
    The function performs upgrade of BC installation to new release
    The function checks the database related to instance provided. Imports new objects and runs data upgrade procedures.
    It can temporary swap customer license in database with development license if it's needed for upgrade to succeed.
    Plugin scripts are available with the following names:
    BeforeImportPatch, AfterImportPatch, BeforeDataUpgrade, AfterDataUpgrade, BeforeUpgradeExtensions, AfterUpgradeExtensions.
    Plugin scripts should contain a call to Setup-UpgradeTask function and add an upgrade task before or after task mentioned in plugin name.
.PARAMETER ServerInstance
    Specifies the Microsoft Dynaimcs Business Central Server instance that is used during upgrade
.PARAMETER RapidStartPackageFile
    Specifies the path to the RapidStart package to be imported after the successfull upgrade
    Specifies the path to the development license
    If that switch is ON then all delays will be skipped. Only use it to speed up testing process.
    Install-Release -ServerInstance prod -DevLicense "C:\License\DevLicense.flf" -PrimaryPatch "" -SecondaryPatch ""

function Install-Release
        [string]$ReleaseFolder = (Get-Location),
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                GetFileCompleter $FakeBoundParams.ReleaseFolder "_1_"
                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                GetFileCompleter $FakeBoundParams.ReleaseFolder "_2_"
        [string]$RapidStartPackageFile = "",

    if ($NoSleep) { Write-Warning "Only use NoSleep switch for testing purposes" }

        ($UpgradeTasksStatistics = Start-Upgrade `
            -NAVServerInstance $ServerInstance `
            -PrimaryPatch (Join-Path $ReleaseFolder $PrimaryPatch) `
            -SecondaryPatch (Join-Path $ReleaseFolder $SecondaryPatch) `
            -DevLicense $DevLicense `
            -RapidStartPackageFile $RapidStartPackageFile `
            -NoSleep:$NoSleep `
        ) |  %{ if($_.Status -eq 'Failed') { Write-Error $_."Error" } }
        # Uncomment the following line in order to have a better rendered view, in a separate window, on the Upgrade Tasks Statistics
        # $UpgradeTasksStatistics | Out-GridView
        $UpgradeTasksStatistics | ft

    This is a helper function for ArgumentCompleter of Install-Release.
    The only reason to export it because ArgumentCompleter doesn't work otherwise.

function GetFileCompleter {
    param ([string]$path, [string]$term)
    $SearchPath = if($path) { $path } else { Get-Location }
    Get-ChildItem -Path "$SearchPath\*" -Include "*.zip" | % { if($_.Name -match $term) {"""$($_.Name)"""} }

    The function performs upgrade of BC installation to new release
    The function checks the database related to instance provided. Imports new objects and runs data upgrade procedures.
    It can temporary swap customer license in database with development license if it's needed for upgrade to succeed.
.PARAMETER NAVServerInstance
    Specifies the Microsoft Dynaimcs Business Central Server instance that is used during upgrade
.PARAMETER PrimaryPatch
    File name of the patch archive to be installed first
.PARAMETER SecondaryPatch
    File name of the patch archive to be installed second
.PARAMETER RapidStartPackageFile
    Specifies the path to the RapidStart package to be imported after the successfull upgrade
    Specifies the path to the development license
.PARAMETER CustomerLicenseBackup
    Path where backup of the customer license will be stored
    If that switch is ON then all delays will be skipped. Only use it to speed up testing process.

function Start-Upgrade



            [string]$RapidStartPackageFile = "",

            [string]$DevLicense = "",

            [string]$CustomerLicenseBackup = ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()),

        Write-Verbose "========================================================================================="
        Write-Verbose ("Upgrade script starting at " + (Get-Date).ToLongTimeString() + "...")
        Write-Verbose "========================================================================================="

        # Ensure the NAV Management Module is loaded
        Import-NavModule -Service -Development

        # Ensure the SQLPS PowerShell module is loaded

        #region Verify that the prerequisites required by the script are met
        # The NAV Server Instance exists
        if($null -eq (Get-NAVServerInstance $NAVServerInstance))
            Write-Error "The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance $NAVServerInstance does not exist."

