.SYNOPSIS This function starts a PowerShell Universal Dashboard (Web-based GUI) instance on the specified port on the localhost. The Dashboard features a Network Monitor tool that pings the specified Remote Hosts in your Domain every 5 seconds and reports the results to the site. .DESCRIPTION See .SYNOPSIS .PARAMETER Port This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it has a default value of 80. This parameter takes an integer between 1 and 32768 that represents the port on the localhost that the site will run on. .PARAMETER InstallNmap This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it has a default value of $True. This parameter is a switch. If used, nmap will be installed in order to guess the Operating System of Remote Hosts on the network. .PARAMETER RemoveExistingPUD This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it has a default value of $True. This parameter is a switch. If used, all running PowerShell Universal Dashboard instances will be removed prior to starting the Network Monitor Dashboard. .EXAMPLE # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-PUDAdminCenter #> function Get-PUDAdminCenter { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateRange(1,32768)] [int]$Port = 80, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$InstallNmap = $True, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$RemoveExistingPUD = $True ) #region >> Prep # Remove all current running instances of PUD if ($RemoveExistingPUD) { Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard } # Remove All Runspaces to Remote Hosts Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession $RunspacesToDispose = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "Remote"} ) if ($RunspacesToDispose.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($RSpace in $RunspacesToDispose) {$_.Dispose()} } # Define all of this Module's functions (both Public and Private) as an array of strings so that we can easily load them in different contexts/scopes $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray = $(Get-Module PUDAdminCenterPrototype).Invoke({$FunctionsForSBUse}) # Create the $Pages ArrayList that will be used with 'New-UDDashboard -Pages' [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Pages = @() # Current Scope variable (ArrayList) containing the names of all of **Dynamic** Pages - # i.e. Pages where the URL contains a variable/parameter that is referenced within the Page itself. # For example, in this PUDAdminCenter App, the Overview Page (and all other Dynamic Pages in this list) is # eventually created via... # New-UDPage -Url "/Overview/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint {param($RemoteHost) ...} # ...meaning that if a user were to navigate to http://localhost/Overview/Server01, Overview Page Endpoint scriptblock # code that referenced the variable $RemoteHost would contain the string value 'Server01' (unless it is specifcally # overriden within the Overview Page Endpoint scriptblock, which is NOT recommended). $DynamicPages = @( "PSRemotingCreds" "ToolSelect" "Overview" "Certificates" "Devices" "Events" "Files" "Firewall" "Users And Groups" "Network" "Processes" "Registry" "Roles And Features" "Scheduled Tasks" "Services" "Storage" "Updates" ) # Make sure we can resolve the $DomainName try { $DomainName = $(Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain $ResolveDomainInfo = [System.Net.Dns]::Resolve($DomainName) } catch { Write-Error "Unable to resolve domain '$DomainName'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } # Create Synchronized Hashtable so that we can pass variables between Pages regardless of scope. # This provides benefits above and beyond Universal Dashboard's $Cache: scope for two main reasons: # 1) It can be referenced anywhere (not just within an -Endpoint, which is what $Cache: scope is limited to) # 2) It allows us to more easily communicate with our own custom Runspace(s) that handle Live (Realtime) Data. For # examples of this, see uses of the 'New-Runspace' function within each of the Dynamic Pages (excluding the # PSRemotingCreds and ToolSelect Pages) Remove-Variable -Name PUDRSSyncHT -Scope Global -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $global:PUDRSSyncHT = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) # Populate $PUDRSSyncHT with information that you will need for your PUD Application. This will vary depending on # how your application works, but at the very least, you should: # 1) Add a Key that will contain information that will be displayed on your HomePage (for the PUDAdminCenter App, # this is the Value contained within the 'RemoteHostList' Key) # 2) If you are planning on using Live (Realtime) Data, ensure you add one or more keys that will contain # Live Data. (For the PUDAdminCenter App, this is the LiveDataRSInfo Key that exists within a hashtable # dedicated to each specific Remote Host) # For this PUDAdminCenterPrototype Application, the structure of the $PUDRSSyncHT will look like... <# @{ RemoteHostList = $null <RemoteHostInfo> = @{ NetworkInfo = $null <DynamicPage> = @{ <StaticInfoKey> = $null LiveDataRSInfo = $null LiveDataTracker = @{ Current = $null Previous = $null } } } } #> # In other words. each Key within the $PUDRSSyncHT Synchronized Hashtable (with the exception of the 'RemoteHostList' key) # will represent a Remote Host that we intend to manage. Each RemoteHost key value will be a hashtable containing the key # 'NetworkInfo', as well as keys that rperesent relevant Dynamic Pages ('Overview','Certificates',etc). Each Dynamic Page # key value will be a hashtable containing one or more keys with value(s) representing static info that is queried at the time # the page loads as well as the keys 'LiveDataRSInfo', and 'LiveDataTracker'. Some key values are initially set to $null because # actions taken either prior to starting the UDDashboard or actions taken within the PUDAdminCenter WebApp itself on different # pages will set/reset their values as appropriate. # Let's populate $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList with information that will be needed immediately upon navigating to the $HomePage. # For this reason, we're gathering the info before we start the UDDashboard. (Note that the below 'GetComputerObjectInLDAP' Private # function gets all Computers in Active Directory without using the ActiveDirectory PowerShell Module) [System.Collections.ArrayList]$InitialRemoteHostListPrep = $(GetComputerObjectsInLDAP).Name # Let's just get 20 of them initially. We want *something* on the HomePage but we don't want hundreds/thousands of entries. We want # the user to specify individual/range of hosts/devices that they want to manage. $InitialRemoteHostListPrep = $InitialRemoteHostListPrep[0..20] if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$InitialRemoteHostListPrep = $InitialRemoteHostListPrep | foreach {$_ -replace "CN=",""} } # Filter Out the Remote Hosts that we can't resolve [System.Collections.ArrayList]$InitialRemoteHostList = @() $null = Clear-DnsClientCache foreach ($HName in $InitialRemoteHostListPrep) { try { $RemoteHostNetworkInfo = ResolveHost -HostNameOrIP $HName -ErrorAction Stop if ($InitialRemoteHostList.FQDN -notcontains $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.FQDN) { $null = $InitialRemoteHostList.Add($RemoteHostNetworkInfo) } } catch { continue } } $PUDRSSyncHT.Add("RemoteHostList",$InitialRemoteHostList) # Add Keys for each of the Remote Hosts in the $InitialRemoteHostList foreach ($RHost in $InitialRemoteHostList) { $Key = $RHost.HostName + "Info" $Value = @{ NetworkInfo = $RHost CredHT = $null ServerInventoryStatic = $null RelevantNetworkInterfaces = $null LiveDataRSInfo = $null LiveDataTracker = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null} } foreach ($DynPage in $($DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { $DynPageHT = @{ LiveDataRSInfo = $null LiveDataTracker = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null} } $Value.Add($($DynPage -replace "[\s]",""),$DynPageHT) } $PUDRSSyncHT.Add($Key,$Value) } if ($InstallNmap) { # Install nmap if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "ProgramManagement") {Install-Module ProgramManagement} if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "ProgramManagement") {Import-Module ProgramManagement} if (!$(Get-Command nmap -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { try { Write-Host "Installing 'nmap'. This could take up to 10 minutes..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $InstallnmapResult = Install-Program -ProgramName nmap -CommandName nmap } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if (!$(Get-Command nmap -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Error "Unable to find the command 'nmap'! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $NmapParentDir = $(Get-Command nmap).Source | Split-Path -Parent [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentEnvPathArray = $env:Path -split ';' | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} if ($CurrentEnvPathArray -notcontains $NmapParentDir) { $CurrentEnvPathArray.Insert(0,$NmapParentDir) $env:Path = $CurrentEnvPathArray -join ';' } $SystemPathInRegistry = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' $CurrentSystemPath = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $SystemPathInRegistry -Name PATH).Path [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentSystemPathArray = $CurrentSystemPath -split ";" | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} if ($CurrentSystemPathArray -notcontains $NmapParentDir) { $CurrentSystemPathArray.Insert(0,$NmapParentDir) $UpdatedSystemPath = $CurrentSystemPathArray -join ';' Set-ItemProperty -Path $SystemPathInRegistry -Name PATH -Value $UpdatedSystemPath } } #endregion >> Prep #region >> Dynamic Pages $CertificatesPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:CertificatesPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:CertificatesPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetCertificateOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-CertificateOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetCertificatesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Certificates" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetCertificateOverviewFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetCertificatesFunc $CertificateSummary = Get-CertificateOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-Lifecycle-System*" $AllCertificates = Get-Certificates [pscustomobject]@{ CertificateSummary = $CertificateSummary AllCertificates = [pscustomobject]$AllCertificates } } $Session:CertSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.CertificateSummary $Session:AllCertsStatic = $StaticInfo.AllCertificates if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.Keys -notcontains "CertSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.Add("CertSummary",$Session:CertSummaryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.CertSummary = $Session:CertSummaryStatic } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.Keys -notcontains "AllCerts") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.Add("AllCerts",$Session:AllCertsStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.AllCerts = $Session:AllCertsStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Certificates (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetCertificateOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-CertificateOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetCertificatesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Certificates" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetCertificateOverviewFunc,$GetCertificatesFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Certificates$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Certificates$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllCerts = Get-Certificates} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{CertSummary = Get-CertificateOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Certificates$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Certificates$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Certificates$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example $AllCertsProperties = @("CertificateName","FriendlyName","Subject","Issuer","Path","Status","PrivateKey","PublicKey","NotBefore","NotAfter") $AllCertsUDTableSplatParams = @{ Headers = $AllCertsProperties Properties = $AllCertsProperties PageSize = 5 } New-UDGrid @AllCertsUDTableSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $AllCertsGridData = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.AllCerts | Out-UDGridData $AllCertsGridData } # Live Data Element Example $CertSummaryProperties = @("allCount","expiredCount","nearExpiredCount","eventCount") $CertSummaryUDTableSplatParams = @{ Headers = $CertSummaryProperties AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 5 } New-UDTable @CertSummaryUDTableSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $CertSummaryLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($CertSummaryLiveOutputCount -gt 0) { $ArrayOfCertSummaryEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataTracker.Previous.CertSummary ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfCertSummaryEntries.Count -gt 0) { $CertSummaryTableData = $ArrayOfCertSummaryEntries[-1] | Out-UDTableData -Property $CertSummaryProperties } } if (!$CertSummaryTableData) { $CertSummaryTableData = [pscustomobject]@{ allCount = "Collecting Info" expiredCount = "Collecting Info" nearExpiredcount = "Collecting Info" eventCount = "Collecting Info" } | Out-UDTableData -Property $CertSummaryProperties } $CertSummaryTableData } # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:CertificatesPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Certificates/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $CertificatesPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $DevicesPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:DevicesPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:DevicesPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetCimPnPFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-CimPnpEntity" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetCimPnPFunc $DevicesInfo = Get-CimPnpEntity [pscustomobject]@{ AllDevices = $DevicesInfo } } $Session:AllDevicesStatic = $StaticInfo.AllDevices if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.Keys -notcontains "AllDevices") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.Add("AllDevices",$Session:AllDevicesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.AllDevices = $Session:AllDevicesStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Devices (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetCimPnPFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-CimPnpEntity" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetCimPnPFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Devices$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Devices$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllDevices = Get-CimPnpEntity} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here #@{AllDevices = Get-CimPnpEntity} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Devices$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Devices$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Devices$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example $AllDevicesProperties = @("Name","Status","InstallDate","PNPClass","PNPDeviceID","Service","Manufacturer","Present") $AllDevicesUDTableSplatParams = @{ Headers = $AllDevicesProperties Properties = $AllDevicesProperties PageSize = 5 } New-UDGrid @AllDevicesUDTableSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $AllDevicesGridData = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Devices.AllDevices | Out-UDGridData $AllDevicesGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:DevicesPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Devices/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $DevicesPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) #region >> Disconnected Page $DisconnectedPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) # Add the SyncHash to the Page so that we can pass output to other pages $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $ConnectionStatusTableProperties = @("RemoteHost", "Status") New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDTable -Headers $ConnectionStatusTableProperties -AutoRefresh -Endpoint { [PSCustomObject]@{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Disconnected" } | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost", "Status") } } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 5 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 2 -Content { New-UDLink -Text "|| Return Home ||" -Url "/Home" } New-UDColumn -Size 5 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { # Grid below UDTable $ResultProperties = @("HostName","FQDN","IPAddress","PingStatus","WSMan","WSManPorts","SSH","DateTime","ManageLink") $RHost = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo $GridEndpoint = { $GridData = @{} $GridData.Add("HostName",$RHost.HostName.ToUpper()) $GridData.Add("FQDN",$RHost.FQDN) $GridData.Add("IPAddress",$RHost.IPAddressList[0]) # Check Ping try { $PingResult = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping]::new().Send( $RHost.IPAddressList[0],1000 ) | Select-Object -Property Address,Status,RoundtripTime -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName,PSShowComputerName,RunspaceId $PingStatus = if ($PingResult.Status.ToString() -eq "Success") {"Available"} else {"Unavailable"} $GridData.Add("PingStatus",$PingStatus) } catch { $GridData.Add("PingStatus","Unavailable") } # Check WSMan Ports try { $WSMan5985Url = "http://$($RHost.IPAddressList[0])`:5985/wsman" $WSMan5986Url = "http://$($RHost.IPAddressList[0])`:5986/wsman" $WSManUrls = @($WSMan5985Url,$WSMan5986Url) foreach ($WSManUrl in $WSManUrls) { $Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($WSManUrl) $Request.Timeout = 1000 try { [System.Net.WebResponse]$Response = $Request.GetResponse() } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -match "The remote server returned an error: \(405\) Method Not Allowed") { if ($WSManUrl -match "5985") { $WSMan5985Available = $True } else { $WSMan5986Available = $True } } elseif ($_.Exception.Message -match "The operation has timed out") { if ($WSManUrl -match "5985") { $WSMan5985Available = $False } else { $WSMan5986Available = $False } } else { if ($WSManUrl -match "5985") { $WSMan5985Available = $False } else { $WSMan5986Available = $False } } } } if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $GridData.Add("WSMan","Available") [System.Collections.ArrayList]$WSManPorts = @() if ($WSMan5985Available) { $null = $WSManPorts.Add("5985") } if ($WSMan5986Available) { $null = $WSManPorts.Add("5986") } $WSManPortsString = $WSManPorts -join ', ' $GridData.Add("WSManPorts",$WSManPortsString) } } catch { $GridData.Add("WSMan","Unavailable") } # Check SSH try { $TestSSHResult = TestPort -HostName $RHost.IPAddressList[0] -Port 22 if ($TestSSHResult.Open) { $GridData.Add("SSH","Available") } else { $GridData.Add("SSH","Unavailable") } } catch { $GridData.Add("SSH","Unavailable") } $GridData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) if ($GridData.WSMan -eq "Available" -or $GridData.SSH -eq "Available") { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$($RHost.HostName)`Info".PSRemotingCreds -ne $null) { $GridData.Add("ManageLink",$(New-UDLink -Text "Manage" -Url "/ToolSelect/$($RHost.HostName)")) } else { $GridData.Add("ManageLink",$(New-UDLink -Text "Manage" -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/$($RHost.HostName)")) } } else { $GridData.Add("ManageLink","Unavailable") } [pscustomobject]$GridData | Out-UDGridData } $NewUdGridSplatParams = @{ Headers = $ResultProperties NoPaging = $True Properties = $ResultProperties AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 5 Endpoint = $GridEndpoint } New-UdGrid @NewUdGridSplatParams } } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Disconnected/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $DisconnectedPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) # We need this page as a string for later on. For some reason, we can't use this same ScriptBlock directly on other Pages $DisconnectedPageContentString = $DisconnectedPageContent.ToString() #endregion >> Disconnected Page $EventsPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:EventsPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:EventsPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetEventLogSummaryFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-EventLogSummary" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetEventLogSummaryFunc $EventLogChannelSummaries = Get-EventLogSummary -channel * [pscustomobject]@{ EventLogChannelSummaries = $EventLogChannelSummaries } } $Session:EventLogChannelSummariesStatic = $StaticInfo.EventLogChannelSummaries if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.Keys -notcontains "EventLogChannelSummaries") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.Add("EventLogChannelSummaries",$Session:EventLogChannelSummariesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.EventLogChannelSummaries = $Session:EventLogChannelSummariesStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Events (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetEventLogSummaryFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-EventLogSummary" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetEventLogSummaryFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Events$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Events$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 100) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,90) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{EventLogChannelSummaries = Get-EventLogSummary -channel *} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{EventLogChannelSummaries = Get-EventLogSummary -channel *} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Events$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Events$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Events$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example $EventLogChannelSummaryProperties = @("LogName","LogMode","MaximumSizeInBytes","RecordCount") $EventLogChannelSummaryUDTableSplatParams = @{ Headers = $EventLogChannelSummaryProperties Properties = $EventLogChannelSummaryProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @EventLogChannelSummaryUDTableSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $EventLogChannelSummaryGridData = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Events.EventLogChannelSummaries | Out-UDGridData $EventLogChannelSummaryGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:EventsPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Events/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $EventsPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $FilesPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:FilesPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:FilesPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost if (!$Session:RootDirChildItems) { $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $RootDirChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:SystemDrive\" $RootDirItem = Get-Item -Path "$env:SystemDrive\" [pscustomobject]@{ RootDirItem = $RootDirItem RootDirChildItems = $RootDirChildItems } } $Session:RootDirChildItems = $StaticInfo.RootDirChildItems $Session:RootDirItem = $StaticInfo.RootDirItem if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.Keys -notcontains "RootDirChildItems") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.Add("RootDirChildItems",$StaticInfo.RootDirChildItems) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirChildItems = $StaticInfo.RootDirChildItems } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.Keys -notcontains "RootDirItem") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.Add("RootDirItem",$StaticInfo.RootDirItem) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirItem = $StaticInfo.RootDirItem } } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Files (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Files$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Files$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{RootFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:SystemDrive\" } } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{RootFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:SystemDrive\"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Files$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Files$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Files$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "File System" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { <# New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTextbox -Label "Full Path to Directory to Explore" -Id "NewRootDirTB" -Placeholder "Directory to Explore" New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -Id "Button" -OnClick { $NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" $FullPathToExplore = $NewRootDirTextBox.Attributes['value'] $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $RootDirChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $using:FullPathToExplore [pscustomobject]@{ RootDirChildItems = $RootDirChildItems } } $Session:RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirChildItems = $Session:RootDirChildItems Sync-UDElement -Id "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} } #> New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "CurrentRootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { #New-UDTextbox -Label "Current Directory" -Placeholder "Directory to Explore" -Value $Session:RootDirItem.FullName New-UDHeading -Text "Current Directory: $($Session:RootDirItem.FullName)" -Size 5 } New-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "NewRootDirTBProper" -Label "New Directory" } New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTBProper" $FullPathToExplore = $NewRootDirTextBox.Attributes['value'] $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $RootDirChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $args[0] $RootDirItem = Get-Item -Path $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ RootDirItem = $RootDirItem RootDirChildItems = $RootDirChildItems } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $Session:RootDirItem = $NewPathInfo.RootDirItem $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirItem = $NewPathInfo.RootDirItem Sync-UDElement -Id "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" Sync-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentRootDirTB" } New-UDButton -Text "Parent Directory" -OnClick { $FullPathToExplore = if ($($Session:RootDirItem.FullName | Split-Path -Parent) -eq "") {$Session:RootDirItem.FullName} else {$Session:RootDirItem.FullName | Split-Path -Parent} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $RootDirChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $args[0] $RootDirItem = Get-Item -Path $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ RootDirItem = $RootDirItem RootDirChildItems = $RootDirChildItems } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $Session:RootDirItem = $NewPathInfo.RootDirItem $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirItem = $NewPathInfo.RootDirItem Sync-UDElement -Id "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" Sync-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentRootDirTB" } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $RootFilesProperties = @("Name","FullPath","DateModified","Type","Size","Explore") $RootFilesUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" Headers = $RootFilesProperties Properties = $RootFilesProperties PageSize = 20 } New-UDGrid @RootFilesUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $Session:RootDirChildItems | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name FullPath = $_.FullName DateModified = Get-Date $_.LastWriteTime -Format MM/dd/yy_hh:mm:ss Type = if ($_.PSIsContainer) {"Folder"} else {"File"} Size = if ($_.PSIsContainer) {'-'} else {[Math]::Round($($_.Length / 1KB),2).toString() + 'KB'} Explore = if (!$_.PSIsContainer) {'-'} else { New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { #$NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" $FullPathToExplore = $_.FullName $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $RootDirChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $args[0] $RootDirItem = Get-Item -Path $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ RootDirItem = $RootDirItem RootDirChildItems = $RootDirChildItems } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $Session:RootDirItem = $NewPathInfo.RootDirItem $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirItem = $NewPathInfo.RootDirItem Sync-UDElement -Id "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" Sync-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentRootDirTB" } } } } | Out-UDGridData } } } } } <# New-UDInput -Title "Explore Path" -SubmitText "Explore" -Content { New-UDInputField -Name "FullPathToExplore" -Type textbox } -Endpoint { param($FullPathToExplore) #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> SubMain if (!$FullPathToExplore) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must fill out the 'FullPathToExplore' field!" -Duration 10000 return } try { $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $RootDirChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $using:FullPathToExplore [pscustomobject]@{ RootDirChildItems = $RootDirChildItems } } $Session:RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirChildItems = $Session:RootDirChildItems Sync-UDElement -Id "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" #Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Files/$RemoteHost" } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 2000 #Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Overview/$RemoteHost" } } #> <# # Static Data Element Example New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "File System" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { #region >> Main New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $RootFilesProperties = @("Name","FullPath","DateModified","Type","Size") $RootFilesUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" Headers = $RootFilesProperties Properties = $RootFilesProperties PageSize = 20 } New-UDGrid @RootFilesUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $Session:RootDirChildItems | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name FullPath = $_.FullName DateModified = Get-Date $_.LastWriteTime -Format MM/dd/yy_hh:mm:ss Type = if ($_.PSIsContainer) {"Folder"} else {"File"} Size = if ($_.PSIsContainer) {'-'} else {[Math]::Round($($_.Length / 1KB),2).toString() + 'KB'} #Inspect = $Cache:InspectCell } } | Out-UDGridData } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Endpoint { New-UDInput -Title "Explore Path" -SubmitText "Explore" -Content { New-UDInputField -Name "FullPathToExplore" -Type textbox } -Endpoint { param($FullPathToExplore) #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> SubMain if (!$FullPathToExplore) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must fill out the 'FullPathToExplore' field!" -Duration 10000 return } try { $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $RootDirChildItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $using:FullPathToExplore [pscustomobject]@{ RootDirChildItems = $RootDirChildItems } } $Session:RootDirChildItems = $NewPathInfo.RootDirChildItems $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Files.RootDirChildItems = $Session:RootDirChildItems Sync-UDElement -Id "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" #Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Files/$RemoteHost" } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 2000 #Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Overview/$RemoteHost" } #endregion >> SubMain } } } New-UDButton -Text "SyncFileGrid" -Id "Button" -OnClick { Sync-UDElement -Id "RootDirChildItemsUDGrid" } #endregion >> Main } } #> # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:FilesPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Files/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $FilesPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $FirewallPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:FirewallPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:FirewallPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetFirewallProfileFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-FirewallProfile" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetFirewallRulesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-FirewallRules" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $FunctionsToLoad = @($GetFirewallProfileFunc,$GetFirewallRulesFunc) $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $using:FunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} $FirewallSummary = Get-FirewallProfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name Status = if ($_.Enabled) {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} DefaultInboundAction = $_.DefaultInboundAction.ToString() DefaultOutboundAction = $_.DefaultOutboundAction.ToString() } } $FirewallRulesPrep = Get-FirewallRules -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $FirewallRules = foreach ($Rule in $FirewallRulesPrep) { $Profiles = switch (@($Rule.profiles)) { 0 {"All"} 1 {"Domain"} 2 {"Private"} 3 {"Domain, Private"} 4 {"Public"} 5 {"Domain, Public"} 6 {"Private, Public"} } [pscustomobject]@{ DisplayName = $Rule.DisplayName Direction = $Rule.Direction.ToString() Action = $Rule.Action.ToString() DisplayGroup = $Rule.DisplayGroup Status = if ($Rule.enabled) {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} Profile = $Profiles Program = @($Rule.applicationFilter.Program) -join ", " Protocol = @($Rule.portFilter.Protocol) -join ", " LocalPort = @($Rule.portFilter.LocalPort) -join ", " RemotePort = @($Rule.portFilter.RemotePort) -join ", " } } [pscustomobject]@{ FirewallSummary = $FirewallSummary FirewallRules = $FirewallRules } } $Session:FirewallSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.FirewallSummary $Session:FirewallRulesStatic = $StaticInfo.FirewallRules if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.Keys -notcontains "FirewallSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.Add("FirewallSummary",$Session:FirewallSummaryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.FirewallSummary = $Session:FirewallSummaryStatic } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.Keys -notcontains "FirewallRules") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.Add("FirewallRules",$Session:FirewallRulesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.FirewallRules = $Session:FirewallRulesStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Firewall (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetFirewallFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Firewall" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetFirewallFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Firewall$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Firewall$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllFirewall = Get-Firewall} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{FirewallSummary = Get-FirewallOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-FirewallervicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Firewall$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Firewall$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Firewall$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example $FirewallOverviewProperties = @("Name","Status","DefaultInboundAction","DefaultOutboundAction") $FirewallOverviewUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "FirewallOverviewUDGrid" Headers = $FirewallOverviewProperties Properties = $FirewallOverviewProperties } New-UDGrid @FirewallOverviewUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetFirewallProfileFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-FirewallProfile" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetFirewallProfileFunc $FirewallSummary = Get-FirewallProfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name Status = if ($_.Enabled) {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} DefaultInboundAction = $_.DefaultInboundAction.ToString() DefaultOutboundAction = $_.DefaultOutboundAction.ToString() } } [pscustomobject]@{ FirewallSummary = $FirewallSummary } } $Session:FirewallSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.FirewallSummary if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.Keys -notcontains "FirewallSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.Add("FirewallSummary",$Session:FirewallSummaryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.FirewallSummary = $Session:FirewallSummaryStatic } $Session:FirewallSummaryStatic | Out-UDGridData } $FirewallRulesProperties = @("DisplayName","Direction","Action","DisplayGroup","Status","Profile","Program","Protocol","LocalPort","RemotePort") $FirewallRulesUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "FirewallRulesUDGrid" Headers = $FirewallRulesProperties Properties = $FirewallRulesProperties } New-UDGrid @FirewallRulesUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetFirewallRulesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-FirewallRules" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetFirewallRulesFunc $FirewallRulesPrep = Get-FirewallRules -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $FirewallRules = foreach ($Rule in $FirewallRulesPrep) { $Profiles = switch (@($Rule.profiles)) { 0 {"All"} 1 {"Domain"} 2 {"Private"} 3 {"Domain, Private"} 4 {"Public"} 5 {"Domain, Public"} 6 {"Private, Public"} } [pscustomobject]@{ DisplayName = $Rule.DisplayName Direction = $Rule.Direction.ToString() Action = $Rule.Action.ToString() DisplayGroup = $Rule.DisplayGroup Status = if ($Rule.enabled) {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} Profile = $Profiles Program = @($Rule.applicationFilter.Program) -join ", " Protocol = @($Rule.portFilter.Protocol) -join ", " LocalPort = @($Rule.portFilter.LocalPort) -join ", " RemotePort = @($Rule.portFilter.RemotePort) -join ", " } } [pscustomobject]@{ FirewallRules = $FirewallRules } } $Session:FirewallRulesStatic = $StaticInfo.FirewallRules if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.Keys -notcontains "FirewallRules") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.Add("FirewallRules",$Session:FirewallRulesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Firewall.FirewallRules = $Session:FirewallRulesStatic } $Session:FirewallRulesStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:FirewallPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Firewall/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $FirewallPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $NetworkPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:NetworkPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:NetworkPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetNetworksFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Networks" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $TestIsValidIPFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function TestIsValidIPAddress" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetNetworksFunc Invoke-Expression $using:TestIsValidIPFunc $Networks = Get-Networks | foreach { $PrimaryIPv4AddressesUpdatedFormat = foreach ($ArrayObj in $_.PrimaryIPv4Address) { foreach ($IPString in $ArrayObj) { if (TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $IPString) { $IPString } } } $IPv4DNSServerAddressesUpdatedFormat = foreach ($ArrayObj in $_.IPv4DNSServer) { foreach ($IPString in $ArrayObj) { if (TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $IPString) { $IPString } } } [pscustomobject]@{ InterfaceAlias = $_.InterfaceAlias InterfaceIndex = $_.InterfaceIndex InterfaceDescription = $_.InterfaceDescription Status = $_.Status MacAddress = $_.MacAddress LinkSpeed = $_.LinkSpeed PrimaryIPv6Address = $_.PrimaryIPv6Address -join ", " LinkLocalIPv6Address = $_.LinkLocalIPv6Address -join ", " PrimaryIPv4Address = $PrimaryIPv4AddressesUpdatedFormat -join ", " DhcpIPv4 = if ($_.DhcpIPv4) {$_.DhcpIPv4.ToString()} else {$null} IPv6Enabled = $_.IPv6Enabled.ToString() IPv4DefaultGateway = $_.IPv4DefaultGateway -join ", " IPv4DNSServer = $IPv4DNSServerAddressesUpdatedFormat -join ", " IPv6DNSServer = $_.IPv6DNSServer -join ", " IPv4DnsManuallyConfigured = $_.IPv4DnsManuallyConfigured.ToString() } } [pscustomobject]@{ NetworksInfo = $Networks } } $Session:NetworksInfoStatic = $StaticInfo.NetworksInfo if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.Keys -notcontains "NetworksInfo") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.Add("NetworksInfo",$Session:NetworksInfoStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.NetworksInfo = $Session:NetworksInfoStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Network (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetNetworkificateOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-NetworkificateOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetNetworkFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Network" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetNetworkificateOverviewFunc,$GetNetworkFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Network$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Network$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllNetworks = Get-Network} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{NetworkSummary = Get-NetworkificateOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-NetworkervicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Network$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Network$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Network$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example $NetworksInfoProperties = @( "InterfaceAlias" "InterfaceIndex" "InterfaceDescription" "Status" "MacAddress" "LinkSpeed" "PrimaryIPv6Address" "LinkLocalIPv6Address" "PrimaryIPv4Address" "DhcpIPv4" "IPv6Enabled" "IPv4DefaultGateway" "IPv4DNSServer" "IPv6DNSServer" "IPv4DnsManuallyConfigured" ) $AllNetworksUDGridSplatParams = @{ Headers = $NetworksInfoProperties Properties = $NetworksInfoProperties NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @AllNetworksUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetNetworksFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Networks" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $TestIsValidIPFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function TestIsValidIPAddress" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetNetworksFunc Invoke-Expression $using:TestIsValidIPFunc $Networks = Get-Networks | foreach { $PrimaryIPv4AddressesUpdatedFormat = foreach ($ArrayObj in $_.PrimaryIPv4Address) { foreach ($IPString in $ArrayObj) { if (TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $IPString) { $IPString } } } $IPv4DNSServerAddressesUpdatedFormat = foreach ($ArrayObj in $_.IPv4DNSServer) { foreach ($IPString in $ArrayObj) { if (TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $IPString) { $IPString } } } [pscustomobject]@{ InterfaceAlias = $_.InterfaceAlias InterfaceIndex = $_.InterfaceIndex InterfaceDescription = $_.InterfaceDescription Status = $_.Status MacAddress = $_.MacAddress LinkSpeed = $_.LinkSpeed PrimaryIPv6Address = $_.PrimaryIPv6Address -join ", " LinkLocalIPv6Address = $_.LinkLocalIPv6Address -join ", " PrimaryIPv4Address = $PrimaryIPv4AddressesUpdatedFormat -join ", " DhcpIPv4 = if ($_.DhcpIPv4) {$_.DhcpIPv4.ToString()} else {$null} IPv6Enabled = $_.IPv6Enabled.ToString() IPv4DefaultGateway = $_.IPv4DefaultGateway -join ", " IPv4DNSServer = $IPv4DNSServerAddressesUpdatedFormat -join ", " IPv6DNSServer = $_.IPv6DNSServer -join ", " IPv4DnsManuallyConfigured = $_.IPv4DnsManuallyConfigured.ToString() } } [pscustomobject]@{ NetworksInfo = $Networks } } $Session:NetworksInfoStatic = $StaticInfo.NetworksInfo if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.Keys -notcontains "NetworksInfo") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.Add("NetworksInfo",$Session:NetworksInfoStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Network.NetworksInfo = $Session:NetworksInfoStatic } $Session:NetworksInfoStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:NetworkPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Network/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $NetworkPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) #region >> Overview Page $OverviewPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:OverviewPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $Session:RestartingRemoteHost = $False $Session:ShutdownRemoteHost = $False $Session:EnableDiskPerf = $False $Session:DisableDiskPerf = $False $Session:EnableRemoteDesktop = $False $Session:DisableRemoteDesktop = $False $Session:EnableSSH = $False $Session:DisableSSH = $False } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 10 -Endpoint { if ($Session:OverviewPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","CredSSP","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { <# $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Disconnected" } #> Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.Count -eq 0) { if ($Session:ServerInventoryStatic.IsCredSSPEnabled) { $CredSSPStatus = "Enabled" } else { $CredSSPStatus = "Disabled" } } elseif (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ServerInventory).Count -gt 0) { if (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ServerInventory)[-1].IsCredSSPEnabled) { $CredSSPStatus = "Enabled" } else { $CredSSPStatus = "Disabled" } } else { $CredSSPStatus = "NotYetDetermined" } $TableData.Add("CredSSP",$CredSSPStatus) $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","CredSSP","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetServerInventoryFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ServerInventory" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} #$GetEnvVarsFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-EnvironmentVariables" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetServerInventoryFunc #Invoke-Expression $using:GetEnvVarsFunc $SrvInv = Get-ServerInventory #$EnvVars = Get-EnvironmentVariables $RelevantNetworkInterfacesPrep = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.Networkinterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() | Where-Object { $_.NetworkInterfaceType -eq "Ethernet" -or $_.NetworkInterfaceType -match "Wireless" -and $_.OperationalStatus -eq "Up" } $RelevantNetworkInterfaces = foreach ($NetInt in $RelevantNetworkInterfacesPrep) { $IPv4Stats = $NetInt.GetIPv4Statistics() [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $NetInt.Name Description = $NetInt.Description TotalSentBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesSent TotalReceivedBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesReceived } } [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInventoryStatic = $SrvInv RelevantNetworkInterfaces = $RelevantNetworkInterfaces #EnvironmentVariables = [pscustomobject]$EnvVars } } $Session:ServerInventoryStatic = $StaticInfo.ServerInventoryStatic $Session:RelevantNetworkInterfacesStatic = $StaticInfo.RelevantNetworkInterfaces #$Session:EnvironmentVariablesStatic = $StaticInfo.EnvironmentVariables if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Keys -notcontains "ServerInventoryStatic") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Add("ServerInventoryStatic",$Session:ServerInventoryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.ServerInventoryStatic = $Session:ServerInventoryStatic } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Keys -notcontains "RelevantNetworkInterfaces") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Add("RelevantNetworkInterfaces",$Session:RelevantNetworkInterfacesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces = $Session:RelevantNetworkInterfacesStatic } <# if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Keys -notcontains "EnvironmentVariablesStatic") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Add("EnvironmentVariablesStatic",$Session:EnvironmentVariablesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvironmentVariablesStatic = $Session:EnvironmentVariablesStatic } #> #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Overview" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] <# if (!$Session:ServerInventoryStatic) { # Gather Basic Info From $RemoteHost $GetServerInventoryFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ServerInventory" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfoA = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetServerInventoryFunc $SrvInv = Get-ServerInventory [pscustomobject]@{ ServerInventoryStatic = $SrvInv } } $Session:ServerInventoryStatic = $StaticInfoA.ServerInventoryStatic if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Keys -notcontains "ServerInventoryStatic") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Add("ServerInventoryStatic",$Session:ServerInventoryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.ServerInventoryStatic = $Session:ServerInventoryStatic } } #> # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetEnvVarsFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-EnvironmentVariables" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetServerInventoryFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ServerInventory" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetEnvVarsFunc,$GetServerInventoryFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Overview$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Overview$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go withing this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { # Server Inventory @{ServerInventory = Get-ServerInventory} #Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 # Processes #@{Processes = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetProcesses()} #Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here # Processes @{ProcessesCount = $(Get-Counter "\Process(*)\ID Process" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).CounterSamples.Count} @{HandlesCount = $(Get-Counter "\Process(_total)\handle count").CounterSamples.CookedValue} @{ThreadsCount = $(Get-Counter "\Process(_total)\thread count").CounterSamples.CookedValue} # Environment Variables #@{EnvVars = [pscustomobject]@{EnvVarsCollection = Get-EnvironmentVariables}} # RAM Utilization $OSInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem $TotalMemoryInGB = [Math]::Round($($OSInfo.TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1MB),2) @{RamTotalGB = $TotalMemoryInGB} $FreeMemoryInGB = [Math]::Round($($(Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\available bytes").CounterSamples.CookedValue / 1GB),2) @{RamFreeGB = $FreeMemoryInGB} $RamPct = [Math]::Round($($(Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\% committed bytes in use").CounterSamples.CookedValue),2) @{RamPct = $RamPct} $RamCommittedGB = [Math]::Round($($(Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\committed bytes").CounterSamples.CookedValue / 1GB),2) @{RamCommittedGB = $RamCommittedGB} $RamCachedGB = $RamCommitted + [Math]::Round($($(Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\cache bytes").CounterSamples.CookedValue / 1GB),2) @{RamCachedGB = $RamCachedGB} $RamInUseGB = $TotalMemoryInGB - $FreeMemoryInGB @{RamInUseGB = $RamInUseGB} $RamPagedPoolMB = [Math]::Round($($(Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\pool paged bytes").CounterSamples.CookedValue / 1MB),2) @{RamPagedPoolMB = $RamPagedPoolMB} $RamNonPagedPoolMB = [Math]::Round($($(Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\pool nonpaged bytes").CounterSamples.CookedValue / 1MB),2) @{RamNonPagedPoolMB = $RamNonPagedPoolMB} # CPU $CPUInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor @{CPUPct = $CPUInfo.LoadPercentage} @{ClockSpeed = [Math]::Round($($CPUInfo.CurrentClockSpeed / 1KB),2)} @{Uptime = "{0:c}" -f $($(Get-Date) - $OSInfo.LastBootUpTime)} # Network Stats $RelevantNetworkInterfaces = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.Networkinterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() | Where-Object { $_.NetworkInterfaceType -eq "Ethernet" -or $_.NetworkInterfaceType -match "Wireless" -and $_.OperationalStatus -eq "Up" } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$NetStatsInfo = @() foreach ($NetInt in $RelevantNetworkInterfaces) { $IPv4Stats = $NetInt.GetIPv4Statistics() $NetStatsPSObj = [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $NetInt.Name Description = $NetInt.Description TotalSentBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesSent TotalReceivedBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesReceived } $null = $NetStatsInfo.Add($NetStatsPSObj) } @{NetStats = $NetStatsInfo} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Overview$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Certificates.