
function Get-Password {
    This commandlet is used to randomly generate passwords.
    This commandlet is used to randomly generate passwords.
    Randomly generates passwords of a given length (default/minimum 8 characters)
    Randomly generates passwords of a given length (default/minimum 8 characters)
    .PARAMETER Count
    The number of passwords to generate
    .PARAMETER Length
    The character length of the passwords to be generated (minimum 8)
    .PARAMETER Randomize
    Randomize the order of the password characters
    by default the format is UC Letter, LC Letters, Numbers, [SpecChars]
    .PARAMETER SpecChars
    Adds in special character from the following ()~!@&*-+=\{}#$%[]?/
    Randomly generates 1 password at the default length of 8 characters no special characters not randomized (UC Letter, LC Letters, Numbers)
    Get-Password -Count 5 -Length 15 -Randomize
    Randomly generates 5 passwords each with a length of 15 characters & randomizes it

Param([Int]$Count = 1, [Int]$Length = 8, [Switch]$Randomize, [Switch]$SpecChars)
    if($Length -lt 8){
    Write-Error "Minimum length of 8 characters required"
    exit 1
        if ($SpecChars) {
        $Llettercnt = $Length - 7
        $Ulettercnt = 1
        $numcnt = 4
        $SpecCharsCnt = 2
        } else {
        $Llettercnt = $Length - 5
        $Ulettercnt = 1
        $numcnt = 4
        $speccharscnt = 0
  1..$Count | ForEach-Object{
        $Num = 48..57  | ForEach-Object {[Char]$_}    #Numbers
        $Lower = 97..122 | ForEach-Object {[Char]$_}  #Lower Case
        $Upper = 65..90  | ForEach-Object {[Char]$_}  #Upper Case
        $Spec = [Char[]]"()~!@&*-+=\{}#$%[]?/"

        if ($Randomize) {
            $pass = ""
            $pass += ($Upper | Get-Random -Count $Ulettercnt) -join "" 
            $pass += ($Lower | Get-Random -Count $Llettercnt) -join ""
            $pass += ($Num | Get-Random -Count $numcnt) -join ""
            if ($SpecChars){
                $pass += ($Spec | Get-Random -Count $SpecCharsCnt) -join ""
            $pass = ($pass.ToCharArray() | Sort-Object {Get-Random}) -join ""
            Write-Output $pass
        } else{
            $pass = ""
            $pass += ($Upper | Get-Random -Count $Ulettercnt) -join "" 
            $pass += ($Lower | Get-Random -Count $Llettercnt) -join ""
            $pass += ($Num | Get-Random -Count $numcnt) -join ""
            if ($SpecChars){
                $pass += ($Spec | Get-Random -Count $SpecCharscnt) -join ""
            Write-Output $pass


function Get-ComplexPassword {
    This commandlet is used to randomly generate passwords.
    This commandlet is used to randomly generate passwords.
    Randomly generates passwords of a given length (default/minimum 8 characters)
    Randomly generates a complex passwords of a given length (minimum 8 characters Default 15 Characters)
    .PARAMETER Count
    The number of passwords to generate
    .PARAMETER Length
    The character length of the passwords to be generated (minimum 8)
    .PARAMETER Randomize
    Randomize the order of the password characters
    by default the format is UC Letter, LC Letters, Numbers
    .PARAMETER SpecChars
    Adds in special character from the following ()~!@&*-+=\{}#$%[]?/
    Randomly generates 1 password at the default length of 15 characters with special characters, randomized
    Get-ComplexPassword -Count 5 -Length 15 -Randomize
    Randomly generates 5 passwords each with a length of 15 characters, with special characters & randomizes it

Param([Int]$Count = 1, [Int]$Length = 15, [Boolean]$Randomize = $True, [Boolean]$SpecChars = $True)
    if($Length -lt 8){
    Write-Error "Minimum length of 8 characters required"
    exit 1

        if ($SpecChars) {
        $Llettercnt = $Length - 8
        $Ulettercnt = 4
        $numcnt = 4
        $SpecCharsCnt = 2
        } else {
        $Llettercnt = $Length - 8
        $Ulettercnt = 4
        $numcnt = 4
        $speccharscnt = 0
  1..$Count | ForEach-Object{
        $Num = 48..57  | ForEach-Object {[Char]$_}    #Numbers
        $Lower = 97..122 | ForEach-Object {[Char]$_}  #Lower Case
        $Upper = 65..90  | ForEach-Object {[Char]$_}  #Upper Case
        $Spec = [Char[]]"()~!@&*-+=\{}#$%[]?/"

        if ($Randomize -eq $true) {
            $pass = ""
            $pass += ($Upper | Get-Random -Count $Ulettercnt) -join "" 
            $pass += ($Lower | Get-Random -Count $Llettercnt) -join ""
            $pass += ($Num | Get-Random -Count $numcnt) -join ""
            if ($SpecChars -eq $true){
                $pass += ($Spec | Get-Random -Count $SpecCharsCnt) -join ""
            $pass = ($pass.ToCharArray() | Sort-Object {Get-Random}) -join ""
            Write-Output $pass
        } else{
            $pass = ""
            $pass += ($Upper | Get-Random -Count $Ulettercnt) -join "" 
            $pass += ($Lower | Get-Random -Count $Llettercnt) -join ""
            $pass += ($Num | Get-Random -Count $numcnt) -join ""
            if ($SpecChars -eq $true){
                $pass += ($Spec | Get-Random -Count $SpecCharsCnt) -join ""
            Write-Output $pass
