#Region '.\_init.ps1' 0 using namespace ColorMine.ColorSpaces using namespace PoshCode.Pansies using namespace ColorMine.Palettes using namespace PoshCode.Pansies.Palettes using namespace System.Collections.Generic # On first import, if HostPreference doesn't exist, set it and strongly type it if(!(Test-Path Variable:HostPreference) -or $HostPreference -eq $null) { [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]$global:HostPreference = "Continue" } Set-Variable HostPreference -Description "Dictates the action taken when a host message is delivered" -Visibility Public -Scope Global if(-not $IsLinux -and -not $IsMacOS) { [PoshCode.Pansies.Console.WindowsHelper]::EnableVirtualTerminalProcessing() } if(Get-Command Add-MetadataConverter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Add-MetadataConverter @{ RgbColor = { [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$args[0] } [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor] = { "RgbColor '$_'" } } } #EndRegion '.\_init.ps1' 23 #Region '.\Private\ConvertToCssColor.ps1' 0 function ConvertToCssColor { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="PListColorDictionary", Mandatory, Position = 0)] [Dictionary[string,object]]$colors, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ColorValue", Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$color ) end { if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "PListColorDictionary") { [int]$r = 255 * $colors["Red Component"] [int]$g = 255 * $colors["Green Component"] [int]$b = 255 * $colors["Blue Component"] [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::new($r, $g, $b).ToString() } if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ColorValue") { [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::new($color).ToString() } } } #EndRegion '.\Private\ConvertToCssColor.ps1' #Region '.\Private\ExportTheme.ps1' 0 function ExportTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports themes by name #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( # The name of the theme [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Position = 1)] $InputObject, [switch]$Force, [switch]$Update, [switch]$PassThru, [ValidateSet("User", "Machine")] [string]$Scope = "User" ) process { $NativeThemePath = Join-Path $(Get-ConfigurationPath -Scope $Scope) "$Name.theme.psd1" if(Test-Path -LiteralPath $NativeThemePath) { if($Update) { Write-Verbose "Updating $NativeThemePath" $Theme = Import-Metadata $NativeThemePath -ErrorAction Stop Update-Object -InputObject $Theme -UpdateObject $InputObject | Export-Metadata $NativeThemePath } elseif($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Overwrite $($NativeThemePath)?", "$Name Theme exists")) { Write-Verbose "Exporting to $NativeThemePath" $InputObject | Export-Metadata $NativeThemePath } } else { Write-Verbose "Exporting to $NativeThemePath" $InputObject | Export-Metadata $NativeThemePath } if($PassThru) { $InputObject | Add-Member NoteProperty Name $Name -Passthru | Add-Member NoteProperty PSPath $NativeThemePath -Passthru } } } #EndRegion '.\Private\ExportTheme.ps1' #Region '.\Private\FindVSCodeTheme.ps1' 0 function FindVsCodeTheme { [CmdletBinding()] param($Name) $VSCodeExtensions = @( # VS Code themes are in one of two places: in the app, or in your profile folder: Convert-Path "~\.vscode*\extensions\" # If `code` is in your path, we can guess where that is... Get-Command Code-Insiders, Code -ErrorAction Ignore | Split-Path | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath "resources\app\extensions\" ) $Warnings = @() $Themes = @( # If they passed a file path that exists, use just that one file if ($Specific = Test-Path -LiteralPath $Name) { $File = Convert-Path $Name $( if ($File.EndsWith(".json")) { try { # Write-Debug "Parsing json file: $File" ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content -Path $File -Raw -Encoding utf8) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { Write-Error "Couldn't parse '$File'. $( if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { 'You could try again with PowerShell Core, the JSON parser there works much better!' })" } } else { # Write-Debug "Parsing PList file: $File" Import-PList -Path $File } ) | Select-Object @{ Name = "Name" Expr = { if ($ { $ } else { [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($File) } } }, @{ Name = "Path" Expr = {$File} } } else { $VSCodeExtensions = $VSCodeExtensions | Join-Path -ChildPath "\*\package.json" -Resolve foreach ($File in $VSCodeExtensions) { # Write-Debug "Considering VSCode Extention $([IO.Path]::GetFileName([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($File)))" $JSON = Get-Content -Path $File -Raw -Encoding utf8 try { $Extension = ConvertFrom-Json $JSON -ErrorAction Stop # if ($Extension.contributes.themes) { # Write-Debug "Found $($Extension.contributes.themes.Count) themes" # } $Extension.contributes.themes | Select-Object @{Name="Name" ; Expr={$_.label}}, @{Name="Style"; Expr={$_.uiTheme}}, @{Name="Path" ; Expr={Join-Path (Split-Path $File) $_.path -resolve}} } catch { $Warning = "Couldn't parse some VSCode extensions." } } } ) if($Themes.Count -eq 0) { throw "Could not find any VSCode themes. Please use a full path." } if($Specific -and $Themes.Count -eq 1) { $Themes } # Make sure we're comparing the name to a name $Name = [IO.Path]::GetFileName(($Name -replace "\.json$|\.tmtheme$")) Write-Verbose "Testing theme names for '$Name'" # increasingly fuzzy search: (eq -> like -> match) if(!