
        Helper function to check if an Ast is part of a class.
        Returns true or false
        Test-IsInClass -Ast $ParameterBlockAst
        I initially just walked up the AST tree till I hit
        a TypeDefinitionAst that was a class
        That means it would throw false positives for things like
        class HasAFunctionInIt
            [Func[int,int]] $MyFunc = {
        Where the param block and all its respective items ARE
        valid being in their own anonymous function definition
        that just happens to be inside a class property's
        assignment value
        So This check has to be a DELIBERATE step by step up the
        AST Tree ONLY far enough to validate if it is directly
        part of a class or not

function Test-IsInClass
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    [System.Boolean] $inAClass = $false
    # Is a Named Attribute part of Class Property?
    if ($Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.NamedAttributeArgumentAst])
        # Parent is an Attribute Ast AND
        $inAClass = $Ast.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst] -and 
            # Grandparent is a Property Member Ast (This Ast Type ONLY shows up inside a TypeDefinitionAst) AND
            $Ast.Parent.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.PropertyMemberAst] -and
            # Great Grandparent is a Type Definition Ast AND
            $Ast.Parent.Parent.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst] -and
            # Great Grandparent is a Class
    # Is a Parameter part of a Class Method?
    elseif ($Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst])
        # Parent is a Function Definition Ast AND
        $inAClass = $Ast.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and
            # Grandparent is a Function Member Ast (This Ast Type ONLY shows up inside a TypeDefinitionAst) AND
            $Ast.Parent.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst] -and
            # Great Grandparent is a Type Definition Ast AND
            $Ast.Parent.Parent.Parent -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst] -and
            # Great Grandparent is a Class


        Helper function for the Test-Statement* helper functions.
        Returns the extent text as an array of strings.
        Get-StatementBlockAsRows -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent

function Get-StatementBlockAsRows
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        Remove carriage return since the file is different depending if it's run in
        AppVeyor or locally. Locally it contains both '\r\n', but when cloned in
        AppVeyor it only contains '\n'.

    $statementBlockWithNewLine = $StatementBlock -replace '\r', ''
    return $statementBlockWithNewLine -split '\n'

        Helper function for the Measure-*Statement PSScriptAnalyzer rules.
        Test a single statement block for opening brace on the same line.
        Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent

function Test-StatementOpeningBraceOnSameLine
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $statementBlockRows = Get-StatementBlockAsRows -StatementBlock $StatementBlock
    if ($statementBlockRows.Count)
        # Check so that an opening brace does not exist on the same line as the statement.
        if ($statementBlockRows[0] -match '{[\s]*$')
            return $true
        } # if
    } # if

    return $false

        Helper function for the Measure-*Statement PSScriptAnalyzer rules.
        Test a single statement block for new line after opening brace.
        Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent

function Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsNotFollowedByNewLine
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $statementBlockRows = Get-StatementBlockAsRows -StatementBlock $StatementBlock
    if ($statementBlockRows.Count -ge 2)
        # Check so that an opening brace is followed by a new line.
        if ($statementBlockRows[1] -match '\{.+')
            return $true
        } # if
    } # if

    return $false

        Helper function for the Measure-*Statement PSScriptAnalyzer rules.
        Test a single statement block for only one new line after opening brace.
        Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine -StatementBlock $ScriptBlockAst.Extent

function Test-StatementOpeningBraceIsFollowedByMoreThanOneNewLine
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $statementBlockRows = Get-StatementBlockAsRows -StatementBlock $StatementBlock
    if ($statementBlockRows.Count -ge 3)
        # Check so that an opening brace is followed by only one new line.
        if (-not $statementBlockRows[2].Trim())
            return $true
        } # if
    } # if

    return $false