function Send-PWExpiringMailMessage { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet( '','','' )] [string]$Resource, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$SendEmailAccount, [parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$Token, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$TestAddress, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCustomObject]$ADAccount, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Signature, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$TextToAdd, [int]$ExpireInDaysThreshold = 30, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Log' )] [switch]$Logging, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Log' )] [string]$LogFile = "$($PWD.Path)\Expiring.csv" # ie. c:\mylog.csv ) begin{ <#TODO Update handling of logging for Notified #> if (!$token) { Write-Error "No Token. Please provide a valide token" Break } } process{ if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Logging')) { # Test Log File Path $logfilePath = (Test-Path $logFile) if (($logFilePath) -ne "True") { # Create CSV File and Headers $null = New-Item $logfile -ItemType File Add-Content $logfile "Date,Name,EmailAddress,DaystoExpire,ExpiresOn,Notified" } } # If Testing Is Enabled - Email Administrator Write-Verbose ("User Account: {0}, ExpiresOn: {1}, Days: {2} " -f $ADAccount.Name, $ADAccount.PasswordExpiresOn, $ADAccount.PasswordDaystoExpire) if ($TestAddress) { $emailAddress = $TestAddress } # If a user has no email address listed elseif (!($ADAccount.EmailAddress)) { $emailAddress = $TestAddress if (!($emailAddress)) {throw "No email address"} } else { $emailAddress = $ADAccount.EmailAddress } Write-Verbose ("EmailAddress to recieve email: {0}" -f $emailAddress) # Email Subject Set Here $subject= New-PWEmailMessagePayload -ADAccount $ADAccount -Subject "Your password will expire {0}" $Message = New-PWEmailMessagePayload -TextToAdd $TextToAdd -ADAccount $ADAccount -Signature $Signature $body = New-PWEmailBody -Subject $subject -Importance 'High' -Message $Message -EmailAddress $emailAddress #Send the email message if (($ADAccount.PasswordDaystoExpire -ge "0") -and ($ADAccount.PasswordDaystoExpire -le $ExpireInDaysThreshold)) { $sent = "Yes" # If Logging is Enabled Log Details if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Logging')) { Add-Content $logfile "$([datetime]::Today.ToShortDateString()),$($ADAccount.Name),$emailaddress,$($ADAccount.PasswordDaystoExpire),$($ADAccount.PasswordExpiresOn),$sent" } Try { $apiUrl = "$resource/v1.0/users/$SendEmailAccount/sendMail" Write-Verbose $apiUrl Write-Verbose ("Using Token: {0}" -f $Token) $bodyson = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 -Compress Write-Verbose ("Payload: {0}" -f $bodyson) Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token)"} -Uri $apiUrl -Body $bodyson -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' } Catch { $_ } } else{ $sent = "No" # If Logging is Enabled Log Details if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Logging')) { Add-Content $logfile "$([datetime]::Today.ToShortDateString()),$($ADAccount.Name),$emailaddress,$($ADAccount.PasswordDaystoExpire),$($ADAccount.PasswordExpiresOn),$sent" } } } end{} } |