($Theme = $Themes.Where{$ -eq $Name})) { if (!($Theme = $Themes.Where{$ -like $Name})) { if (!($Theme = $Themes.Where{$ -like "*$Name*"})) { foreach($Warning in $Warnings) { Write-Warning $Warning } Write-Error "Couldn't find the theme '$Name', please try another: $(($ | Select-Object -Unique) -join ', ')" } } } if(@($Theme).Count -gt 1) { $Dupes = $(if(@($Theme.Name | Get-Unique).Count -gt 1) {$Theme.Name} else {$Theme.Path}) -join ", " Write-Warning "Found more than one theme for '$Name'. Using '$(@($Theme)[0].Path)', but you could try again for one of: $Dupes)" } @($Theme)[0] } #EndRegion '.\Private\FindVSCodeTheme.ps1' #Region '.\Private\GetColorProperty.ps1' 0 function GetColorProperty{ <# .SYNOPSIS Search the colors for a matching theme color name and returns the foreground #> param( # The array of colors [Array]$colors, # An array of (partial) scope names in priority order # The foreground color of the first matching scope in the tokens will be returned [string[]]$name ) # Since we loaded the themes in order of prescedence, we take the first match that has a foreground color foreach ($pattern in $name) { # Normalize color if($foreground = @($colors.$pattern).Where{$_}[0]) { ConvertToCssColor $foreground return } } } #EndRegion '.\Private\GetColorProperty.ps1' #Region '.\Private\GetColorScopeForeground.ps1' 0 function GetColorScopeForeground { <# .SYNOPSIS Search the tokens for a scope name with a foreground color #> param( # The array of tokens [Array]$tokens, # An array of (partial) scope names in priority order # The foreground color of the first matching scope in the tokens will be returned [string[]]$name ) # Since we loaded the themes in order of prescedence, we take the first match that has a foreground color foreach ($pattern in $name) { foreach ($token in $tokens) { if (($token.scope -split "\s*,\s*" -match $pattern) -and $token.settings.foreground) { ConvertToCssColor $token.settings.foreground return } } } } #EndRegion '.\Private\GetColorScopeForeground.ps1' #Region '.\Private\ImportJsonIncludeLast.ps1' 0 function ImportJsonIncludeLast { <# .SYNOPSIS Import VSCode json themes, including any included themes #> [CmdletBinding()] param([string[]]$Path) # take the first $themeFile, $Path = $Path $theme = Get-Content $themeFile | ConvertFrom-Json # Output all the colors or token colors if ($theme.colors) { $theme.colors } if ($theme.tokenColors) { $theme.tokenColors } # Recurse includes if ($theme.include) { $Path += $themeFile | Split-Path | Join-Path -Child $theme.include | convert-path } if ($Path) { ImportJsonIncludeLast $Path } } #EndRegion '.\Private\ImportJsonIncludeLast.ps1' #Region '.\Private\ImportTheme.ps1' 0 function ImportTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports themes by name #> [CmdletBinding()] param( # The name of the theme [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$Name ) $FileName = $Name -replace "((\.theme)?\.psd1)?$" -replace '$', ".theme.psd1" $Path = if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $FileName)) { Get-Theme $Name | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty PSPath } else { Convert-Path $FileName } if(!$Path) { $Themes = @(Get-Theme "$Name*") if($Themes.Count -gt 1) { Write-Warning "No exact match for $Name. Using $($Themes[0]), but also found $($Themes[1..$($Themes.Count-1)] -join ', ')" $Path = $Themes[0].PSPath } elseif($Themes) { Write-Warning "No exact match for $Name. Using $($Themes[0])" $Path = $Themes[0].PSPath } else { $Themes = @(Get-Theme "*$Name*") if($Themes.Count -gt 1) { Write-Warning "No exact match for $Name. Using $($Themes[0]), but also found $($Themes[1..$($Themes.Count-1)] -join ', ')" $Path = $Themes[0].PSPath } elseif($Themes) { Write-Warning "No exact match for $Name. Using $($Themes[0])" $Path = $Themes[0].PSPath } } if(!