function Test-UpdateIsNeeded { <# .SYNOPSIS Test-UpdateIsNeeded .DESCRIPTION Command to test if a module version update appears as "update needed". If "needed" depends on the set rules and report-on-different-version parts. .PARAMETER ModuleLocal The module info from the local existing version .PARAMETER ModuleOnline The module info from the online existing version .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-UpdateIsNeeded -ModuleLocal $moduleLocal -ModuleOnline $moduleOnline Check if URI is a URI that can be covered for plain text release notes #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param ( $ModuleLocal, $moduleOnline ) <# $ModuleLocal = (Get-Module Pester -ListAvailable | select -First 1 ) $moduleOnline = (Find-Module -Name Pester) #> $versionDiff = Get-VersionDifference -LowerVersion $ModuleLocal.Version -HigherVersion $moduleOnline.Version $name = $ModuleLocal.Name $rules = Get-PackageUpdateRule -IncludeDefaultRule | Sort-Object -Property Id -Descending foreach ($rule in $rules) { Write-Verbose -Message "Working on rule $($rule.Id)" $stop = $false # check for exclude and abort further processing for rule foreach ($exclude in $rule.ExcludeModuleFromChecking) { if ($name -like $exclude) { $stop = $true Write-Verbose -Message "Rule $($rule.Id) does match exclude pattern ($([string]::Join(", ", $rule.ExcludeModuleFromChecking))) for module $($name)" } } if ($stop) { continue } $stop = $true # check for inclue to declare, the rule fits for processing foreach ($include in $rule.IncludeModuleForChecking) { if ($name -like $include) { $stop = $false Write-Verbose -Message "Rule $($rule.Id) does match include pattern ($([string]::Join(", ", $rule.IncludeModuleForChecking))) for module $($name)" } } if ($stop) { continue } # Version checking and return boolean $higherChange = $false if ([bool]$versionDiff.Major) { if ($rule.ReportChangeOnMajor) { Write-Verbose -Message "Major version change in module $($name) found. (Diff: $($versionDiff))" return $true } else { $higherChange = $true } } if ([bool]$versionDiff.Minor) { if ($rule.ReportChangeOnMinor -and (-not $higherChange)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Minor version change in module $($name) found. (Diff: $($versionDiff))" return $true } else { $higherChange = $true } } if ([bool]$versionDiff.Build) { if ($rule.ReportChangeOnBuild -and (-not $higherChange)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Build version change in module $($name) found. (Diff: $($versionDiff))" return $true } else { $higherChange = $true } } if ([bool]$versionDiff.Revision) { if ($rule.ReportChangeOnRevision -and (-not $higherChange)) { Write-Verbose -Message "Revision version change in module $($name) found. (Diff: $($versionDiff))" return $true } else { $higherChange = $true } } # Arriving here means, the name filter apply and version change did not result in status for "report-update-needed" # Function return $false, due to there is an update present, but compairing to the defined rule(s), reporting on the version change is suppressed return $false } } |