Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 Function Install-Sitecore91 ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Prefix, # The Prefix that will be used on SOLR, Website and Database instances. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SitecoreVersion, # i.e. 901XM0, 910XP0, 911XP1, etc. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DownloadBase, # The location where WDPs, ZIPs, license.xml are stored [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SQLServer, # The DNS name or IP of the SQL Instance. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SqlAdminUser, # A SQL user with sysadmin privileges. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SqlAdminPassword, # The password for $SQLAdminUser. [string] $SitecoreAdminPassword, # The Password for the Sitecore Admin User. This will be regenerated if left on the default. [string] $DriveLetter = "C", # The desired drive to install Sitecore on, and download assets [string] $SolrHost = "solr", # The hostname of the Solr server [string] $SolrPort = "8983", # The port of the Solr server [Hashtable] $Parameters = @{}, # Parameters for Install-SitecoreConfiguration [string[]] $Packages = @(), # Packages to install [switch] $DoUninstall, # Uninstalls Sitecore instead of installing [switch] $DoInstallPrerequisites, # Install SIF, Solr, etc. [switch] $DoSitecorePublish, # If the Sitecore master database should be published to web [switch] $DoRebuildLinkDatabases, # If the Link Databases should be rebuilt [switch] $DoRebuildSearchIndexes, # If the Search Indexes should be rebuilt [switch] $DoDeployMarketingDefinitions # If the Marketing Definitions should be deployed ) { $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # TODO: Support Dynamic Parameters based on what the SIF Configuration supports, so no need for @Parameters variable # TODO: Check SQL admin now. (2016+ if 9 + XP) if (!$DoInstallPrerequisites) { # TODO: Check Java + JAVA_HOME now # TODO: Check Solr now } Write-Host "================= Normalizing Parameters =================" -foregroundcolor "green" $WhitelistParameters = @( "InstallRoot", "Topology", "Mode", "SifVersion", "SifConfigurationName", "WdpsZipName", "ConfigsZipName", "SitecoreSchema", "SitecoreUrl", "SitecorePath", "SolrVersion" ) # Adds all string parameters to the $Parameters variable to be splatted to various functions foreach ($h in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) { $Key = $h.Key $WhitelistParameters += $Key If ($h.Value.ParameterType.Name -eq "String") { $Value = Get-Variable $Key -ValueOnly -EA SilentlyContinue If ($Value) { $Parameters.$Key = $Value } } } # Enrich the $Parameters with default values from this version of Sitecore so we can use them later below $Defaults = Get-DefaultSitecoreParameters $Parameters.SitecoreVersion foreach ($key in $Defaults.Keys) { If (!$Parameters.ContainsKey($key) -Or !$Parameters.$key) { $Parameters.$key = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($Defaults.$key) } } # Downloads the WDPs and Configs for this Sitecore version Invoke-CommandWithEffectiveParameters "Invoke-DownloadPackages" $Parameters If (!$Parameters.ContainsKey("Path")) { # Uses the default Json configuration supplied in the Configs zip $Parameters.Path = "$($Parameters.InstallRoot)\$($Parameters.SifConfigurationName)" If ($Parameters.Topology -eq "XM0") { # XM0 isn't delivered by Sitecore, so work around that by removing the SitecoreCD include $json = Get-Content -Path $Parameters.Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $json.Includes.PSObject.Properties.Remove("SitecoreCD") $Parameters.Path = "$($Parameters.InstallRoot)\XM0-SingleDeveloper.json" $json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Set-Content -Path $Parameters.Path -Force } } If ($DoInstallPrerequisites) { # Registers the Sitecore PowerShell Gallery, installs Sitecore Install Framework, the correct version of Solr, etc. Invoke-CommandWithEffectiveParameters "Install-AllPrerequisites" $Parameters } Write-Host "================= Ensuring Valid Parameters =================" -foregroundcolor "green" $SitecoreConfigurationParameterNames = Get-ParameterNamesFromSitecoreConfiguration $Parameters.Path $SitecoreConfigurationParameterNames += Get-ParameterNamesFromCommand "Install-SitecoreConfiguration" # Ensures all the extra parameters supplied (also from the defaults) will be recognised by SIF # Throwing an exception is perhaps a bit strong but this method ensures the configs don't have redundant properties. foreach ($key in $Parameters.Keys) { If (!