$Path) { Write-Error "No theme '$Name' found. Try Get-Theme to see available themes." return } } Write-Verbose "Importing $Name theme from $Path" $Theme = Import-Metadata $Path -ErrorAction Stop # Cast the ConsoleColors here if($Theme['ConsoleColors']) { $Theme['ConsoleColors'] = $Theme['ConsoleColors'].ForEach([RgbColor]) } # Convert colors to escape sequences for PSReadline.Colors if ($Colors = $Theme.PSReadline.Colors) { foreach ($color in @($Colors.Keys)) { # If it doesn't start with ESC if ($Colors[$color] -notmatch "^$([char]27)") { try { # Use the RGBColor $Colors[$color] = ([RgbColor]$Colors[$color]).ToVtEscapeSequence() <# | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Color -Value ([RgbColor]$Colors[$color]) -PassThru #> } catch { Write-Warning "Skipped 'PSReadLine.$color', because '$($Colors[$color])' is neither a color nor an escape sequence" $null = $Colors.Remove($color) } } } $Theme['PSReadline']['Colors'] = $Colors } $Theme } #EndRegion '.\Private\ImportTheme.ps1' #Region '.\Private\ShowPreview.ps1' 0 function ShowPreview { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] $Palette, [Parameter(Position = 1)] $Syntax, $Name, [Switch]$Tiny, [Switch]$MoreText, [Switch]$NoCodeSample ) if($null -eq $Syntax) { $Syntax = Get-PSReadLineOption | Select-Object -Property @( @{Name = "ContinuationPrompt"; Expression = { $_.ContinuationPromptColor }} @{Name = "Parameter"; Expression = { $_.ParameterColor }} @{Name = "Member"; Expression = { $_.MemberColor }} @{Name = "Command"; Expression = { $_.CommandColor }} @{Name = "Operator"; Expression = { $_.OperatorColor }} @{Name = "Emphasis"; Expression = { $_.EmphasisColor }} @{Name = "Selection"; Expression = { $_.SelectionColor }} @{Name = "Variable"; Expression = { $_.VariableColor }} @{Name = "Type"; Expression = { $_.TypeColor }} @{Name = "Keyword"; Expression = { $_.KeywordColor }} @{Name = "String"; Expression = { $_.StringColor }} @{Name = "Error"; Expression = { $_.ErrorColor }} @{Name = "Number"; Expression = { $_.NumberColor }} @{Name = "DefaultToken"; Expression = { $_.DefaultTokenColor }} @{Name = "Comment"; Expression = { $_.CommentColor }} ) } $e = [char]27 -join $( "$($Name)`n" if($Palette) { if($Palette.Count -lt 16) { throw "Invalid theme: missing ConsoleColors (there should be 16, but are only $($Palette.Count))" } if (!$Tiny) { $ansi = 30 $bold = $false " Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan White Gray Dark Gray `n" " 49m 40m 41m 42m 43m 44m 45m 46m 47m 100m 107m `n" " 39m" foreach($fg in @($null) + $Palette[0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15]) { if($fg) { "$(if($bold){"1;"}else{" "})$($ansi)m" $ansi += $bold $bold = !$bold } foreach($bg in @($null) + $Palette[0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 15, 7, 8]) { $(if($null -ne $bg) { $bg.ToVtEscapeSequence($true) }) $(if($null -ne $fg) { $fg.ToVtEscapeSequence() }) " gYw $([char]27)[0m " } "`n" } "`n" } 0..7 | ForEach-Object { $Dark = $Palette[$_] $Lite = $Palette[($_ + 8)] New-Text (" $([ConsoleColor]$_)".PadRight(12) + " $Dark ") -Fore (Get-Complement $Dark -Force) -Back $Dark -LeaveColor New-Text (" $([ConsoleColor]$_+8)".PadRight(9) + " $Lite ") -Fore (Get-Complement $Lite -Force) -Back $Lite "`n" } } if($Syntax -and !$NoCodeSample) { "$e[8A$e[45G$($Syntax.Keyword)function $($Syntax.DefaultToken)Test-Syntax $($Syntax.DefaultToken){" "$e[B$e[45G $($Syntax.Comment)# Demo Syntax Highlighting" "$e[B$e[45G $($Syntax.DefaultToken)[$($Syntax.Type)CmdletBinding$($Syntax.DefaultToken)()]" "$e[B$e[45G $($Syntax.Keyword)param$($Syntax.DefaultToken)( [$($Syntax.Type)IO.FileInfo$($Syntax.DefaultToken)]$($Syntax.Variable)`$Path $($Syntax.DefaultToken))" "$e[B" "$e[B$e[45G $($Syntax.Command)Write-Verbose $($Syntax.String)`"Testing in $($Syntax.Variable)`$($($Syntax.Command)Split-Path $($Syntax.Variable)`$PSScriptRoot $($Syntax.Parameter)-Leaf$($Syntax.Variable))$($Syntax.String)`" $($Syntax.Parameter)-Verbose" "$e[B$e[45G $($Syntax.Variable)`$Env:PSModulePath $($Syntax.Operator)-split $($Syntax.String)';' $($Syntax.Operator)-notcontains $($Syntax.Variable)`$Path$($Syntax.DefaultToken).$($Syntax.Member)FullName" "$e[B$e[45G$($Syntax.DefaultToken)}$e[39m$e[B" } if($Palette -and $MoreText) { 0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15 | ForEach-Object { $Color = $Palette[$_] New-Text " This is a test " -Back Black -Fore $Color -LeaveColor New-Text " showing more " -Back DarkGray -Fore $Color -LeaveColor New-Text " sample text on " -Back Gray -Fore $Color -LeaveColor New-Text " common backgrounds: " -Back White -Fore $Color -LeaveColor New-Text " $Color $([ConsoleColor]$_) ".PadRight(22) -Fore $(if($_ -le 8 -and $_ -ne 7){"White"}else{"Black"}) -Back $Color "`n" } "`n" } ) } #EndRegion '.\Private\ShowPreview.