default is "False". [Parameter(HelpMessage="If true, will search for matches in filenames in path folders. Default is False.")] [switch] $InContent = $false ) begin { [array]$tempArray = Get-Path -Path $Path [array]$outArray = @() } process { foreach ($pathStr in $tempArray) { if (!$InContent) { if ($pathStr -match $Keyword) { $outArray += $pathStr } } else { if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $pathStr -File).Name -match $Keyword) { $outArray += $pathStr } } } } end { return $outArray } } function Add-Path { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds path to environment. Returns string. .DESCRIPTION Adds path to environment. Returns string. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Add-Path -Path "C:\Path\Does\Not\Exists" -Scope $env:Path Adds path "C:\Path\Does\Not\Exists" to environment variable $env:Path, if path "C:\Path\Does\Not\Exists" exists. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Add-Path -Path "C:\Path\Does\Not\Exists" -Scope $env:Path -OnlyIfExists:$false Adds path "C:\Path\Does\Not\Exists" to environment variable $env:Path, even if path "C:\Path\Does\Not\Exists" does NOT exists. .INPUTS [System.String] .OUTPUTS [System.String] .NOTES ... #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Path to add [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Path to add")] [string] $Path, # Scope. Default is $env:Path. [Parameter(HelpMessage="Scope. Default is env:Path.")] [string] $Scope = $env.Path, # Test path before addition. Default is $true. [Parameter(HelpMessage="Test path before addition. Default is True.")] [bool] $OnlyIfExists = $true ) begin { [array]$tempArray = Get-Path -Path $Scope [string]$outString = $null } process { if (!$OnlyIfExists) { Write-Warning -Message "Adding path $Path without checking for existence!" $tempArray += $Path } else { if (Test-Path -Path $Path) { Write-Verbose -Message "Adding path $Path to selected scope $Scope" $tempArray += $Path } else { Write-Error -Message "Path $Path does not exists! Exiting." break } } Write-Verbose -Message $tempArray $outString = $tempArray -join ";" } end { return $outString } } function Remove-Path { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes path from environment variable. .DESCRIPTION Removes path from environment variable. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-Path -Path "C:\Path\Does\Not\Exists" -Scope $env:Path Removes path "C:\Path\Does\Not\Exists" from environment variable $env:Path and return string. .INPUTS [System.String] .OUTPUTS [System.String] .NOTES ... #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Path to remove [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Path to remove")] [string] $Path, # Scope. Default is $env:Path [Parameter(HelpMessage="Scope. Default is env:Path")] [string] $Scope = $env:Path ) begin { [array]$tempArray = Get-Path -Path $Scope [array]$outArray = @() [string]$outString = $null } process { foreach ($pathStr in $tempArray) { if (!($pathStr -ne $Path)) { $outArray += $pathStr } } $outString = $outArray -join ";" } end { return $outString } } Export-ModuleMember -Function @( "Get-Path", "Find-Path", "Add-Path", "Remove-Path" ) |