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Overview$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Overview$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls New-UDRow -Endpoint { # Restart $RemoteHost New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint { # Show-UDToast doesn't work in this context for some reason... <# New-UDElement -Id "RestartComputerToast" -Tag div -EndPoint { Show-UDToast -Message "Restarting $RemoteHost..." -Duration 10 } #> $CollapsibleId = $RemoteHost + "RestartComputer" New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Restart" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "RestartComputerMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:RestartingRemoteHost) { New-UDHeading -Text "Restarting $RemoteHost..." -Size 6 } } New-UDButton -Text "Restart $RemoteHost" -OnClick { $Session:RestartingRemoteHost = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "RestartComputerMsg" Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Restart-Computer -Force } # Show-UDToast doesn't work in this context for some reason... #Show-UDToast -Message "Restarting $RemoteHost..." -Duration 10 #Sync-UDElement -Id "RestartComputerToast" } <# New-UDInput -SubmitText "Restart" -Id "RestartComputerForm" -Content { $HName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.ServerInventoryStatic.ComputerSystem.Name New-UDInputField -Name 'RestartComputer' -Type select -Values @($HName) -DefaultValue $HName } -Endpoint { #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> Main Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Restart-Computer -Force } New-UDInputAction -Toast "Restarting $RemoteHost..." -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" #endregion >> Main } #> } } } # Shutdown $RemoteHost New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint { $CollapsibleId = $RemoteHost + "ShutdownComputer" New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Shutdown" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "ShutdownComputerMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:ShutdownRemoteHost) { New-UDHeading -Text "Shutting down $RemoteHost..." -Size 6 } } New-UDButton -Text "Shutdown $RemoteHost" -OnClick { $Session:ShutdownRemoteHost = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ShutdownComputerMsg" Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Stop-Computer -Force } } <# New-UDInput -SubmitText "Shutdown" -Id "ShutdownComputerForm" -Content { $HName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.ServerInventoryStatic.ComputerSystem.Name New-UDInputField -Name "ShutdownComputer" -Type select -Values @($HName) -DefaultValue $HName } -Endpoint { #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> Main Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Stop-Computer -Force } New-UDInputAction -Toast "Shutting down $RemoteHost..." -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" #endregion >> Main } #> } } } # Enable Disk Metrics New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint { $CollapsibleId = $RemoteHost + "SetDiskMetrics" New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Set Disk Metrics" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "EnableDiskPerfMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:EnableDiskPerf) { New-UDHeading -Text $Session:EnableDiskPerfMsg -Size 6 Show-UDToast -Message $Session:EnableDiskPerfMsg -Position 'topRight' -Title "DiskPerfToast" -Duration 5000 } } New-UDElement -Id "DisableDiskPerfMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:DisableDiskPerf) { New-UDHeading -Text $Session:DisableDiskPerfMsg -Size 6 Show-UDToast -Message $Session:DisableDiskPerfMsg -Position 'topRight' -Title "DiskPerfToast" -Duration 5000 } } New-UDElement -Id "DiskPerfState" -Tag div -EndPoint { # TODO: Figure out a way to check if the disk performance counters are actually enabled or disabled. # Can't get consistent results using the below method <# $DiskPerfState = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { try { $null = Get-Counter "\physicaldisk(0 c:)\disk writes/sec" -ErrorAction Stop $DiskPerfStatus = "Enabled" } catch { $DiskPerfStatus = "Disabled" } [pscustomobject]@{ Status = $DiskPerfStatus } } #> New-UDHeading -Text "Status: $Session:DiskPerfState" -Size 6 } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -EndPoint { New-UDButton -Text "Enable" -OnClick { $Session:EnableDiskPerfMsg = "Enabling Disk Performance Metrics for $RemoteHost..." $Session:EnableDiskPerf = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "EnableDiskPerfMsg" $StartDiskPerfFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Start-DiskPerf" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:StartDiskPerfFunc $null = Start-DiskPerf } $Session:DiskPerfState = "Enabled" Sync-UDElement -Id "DiskPerfState" $Session:EnableDiskPerf = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "EnableDiskPerfMsg" } } New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDButton -Text "Disable" -OnClick { $Session:DisableDiskPerfMsg = "Disabling Disk Performance Metrics for $RemoteHost..." $Session:DisableDiskPerf = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableDiskPerfMsg" $StopDiskPerfFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Stop-DiskPerf" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:StopDiskPerfFunc Stop-DiskPerf } $Session:DiskPerfState = "Disabled" Sync-UDElement -Id "DiskPerfState" $Session:DisableDiskPerf = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableDiskPerfMsg" } } } } } } # Disable CredSSP New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint { $CollapsibleId = $RemoteHost + "DisableCredSSP" New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Disable CredSSP*" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "DisableCredSSPMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:DisableCredSSP) { if (!$Session:DisableCredSSPMsg) { $Session:DisableCredSSPMsg = "Placeholder CredSSP Message" } New-UDHeading -Text $Session:DisableCredSSPMsg -Size 6 Show-UDToast -Message $Session:DisableCredSSPMsg -Position 'topRight' -Title "CredSSPToast" -Duration 5000 } } New-UDElement -Id "CredSSPState" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.Count -eq 0) { if ($Session:ServerInventoryStatic.IsCredSSPEnabled) { $CredSSPStatus = "Enabled" } else { $CredSSPStatus = "Disabled" } } elseif (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ServerInventory).Count -gt 0) { if (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ServerInventory)[-1].IsCredSSPEnabled) { $CredSSPStatus = "Enabled" } else { $CredSSPStatus = "Disabled" } } else { $CredSSPStatus = "NotYetDetermined" } New-UDHeading -Text "Status: $CredSSPStatus" -Size 6 } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDButton -Text "Disable" -OnClick { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.Count -eq 0) { if ($Session:ServerInventoryStatic.IsCredSSPEnabled) { $CredSSPStatus = "Enabled" } else { $CredSSPStatus = "Disabled" } } elseif (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ServerInventory).Count -gt 0) { if (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ServerInventory)[-1].IsCredSSPEnabled) { $CredSSPStatus = "Enabled" } else { $CredSSPStatus = "Disabled" } } else { $CredSSPStatus = "NotYetDetermined" } if ($CredSSPStatus -ne "Disabled") { $Session:DisableCredSSP = $True $CredSSPChanges = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $Output = @{} $GetCredSSPStatus = Get-WSManCredSSP if ($GetCredSSPStatus -match "The machine is configured to allow delegating fresh credentials.") { Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client $Output.Add("CredSSPClientChange",$True) } else { $Output.Add("CredSSPClientChange",$False) } if ($GetCredSSPStatus -match "This computer is configured to receive credentials from a remote client computer.") { Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server $Output.Add("CredSSPServerChange",$True) } else { $Output.Add("CredSSPServerChange",$False) } [PSCustomObject]$Output } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ToastMessage = @() if ($CredSSPChanges.CredSSPClientChange -eq $True) { $null = $ToastMessage.Add("Disabled CredSSP Client.") } else { $null = $ToastMessage.Add("CredSSP Client is already disabled.") } if ($CredSSPChanges.CredSSPServerChange -eq $True) { $null = $ToastMessage.Add("Disabled CredSSP Server.") } else { $null = $ToastMessage.Add("CredSSP Server is already disabled.") } $Session:DisableCredSSPMsg = $ToastMessage -join " " Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableCredSSPMsg" } else { $Session:DisableCredSSP = $True $Session:DisableCredSSPMsg = "CredSSP is already Disabled!" Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableCredSSPMsg" } Sync-UDElement -Id "CredSSPState" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $Session:DisableCredSSP = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableCredSSPMsg" } <# New-UDInput -SubmitText "Disable CredSSP" -Id "DisableCredSSPForm" -Content { $HName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.ServerInventoryStatic.ComputerSystem.Name New-UDInputField -Name "Disable_CredSSP" -Type select -Values @($HName) -DefaultValue $HName } -Endpoint { param($Disable_CredSSP) #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> Main $CredSSPChanges = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $Output = @{} $GetCredSSPStatus = Get-WSManCredSSP if ($GetCredSSPStatus -match "The machine is configured to allow delegating fresh credentials.") { Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client $Output.Add("CredSSPClientChange",$True) } else { $Output.Add("CredSSPClientChange",$False) } if ($GetCredSSPStatus -match "This computer is configured to receive credentials from a remote client computer.") { Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server $Output.Add("CredSSPServerChange",$True) } else { $Output.Add("CredSSPServerChange",$False) } [PSCustomObject]$Output } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ToastMessage = @() if ($CredSSPChanges.CredSSPClientChange -eq $True) { $null = $ToastMessage.Add("Disabled CredSSP Client.") } else { $null = $ToastMessage.Add("CredSSP Client is already disabled.") } if ($CredSSPChanges.CredSSPServerChange -eq $True) { $null = $ToastMessage.Add("Disabled CredSSP Server.") } else { $null = $ToastMessage.Add("CredSSP Server is already disabled.") } $ToastMessageFinal = $ToastMessage -join " " New-UDInputAction -Toast $ToastMessageFinal -Duration 2000 Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 #Sync-UDElement -Id 'TrackingTable' #New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/Overview/$RemoteHost" Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Overview/$RemoteHost" #endregion >> Main } #> } } } } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { # Remote Desktop New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint { $CollapsibleId = $RemoteHost + "RemoteDesktop" New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Remote Desktop*" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "EnableRemoteDesktopMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:EnableRemoteDesktop) { New-UDHeading -Text $Session:EnableRemoteDesktopMsg -Size 6 Show-UDToast -Message $Session:EnableRemoteDesktopMsg -Position 'topRight' -Title "RDToast" -Duration 5000 } } New-UDElement -Id "DisableRemoteDesktopMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:DisableRemoteDesktop) { New-UDHeading -Text $Session:DisableRemoteDesktopMsg -Size 6 Show-UDToast -Message $Session:DisableRemoteDesktopMsg -Position 'topRight' -Title "RDToast" -Duration 5000 } } New-UDElement -Id "RDState" -Tag div -EndPoint { $GetRDFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RemoteDesktop" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $RemoteDesktopSettings = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRDFunc Get-RemoteDesktop } -HideComputerName $RDState = if ($RemoteDesktopSettings.allowRemoteDesktop) {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} New-UDHeading -Text "Status: $RDState" -Size 6 } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDButton -Text "Enable" -OnClick { $Session:EnableRemoteDesktopMsg = "Enabling Remote Desktop on $($RemoteHost.ToUpper())..." $Session:EnableRemoteDesktop = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "EnableRemoteDesktopMsg" $SetRemoteDesktopSplatParams = @{ AllowRemoteDesktop = $True AllowRemoteDesktopWithNLA = $True } $SetRDFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Set-RemoteDesktop" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetRDFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-RemoteDesktop @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetRemoteDesktopSplatParams Sync-UDElement -Id "RDState" $Session:EnableRemoteDesktop = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "EnableRemoteDesktopMsg" } } New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDButton -Text "Disable" -OnClick { $Session:DisableRemoteDesktopMsg = "Disabling Remote Desktop on $($RemoteHost.ToUpper())..." $Session:DisableRemoteDesktop = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableRemoteDesktopMsg" $SetRemoteDesktopSplatParams = @{ AllowRemoteDesktop = $False AllowRemoteDesktopWithNLA = $False } $SetRDFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Set-RemoteDesktop" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetRDFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-RemoteDesktop @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetRemoteDesktopSplatParams Sync-UDElement -Id "RDState" $Session:DisableRemoteDesktop = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableRemoteDesktopMsg" } <# New-UDInput -SubmitText "Submit" -Id "RemoteDesktopForm" -Content { $GetRDFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RemoteDesktop" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $RemoteDesktopSettings = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRDFunc Get-RemoteDesktop } -HideComputerName $DefaultValue = if ($RemoteDesktopSettings.allowRemoteDesktop) {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} New-UDInputField -Name "Remote_Desktop_Setting" -Type select -Values @("Enabled","Disabled") -DefaultValue $DefaultValue } -Endpoint { param($Remote_Desktop_Setting) #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $SetRDFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Set-RemoteDesktop" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> Main if ($Remote_Desktop_Setting -eq "Enabled") { $SetRemoteDesktopSplatParams = @{ AllowRemoteDesktop = $True AllowRemoteDesktopWithNLA = $True } $ToastMessage = "Remote Desktop Enabled for $RemoteHost!" } else { $SetRemoteDesktopSplatParams = @{ AllowRemoteDesktop = $False AllowRemoteDesktopWithNLA = $False } $ToastMessage = "Remote Desktop Disabled for $RemoteHost!" } try { $SetRemoteDesktopResult = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\Currentcontrolset\control\Terminal Server" -Name TSServerDrainMode -Value 1 } -ArgumentList $SetRemoteDesktopSplatParams New-UDInputAction -Toast $ToastMessage -Duration 2000 } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 2000 } Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Overview/$RemoteHost" #region >> Main } #> } } } } } # Enable SSH New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint { $CollapsibleId = $RemoteHost + "SSH" New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "SSH" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "EnableSSHMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:EnableSSH) { New-UDHeading -Text $Session:EnableSSHMsg -Size 6 Show-UDToast -Message $Session:EnableSSHMsg -Position 'topRight' -Title "SSHToast" -Duration 5000 New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 10 -Endpoint { if ($Session:EnableSSH) { New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } } New-UDElement -Id "DisableSSHMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:DisableSSH) { New-UDHeading -Text $Session:DisableSSHMsg -Size 6 Show-UDToast -Message $Session:DisableSSHMsg -Position 'topRight' -Title "SSHToast" -Duration 5000 } } New-UDElement -Id "SSHState" -Tag div -EndPoint { $SSHStatusInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $SSHState = if ($(Get-Command ssh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or $(Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64\ssh.exe")) {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} $SSHDState = if ($(Get-Service sshd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status -eq "Running") {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} [pscustomobject]@{ SSHState = $SSHState SSHDState = $SSHDState } } New-UDHeading -Text "SSH Client is: $($SSHStatusInfo.SSHState)" -Size 6 New-UDHeading -Text "SSHD Server is: $($SSHStatusInfo.SSHDState)" -Size 6 } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDButton -Text "Enable" -OnClick { $Session:EnableSSHMsg = "Enabling SSH and SSHD on $($RemoteHost.ToUpper())..." $Session:EnableSSH = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "EnableSSHMsg" $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") {Install-Module WinSSH} if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") {Import-Module WinSSH} Install-WinSSH -GiveWinSSHBinariesPathPriority -ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost -DefaultShell pwsh } Sync-UDElement -Id "SSHState" $Session:EnableSSH = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "EnableSSHMsg" } } New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDButton -Text "Disable" -OnClick { $Session:DisableSSHMsg = "Disabling SSH and SSHD on $($RemoteHost.ToUpper())..." $Session:DisableSSH = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableSSHMsg" $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") {Install-Module WinSSH} if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") {Import-Module WinSSH} Uninstall-WinSSH } Sync-UDElement -Id "SSHState" $Session:DisableSSH = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "DisableSSHMsg" } } } } } } # Edit Computer ID New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { $CollapsibleId = $RemoteHost + "EditComputerIDMenu" New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Edit Computer ID" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDInput -SubmitText "Edit Computer" -Id "ComputerIDForm" -Content { $HName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.ServerInventoryStatic.ComputerSystem.Name $DName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.ServerInventoryStatic.ComputerSystem.Domain $WGName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.ServerInventoryStatic.ComputerSystem.Workgroup New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'Change_Host_Name' -DefaultValue $HName New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'Join_Domain' -DefaultValue $DName New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'NewDomain_UserName' New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'NewDomain_Password' New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'Join_Workgroup' -DefaultValue $WGName } -Endpoint { param($Change_Host_Name,$Join_Domain,$NewDomain_UserName,$NewDomain_Password,$Join_Workgroup) #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> Main $HName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.ServerInventory[-1].ComputerSystem.Name $DName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.ServerInventory[-1].ComputerSystem.Domain $WGName = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.ServerInventory[-1].ComputerSystem.Workgroup $PartOfDomainCheck = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.ServerInventory[-1].ComputerSystem.PartOfDomain $SetComputerIdFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Set-ComputerIdentification" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} # Make sure that $Join_Workgroup and $Join_Domain are NOT both filled out if ($($Join_Domain -and $Join_Workgroup) -or $(!