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Convert-ConsolePalette.ps1' 0 function Convert-ConsolePalette { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact="Medium", DefaultParameterSetName = "Dark")] param( # How much to shift the dark colors. Positive values make the colors brighter, negative values make them darker [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Dark", Position = 0)] [int]$DarkShift, # How much to shift the bright colors. Positive values make the colors brighter, negative values make them darker [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Bright")] [int]$BrightShift, # By default, the colors are modified in-place. If copy is set: # - the dark colors start with the value of the bright colors # - the light colors start at the value of the dark colors [switch]$Copy ) $Palette = Get-ConsolePalette for($i=0;$i -lt 8; $i++){ $Dark = $Palette[$i].ToHunterLab() $Light = $Palette[$i+8].ToHunterLab() if ($BrightShift) { if ($Copy) { $Light = $Dark.ToHunterLab() } $Light.L += $BrightShift } if ($DarkShift) { if ($Copy) { $Dark = $Light.ToHunterLab() } $Dark.L += $DarkShift } $Palette[$i] = [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$Dark.ToRgb() $Palette[$i+8] = [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$Light.ToRgb() } ShowPreview $Palette -Tiny if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Save Theme")) { Set-ConsolePalette $Palette } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Convert-ConsolePalette.ps1' #Region '.\Public\ConvertFrom-iTermColors.ps1' 0 function ConvertFrom-iTermColors { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( # The name of (or full path to) an XML PList itermcolors scheme # If you provide just a name, will search for an .itermcolors file in the current folder and the theme [Alias("PSPath", "Name")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Theme, [switch]$Force, [switch]$Update, [switch]$Passthru, [ValidateSet("User", "Machine")] [string]$Scope = "User" ) begin { # In Windows Color Table order $PListColorNames = @( "Ansi 0 Color" # DARK_BLACK "Ansi 4 Color" # DARK_BLUE "Ansi 2 Color" # DARK_GREEN "Ansi 6 Color" # DARK_CYAN "Ansi 1 Color" # DARK_RED "Ansi 5 Color" # DARK_MAGENTA "Ansi 3 Color" # DARK_YELLOW "Ansi 7 Color" # DARK_WHITE "Ansi 8 Color" # BRIGHT_BLACK "Ansi 12 Color" # BRIGHT_BLUE "Ansi 10 Color" # BRIGHT_GREEN "Ansi 14 Color" # BRIGHT_CYAN "Ansi 9 Color" # BRIGHT_RED "Ansi 13 Color" # BRIGHT_MAGENTA "Ansi 11 Color" # BRIGHT_YELLOW "Ansi 15 Color" # BRIGHT_WHITE ) } process { if (!(Test-Path $Theme)) { throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new("Palette file not found", $Theme) } if (!($pList = Import-PList $Theme)) { return } $ThemeOutput = @{ Name = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Theme) ConsoleColors = @( foreach($color in $PListColorNames) { if(!$pList[$color]) { Wait-Debugger Write-Warning "Missing color $color" $null } else { ConvertToCssColor $pList[$color] } } ) } if ($pList.ContainsKey("Foreground Color") -and $pList.ContainsKey("Background Color")) { $ThemeOutput.ConsoleForeground = ConvertToCssColor $pList["Foreground Color"] $ThemeOutput.ConsoleBackground = ConvertToCssColor $pList["Background Color"] } if ($pList.ContainsKey("Bold Color")) { if (!$ThemeOutput['PSReadLine']) { $ThemeOutput['PSReadLine'] = @{} } if (!$ThemeOutput['PSReadLine']['Colors']) { $ThemeOutput['PSReadLine']['Colors'] = @{} } $ThemeOutput['PSReadLine']['Colors']['Emphasis'] = ConvertToCssColor $pList["Bold Color"] } if ($pList.ContainsKey("Selection Color")) { if (!$ThemeOutput['PSReadLine']) { $ThemeOutput['PSReadLine'] = @{} } if (!$ThemeOutput['PSReadLine']['Colors']) { $ThemeOutput['PSReadLine']['Colors'] = @{} } $ThemeOutput['PSReadLine']['Colors']['Selection'] = ConvertToCssColor $pList["Selection Color"] } if(!($Name = $pList["name"])) { $Name = ([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Theme)) } $ThemeOutput | ExportTheme -Name $Name -Passthru:$Passthru -Scope:$Scope -Force:$Force -Update:$Update } } #EndRegion '.\Public\ConvertFrom-iTermColors.ps1' #Region '.\Public\ConvertFrom-VSCodeTheme.ps1' 0 function ConvertFrom-VSCodeTheme { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( # The name of (or full path to) a vscode json theme # E.g. 'Dark+' or 'Monokai' [Alias("PSPath", "Name")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Theme, # Overwrite any existing theme [switch]$Force, [switch]$Update, # Output the theme after importing it [switch]$Passthru, [ValidateSet("User", "Machine")] [string]$Scope = "User" ) $ThemeSource = FindVsCodeTheme $Theme -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Importing $($ThemeSource.Path)" if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ThemeSource.Path, "Convert to $($ThemeSource.Name).theme.psd1")) { # Load the theme file and split the output into colors and tokencolors if($ThemeSource.Path.endswith(".json")) { $colors, $tokens = (ImportJsonIncludeLast $ThemeSource.Path).Where( {!$_.scope}, 'Split', 2) } else { $colors, $tokens = (Import-PList $ThemeSource.Path).settings.Where( {!