$SitecoreConfigurationParameterNames.Contains($key) -And !$WhitelistParameters.Contains($key)) { throw "Unknown parameter name for Install-SitecoreConfiguration: $key" } } Try { # Does all the work in the context of where the WDPs and Configs were downloaded Push-Location $Parameters.InstallRoot # Determines the parameters that can be splatted to SIF $SitecoreParams = Get-EffectiveParameters $SitecoreConfigurationParameterNames $Parameters Write-Debug (ConvertTo-Json $SitecoreParams).ToString() If ($DoUninstall) { Write-Host "================= Unstalling $Prefix =================" -foregroundcolor Yellow Uninstall-SitecoreConfiguration @SitecoreParams *>&1 | Tee-Object "$($Prefix)-Uninstall.log" } else { Write-Host "================= Installing $Prefix =================" -foregroundcolor Yellow Install-SitecoreConfiguration @SitecoreParams *>&1 | Tee-Object "$($Prefix).log" If ($Parameters.Topology -eq "XM0") { # As Sitecore don't deliver XM0, change Sitecore Role from ContentManagement to Standalone $WebConfigFile = Join-Path $Parameters.SitecorePath "Web.config" Invoke-SetXmlTask -FilePath $WebConfigFile -XPath "//configuration/appSettings/add[@key='role:define']" -Attributes @{value="Standalone"} } # Tests if the homepage loads Test-Site $Parameters.SitecoreUrl # Installs the .asmx agent to the Content Management / Standalone instance Install-SimpleInstallScriptsProxies $Parameters.SitecorePath $proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri "$($Parameters.SitecoreUrl)/SimpleInstallScriptsProxy.asmx?WSDL" $proxy.Timeout = 1800000 # Installs .zip and .update packages, such as Sitecore PowerShell foreach ($PackageName in $Packages) { Write-Host "================= Installing Package $PackageName =================" -foregroundcolor Magenta $PackagesUrl = "$DownloadBase/$PackageName" $PackagesZip = "$($Parameters.InstallRoot)\$PackageName" Invoke-DownloadIfNeeded $PackagesUrl $PackagesZip $proxy.InstallPackage($PackagesZip) } # Executes a Smart Publish if ($DoSitecorePublish) { Write-Host "================= Publishing master to web =================" -foregroundcolor Magenta $proxy.SmartPublish('master', 'web') Invoke-WaitForJobsToFinish "Smart Publish" $proxy } # Rebuilds the Core and Master Link databases. Shame this isn't done by Sitecore! if ($DoRebuildLinkDatabases) { Write-Host "================= Rebuilding Link Databases =================" -foregroundcolor Magenta Write-Host "Rebuilding Core Link Database" -ForegroundColor Yellow $proxy.RebuildLinkDatabase("core") Write-Host "Rebuilding Master Link Database" -ForegroundColor Yellow $proxy.RebuildLinkDatabase("master") Invoke-WaitForJobsToFinish "Rebuilding Link Databases" $proxy } # Rebuilds the core, master and web indexes # TODO: Loop through and rebuild *all* indexes if ($DoRebuildSearchIndexes) { Write-Host "================= Rebuilding Search Databases =================" -foregroundcolor Magenta Write-Host "Rebuilding Core Search Index" -ForegroundColor Yellow $proxy.RebuildSearchIndex("sitecore_core_index") Write-Host "Rebuilding Master Search Index" -ForegroundColor Yellow $proxy.RebuildSearchIndex("sitecore_master_index") Write-Host "Rebuilding Web Search Index" -ForegroundColor Yellow $proxy.RebuildSearchIndex("sitecore_web_index") Invoke-WaitForJobsToFinish "Rebuilding Search Indexes" $proxy } if ($Parameters.Mode -eq "XP") { $proxyXP = New-WebServiceProxy -uri "$($Parameters.SitecoreUrl)/SimpleInstallScriptsProxyXP.asmx?WSDL" $proxyXP.Timeout = 1800000 # Deploys the Marketing Definitions. This can take a *long* time. Again, would be nice if they were pre-deployed by Sitecore. if ($DoDeployMarketingDefinitions) { Write-Host "================= Deploying Marketing Definitions =================" -foregroundcolor Magenta $proxyXP.DeployMarketingDefinitions() Invoke-WaitForJobsToFinish "Deploying Marketing Definitions" $proxy } } # Removes the agent to remove the security hole # TODO: Consider moving the agent under /sitecore/admin and logging in like SIF's PopulateManagedSchema.aspx Remove-SimpleInstallScriptsProxies $Parameters.SitecorePath # Ensures the site still works Test-Site $Parameters.SitecoreUrl } } Finally { Pop-Location } } |