        $NavServerName = "localhost"
        $DatabaseName = (Get-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -AsXML).SelectSingleNode("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='DatabaseName']").value
        $DatabaseServer = (Get-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -AsXML).SelectSingleNode("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='DatabaseServer']").value
        $DatabaseInstance = (Get-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -AsXML).SelectSingleNode("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='DatabaseInstance']").value
        $DatabaseServerInstance = Get-SqlServerInstance -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer -DatabaseInstance $DatabaseInstance
        $IsMultitenant = (Get-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -AsXML).SelectSingleNode("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Multitenant']").value

        Write-Verbose "Upgrading > $DatabaseName @ $DatabaseServerInstance"

        # The NAV Database exists on the Sql Server Instance
        if(!(Test-NAVDatabaseOnSqlInstance -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer -DatabaseInstance $DatabaseInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName))
            Write-Error "Database '$DatabaseName' does not exist on SQL Server instance '$DatabaseServer\$DatabaseInstance'"

        # Initilize an empty list that will be populated with all the tasks that are executed part of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Data Upgrade process.
        # The list will include statistics regarding execution time, status and the associated script block
        $UpgradeTasks = [ordered]@{}

        #region Backup current license from the application part of the database (table '$ndo$dbproperty') , if it exists
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Backup current application license" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    Export-NAVLicenseFromApplicationDatabase `
                        -DatabaseName $DatabaseName `
                        -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer `
                        -DatabaseInstance $DatabaseInstance `
                        -LicenseFilePath $CustomerLicenseBackup

                } | %{ $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #region Import the new version license into the application database, and restart the server in order for the license to be loaded
            . Setup-UpgradeTask `
                -TaskName "Import dev license" `
                -ScriptBlock {

                        Import-NAVServerLicense -ServerInstance $NAVServerInstance -LicenseFile $DevLicense -Database NavDatabase -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                        Set-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance $NAVServerInstance -Restart

                    } | %{ $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #region Synchronize the NAV database
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Synchronize schema for all tables" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    Get-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance | Sync-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -Mode Sync -force -ErrorAction Stop

                 } | %{ $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #region Check for unsynchronized database changes. If there are any, abort the upgrade
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Check for unsynchronized database changes" `
            -ScriptBlock {
            if(!$NoSleep) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 }
            if ($IsMultitenant.ToUpper() -eq "TRUE") {
                $NavTenants = Get-NAVTenant $NavServerInstance
                Foreach ($NavTenant in $NavTenants) {
                    # Synchronize schema for all tables
                    $CurrentNavTenantSettings = Get-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -Tenant $NavTenant.Id
                    if ($CurrentNavTenantSettings.state -ne "Operational") {
                        Throw "Tenant " + $NavTenant.Id + " is not operational, the upgrade is aborted. Run Sync-navtenant with mode 'CheckOnly' to get more information."
            else {
                # Synchronize schema for all tables
                $NavTenantSettings = Get-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -Tenant Default
                if ($NavTenantSettings.state -ne "Operational") {
                    Throw "Tenant " + $NavTenant.Id + " is not operational, the upgrade is aborted. Run Sync-navtenant with mode 'CheckOnly' to get more information."
        } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region Shutdown additional instances
        # . Setup-UpgradeTask `
        # -TaskName "Shutdown additional instances" `
        # -ScriptBlock {
        # $current = Get-NAVApplication $instanceName
        # Get-NAVServerInstance | Where-Object -Property State -EQ -Value Running | % {
        # $app = Get-NAVApplication $_.ServerInstance
        # if ($app.'Database server' -eq $current.'Database server' -and $app.'Database name' -eq $current.'Database name') { $_ }
        # } | % {
        # Write-Host "Restarting instance $($_.ServerInstance)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        # Restart-NAVServerInstance $_.ServerInstance -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null
        # }
        # } | %{ $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region Restart NAV Server Instance
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Restart NAV Server instance" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                Set-NAVServerInstance $NavServerInstance -Start -Force -ErrorAction Stop

            } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region BeforeImportPatch
        $pluginPath = Join-Path $ReleaseFolder "BeforeImportPatch.ps1"
        if ($pluginPath -and (Test-Path $pluginPath -PathType Leaf)) {
            . ($pluginPath)
        $pluginPath = ""

        #Region Import objects
        #Region Import primary objects
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Importing update objects" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                if(!$NoSleep) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 }
                Install-Patch -instanceName $NavServerInstance -path $PrimaryPatch -allowReinstall -noSleep:$NoSleep

            } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region Import additional objects
        if ($SecondaryPatch -and (Test-Path $SecondaryPatch -PathType Leaf)) {
            . Setup-UpgradeTask `
                -TaskName "Importing update objects for IML" `
                -ScriptBlock {

                    if(!$NoSleep) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 15 }
                    Install-Patch -instanceName $NavServerInstance -path $SecondaryPatch -allowReinstall -noSleep:$NoSleep

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region AfterImportPatch
        $pluginPath = Join-Path $ReleaseFolder "AfterImportPatch.ps1"
        if ($pluginPath -and (Test-Path $pluginPath -PathType Leaf)) {
            . ($pluginPath)
        $pluginPath = ""

        #Region Perform Schema Synchronization for all tenants
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Compile uncompiled objects" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    if(!$NoSleep) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 }
                    Compile-NAVApplicationObject -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServerInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName `
                        -NavServerInstance $NavServerInstance -NavServerName $NavServerName `
                        -SynchronizeSchemaChanges No -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region Perform Schema Synchronization for all tenants
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Synchronize schema for all tables" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    if(!$NoSleep) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 }
                    Get-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance | Sync-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -Mode Sync -force -ErrorAction Stop

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region MenuSuite Compilation
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "MenuSuite objects compilation" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    Compile-NAVApplicationObject -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServerInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName `
                        -Recompile -Filter 'Type=MenuSuite' `
                        -SynchronizeSchemaChanges No -ErrorAction Stop

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region BeforeDataUpgrade
        $pluginPath = Join-Path $ReleaseFolder "BeforeDataUpgrade.ps1"
        if ($pluginPath -and (Test-Path $pluginPath -PathType Leaf)) {
            . ($pluginPath)
        $pluginPath = ""

        #Region Invoke the Data Upgrade process
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Invoke data upgrade" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    $NavTenants = Get-NAVTenant $NavServerInstance -ErrorAction Stop
                    $NavTenants  | % { $_.Id } | Invoke-NAVDataUpgrade -ServerInstance $NAVServerInstance

                 } | %{ $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region AfterDataUpgrade
        $pluginPath = Join-Path $ReleaseFolder "AfterDataUpgrade.ps1"
        if ($pluginPath -and (Test-Path $pluginPath -PathType Leaf)) {
            . ($pluginPath)
        $pluginPath = ""

        #Region Delete Killme Objects
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Delete killme objects" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    Delete-NAVApplicationObject -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServerInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -NavServerName $NavServerName -NavServerInstance $NavServerInstance `
                        -NavServerManagementPort $NavManagementPort -Filter 'Name=@Kill*' -SynchronizeSchemaChanges No -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #region Delete Upgrade Objects
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Delete upgrade objects" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    Delete-NAVApplicationObject -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServerInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -NavServerName $NavServerName -NavServerInstance $NavServerInstance `
                        -NavServerManagementPort $NavManagementPort -Filter 'Version List=@*UPG*' -SynchronizeSchemaChanges No -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #region Synchronize schema for all killme tables
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Synchronize schema with force" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    if(!$NoSleep) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
                    Get-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance | Sync-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NavServerInstance -Mode Force -force -ErrorAction Stop