$_.scope}, 'Split', 2) $colors = $colors.settings } # these should come from the colors, rather than the token scopes $DefaultTokenColor = GetColorProperty $colors 'editor.foreground', 'foreground', 'terminal.foreground' $SelectionColor = GetColorProperty $colors 'editor.selectionBackground', 'editor.selectionHighlightBackground', 'selection' $ErrorColor = @(@(GetColorProperty $colors 'errorForeground', 'editorError.foreground') + @(GetColorScopeForeground $tokens 'invalid'))[0] # I'm going to need some help figuring out what the best mappings are $CommandColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens 'support.function' $CommentColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens 'comment' $ContinuationPromptColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens 'constant.character' $EmphasisColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens 'markup.bold','markup.italic','emphasis','strong','constant.other.color', 'markup.heading' $KeywordColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens '^keyword.control$', '^keyword$', 'keyword.control', 'keyword' $MemberColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens '', 'member', '', 'support.function.any-method', '' $NumberColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens 'constant.numeric' $OperatorColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens 'keyword.operator$', 'keyword' $ParameterColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens 'parameter' $StringColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens '^string$' $TypeColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens '^storage.type$','^support.class$', '^$', '^$' $VariableColor = GetColorScopeForeground $tokens '^variable$', '^$', '^variable.other$' $ThemeOutput = [Ordered]@{ Name = $ThemeSource.Name PSReadLine = @{ Colors = @{ Command = $CommandColor Comment = $CommentColor ContinuationPrompt = $ContinuationPromptColor DefaultToken = $DefaultTokenColor Emphasis = $EmphasisColor Error = $ErrorColor Keyword = $KeywordColor Member = $MemberColor Number = $NumberColor Operator = $OperatorColor Parameter = $ParameterColor Selection = $SelectionColor String = $StringColor Type = $TypeColor Variable = $VariableColor } } } # If the VSCode Theme has terminal colors, export those if ($colors.'terminal.ansiBrightYellow') { Write-Verbose "Exporting ConsoleColors" $ThemeOutput['ConsoleColors'] = @( GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBlack" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiRed" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiGreen" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiYellow" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBlue" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiMagenta" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiCyan" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiWhite" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBrightBlack" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBrightRed" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBrightGreen" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBrightYellow" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBrightBlue" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBrightMagenta" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBrightCyan" GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.ansiBrightWhite" ) if ($colors."terminal.background") { $ThemeOutput['ConsoleBackground'] = GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.background" } if ($colors."terminal.foreground") { $ThemeOutput['ConsoleForeground'] = GetColorProperty $colors "terminal.foreground" } } if (GetColorProperty $colors 'editorWarning.foreground') { $ThemeOutput['Host'] = @{ 'PrivateData' = @{ WarningForegroundColor = GetColorProperty $colors 'editorWarning.foreground' ErrorForegroundColor = GetColorProperty $Colors 'editorError.foreground' VerboseForegroundColor = GetColorProperty $Colors 'editorInfo.foreground' ProgressForegroundColor = GetColorProperty $Colors 'notifications.foreground' ProgressBackgroundColor = GetColorProperty $Colors 'notifications.background' } } } if ($DebugPreference -in "Continue", "Inquire") { $global:colors = $colors $global:tokens = $tokens $global:Theme = $ThemeOutput ${function:global:Get-VSColorScope} = ${function:GetColorScopeForeground} ${function:global:Get-VSColor} = ${function:GetColorProperty} Write-Debug "For debugging, `$Theme, `$Colors, `$Tokens were copied to global variables, and Get-VSColor and Get-VSColorScope exported." } if ($ThemeOutput.PSReadLine.Colors.Values -contains $null) { Write-Warning "Some PSReadLine color values not set in '$($ThemeSource.Path)'" } $ThemeOutput | ExportTheme -Name $ThemeSource.Name -Passthru:$Passthru -Scope:$Scope -Force:$Force -Update:$Update } } #EndRegion '.\Public\ConvertFrom-VSCodeTheme.