
function Get-PackageUpdateInfo {
        Get info about up-to-dateness for installed modules
        Get-PackageUpdateInfo query locally installed modules and compare them against the online versions for up-to-dateness
        The name of the module to check
    .PARAMETER Repository
        The repository to check
    .PARAMETER ShowOnlyNeededUpdate
        This switch suppresses up-to-date modules from the output.
    .PARAMETER ShowToastNotification
        This switch invokes nice Windows-Toast-Notifications with release note information on modules with update needed.
    .PARAMETER CurrentUser
        Only look for modules in the current user profile.
        This is helpfully if you're running without admin right, which you should always do as your default work preference.
    .PARAMETER AllUsers
        Only look for modules in the AllUsers/system directories.
        Keep in mind, that admin rights are required to update those modules.
        PS C:\> Get-PackageUpdateInfo
        Outputs update information for all modules (currentUser and AllUsers).
        Output can look like:
        Name Repository VersionInstalled VersionOnline NeedUpdate Path
        ---- ---------- ---------------- ------------- ---------- ----
        PSReadline PSGallery 1.2 1.2 False C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSReadline
        Pester PSGallery 4.4.0 4.4.2 True C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester
        PS C:\> Get-PackageUpdateInfo -ShowOnlyNeededUpdate
        This will filter output to show only modules where NeedUpdate is True
        Output can look like:
        Name Repository VersionInstalled VersionOnline NeedUpdate Path
        ---- ---------- ---------------- ------------- ---------- ----
        Pester PSGallery 4.4.0 4.4.2 True C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester
        PS C:\> "Pester", "PSReadline" | Get-PackageUpdateInfo
        Pipeline is supported. This returns the infos only for the two modules "Pester", "PSReadline"
        This also can be done with Get-Module cmdlet:
        Get-Module "Pester", "PSReadline" | Get-PackageUpdateInfo

    [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'DefaultSet1',
        SupportsShouldProcess = $false,
        ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]



        [Alias('ToastNotification', 'Notify')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CurrentUser')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AllUsers')]

    begin {
        #$currentUserModulePath = $env:PSModulePath.split(';') | Where-Object {$_ -like "$(Split-Path $PROFILE -Parent)*" -or $_ -like "$($HOME)*"}
        #$allUsersModulePath = $env:PSModulePath.split(';') | Where-Object {$_ -notlike "$(Split-Path $PROFILE -Parent)*" -and $_ -notlike "$($HOME)*"}

        $getPSRepositoryParams = @{}
        if ($Repository) { $getPSRepositoryParams.Add("Name", $Repository) }
        $psRepositories = Get-PSRepository @getPSRepositoryParams -ErrorAction Stop

    process {
        if (-not $Name) { $Name = "*" }
        foreach ($nameItem in $Name) {
            # Get local module(s)
            Write-Verbose "Get local module(s): $($nameItem)"
            $getModuleParams = @{
                ListAvailable = $true
                Name          = $nameItem
                Verbose       = $false
            $modulesLocal = Get-Module @getModuleParams | Where-Object RepositorySourceLocation | Sort-Object Name, Version -Descending | Group-Object Name | ForEach-Object { $[0] }

            # Filtering out if switches are specified
            Write-Verbose "Do the filtering..."
            if ($CurrentUser) {
                $modulesLocal = foreach ($path in $CurrentUserModulePath) { $modulesLocal | Where-Object path -Like "$($path)*" }
            if ($AllUsers) {
                $modulesLocal = foreach ($path in $AllUsersModulePath) { $modulesLocal | Where-Object path -Like "$($path)*" }
            if ($Repository) {
                $modulesLocal = foreach ($psRepository in $psRepositories) { $modulesLocal | Where-Object RepositorySourceLocation -like "$($psRepository.SourceLocation)*" }

            # Get available modules from online repositories
            Write-Verbose "Get available modules from online repositories"
            $findModuleParams = @{
                Name = $modulesLocal.Name
            if ($Repository) { $findModuleParams.Add("Repository", $Repository) }
            $modulesOnline = Find-Module @findModuleParams

            # Compare the version and create output
            Write-Verbose "Compare the version and create output"
            foreach ($moduleOnline in $modulesOnline) {
                $moduleLocal = $modulesLocal | Where-Object Name -like $moduleOnline.Name

                if ($moduleOnline.version -gt $moduleLocal.version) {
                    Write-Verbose "Update available for module '$($moduleOnline.Name)': local v$($moduleLocal.version) --> v$($moduleOnline.version) online"
                    $UpdateAvailable = $true
                } elseif ($moduleOnline.version -lt $moduleLocal.version) {
                    Write-Warning "Local version for module '$($moduleOnline.Name)' is higher than online version: local v$($moduleLocal.version) <-- v$($moduleOnline.version) online"
                    $UpdateAvailable = $false
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "The module '$($moduleOnline.Name)' is up to date (Version $($moduleLocal.version))"
                    $UpdateAvailable = $false

                if ($ShowOnlyNeededUpdate -and (-not $UpdateAvailable)) { continue }

                $outputHash = [ordered]@{
                    Name             = $moduleLocal.Name
                    Repository       = ($psRepositories | Where-Object SourceLocation -like "$($moduleLocal.RepositorySourceLocation.ToString().Trim('/'))*").Name
                    VersionInstalled = $moduleLocal.version
                    VersionOnline    = $moduleOnline.version
                    NeedUpdate       = $UpdateAvailable
                    Path             = $moduleLocal.ModuleBase.Replace($moduleLocal.Version, '').trim('\')
                    ProjectUri       = $moduleOnline.ProjectUri
                    IconUri          = $moduleOnline.IconUri
                    ReleaseNotes     = $moduleOnline.ReleaseNotes
                    Author           = $moduleOnline.Author
                    PublishedDate    = $moduleOnline.PublishedDate
                    Description      = $moduleOnline.Description
                $PackageUpdateInfo = New-Object -TypeName PackageUpdate.Info -Property $outputHash

                if ($ShowToastNotification -and $PackageUpdateInfo.NeedUpdate) { Show-ToastNotification -PackageUpdateInfo $PackageUpdateInfo }


    end {