function Invoke-PesterInJob ($ScriptBlock) { #TODO: there must be a safer way to determine this while I am in describe $PesterPath = Get-Module -Name Pester | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Path $job = Start-Job { param ($PesterPath, $TestDrive, $ScriptBlock) Import-Module $PesterPath -Force | Out-Null $ScriptBlock | Set-Content $TestDrive\Temp.Tests.ps1 | Out-Null Invoke-Pester -PassThru -Path $TestDrive } -ArgumentList $PesterPath, $TestDrive, $ScriptBlock $job | Wait-Job | Out-Null #not using Recieve-Job to ignore any output to Host #TODO: how should this handle errors? #$job.Error | foreach { throw $_.Exception } $job.Output $job.ChildJobs| foreach { $childJob = $_ #$childJob.Error | foreach { throw $_.Exception } $childJob.Output } $job | Remove-Job } Describe "Tests running in clean runspace" { It "It - Skip and Pending tests" { #tests to be run in different runspace using different Pester instance $TestSuite = { Describe 'It - Skip and Pending tests' { It "Skip without ScriptBlock" -skip It "Skip with empty ScriptBlock" -skip {} It "Skip with not empty ScriptBlock" -Skip {"something"} It "Implicit pending" {} It "Pending without ScriptBlock" -Pending It "Pending with empty ScriptBlock" -Pending {} It "Pending with not empty ScriptBlock" -Pending {"something"} } } $result = Invoke-PesterInJob -ScriptBlock $TestSuite $result.SkippedCount | Should Be 3 $result.PendingCount | Should Be 4 $result.TotalCount | Should Be 7 } It "It - It without ScriptBlock fails" { #tests to be run in different runspace using different Pester instance $TestSuite = { Describe 'It without ScriptBlock fails' { It "Fails whole describe" It "is not run" { "but it would pass if it was run" } } } $result = Invoke-PesterInJob -ScriptBlock $TestSuite $result.PassedCount | Should Be 0 $result.FailedCount | Should Be 1 $result.TotalCount | Should Be 1 } It "Invoke-Pester - PassThru output" { #tests to be run in different runspace using different Pester instance $TestSuite = { Describe 'PassThru output' { it "Passes" { "pass" } it "fails" { throw } it "Skipped" -Skip {} it "Pending" -Pending {} } } $result = Invoke-PesterInJob -ScriptBlock $TestSuite $result.PassedCount | Should Be 1 $result.FailedCount | Should Be 1 $result.SkippedCount | Should Be 1 $result.PendingCount | Should Be 1 $result.TotalCount | Should Be 4 } } |