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Export-PList.ps1' 0 function Export-PList { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( # The object(s) to convert [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias("io")] [Object[]]$InputObject, # The path to an XML or binary plist file (e.g. a .tmTheme file) [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)] [Alias("PSPath")] [string]$Path, [switch]$Binary ) begin { $Output = @() } process { $Output += $InputObject } end { $Parent = if($Parent = Split-Path $Path) { if(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $Parent -PathType Container)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Parent -Force } Convert-Path $Parent } else { Convert-Path (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem) } $Path = Join-Path $Parent -ChildPath (Split-Path $Path -Leaf) if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path,"Export InputObject as PList $(if($Binary){'Binary'}else{'Xml'})") ) { if ($Binary) { [PoshCode.Pansies.Parsers.Plist]::WriteBinary($Output, $Path) } else { [PoshCode.Pansies.Parsers.Plist]::WriteXml($Output, $Path) } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Export-PList.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Export-Theme.ps1' 0 function Export-Theme { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding()] param( # The name of the theme to export the current settings to [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [string]$Update, [switch]$Force, [switch]$Passthru, [ValidateSet("User", "Machine")] [string]$Scope = "User" ) end { if($Update) { $Theme = ImportTheme $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if(!$Theme) { $Theme = @{} } $Theme = $Theme | Update-Object @{ ConsoleColors = (Get-ConsolePalette).ForEach({$_.ToString()}) } $Theme = $Theme | Update-Object @{ PSReadLine = @{ # TODO: convert escape sequences to RGBColor values (e.g. 30's and 90's to colors, including 38;2;R;G;B;) Colors = ConvertFrom-Metadata (Get-PSReadLineOption | Select-Object *Color | ConvertTo-Metadata -AsHashtable) } } if($Host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost") { $Theme = $Theme | Update-Object @{ Host = @{ PrivateData = ConvertFrom-Metadata ($Host.PrivateData | Select-Object * | ConvertTo-Metadata -AsHashtable) } } } $Theme | ExportTheme -Name $Name -Passthru:$Passthru -Scope:$Scope -Force:$Force } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Export-Theme.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Get-Complement.ps1' 0 function Get-Complement { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor])] param( # The source color to calculate the complement of [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)] [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$Color, # Force the luminance to have "enough" contrast [switch]$ForceContrast, # Assume there are only 16 colors [switch]$ConsoleColor, # If set, output the input $Color before the complement [switch]$Passthru ) process { if($ConsoleColor) { $Color = $Color.ConsoleColor } if($Passthru) { $Color } if($ConsoleColor) { if($Color.ToHunterLab().L -lt 50) { [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor][ConsoleColor]::White } else { [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor][ConsoleColor]::Black } } else { $Hsl = $Color.ToHsl() $Hsl.H = ($Hsl.H + 180) % 360 if($ForceContrast) { $Lab = $Hsl.ToHunterLab() $Source = $Color.ToHunterLab() $Lab.L = ($Source.L + 50) % 100 [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$Lab } else { [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$Hsl } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-Complement.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Get-Gradient.ps1' 0 function Get-Gradient { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor[][]],[PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$StartColor, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1)] [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]$EndColor, [Parameter(Position=2)] [Alias("Length","Count","Steps")] [int]$Width = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width, [Parameter(Position=3)] [int]$Height = 1, [ValidateSet("CMY","CMYK","LAB","LCH","LUV","HunterLAB","HSL","HSV","HSB","RGB","XYZ","YXY")] $ColorSpace = "HunterLab", [switch]$Reverse, [switch]$Flatten ) $Height = [Math]::Max(1, $Height) $Width = [Math]::Max(1, $Width) $Colors = new-object PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor[][] $Height, $Width # Simple pythagorean distance $Size = [Math]::Sqrt(($Height - 1) * ($Height - 1) + ($Width - 1) * ($Width - 1)) $Left = $StartColor."To$ColorSpace"() $Right = $EndColor."To$ColorSpace"() $StepSize = New-Object "${ColorSpace}Color" -Property @{ Ordinals = $( foreach ($i in 0..