$Join_Domain -and !$Join_Workgroup)) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Please ensure that either Join_Domain or Join_Workgroup are filled out!" -Duration 10000 return } #region >> ONLY Change Host Name if ($Change_Host_Name -ne $HName -and $($Join_Domain -eq $null -or $Join_Domain -eq $DName) -and $($Join_Workgroup -eq $null -or $Join_Workgroup -eq $WGName) ) { $SetComputerIdSplatParams = @{ NewComputerName = $Change_Host_Name Restart = $True } # If the computer is on a Domain, we need DomainCreds. If not, we need LocalCreds. if ($PartOfDomainCheck) { # If we don't have DomainCreds, prompt the user for them if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Renaming '$RemoteHost' to '$Change_Host_Name' requires Domain Credentials!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } # Add the -Domain aprameter to SplatParams $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Domain",$DName) # Authorization Credentials $AuthorizationUName = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName $AuthorizationPwd = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { # If we don't have LocalCreds, prompt the user for them if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Renaming '$RemoteHost' to '$Change_Host_Name' requires Local Credentials!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } # Authorization Credentials $AuthorizationUName = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds.UserName $AuthorizationPwd = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("UserName",$AuthorizationUName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Password",$AuthorizationPwd) Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetComputerIdFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-ComputerIdentification @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetComputerIdSplatParams New-UDInputAction -Toast "Renaming '$HName' to '$Change_Host_Name' and restarting..." -Duration 10000 # Update $PUDRSSyncHT and Redirect to /Disconnected/$Change_Host_Name because the computer is restarting... $NetworkInfoPrep = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT = @{} $NetworkInfoPrep | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | foreach { $key = $_.Name $value = $NetworkInfoPrep.$key $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Add($key,$value) } $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.HostName = $Change_Host_Name $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.FQDN = $Change_Host_Name + '.' + $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Domain # Add [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT to $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList and remove the old entry $EntryToRemove = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost} $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Remove($EntryToRemove) $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Add([pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT) if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $LocalUName = $Change_Host_Name + '\' + $($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds.UserName -split "\\")[-1] $UpdatedLocalCreds = [pscredential]::new($LocalUName,$Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds.Password) } else { $UpdatedLocalCreds = $null } if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local") { $UpdatedPSRemotingCreds = $UpdatedLocalCreds } else { $UpdatedPSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds } $UpdatedKey = $Change_Host_Name + "Info" $UpdatedValue = @{ NetworkInfo = [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT Overview = @{ LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Overview$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" LiveDataTracker = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null} } } foreach ($DynPage in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { $DynPageHT = @{ LiveDataRSInfo = $null LiveDataTracker = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null} } $UpdatedValue.Add($DynPage,$DynPageHT) } $global:PUDRSSyncHT.Add($UpdatedKey,$UpdatedValue) $UpdatedValue = @{ DomainCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds LocalCreds = $UpdatedLocalCreds SSHCertPath = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.SSHCertPath PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod PSRemotingCreds = $UpdatedPSRemotingCreds } $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.Add($UpdatedKey,$UpdatedValue) New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/Disconnected/$Change_Host_Name" return } #endregion >> ONLY Change Host Name #region >> ONLY Join Domain if ($($Change_Host_Name -eq $HName -or !$Change_Host_Name) -and $($Join_Domain -ne $null -and $Join_Domain -ne $DName) -and $($Join_Workgroup -eq $null -or $Join_Workgroup -eq $WGName) ) { # Check to make sure we have $NewDomain_UserName and $NewDomain_Password if (!$NewDomain_UserName -or !$NewDomain_Password) { if (!$NewDomain_UserName) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining '$Join_Domain' requires NewDomain_UserName!" -Duration 10000 } if (!$NewDomain_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining '$Join_Domain' requires NewDomain_Password!" -Duration 10000 } return } $SetComputerIdSplatParams = @{ NewDomain = $Join_Domain Restart = $True } # If the computer is on a Domain, we need DomainCreds. If not, we need LocalCreds. if ($PartOfDomainCheck) { # If we don't have DomainCreds, prompt the user for them if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining '$Join_Domain' requires credentials from the current Domain ($DName)!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } # Add the -Domain aprameter to SplatParams $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Domain",$DName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("UserNameNew",$NewDomain_UserName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("PasswordNew",$NewDomain_Password) # Authorization Credentials $AuthorizationUName = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName $AuthorizationPwd = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("UserName",$AuthorizationUName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Password",$AuthorizationPwd) } else { # If the $RemoteHost is not part of Domain, then our PSRemoting Credentials must be Local Credentials # but we don't really need thm for anything in particular... #$AuthorizationUName = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost."$RemoteHost`Info".PSRemotingCreds.UserName #$AuthorizationPwd = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost."$RemoteHost`Info"..PSRemotingCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password # In this situation, the Set-ComputerIdentification function interprets -UserName and -Password as # the New Domain Credentials $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("UserName",$NewDomain_UserName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Password",$NewDomain_Password) } Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetComputerIdFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-ComputerIdentification @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetComputerIdSplatParams New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining $RemoteHost to $Join_Domain and restarting..." -Duration 10000 # Update $PUDRSSyncHT and Redirect to /Disconnected/$RemoteHost because the computer is restarting... $NetworkInfoPrep = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT = @{} $NetworkInfoPrep | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | foreach { $key = $_.Name $value = $NetworkInfoPrep.$key $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Add($key,$value) } $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.FQDN = $RemoteHost + '.' + $Join_Domain $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Domain = $Join_Domain # Add [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT to $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList and remove the old entry $EntryToRemove = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost} $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Remove($EntryToRemove) $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Add([pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo = [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT $NewDomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $NewDomain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $UpdatedDomainCreds = [pscredential]::new($NewDomain_UserName,$NewDomainPwdSecureString) $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds = $UpdatedDomainCreds New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" return } #endregion >> ONLY Join Domain #region >> ONLY Join Workgroup if ($($Change_Host_Name -eq $HName -or !$Change_Host_Name) -and $($Join_Workgroup -ne $null -and $Join_Workgroup -ne $WGName) -and $Join_Domain -eq $null ) { $SetComputerIdSplatParams = @{ Workgroup = $Join_Workgroup Restart = $True } # We need LocalCreds to ensure we can reestablish a PSSession after leaving the Domain if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining Workgroup $Join_Workgroup requires Local Credentials!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } # If the computer is on a Domain, we need DomainCreds. if ($PartOfDomainCheck) { # If we don't have DomainCreds, prompt the user for them if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Leaving the Domain $DName requires credentials from $DName!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Domain",$DName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("UserName",$Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Password",$Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password) } Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetComputerIdFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-ComputerIdentification @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetComputerIdSplatParams New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining Workgroup $Join_Workgroup and restarting..." -Duration 10000 # Update $PUDRSSyncHT and Redirect to /Disconnected/$RemoteHost because the computer is restarting... $NetworkInfoPrep = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT = @{} $NetworkInfoPrep | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | foreach { $key = $_.Name $value = $NetworkInfoPrep.$key $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Add($key,$value) } $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.FQDN = $RemoteHost $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Domain = $null # Add [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT to $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList and remove the old entry $EntryToRemove = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost} $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Remove($EntryToRemove) $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Add([pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo = [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" return } #endregion >> ONLY Join Workgroup #region >> Join Domain AND Rename Computer if ($Change_Host_Name -ne $HName -and $($Join_Domain -ne $null -and $Join_Domain -ne $DName) -and $($Join_Workgroup -eq $null -or $Join_Workgroup -eq $WGName) ) { # Check to make sure we have $NewDomain_UserName and $NewDomain_Password if (!$NewDomain_UserName -or !$NewDomain_Password) { if (!$NewDomain_UserName) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining '$Join_Domain' requires NewDomain_UserName!" -Duration 10000 } if (!$NewDomain_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining '$Join_Domain' requires NewDomain_Password!" -Duration 10000 } return } $SetComputerIdSplatParams = @{ NewDomain = $Join_Domain NewComputerName = $Change_Host_Name Restart = $True } # If the computer is on a Domain, we need DomainCreds. If not, we need LocalCreds. if ($PartOfDomainCheck) { # If we don't have DomainCreds, prompt the user for them if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining '$Join_Domain' requires credentials from the current Domain ($DName)!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } # Add the -Domain parameter to SplatParams $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Domain",$DName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("UserNameNew",$NewDomain_UserName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("PasswordNew",$NewDomain_Password) # Authorization Credentials $AuthorizationUName = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName $AuthorizationPwd = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { # If we don't have LocalCreds, prompt the user for them if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Renaming '$RemoteHost' to '$Change_Host_Name' requires Local Credentials!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } # Authorization Credentials $AuthorizationUName = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds.UserName $AuthorizationPwd = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("UserName",$AuthorizationUName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Password",$AuthorizationPwd) Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetComputerIdFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-ComputerIdentification @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetComputerIdSplatParams New-UDInputAction -Toast "Renaming $RemoteHost to $Change_Host_Name, joining Domain $Join_Domain, and restarting..." -Duration 10000 # Update $PUDRSSyncHT and Redirect to /Disconnected/$RemoteHost because the computer is restarting... $NetworkInfoPrep = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT = @{} $NetworkInfoPrep | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | foreach { $key = $_.Name $value = $NetworkInfoPrep.$key $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Add($key,$value) } $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.HostName = $Change_Host_Name $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.FQDN = $Change_Host_Name + '.' + $Join_Domain $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Domain = $Join_Domain # Add [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT to $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList and remove the old entry $EntryToRemove = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost} $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Remove($EntryToRemove) $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Add([pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT) $PUDRSSyncHT."$Change_Host_Name`Info".NetworkInfo = [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT $NewDomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $NewDomain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $UpdatedDomainCreds = [pscredential]::new($NewDomain_UserName,$NewDomainPwdSecureString) $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds = $UpdatedDomainCreds New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/Disconnected/$Change_Host_Name" return } #endregion >> Join Domain AND Rename Computer #region >> Join Workgroup AND Rename Computer if ($Change_Host_Name -ne $HName -and $($Join_Workgroup -ne $null -and $Join_Workgroup -ne $WGName) -and $Join_Domain -eq $null ) { $SetComputerIdSplatParams = @{ Workgroup = $Join_Workgroup NewComputerName = $Change_Host_Name Restart = $True } # We need LocalCreds regardless if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Renaming '$RemoteHost' to '$Change_Host_Name' requires Local Credentials!