
Function Get-WinLogedOnUser{
        Return a list of logged in users
        This function return a list of users, who have logged in to the target computer.
        Logic of this function is based on 'Explorer.exe' process. It finds the processes and return the owner of those.
        If do not define computer name, localhost will be choose as a target computer
        PS> Get-WinLogedOnUser
        Name Domain Computer
        ---- ------ --------
        User01 Contoso PC-01
        PS> Get-WinLogedOnUser -ComputerName PC-02
        Name Domain Computer
        ---- ------ --------
        User02 Contoso PC-02
        PS> $list = 'PC-01','PC-02'
        PS> $list | Get-WinLogedOnUser
        Name Domain Computer
        ---- ------ --------
        User01 Contoso PC-01
        User02 Contoso PC-02

    Param (

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ComputerName)){
            $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

        [Parmis.Windows.LoginUser[]]$output = @()

        Write-Verbose -Message ("========== {0} ==========" -f $ComputerName)
        $testResult = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $ComputerName -InformationLevel Quiet
        if ($testResult){
            $procs = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $ComputerName  Win32_Process -Filter "name = 'Explorer.exe'"
            foreach ( $item in $procs){
                $owner = Invoke-CimMethod -ComputerName $ComputerName -InputObject $item -MethodName GetOwner
                $obj = [Parmis.Windows.LoginUser]::new()

                $obj.Name = $owner.User
                $obj.Domain = $owner.Domain
                $obj.Computer = $ComputerName

                $output += $obj
        return $output | Select-Object Name,Domain,Computer -Unique | Sort-Object -Property Computer,Name