TOPIC about_PasswordState SHORT DESCRIPTION Passwordstate is a PowerShell module used to interface with ClickStudio's PasswordState application via the REST API. LONG DESCRIPTION Passwordstate is a PowerShell module used to interface with ClickStudio's PasswordState application via the REST API. This module supports creating, retrieving, and updating PasswordState entries using simple PowerShell cmdlets that you can integrate into your existing processes. EXAMPLES - Initialize-PasswordStateRepository Creates PasswordState configuration repository under $env:USERNAME\.passwordstate Initialize-PasswordStateRepository -ApiEndpoint 'https://passwordstate.local/api' -ConfigurationRepository 'C:\PasswordStateCreds' - Get-PasswordStateApiKey List available PasswordState API keys in the repository. Get-PasswordStateApiKey -Name 'system' -Repository c:\users\joe\data\.customrepo - Import-PasswordStateApiKey Imports a given PasswordState API key from the repository. $cred = Import-PasswordStateApiKey -Name personal -Repository c:\users\joe\data\.customrepo - Export-PasswordStateApiKey Exports a PowerShell credential object to the PasswordState key repository. Export-PasswordStateApiKey -ApiKey $cred -Repository c:\users\joe\data\.customrepo - Find-PasswordStatePassword Get all passwords in all shared password lists in PasswordState. $allPasswords = Get-PasswordStateAllPasswords -SystemApiKey $sysKey -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local' - Get-PasswordStateAllLists Get all shared password lists in PasswordState. $lists = Get-PasswordStateList -SystemApiKey $sysKey -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local' - Get-PasswordStateAllPasswords Get all passwords in all shared password lists in PasswordState. $allPasswords = Get-PasswordStateAllPasswords -SystemApiKey $sysKey -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local' - Get-PasswordStateList Get a specific password list in PasswordState. $lists = Get-PasswordStateList -SystemApiKey $sysKey -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local' - Get-PasswordStateListPasswords Get all passwords in a PasswordState list. $passwords = Get-PasswordStateListPasswords -ApiKey $key -PasswordListId 1234 -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local' - Get-PasswordStatePasswordHistory Get the history for a given password in PasswordState. $history = Get-PasswordStatePasswordHistory -ApiKey $key -PasswordId 1234 -Endpoint 'https://passwordstate.local' - New-PasswordStatePassword Create a new password in PasswordState. New-PasswordStatePassword -ApiKey $key -PasswordListId 1 -Title 'testPassword' -Username 'testPassword' -Description 'this is a test' -GeneratePassword - New-PasswordStateRandomPassword Generate a random password from PasswordState. New-PasswordStateRandomPassword -Quantity 10 -WordPhrases $false -MinLength 20 - Set-PasswordStatePassword Updates an existing password in PasswordState. Set-PasswordStatePassword -ApiKey $key -PasswordId 1234 -Username 'mypassword' KEYWORDS PasswordState, Credential, SEE ALSO http://devblackops.io/powershell-module-for-clickstudios-passwordstate/ |