($Left.Ordinals.Count-1)) { ($Right.Ordinals[$i] - $Left.Ordinals[$i]) / $Size } ) } Write-Verbose "Size: $('{0:N2}' -f $Size) ($Width x $Height) ($($Colors.Length) x $($Colors[0].Length))" Write-Verbose "Diff: {$StepSize}" Write-Verbose "From: {$Left} $($StartColor.Ordinals)" Write-Verbose "To: {$Right} $($EndColor.Ordinals)" # For colors based on hue rotation, the math is slightly more complex: [bool]$RotatingColor = $StepSize | Get-Member H if($RotatingColor) { [Bool]$Change = [Math]::Abs($StepSize.H) -ge 180 / $Size if ($Reverse) { $Change = !$Change } if ($Change) { $StepSize.H = if ($StepSize.H -gt 0) { $StepSize.H - 360 / $Size } else { $StepSize.H + 360 / $Size } } $Ceiling = 360 } for ($Line = 1; $Line -le $Height; $Line++) { for ($Column = 1; $Column -le $Width; $Column++) { $D = [Math]::Sqrt(($Line - 1) * ($Line - 1) + ($Column - 1) * ($Column - 1)) $StepColor = New-Object "${ColorSpace}Color" -Property @{ Ordinals = $( foreach ($i in 0..$Left.Ordinals.Count) { $Left.Ordinals[$i] + $StepSize.Ordinals[$i] * $D } ) } # For colors based on hue rotation, the math is slightly more complex: if($RotatingColor) { if($StepColor.H -lt 0) { $StepColor.H += 360 } $StepColor.H %= $Ceiling } $Ordinals1 = $StepColor.Ordinals $Colors[$Line - 1][$Column - 1] = $StepColor.ToRgb() $Ordinals2 = $Colors[$Line - 1][$Column - 1].Ordinals Write-Debug ("Step ${Line},${Column}: {0:N2}, {1:N2}, {2:N2} => {3:N2}, {4:N2}, {5:N2}" -f $Ordinals1[0], $Ordinals1[1], $Ordinals1[2], $Ordinals2[0], $Ordinals2[1], $Ordinals2[2] ) } } if ($Flatten) { $Colors.GetEnumerator().GetEnumerator() } else { ,$Colors } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-Gradient.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Get-Theme.ps1' 0 function Get-Theme { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding()] param( # The name of the theme(s) to show. Supports wildcards, and defaults to * everything. [string]$Name = "*", # If set, only returns themes that include ConsoleColor [switch]$ConsoleColors, # If set, only returns themes that include PSReadline Colors [switch]$PSReadline ) $Name = $Name -replace "((\.theme)?\.psd1)?$" -replace '$', ".theme.psd1" foreach($Theme in Join-Path $( Get-ConfigurationPath -Scope User -SkipCreatingFolder Get-ConfigurationPath -Scope Machine -SkipCreatingFolder ) -ChildPath $Name -Resolve -ErrorAction Ignore ) { if ($ConsoleColors -or $PSReadline) { $ThemeData = Import-Metadata -Path $Theme if($ConsoleColors -and !$ThemeData.ConsoleColors) { continue } if($PSReadline -and !$ThemeData.PSReadline) { continue } } $Name = if($ThemeData.Name) { $ThemeData.Name } else { [IO.Path]::GetFileName($Theme) -replace "\.theme\.psd1$" } $Name | Add-Member NoteProperty PSPath $Theme -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty Name $Name -PassThru } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-Theme.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Import-PList.ps1' 0 function Import-PList { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding()] param( # The path to an XML or binary plist file (e.g. a .tmTheme file) [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)] [Alias("PSPath")] [string]$Path ) process { $Path = Convert-Path $Path [PoshCode.Pansies.Parsers.Plist]::ReadPlist($Path) } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Import-PList.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Import-Theme.ps1' 0 function Import-Theme { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [CmdletBinding()] param( # A theme to import (can be the name of an installed PANSIES theme, or the full path to a psd1 file) [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Name, # By default, imported themes will update the default console colors (if they define console colors) # If SkipDefault is set, Import-Theme will leave the default Console Colors alone [switch]$SkipDefault ) $Theme = ImportTheme $Name if ($ConsoleColors = $Theme.ConsoleColors) { Write-Verbose "Setting the console palette" Set-ConsolePalette -Colors $ConsoleColors -Default:(!$SkipDefault) } if ($PSReadLine = $Theme.PSReadLine) { Write-Verbose "Applying PSReadLineOptions" Set-PSReadLineOption @PSReadLine } if ($HostSettings = $Theme.Host) { function Update-Host { param($HostObject, $Settings) foreach ($key in $Settings.Keys) { try { Write-Verbose "Applying Host settings: $key" if ($HostObject.$key -is [ConsoleColor]) { Write-Verbose "Converting '$($Settings.$Key)' to ConsoleColor" $HostObject.$key = [ConsoleColor]([RgbColor]::ConsolePalette.FindClosestColorIndex([RgbColor]::new($Settings.$Key))) } elseif ($Settings.$key -is [hashtable]) { Update-Host $HostObject.$key $Settings.$Key } else { $HostObject.$key = $Settings.$Key } } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to apply Host '$key' = '$($Settings.$Key)' (it should have been a $($HostObject.$key.GetType().FullName)" } } } Update-Host $Host $HostSettings } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Import-Theme.ps1' #Region '.