Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 Function Install-Sitecore910XP0 ( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Prefix, # The Prefix that will be used on SOLR, Website and Database instances. [string] $SitecoreAdminPassword = "b", # The Password for the Sitecore Admin User. This will be regenerated if left on the default. [string] $SCInstallRoot = "C:\Downloads\9.1.0", # The root folder with the license file and WDP files. [string] $XConnectSiteName = "$prefix.xconnect.local", # The name for the XConnect service. [string] $SitecoreSiteName = "$Prefix.dev.local", # The Sitecore site instance name. [string] $IdentityServerSiteName = "$Prefix.identityserver.local", # Identity Server site name [string] $LicenseFile = "$SCInstallRoot\license.xml", # The Path to the license file [string] $SolrHost = "solr", # The hostname of the Solr server [string] $SolrPort = "8983", # The port of the Solr server [string] $SolrUrl = "https://$($SolrHost):$($SolrPort)/solr", # The Url of the Solr service [string] $SolrVersion = "7.2.1", # Solr version [string] $SolrService = "Solr-$SolrVersion", # The Name of the Solr Service. [string] $SolrRoot = "C:\solr\$SolrService", # The Folder that Solr has been installed in [string] $SqlServer = ".", # The DNS name or IP of the SQL Instance. [string] $SqlAdminUser = "sa", # A SQL user with sysadmin privileges. [string] $SqlAdminPassword = "12345", # The password for $SQLAdminUser. [string] $PasswordRecoveryUrl = "http://$SitecoreSiteName", # The Identity Server password recovery URL, this should be the URL of the CM Instance [string] $SitecoreIdentityAuthority = "https://$IdentityServerSiteName", # The URL of the Identity Authority [string] $XConnectCollectionService = "https://$XConnectSiteName", # The URL of the XconnectService [string] $ClientSecret = "SIF-Default", # The random string key used for establishing connection with IdentityService. This will be regenerated if left on the default. [string] $AllowedCorsOrigins = "http://$SitecoreSiteName", # Pipe-separated list of instances (URIs) that are allowed to login via Sitecore Identity. [string] $DownloadBase = $Env:DownloadBase, [switch] $DoUninstall, # Uninstalls Sitecore instead of installing [switch] $DoInstallPrerequisites # Install SIF, Solr, etc. ) { Invoke-DownloadPackages $DownloadBase ` $SCInstallRoot ` "Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. 001564 (WDP XP0 packages).zip" ` "XP0 Configuration files 9.1.0 rev. 001564.zip" $singleDeveloperParams = @{ Path = "$SCInstallRoot\XP0-SingleDeveloper.json" SqlServer = $SqlServer SqlAdminUser = $SqlAdminUser SqlAdminPassword = $SqlAdminPassword SitecoreAdminPassword = $SitecoreAdminPassword SolrUrl = $SolrUrl SolrRoot = $SolrRoot SolrService = $SolrService Prefix = $Prefix XConnectCertificateName = $XConnectSiteName IdentityServerCertificateName = $IdentityServerSiteName IdentityServerSiteName = $IdentityServerSiteName LicenseFile = $LicenseFile XConnectPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_xp0xconnect.scwdp.zip").FullName SitecorePackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore 9.1.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_single.scwdp.zip").FullName IdentityServerPackage = (Get-ChildItem "$SCInstallRoot\Sitecore.IdentityServer 2.0.0 rev. * (OnPrem)_identityserver.scwdp.zip").FullName XConnectSiteName = $XConnectSiteName SitecoreSitename = $SitecoreSiteName PasswordRecoveryUrl = $PasswordRecoveryUrl SitecoreIdentityAuthority = $SitecoreIdentityAuthority XConnectCollectionService = $XConnectCollectionService ClientSecret = $ClientSecret AllowedCorsOrigins = $AllowedCorsOrigins } If ($DoInstallPrerequisites) { Install-AllPrerequisites -SCInstallRoot $SCInstallRoot -DownloadBase $DownloadBase -SolrVersion $SolrVersion -SolrHost $SolrHost -SolrPort $SolrPort ` -SqlServer $SqlServer -SqlAdminUser $SqlAdminUser -SqlAdminPassword $SqlAdminPassword } Install-SitecoreWrapper "910-XP0" $singleDeveloperParams $SCInstallRoot -DoUninstall:$DoUninstall } |