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #region Restore customer license
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Importing customer license" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    Import-NAVServerLicense -LicenseFile $CustomerLicenseBackup -Database NavDatabase -ServerInstance $NAVServerInstance -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region ServiceTierRestart
        . Setup-UpgradeTask `
            -TaskName "Restarting the NAV Server Instance" `
            -ScriptBlock {

                    Set-NAVServerInstance $NavServerInstance -Restart -Force -ErrorAction Stop

                } | % { $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        #Region BeforeUpgradeExtensions
        $pluginPath = Join-Path $ReleaseFolder "BeforeUpgradeExtensions.ps1"
        if ($pluginPath -and (Test-Path $pluginPath -PathType Leaf)) {
            . ($pluginPath)
        $pluginPath = ""

        #region Upgrade extensions

        #Region AfterUpgradeExtensions
        $pluginPath = Join-Path $ReleaseFolder "AfterUpgradeExtensions.ps1"
        if ($pluginPath -and (Test-Path $pluginPath -PathType Leaf)) {
            . ($pluginPath)
        $pluginPath = ""

        #Region Optionally, run RapidStart package import
            . Setup-UpgradeTask `
                -TaskName "RapidStart Package import" `
                -ScriptBlock {

                    Invoke-NAVRapidStartDataImport -ServerInstance $NAVServerInstance -RapidStartPackageFile $RapidStartPackageFile

                } | %{ $UpgradeTasks.Add($_.Statistics, $_.ScriptBlock) }

        # Run the upgrade tasks and stop if an error has occurred
        foreach($UpgradeTask in $UpgradeTasks.GetEnumerator())
            Execute-UpgradeTask -currentTask ([ref]$UpgradeTask.Name) -scriptBlock $UpgradeTask.Value

            if($UpgradeTask.Name.Status -eq 'Failed')
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "-------------------------------------NOTE------------------------------------------------"
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "The development license is loaded into the $DatabaseName database."
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "Customer license saved to $CustomerLicenseBackup"
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkCyan "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "The upgrade completed with errors."
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

                return $UpgradeTasks.Keys

        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "The upgrade completed successfully."
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "You can start the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client on the upgraded database using $NavServerInstance."
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        return $UpgradeTasks.Keys
        Write-Verbose "========================================================================================="
        Write-Verbose ("Upgrade script finished at " + (Get-Date).ToLongTimeString() + ".")
        Write-Verbose "========================================================================================="

function Setup-UpgradeTask([string]$TaskName,[scriptblock]$ScriptBlock)
    $initTaskStatistics = New-Object PSObject
    Add-Member -InputObject $initTaskStatistics -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Upgrade Task" -Value $TaskName

    Add-Member -InputObject $initTaskStatistics -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Start Time" -Value ""
    Add-Member -InputObject $initTaskStatistics -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Duration" -Value ""

    Add-Member -InputObject $initTaskStatistics -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Status" -Value 'NotStarted'
    Add-Member -InputObject $initTaskStatistics -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Error" -Value ""

    $taskContent = New-Object PSObject
    Add-Member -InputObject $taskContent -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Statistics" -Value $initTaskStatistics
    Add-Member -InputObject $taskContent -MemberType NoteProperty -name "ScriptBlock" -Value $ScriptBlock

    return $taskContent

function Execute-UpgradeTask([PSObject][ref]$currentTask, [scriptblock]$scriptBlock) {
    Write-Host "Running Upgrade Task `"$($currentTask.'Upgrade Task')`"..."

    $startTime = Get-Date
    $currentTask.'Start Time' = $startTime.ToLongTimeString()

    try {
        . $scriptBlock | Out-Null

        $currentTask."Status" = 'Completed'
    catch [Exception] {
        $currentTask."Status" = 'Failed'
        $currentTask."Error" = $_.Exception.Message + [Environment]::NewLine + "Script stack trace: " + [Environment]::NewLine + $_.ScriptStackTrace
    finally {
        $duration = NEW-TIMESPAN -Start $startTime
        $durationFormat = '{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:000}' -f $duration.Hours, $duration.Minutes, $duration.Seconds, $duration.Milliseconds

        $currentTask.'Duration' = $durationFormat