\Public\Show-Theme.ps1' 0 function Show-Theme { # .EXTERNALHELP Pansies-help.xml [OutputType([string])] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="CurrentTheme")] param( [Alias("Theme","PSPath")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Name, [Switch]$Tiny, [Switch]$MoreText, [Switch]$NoCodeSample ) process { if(!$Name) { $Palette = Get-ConsolePalette ShowPreview $Palette @PSBoundParameters } else { foreach($Theme in Get-Theme $Name) { $Theme = ImportTheme $Theme.PSPath | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $Theme.Name -Passthru -Force $Palette = $Theme.ConsoleColors $Syntax = [PSCustomObject]$Theme.PSReadLine.Colors $PSBoundParameters['Name'] = $Theme.Name ShowPreview $Palette $Syntax @PSBoundParameters } } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Show-Theme.ps1' # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIXzgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIXvzCCF7sCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUPKGvVrNUPtSnR0rId1xHdDdS # N1mgghMBMIID7jCCA1egAwIBAgIQfpPr+3zGTlnqS5p31Ab8OzANBgkqhkiG9w0B # AQUFADCBizELMAkGA1UEBhMCWkExFTATBgNVBAgTDFdlc3Rlcm4gQ2FwZTEUMBIG # A1UEBxMLRHVyYmFudmlsbGUxDzANBgNVBAoTBlRoYXd0ZTEdMBsGA1UECxMUVGhh # d3RlIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24xHzAdBgNVBAMTFlRoYXd0ZSBUaW1lc3RhbXBpbmcg # Q0EwHhcNMTIxMjIxMDAwMDAwWhcNMjAxMjMwMjM1OTU5WjBeMQswCQYDVQQGEwJV # UzEdMBsGA1UEChMUU3ltYW50ZWMgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xMDAuBgNVBAMTJ1N5bWFu # dGVjIFRpbWUgU3RhbXBpbmcgU2VydmljZXMgQ0EgLSBHMjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcN # AQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALGss0lUS5ccEgrYJXmRIlcqb9y4JsRDc2vCvy5Q # WvsUwnaOQwElQ7Sh4kX06Ld7w3TMIte0lAAC903tv7S3RCRrzV9FO9FEzkMScxeC # i2m0K8uZHqxyGyZNcR+xMd37UWECU6aq9UksBXhFpS+JzueZ5/6M4lc/PcaS3Er4 # ezPkeQr78HWIQZz/xQNRmarXbJ+TaYdlKYOFwmAUxMjJOxTawIHwHw103pIiq8r3 # +3R8J+b3Sht/p8OeLa6K6qbmqicWfWH3mHERvOJQoUvlXfrlDqcsn6plINPYlujI # fKVOSET/GeJEB5IL12iEgF1qeGRFzWBGflTBE3zFefHJwXECAwEAAaOB+jCB9zAd # BgNVHQ4EFgQUX5r1blzMzHSa1N197z/b7EyALt0wMgYIKwYBBQUHAQEEJjAkMCIG # CCsGAQUFBzABhhZodHRwOi8vb2NzcC50aGF3dGUuY29tMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYB # Af8CAQAwPwYDVR0fBDgwNjA0oDKgMIYuaHR0cDovL2NybC50aGF3dGUuY29tL1Ro # YXd0ZVRpbWVzdGFtcGluZ0NBLmNybDATBgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDCDAOBgNV # HQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwKAYDVR0RBCEwH6QdMBsxGTAXBgNVBAMTEFRpbWVTdGFtcC0y # MDQ4LTEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEAAwmbj3nvf1kwqu9otfrjCR27T4IGXTdf # plKfFo3qHJIJRG71betYfDDo+WmNI3MLEm9Hqa45EfgqsZuwGsOO61mWAK3ODE2y # 0DGmCFwqevzieh1XTKhlGOl5QGIllm7HxzdqgyEIjkHq3dlXPx13SYcqFgZepjhq # IhKjURmDfrYwggSjMIIDi6ADAgECAhAOz/Q4yP6/NW4E2GqYGxpQMA0GCSqGSIb3 # DQEBBQUAMF4xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1hbnRlYyBDb3Jwb3Jh # dGlvbjEwMC4GA1UEAxMnU3ltYW50ZWMgVGltZSBTdGFtcGluZyBTZXJ2aWNlcyBD # QSAtIEcyMB4XDTEyMTAxODAwMDAwMFoXDTIwMTIyOTIzNTk1OVowYjELMAkGA1UE # BhMCVVMxHTAbBgNVBAoTFFN5bWFudGVjIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMTQwMgYDVQQDEytT # eW1hbnRlYyBUaW1lIFN0YW1waW5nIFNlcnZpY2VzIFNpZ25lciAtIEc0MIIBIjAN # BgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAomMLOUS4uyOnREm7Dv+h8GEKU5Ow # mNutLA9KxW7/hjxTVQ8VzgQ/K/2plpbZvmF5C1vJTIZ25eBDSyKV7sIrQ8Gf2Gi0 # jkBP7oU4uRHFI/JkWPAVMm9OV6GuiKQC1yoezUvh3WPVF4kyW7BemVqonShQDhfu # ltthO0VRHc8SVguSR/yrrvZmPUescHLnkudfzRC5xINklBm9JYDh6NIipdC6Anqh # 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AoY3aHR0cDovL2NhY2VydHMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElE # Um9vdENBLmNydDCBgQYDVR0fBHoweDA6oDigNoY0aHR0cDovL2NybDQuZGlnaWNl # cnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9vdENBLmNybDA6oDigNoY0aHR0cDov # L2NybDMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9vdENBLmNybDBP # BgNVHSAESDBGMDgGCmCGSAGG/WwAAgQwKjAoBggrBgEFBQcCARYcaHR0cHM6Ly93 # d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0NQUzAKBghghkgBhv1sAzAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUWsS5eyoK # o6XqcQPAYPkt9mV1DlgwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUReuir/SSy4IxLVGLp6chnfNtyA8w # DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAD7sDVoks/Mi0RXILHwlKXaoHV0cLToaxO8wYdd+ # C2D9wz0PxK+L/e8q3yBVN7Dh9tGSdQ9RtG6ljlriXiSBThCk7j9xjmMOE0ut119E # efM2FAaK95xGTlz/kLEbBw6RFfu6r7VRwo0kriTGxycqoSkoGjpxKAI8LpGjwCUR # 4pwUR6F6aGivm6dcIFzZcbEMj7uo+MUSaJ/PQMtARKUT8OZkDCUIQjKyNookAv4v # cn4c10lFluhZHen6dGRrsutmQ9qzsIzV6Q3d9gEgzpkxYz0IGhizgZtPxpMQBvwH # gfqL2vmCSfdibqFT+hKUGIUukpHqaGxEMrJmoecYpJpkUe8wggUwMIIEGKADAgEC # AhALDZkX0sdOvwJhwzQTbV+7MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMHIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT # MRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5j # 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