$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $MicroCHAP = $ScriptPath + '\MicroCHAP.dll' Add-Type -Path $MicroCHAP Function Sync-Unicorn { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$ControlPanelUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$SharedSecret, [string[]]$Configurations, [string]$Verb = 'Sync', [switch]$SkipTransparentConfigs, [switch]$DebugSecurity ) # PARSE THE URL TO REQUEST $parsedConfigurations = '' # blank/default = all if($Configurations) { $parsedConfigurations = ($Configurations) -join "^" } $skipValue = 0 if($SkipTransparentConfigs) { $skipValue = 1 } $url = "{0}?verb={1}&configuration={2}&skipTransparentConfigs={3}" -f $ControlPanelUrl, $Verb, $parsedConfigurations, $skipValue if($DebugSecurity) { Write-Host "Sync-Unicorn: Preparing authorization for $url" } # GET AN AUTH CHALLENGE $challenge = Get-Challenge -ControlPanelUrl $ControlPanelUrl if($DebugSecurity) { Write-Host "Sync-Unicorn: Received challenge from remote server: $challenge" } # CREATE A SIGNATURE WITH THE SHARED SECRET AND CHALLENGE $signatureService = New-Object MicroCHAP.SignatureService -ArgumentList $SharedSecret $signature = $signatureService.CreateSignature($challenge, $url, $null) if($DebugSecurity) { Write-Host "Sync-Unicorn: MAC '$($signature.SignatureSource)'" Write-Host "Sync-Unicorn: HMAC '$($signature.SignatureHash)'" Write-Host "Sync-Unicorn: If you get authorization failures compare the values above to the Sitecore logs." } Write-Host "Sync-Unicorn: Executing $Verb..." # USING THE SIGNATURE, EXECUTE UNICORN [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $result = Invoke-StreamingWebRequest -Uri $url -Mac $signature.SignatureHash -Nonce $challenge if($result.TrimEnd().EndsWith('****ERROR OCCURRED****')) { throw "Unicorn $Verb to $url returned an error. See the preceding log for details." } # Uncomment this if you want the console results to be returned by the function # $result } Function Get-Challenge { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$ControlPanelUrl ) $url = "$($ControlPanelUrl)?verb=Challenge" [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -TimeoutSec 360 -UseBasicParsing $result.Content } Function Invoke-StreamingWebRequest($Uri, $MAC, $Nonce) { $responseText = new-object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder" $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Uri) $request.Headers["X-MC-MAC"] = $MAC $request.Headers["X-MC-Nonce"] = $Nonce $request.Timeout = 10800000 $response = $request.GetResponse() $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream() $responseStreamReader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $responseStream while(-not $responseStreamReader.EndOfStream) { $line = $responseStreamReader.ReadLine() if($line.StartsWith('Error:')) { Write-Host $line.Substring(7) -ForegroundColor Red } elseif($line.StartsWith('Warning:')) { Write-Host $line.Substring(9) -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif($line.StartsWith('Debug:')) { Write-Host $line.Substring(7) -ForegroundColor Gray } elseif($line.StartsWith('Info:')) { Write-Host $line.Substring(6) -ForegroundColor White } else { Write-Host $line -ForegroundColor White } [void]$responseText.AppendLine($line) } return $responseText.ToString() } Export-ModuleMember -Function Sync-Unicorn |