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } # If the computer is on a Domain, we need DomainCreds to leave it. if ($PartOfDomainCheck) { # If we don't have DomainCreds, prompt the user for them if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds -eq $null) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Joining '$Join_Domain' requires credentials from the current Domain ($DName)!" -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$RemoteHost" return } # Add the -Domain parameter to SplatParams $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Domain",$DName) # Authorization Credentials $AuthorizationUName = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName $AuthorizationPwd = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { # Authorization Credentials $AuthorizationUName = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds.UserName $AuthorizationPwd = $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.LocalCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("UserName",$AuthorizationUName) $SetComputerIdSplatParams.Add("Password",$AuthorizationPwd) Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetComputerIdFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-ComputerIdentification @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetComputerIdSplatParams New-UDInputAction -Toast "Renaming $RemoteHost to $Change_Host_Name, joining Workgroup $Join_Workgroup, and restarting..." -Duration 10000 # Update $PUDRSSyncHT and Redirect to /Disconnected/$RemoteHost because the computer is restarting... $NetworkInfoPrep = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT = @{} $NetworkInfoPrep | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | foreach { $key = $_.Name $value = $NetworkInfoPrep.$key $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Add($key,$value) } $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.HostName = $Change_Host_Name $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.FQDN = $Change_Host_Name $UpdatedNetworkInfoHT.Domain = $null # Add [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT to $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList and remove the old entry $EntryToRemove = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost} $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Remove($EntryToRemove) $null = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Add([pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT) $PUDRSSyncHT."$Change_Host_Name`Info".NetworkInfo = [pscustomobject]$UpdatedNetworkInfoHT New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/Disconnected/$Change_Host_Name" return } #endregion >> Join Workgroup AND Rename Computer #endregion >> Main } } } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { # Edit Environment Variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $CollapsibleId = $RemoteHost + "Environment Variables" New-UDCollapsible -Id $CollapsibleId -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "Environment Variables" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $EnvVarsUdGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Environment Variables" Id = "EnvVarsGrid" Headers = @("Type","Name","Value") Properties = @("Type","Name","Value") PageSize = 10 } New-UdGrid @EnvVarsUdGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetEnvVarsFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-EnvironmentVariables" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetEnvVarsFunc $EnvVars = Get-EnvironmentVariables [pscustomobject]@{ EnvironmentVariables = [pscustomobject]$EnvVars } } $Session:EnvironmentVariablesStatic = $StaticInfo.EnvironmentVariables if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Keys -notcontains "EnvironmentVariablesStatic") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Add("EnvironmentVariablesStatic",$Session:EnvironmentVariablesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvironmentVariablesStatic = $Session:EnvironmentVariablesStatic } $Session:EnvironmentVariablesStatic | Out-UDGridData } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Endpoint { New-UDHeading -Text "New Environment Variable" -Size 5 New-UDTextbox -Id "EnvVarNameA" -Label "Name" New-UDTextbox -Id "EnvVarValueA" -Label "Value" New-UDSelect -Id "EnvVarTypeA" -Label "Type" -Option { New-UDSelectOption -Name "User" -Value "User" -Selected New-UDSelectOption -Name "Machine" -Value "Machine" } New-UDButton -Text "New" -OnClick { $EnvVarNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarNameA" $EnvVarValueTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarValueA" $EnvVarTypeSelection = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarTypeA" $EnvVarName = $EnvVarNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $EnvVarValue = $EnvVarValueTextBox.Attributes['value'] $EnvVarType = $($EnvVarTypeSelection.Content | foreach { $_.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json } | Where-Object {$_.attributes.selected.isPresent}).attributes.value <# $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.Add("EnvVarInfo",@{}) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvVarInfo.Add("EnvVarTypeObject",$EnvVarTypeSelection) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvVarInfo.Add("EnvVarName",$EnvVarName) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvVarInfo.Add("EnvVarNewName",$EnvVarNewName) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvVarInfo.Add("EnvVarValue",$EnvVarValue) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvVarInfo.Add("EnvVarType",$EnvVarType) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvVarInfo.Add("RemoteHost",$RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.EnvVarInfo.Add("CredsUserName",$($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds.UserName)) #> $NewEnvVarFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function New-EnvironmentVariable" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:NewEnvVarFunc New-EnvironmentVariable -name $using:EnvVarName -value $using:EnvVarValue -type $using:EnvVarType } Sync-UDElement -Id "EnvVarsGrid" } } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Endpoint { New-UDHeading -Text "Edit Environment Variable" -Size 5 New-UDTextbox -Id "EnvVarNameB" -Label "Name" New-UDTextbox -Id "EnvVarNewNameB" -Label "New Name" New-UDTextbox -Id "EnvVarValueB" -Label "Value" New-UDSelect -Id "EnvVarTypeB" -Label "Type" -Option { New-UDSelectOption -Name "User" -Value "User" -Selected New-UDSelectOption -Name "Machine" -Value "Machine" } New-UDButton -Text "Edit" -OnClick { $EnvVarNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarNameB" $EnvVarNewNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarNewNameB" $EnvVarValueTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarValueB" $EnvVarTypeSelection = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarTypeB" $EnvVarName = $EnvVarNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $EnvVarNewName = $EnvVarNewNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $EnvVarValue = $EnvVarValueTextBox.Attributes['value'] $EnvVarType = $($EnvVarTypeSelection.Content | foreach { $_.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json } | Where-Object {$_.attributes.selected.isPresent}).attributes.value $SetEnvVarFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Set-EnvironmentVariable" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $SetEnvVarSplatParams = @{ oldName = $EnvVarName type = $EnvVarType } if ($EnvVarValue) { $SetEnvVarSplatParams.Add("value",$EnvVarValue) } if ($EnvVarNewName) { $SetEnvVarSplatParams.Add("newName",$EnvVarNewName) } else { $SetEnvVarSplatParams.Add("newName",$EnvVarName) } # NOTE: Set-EnvironmentVariable outputs @{Status = "Succcess"} otherwise, Error $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetEnvVarFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-EnvironmentVariable @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetEnvVarSplatParams Sync-UDElement -Id "EnvVarsGrid" } } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Endpoint { New-UDHeading -Text "Remove Environment Variable" -Size 5 New-UDTextbox -Id "EnvVarNameC" -Label "Name" New-UDSelect -Id "EnvVarTypeC" -Label "Type" -Option { New-UDSelectOption -Name "User" -Value "User" -Selected New-UDSelectOption -Name "Machine" -Value "Machine" } New-UDButton -Text "Remove" -OnClick { $EnvVarNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarNameC" $EnvVarTypeSelection = Get-UDElement -Id "EnvVarTypeC" $EnvVarName = $EnvVarNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $EnvVarType = $($EnvVarTypeSelection.Content | foreach { $_.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json } | Where-Object {$_.attributes.selected.isPresent}).attributes.value $RemoveEnvVarFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Remove-EnvironmentVariable" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:RemoveEnvVarFunc Remove-EnvironmentVariable -name $using:EnvVarName -type $using:EnvVarType } Sync-UDElement -Id "EnvVarsGrid" } } } <# New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Endpoint { New-UDInput -Title "New Environment Variable" -SubmitText "Add" -Content { New-UDInputField -Name "Name" -Type textbox New-UDInputField -Name "Value" -Type textbox New-UDInputField -Name "Type" -Type select -Values @("User","Machine") -DefaultValue "User" } -Endpoint { param($Name,$Value,$Type) #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $NewEnvVarFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function New-EnvironmentVariable" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> SubMain if (!$Name) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must fill out the 'Name' field to indicate the name of the Environment Variable you would like to Add." -Duration 10000 return } try { # NOTE: New-EnvironmentVariable does not output anything $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $using:NewEnvVarFunc New-EnvironmentVariable -name $using:Name -value $using:Value -type $using:Type } New-UDInputAction -Toast "New $Type Environment Variable $Name was successfully created. Please refresh the page to view updates in the Environment Variable Grid." -Duration 2000 } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 2000 } Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Reload the page Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Overview/$RemoteHost" #endregion >> SubMain } } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Endpoint { New-UDInput -Title "Remove Environment Variable" -SubmitText "Remove" -Content { New-UDInputField -Name "Name" -Type textbox New-UDInputField -Name "Type" -Type select -Values @("User","Machine") -DefaultValue "User" } -Endpoint { param($Name,$Type) #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $NewEnvVarFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function New-EnvironmentVariable" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> SubMain if (!$Name) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must fill out the 'Name' field to indicate which existing Environment Variable you would like to Remove." -Duration 10000 return } try { # NOTE: Remove-EnvironmentVariable does not output anything $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:RemoveEnvVarFunc Remove-EnvironmentVariable -name $using:Name -type $using:Type } New-UDInputAction -Toast "Removed $Type Environment Variable $Name successfully. Please refresh the page to view updates in the Environment Variable Grid." -Duration 2000 } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 2000 } Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Reload the page Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Overview/$RemoteHost" #endregion >> SubMain } } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Endpoint { New-UDInput -Title "Edit Environment Variable" -SubmitText "Edit" -Content { New-UDInputField -Name "Name" -Type textbox New-UDInputField -Name "NewName" -Type textbox New-UDInputField -Name "Value" -Type textbox New-UDInputField -Name "Type" -Type select -Values @("User","Machine") -DefaultValue "User" } -Endpoint { param($Name,$NewName,$Value,$Type) #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $NewEnvVarFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function New-EnvironmentVariable" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} #endregion >> Check Connection #region >> SubMain if (!$Name) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must fill out the 'Name' field to indicate which existing Environment Variable you would like to Edit." -Duration 10000 return } $SetEnvVarSplatParams = @{ oldName = $Name type = $Type } if ($Value) { $SetEnvVarSplatParams.Add("value",$Value) } if ($NewName) { $SetEnvVarSplatParams.Add("newName",$NewName) } else { $SetEnvVarSplatParams.Add("newName",$Name) } try { # NOTE: Set-EnvironmentVariable outputs @{Status = "Succcess"} otherwise, Error $null = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:SetEnvVarFunc $SplatParams = $args[0] Set-EnvironmentVariable @SplatParams } -ArgumentList $SetEnvVarSplatParams New-UDInputAction -Toast "Successfully edited Environment Variable. Please refresh the page to view updates in the Environment Variable Grid." -Duration 2000 } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 2000 } Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Reload the page Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Overview/$RemoteHost" #endregion >> SubMain } } } #> #endregion >> Main } } } } #endregion >> Controls #region >> Summary Info New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Check Connection $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #endregion >> Check Connection New-UDHeading -Text "Summary" -Size 4 # Summary A $SummaryInfoAGridProperties = @("Computer_Name","Domain","Operating_System","Version","Installed_Memory") $SummaryInfoAGridEndpoint = { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $SrvInv = $Session:ServerInventoryStatic [pscustomobject]@{ Computer_Name = $SrvInv.ComputerSystem.Name Domain = $SrvInv.ComputerSystem.Domain Operating_System = $SrvInv.OperatingSystem.Caption Version = $SrvInv.OperatingSystem.Version Installed_Memory = [Math]::Round($SrvInv.ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory / 1GB).ToString() + " GB" } | Out-UDTableData -Property $SummaryInfoAGridProperties } $SummaryInfoAUdGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "SummaryInfoA" Headers = $SummaryInfoAGridProperties Endpoint = $SummaryInfoAGridEndpoint } New-UdTable @SummaryInfoAUdGridSplatParams # Summary B $SummaryInfoBGridProperties = @("C_DiskSpace_FreeVsTotal","Processors","Manufacturer","Model","Logical_Processors") $SummaryBInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $CimDiskResult = Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'" $CimDiskOutput = [Math]::Round($CimDiskResult.FreeSpace / 1GB).ToString() + "GB" + ' / ' + [Math]::Round($CimDiskResult.Size / 1GB).ToString() + "GB" $ProcessorsPrep = $($( Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor | foreach { $_.Name.Trim() + $_.Caption.Trim() } ) -replace "[\s]+"," ") | foreach { $($_ -split "[0-9]GHz")[0] + "GHz" } $Processors = $ProcessorsPrep -join " | " [pscustomobject]@{ ProcessorInfo = $Processors CimDiskInfo = $CimDiskOutput } } $SummaryInfoBGridEndpoint = { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $SrvInv = $Session:ServerInventoryStatic [pscustomobject]@{ C_DiskSpace_FreeVsTotal = $SummaryBInfo.CimDiskInfo Processors = $SummaryBInfo.ProcessorInfo Manufacturer = $SrvInv.ComputerSystem.Manufacturer Model = $SrvInv.ComputerSystem.Model Logical_Processors = $SrvInv.ComputerSystem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors.ToString() } | Out-UDTableData -Property $SummaryInfoBGridProperties } $SummaryInfoBUdGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "SummaryInfoB" Headers = $SummaryInfoBGridProperties Endpoint = $SummaryInfoBGridEndpoint } New-UdTable @SummaryInfoBUdGridSplatParams # Summary C $SummaryCInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $using:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $DefenderInfo = Get-MpComputerStatus $NicCount = $([System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() | Where-Object { $_.NetworkInterfaceType -eq "Ethernet" }).Count $GetLocalUsersInfo = Get-LocalUsers [pscustomobject]@{ RealTimeProtectionStatus = $DefenderInfo.RealTimeProtectionEnabled NicCount = $NicCount LocalUserCount = $GetLocalUsersInfo.Count } } $SummaryInfoCGridProperties = @("Windows_Defender","NICs","Uptime","LocalUserCount") $SummaryInfoCGridEndpoint = { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $UptimeLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($UptimeLiveOutputCount -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$UptimeLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() $ArrayOfUptimeEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.Uptime ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} } if ($ArrayOfUptimeEntries.Count -eq 0) { $FinalUptime = "00:00:00:00" } else { $FinalUptime = $ArrayOfUptimeEntries[-1] if ($($FinalUptime | Get-Member -Type Method).Name -contains "LastIndexOf" -and $FinalUptime -match "\.") { $FinalUptime = $FinalUptime.Substring(0,$FinalUptime.LastIndexOf('.')) } else { $FinalUptime = "00:00:00:00" } } [pscustomobject]@{ Windows_Defender = if ($SummaryCInfo.RealTimeProtectionStatus) {"Real-time protection: On"} else {"Real-time protection: Off"} NICs = $SummaryCInfo.NicCount Uptime = $FinalUptime LocalUserCount = $SummaryCInfo.LocalUserCount } | Out-UDTableData -Property $SummaryInfoCGridProperties } $SummaryInfoCUdGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "SummaryInfoC" Headers = $SummaryInfoCGridProperties AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 2 Endpoint = $SummaryInfoCGridEndpoint } New-UdTable @SummaryInfoCUdGridSplatParams } } #endregion >> Summary Info #region >> Monitors # CPU Utilization and Memory Usage New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDHeading -Text "Processor (CPU) and Memory (RAM) Info" -Size 4 New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { $CPUTableProperties =@("CPU_Utilization","ClockSpeed","Processes","Threads","Handles") New-UDTable -Id "CPUTable" -Headers $CPUTableProperties -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $CPULiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($CPULiveOutputCount -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$CPULiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() $ArrayOfCPUPctEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.CPUPct ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfCPUPctEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestCPUPctEntry = $ArrayOfCPUPctEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfClockSpeedEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ClockSpeed ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfClockSpeedEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestClockSpeedEntry = $ArrayOfClockSpeedEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfProcessesCountEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ProcessesCount ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfProcessesCountEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestProcessesEntry = $ArrayOfProcessesCountEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfHandlesCountEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.HandlesCount ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfHandlesCountEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestHandlesEntry = $ArrayOfHandlesCountEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfThreadsCountEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.ThreadsCount ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfThreadsCountEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestThreadsEntry = $ArrayOfThreadsCountEntries[-1] } } $FinalCPUPct = if (!$LatestCPUPctEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestCPUPctEntry.ToString() + '%'} $FinalSpeed = if (!$LatestClockSpeedEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestClockSpeedEntry.ToString() + 'GHz'} $FinalProcesses = if (!$LatestProcessesEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestProcessesEntry} $FinalHandles = if (!$LatestHandlesEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestHandlesEntry} $FinalThreads = if (!$LatestThreadsEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestThreadsEntry} [pscustomobject]@{ CPU_Utilization = $FinalCPUPct ClockSpeed = $FinalSpeed Processes = $FinalProcesses Threads = $FinalThreads Handles = $FinalHandles } | Out-UDTableData -Property $CPUTableProperties } $CPUMonitorEndpoint = { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $CPULiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($CPULiveOutputCount -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$CPULiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() $ArrayOfCPUPctEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.CPUPct ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfCPUPctEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestCPUPctEntry = $ArrayOfCPUPctEntries[-1] } } $FinalCPUPct = if (!$LatestCPUPctEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestCPUPctEntry} $FinalCPUPct | Out-UDMonitorData } $CPUMonitorSplatParams = @{ Title = "CPU Utilization %" Type = "Line" DataPointHistory = 20 ChartBackgroundColor = "#80FF6B63" ChartBorderColor = "#FFFF6B63" AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 5 Endpoint = $CPUMonitorEndpoint } New-UdMonitor @CPUMonitorSplatParams } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { #New-UDHeading -Text "Memory (RAM) Info" -Size 4 #$RamTableProperties = @("RAM_Utilization","Total","InUse","Available","Committed","Cached","PagedPool","NonPagedPool") $RamTableProperties = @("RAM_Utilization","Total","InUse","Available","Committed","Cached") New-UDTable -Id "RamTable" -Headers $RamTableProperties -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RamLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($RamLiveOutputCount -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$RamLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() $ArrayOfRamPctEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamPct ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamPctEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamPctEntry = $ArrayOfRamPctEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfRamTotalGBEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamTotalGB ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamTotalGBEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamTotalGBEntry = $ArrayOfRamTotalGBEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfRamInUseGBEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamInUseGB ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamInUseGBEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamInUseGBEntry = $ArrayOfRamInUseGBEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfRamFreeGBEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamFreeGB ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamFreeGBEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamFreeGBEntry = $ArrayOfRamFreeGBEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfRamCommittedGBEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamCommittedGB ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamCommittedGBEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamCommittedGBEntry = $ArrayOfRamCommittedGBEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfRamCachedGBEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamCachedGB ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamCachedGBEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamCachedGBEntry = $ArrayOfRamCachedGBEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfRamPagedPoolMBEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamPagedPoolMB ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamPagedPoolMBEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamPagedPoolMBEntry = $ArrayOfRamPagedPoolMBEntries[-1] } $ArrayOfRamNonPagedPoolMBEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamNonPagedPoolMB ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamNonPagedPoolMBEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamNonPagedPoolMBEntry = $ArrayOfRamNonPagedPoolMBEntries[-1] } } $FinalRamPct = if (!$LatestRamPctEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamPctEntry.ToString() + '%'} $FinalRamTotalGB = if (!$LatestRamTotalGBEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamTotalGBEntry.ToString() + 'GB'} $FinalRamInUseGB = if (!$LatestRamInUseGBEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamInUseGBEntry.ToString() + 'GB'} $FinalRamFreeGB = if (!$LatestRamFreeGBEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamFreeGBEntry.ToString() + 'GB'} $FinalRamCommittedGB = if (!$LatestRamCommittedGBEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamCommittedGBEntry.ToString() + 'GB'} $FinalRamCachedGB = if (!$LatestRamCachedGBEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamCachedGBEntry.ToString() + 'GB'} $FinalRamPagedPoolMB = if (!$LatestRamPagedPoolMBEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamPagedPoolMBEntry.ToString() + 'MB'} $FinalRamNonPagedPoolMB = if (!$LatestRamNonPagedPoolMBEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamNonPagedPoolMBEntry.ToString() + 'MB'} [pscustomobject]@{ RAM_Utilization = $FinalRamPct Total = $FinalRamTotalGB InUse = $FinalRamInUseGB Available = $FinalRamFreeGB Committed = $FinalRamCommittedGB Cached = $FinalRamCachedGB #PagedPool = $FinalRamPagedPoolMB #NonPagedPool = $FinalRamNonPagedPoolMB } | Out-UDTableData -Property $RamTableProperties } $RamMonitorEndpoint = { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RamLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($RamLiveOutputCount -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$RamLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() $ArrayOfRamPctEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.RamPct ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfRamPctEntries.Count -gt 0) { $LatestRamPctEntry = $ArrayOfRamPctEntries[-1] } } $FinalRamPct = if (!$LatestRamPctEntry) {"0"} else {$LatestRamPctEntry} $FinalRamPct | Out-UDMonitorData } $RAMMonitorSplatParams = @{ Title = "Memory (RAM) Utilization %" Type = "Line" DataPointHistory = 20 ChartBackgroundColor = "#80FF6B63" ChartBorderColor = "#FFFF6B63" AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 5 Endpoint = $RamMonitorEndpoint } New-UdMonitor @RAMMonitorSplatParams } } # Network Statistics if (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces).Count -eq 1) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDHeading -Text "Network Interface Info" -Size 4 New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { $NetworkTableProperties = @("Name","Description","Sent","Received","DeltaSent","DeltaReceived") New-UDTable -Headers $NetworkTableProperties -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT #$ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces #$NetworkLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$NetworkLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() # NOTE: Each element in the below $ArrayOfNetworkEntries is an ArrayList of PSCustomObjects. # Each PSCustomObject contains: #[pscustomobject]@{ # Name = $NetInt.Name # Description = $NetInt.Description # TotalSentBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesSent # TotalReceivedBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesReceived #} $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesA = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.NetStats ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfNetworkEntriesA.Count -gt 0) { $PreviousNetworkEntryA = $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesA[-2] $LatestNetworkEntryA = $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesA[-1] } } #$PreviousSentBytesTotalA = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalSentBytes $PreviousSentBytesTotalA = $PreviousNetworkEntryA.TotalSentBytes $NewSentBytesTotalA = $LatestNetworkEntryA.TotalSentBytes $DifferenceSentBytesA = $NewSentBytesTotalA - $PreviousSentBytesTotalA if ($DifferenceSentBytesA -le 0) { $FinalKBSentA = 0 } else { $FinalKBSentA = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytesA / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' } #$FinalKBSentA = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytesA / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' #$PreviousReceivedBytesTotalA = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalReceivedBytes $PreviousReceivedBytesTotalA = $PreviousNetworkEntryA.TotalReceivedBytes $NewReceivedBytesTotalA = $LatestNetworkEntryA.TotalReceivedBytes $DifferenceReceivedBytesA = $NewReceivedBytesTotalA - $PreviousReceivedBytesTotalA if ($DifferenceReceivedBytesA -le 0) { $FinalKBReceivedA = 0 } else { $FinalKBReceivedA = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytesA / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' } #$FinalKBReceivedA = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytesA / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces.Name Description = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces.Description Sent = [Math]::Round($($NewSentBytesTotalA / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' Received = [Math]::Round($($NewReceivedBytesTotalA / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' DeltaSent = $FinalKBSentA DeltaReceived = $FinalKBReceivedA } | Out-UDTableData -Property $NetworkTableProperties } New-Variable -Name "NetworkMonitorEndpoint" -Force -Value $({ $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT #$ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces #$NetworkLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$NetworkLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() # NOTE: Each element in the below $ArrayOfNetworkEntries is an ArrayList of PSCustomObjects. # Each PSCustomObject contains: <# [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $NetInt.Name Description = $NetInt.Description TotalSentBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesSent TotalReceivedBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesReceived } #> $ArrayOfNetworkEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.NetStats ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfNetworkEntries.Count -gt 0) { $PreviousNetworkEntry = $ArrayOfNetworkEntries[-2] $LatestNetworkEntry = $ArrayOfNetworkEntries[-1] } } #$PreviousSentBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalSentBytes $PreviousSentBytesTotal = $PreviousNetworkEntry.TotalSentBytes $NewSentBytesTotal = $LatestNetworkEntry.TotalSentBytes $DifferenceSentBytes = $NewSentBytesTotal - $PreviousSentBytesTotal if ($DifferenceSentBytes -le 0) { $FinalKBSent = 0 } else { $FinalKBSent = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytes / 1KB),2) } #$FinalKBSent = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytes / 1KB)).ToString() + 'KB' #$PreviousReceivedBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalReceivedBytes $PreviousReceivedBytesTotal = $PreviousNetworkEntry.TotalReceivedBytes $NewReceivedBytesTotal = $LatestNetworkEntry.TotalReceivedBytes $DifferenceReceivedBytes = $NewReceivedBytesTotal - $PreviousReceivedBytesTotal if ($DifferenceReceivedBytes -le 0) { $FinalKBReceived = 0 } else { $FinalKBReceived = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytes / 1KB),2) } #$FinalKBReceived = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytes / 1KB)).ToString() + 'KB' # Update the SyncHash so we have a record of the previous total #$PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)" = $LatestNetworkEntry $FinalKBSent | Out-UDMonitorData }) $NetworkMonitorSplatParams = @{ Title = '"' + $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces.Name + '"' + ' Interface' + " Delta Sent KB" Type = "Line" DataPointHistory = 20 ChartBackgroundColor = "#80FF6B63" ChartBorderColor = "#FFFF6B63" AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 5 Endpoint = $(Get-Variable -Name "NetworkMonitorEndpoint" -ValueOnly) } New-UdMonitor @NetworkMonitorSplatParams } New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $null = $Session:OverviewPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") } } } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDHeading -Text "Network Interface Info" -Size 4 } for ($i=0; $i -lt @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces).Count; $i = $i+2) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { $NetworkTableProperties = @("Name","Description","Sent","Received","DeltaSent","DeltaReceived") New-UDTable -Headers $NetworkTableProperties -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT #$ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$i] #$NetworkLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$NetworkLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() # NOTE: Each element in the below $ArrayOfNetworkEntries is an ArrayList of PSCustomObjects. # Each PSCustomObject contains: <# [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $NetInt.Name Description = $NetInt.Description TotalSentBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesSent TotalReceivedBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesReceived } #> $ArrayOfNetworkEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.NetStats | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$i].Name } ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfNetworkEntries.Count -gt 0) { $PreviousNetworkEntry = $ArrayOfNetworkEntries[-2] $LatestNetworkEntry = $ArrayOfNetworkEntries[-1] } } #$PreviousSentBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalSentBytes $PreviousSentBytesTotal = $PreviousNetworkEntry.TotalSentBytes $NewSentBytesTotal = $LatestNetworkEntry.TotalSentBytes $DifferenceSentBytes = $NewSentBytesTotal - $PreviousSentBytesTotal if ($DifferenceSentBytes -le 0) { $FinalKBSent = 0 } else { $FinalKBSent = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' } #$FinalKBSent = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' #$PreviousReceivedBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalReceivedBytes $PreviousReceivedBytesTotal = $PreviousNetworkEntry.TotalReceivedBytes $NewReceivedBytesTotal = $LatestNetworkEntry.TotalReceivedBytes $DifferenceReceivedBytes = $NewReceivedBytesTotal - $PreviousReceivedBytesTotal if ($DifferenceReceivedBytes -le 0) { $FinalKBReceived = 0 } else { $FinalKBReceived = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' } #$FinalKBReceived = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$i].Name Description = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$i].Description Sent = [Math]::Round($($NewSentBytesTotal / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' Received = [Math]::Round($($NewReceivedBytesTotal / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' DeltaSent = $FinalKBSent DeltaReceived = $FinalKBReceived } | Out-UDTableData -Property $NetworkTableProperties } New-Variable -Name "NetworkMonitorEndpoint$i" -Force -Value $({ $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT #$ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$i] #$NetworkLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$NetworkLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() # NOTE: Each element in the below $ArrayOfNetworkEntries is an ArrayList of PSCustomObjects. # Each PSCustomObject contains: <# [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $NetInt.Name Description = $NetInt.Description TotalSentBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesSent TotalReceivedBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesReceived } #> $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesA = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.NetStats | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$i].Name } ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfNetworkEntriesA.Count -gt 0) { $PreviousNetworkEntryA = $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesA[-2] $LatestNetworkEntryA = $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesA[-1] } } #$PreviousSentBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalSentBytes $PreviousSentBytesTotalA = $PreviousNetworkEntryA.TotalSentBytes $NewSentBytesTotalA = $LatestNetworkEntryA.TotalSentBytes $DifferenceSentBytesA = $NewSentBytesTotalA - $PreviousSentBytesTotalA if ($DifferenceSentBytesA -le 0) { $FinalKBSentA = 0 } else { $FinalKBSentA = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytesA / 1KB),2) } #$FinalKBSent = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' #$PreviousReceivedBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalReceivedBytes $PreviousReceivedBytesTotalA = $PreviousNetworkEntryA.TotalReceivedBytes $NewReceivedBytesTotalA = $LatestNetworkEntryA.TotalReceivedBytes $DifferenceReceivedBytesA = $NewReceivedBytesTotalA - $PreviousReceivedBytesTotalA if ($DifferenceReceivedBytesA -le 0) { $FinalKBReceivedA = 0 } else { $FinalKBReceivedA = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytesA / 1KB),2) } #$FinalKBReceived = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' # Update the SyncHash so we have a record of the previous total #$PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)" = $LatestNetworkEntry $FinalKBSentA | Out-UDMonitorData }) $NetworkMonitorSplatParamsA = @{ Title = '"' + $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$i].Name + '"' + ' Interface' + " Delta Sent KB" Type = "Line" DataPointHistory = 20 ChartBackgroundColor = "#80FF6B63" ChartBorderColor = "#FFFF6B63" AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 5 Endpoint = $(Get-Variable -Name "NetworkMonitorEndpoint$i" -ValueOnly) } New-UdMonitor @NetworkMonitorSplatParamsA } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { $NetworkTableProperties = @("Name","Description","Sent","Received","DeltaSent","DeltaReceived") New-UDTable -Headers $NetworkTableProperties -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT #$ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$($i+1)] #$NetworkLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$NetworkLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() # NOTE: Each element in the below $ArrayOfNetworkEntries is an ArrayList of PSCustomObjects. # Each PSCustomObject contains: <# [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $NetInt.Name Description = $NetInt.Description TotalSentBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesSent TotalReceivedBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesReceived } #> $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesB = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.NetStats | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$($i+1)].Name } ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfNetworkEntriesB.Count -gt 0) { $PreviousNetworkEntryB = $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesB[-2] $LatestNetworkEntryB = $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesB[-1] } } #$PreviousSentBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalSentBytes $PreviousSentBytesTotalB = $PreviousNetworkEntryB.TotalSentBytes $NewSentBytesTotalB = $LatestNetworkEntryB.TotalSentBytes $DifferenceSentBytesB = $NewSentBytesTotalB - $PreviousSentBytesTotalB if ($DifferenceSentBytesB -le 0) { $FinalKBSentB = 0 } else { $FinalKBSentB = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytesB / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' } #$FinalKBSent = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' #$PreviousReceivedBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalReceivedBytes $PreviousReceivedBytesTotalB = $PreviousNetworkEntryB.TotalReceivedBytes $NewReceivedBytesTotalB = $LatestNetworkEntryB.TotalReceivedBytes $DifferenceReceivedBytesB = $NewReceivedBytesTotalB - $PreviousReceivedBytesTotalB if ($DifferenceReceivedBytesB -le 0) { $FinalKBReceivedB = 0 } else { $FinalKBReceivedB = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytesB / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' } #$FinalKBReceived = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$($i+1)].Name Description = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$($i+1)].Description Sent = [Math]::Round($($NewSentBytesTotalB / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' Received = [Math]::Round($($NewReceivedBytesTotalB / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' DeltaSent = $FinalKBSentB DeltaReceived = $FinalKBReceivedB } | Out-UDTableData -Property $NetworkTableProperties } New-Variable -Name "NetworkMonitorEndpoint$($i+1)" -Force -Value $({ $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT #$ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$($i+1)] #$NetworkLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { # Clone the LiveOutput ArrayList Object because if we try to Enumerate (using Where-Object or other method) while elements are # being added/removed from the ArrayList, things break #$NetworkLiveOutputClone = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() # NOTE: Each element in the below $ArrayOfNetworkEntries is an ArrayList of PSCustomObjects. # Each PSCustomObject contains: <# [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $NetInt.Name Description = $NetInt.Description TotalSentBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesSent TotalReceivedBytes = $IPv4Stats.BytesReceived } #> $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesC = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.LiveDataTracker.Previous.NetStats | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$($i+1)].Name } ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfNetworkEntriesC.Count -gt 0) { $PreviousNetworkEntryC = $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesC[-2] $LatestNetworkEntryC = $ArrayOfNetworkEntriesC[-1] } } #$PreviousSentBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalSentBytes $PreviousSentBytesTotalC = $PreviousNetworkEntryC.TotalSentBytes $NewSentBytesTotalC = $LatestNetworkEntryC.TotalSentBytes $DifferenceSentBytesC = $NewSentBytesTotalC - $PreviousSentBytesTotalC if ($DifferenceSentBytesC -le 0) { $FinalKBSentC = 0 } else { $FinalKBSentC = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytesC / 1KB),2) } #$FinalKBSent = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceSentBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' #$PreviousReceivedBytesTotal = @($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)")[-1].TotalReceivedBytes $PreviousReceivedBytesTotalC = $PreviousNetworkEntryC.TotalReceivedBytes $NewReceivedBytesTotalC = $LatestNetworkEntryC.TotalReceivedBytes $DifferenceReceivedBytesC = $NewReceivedBytesTotalC - $PreviousReceivedBytesTotalC if ($DifferenceReceivedBytesC -le 0) { $FinalKBReceivedC = 0 } else { $FinalKBReceivedC = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytesC / 1KB),2) } #$FinalKBReceived = [Math]::Round($($DifferenceReceivedBytes / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' # Update the SyncHash so we have a record of the previous total #$PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".NetworkSendReceiveInfo."$($ThisNetworkInterfaceStaticInfo.Name)" = $LatestNetworkEntry $FinalKBSentC | Out-UDMonitorData }) $NetworkMonitorSplatParamsC = @{ Title = '"' + $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Overview.RelevantNetworkInterfaces[$($i+1)].Name + '"' + ' Interface' + " Delta Sent KB" Type = "Line" DataPointHistory = 20 ChartBackgroundColor = "#80FF6B63" ChartBorderColor = "#FFFF6B63" AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 5 Endpoint = $(Get-Variable -Name "NetworkMonitorEndpoint$($i+1)" -ValueOnly) } New-UdMonitor @NetworkMonitorSplatParamsC } } } New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $null = $Session:OverviewPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") } } #endregion >> Monitors } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Overview/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $OverviewPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) #endregion >> Overview Page $ProcessesPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:ProcessesPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:ProcessesPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetProcessesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Processes" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetProcessesFunc # Returns an array of CimInstance Objects $AllProcesses = Get-Processes -isLocal $True [pscustomobject]@{ AllProcesses = $AllProcesses } } $Session:AllProcessesStatic = $StaticInfo.AllProcesses if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.Keys -notcontains "AllProcesses") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.Add("AllProcesses",$Session:AllProcessesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.AllProcesses = $Session:AllProcessesStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Processes (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetProcessesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Processes" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetProcessesFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Processes$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Processes$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 5 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 5) -eq 0) { @{AllProcesses = [pscustomobject]@{ProcessesCollection = Get-Processes -isLocal $True}} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here # @{AllProcesses = Get-Processes -isLocal $True} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Processes$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Processes$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Processes$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example # Live Data Element Example # For ProcessStatus, 2 = Suspended, 1 = Running # WorkingSetSize is in KB $AllProcessesProperties = @("Name","ProcessId","ProcessStatus","CPUPercent","UserName","WorkingSetSize") $AllProcessesUDGridSplatParams = @{ Headers = $AllProcessesProperties Properties = $AllProcessesProperties DefaultSortColumn = "CPUPercent" DefaultSortDescending = $True AutoRefresh = $True RefreshInterval = 5 NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @AllProcessesUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $AllProcessesLiveOutputCount = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count if ($AllProcessesLiveOutputCount -gt 0) { $ArrayOfAllProcessesEntries = @( $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Processes.LiveDataTracker.Previous.AllProcesses ) | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} if ($ArrayOfAllProcessesEntries.Count -gt 0) { $AllProcessesGridData = $ArrayOfAllProcessesEntries[-1].ProcessesCollection | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name ProcessId = $_.ProcessId ProcessStatus = if ($_.ProcessStatus -eq 2) {"Suspended"} else {"Running"} CPUPercent = [Math]::Round($_.CPUPercent,2).ToString() + '%' UserName = $_.UserName WorkingSetSize = [Math]::Round($($_.WorkingSetSize / 1KB),2).ToString() + 'KB' } } | Out-UDGridData } } if (!$AllProcessesGridData) { $AllProcessesGridData = [pscustomobject]@{ Name = "Collecting Info" ProcessId = "Collecting Info" ProcessStatus = "Collecting Info" CPUPercent = "CollectingInfo" UserName = "Collecting Info" WorkingSetSize = "Collecting Info" } | Out-UDGridData } $AllProcessesGridData } # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:ProcessesPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Processes/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $ProcessesPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) #region >> PSRemoting Creds Page $PSRemotingCredsPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) New-UDColumn -Endpoint {$Session:ThisRemoteHost = $RemoteHost} # Add the SyncHash to the Page so that we can pass output to other pages $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() #$PUDRSSyncHT.PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker = $Session:HomePageLoadingTracker $Session:NoCredsEntered = $False $Session:InvalidSSHPubCert = $False $Session:SSHRemotingMethodNoCert = $False $Session:DomainRemotingMethodNoCreds = $False $Session:LocalRemotingMethodNoCreds = $False $Session:UserNameAndPasswordRequired = $False $Session:BadFormatDomainUserName = $False $Session:EnableWinRMFailure = $False $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $False $Session:InvalidCreds = $False $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False } New-UDHeading -Text "Set Credentials for $($RemoteHost.ToUpper())" -Size 4 } New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if ($Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:CheckingCredentials) { New-UDHeading -Text "Checking Credentials for $Session:ThisRemoteHost...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } New-UDColumn -EndPoint { New-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { #New-UDHeading -Text "RemoteHost is $Session:ThisRemoteHost!" -Size 6 -Color red if ($Session:NoCredsEntered) { New-UDHeading -Text "You MUST enter UserName/Password for either a Local User or Domain User with access to $Session:ThisRemoteHost!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:NoCredsEntered = $False } if ($Session:InvalidSSHPubCert) { New-UDHeading -Text "The string provided is not a valid SSH Public Certificate!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:InvalidSSHPubCert = $False } if ($Session:SSHRemotingMethodNoCert) { New-UDHeading -Text "You indicated that SSH is your Preferred_PSRemotingMethod, however, you did not provide a value for Path_To_SSH_Public_Cert!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:SSHRemotingMethodNoCert = $False } if ($Session:DomainRemotingMethodNoCreds) { New-UDHeading -Text "You indicated that 'Domain' was your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType, however, you did not provide Domain Credentials!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:DomainRemotingMethodNoCreds = $False } if ($Session:LocalRemotingMethodNoCreds) { New-UDHeading -Text "You indicated that 'Local' was your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType, however, you did not provide Local Credentials!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:LocalRemotingMethodNoCreds = $False } if ($Session:UserNameAndPasswordRequired) { New-UDHeading -Text "Please enter both a UserName and a Password!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:UserNameAndPasswordRequired = $False } if ($Session:BadFormatDomainUserName) { New-UDHeading -Text "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:BadFormatDomainUserName = $False } if ($Session:EnableWinRMFailure) { New-UDHeading -Text "Unable to Enable WinRM on $Session:ThisRemoteHost via Invoke-WmiMethod over RPC! Please check your credentials." -Size 6 -Color red $Session:EnableWinRMFailure = $False } if ($Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure) { New-UDHeading -Text "Unable to test Credentials! Please try again." -Size 6 -Color red $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $False } if ($Session:InvalidCreds) { New-UDHeading -Text "Invalud Credentials! Please try again." -Size 6 -Color red $Session:InvalidCreds = $False } } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator <# New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 2 -Content {} New-UDColumn -Size 8 -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "LocalUserName" -Label "Local UserName" -Type text New-UDTextbox -Id "LocalPassword" -Label "Local Password" -Type password New-UDTextbox -Id "DomainUserName" -Label "Domain UserName" -Type text New-UDTextbox -Id "DomainPassword" -Label "Domain Password" -Type password New-UDTextbox -Id "SSHPublicCert" -Label "SSH Public Certificate" -Type text New-UDSelect -Id "PreferredPSRemotingCredType" -Label "Credential Type" -Option { New-UDSelectOption -Name "Domain" -Value "Domain" -Selected New-UDSelectOption -Name "Local" -Value "Local" } New-UDSelect -Id "PreferredPSRemotingMethod" -Label "PSRemoting Method" -Option { New-UDSelectOption -Name "WinRM" -Value "WinRM" -Selected New-UDSelectOption -Name "SSH" -Value "SSH" } } New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDButton -Text "Set Credentials" -OnClick { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Session:CheckingCredentials = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" $LocalUserNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "LocalUserName" $LocalPasswordTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "LocalPassword" $DomainUserNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "DomainUserName" $DomainPasswordTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "DomainPassword" $SSHPublicCertTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "SSHPublicCert" $PrefCredTypeSelection = Get-UDElement -Id "PreferredPSRemotingCredType" $PrefRemotingMethodSelection = Get-UDElement -Id "PreferredPSRemotingMethod" $Local_UserName = $LocalUserNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $Local_Password = $LocalPasswordTextBox.Attributes['value'] $Domain_UserName = $DomainUserNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $Domain_Password = $DomainPasswordTextBox.Attributes['value'] $VaultServerUrl = $SSHPublicCertTextBox.Attributes['value'] $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $($PrefCredTypeSelection.Content | foreach { $_.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json } | Where-Object {$_.attributes.selected.isPresent}).attributes.value $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $($PrefRemotingMethodSelection.Content | foreach { $_.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json } | Where-Object {$_.attributes.selected.isPresent}).attributes.value $TestingCredsObj = [pscustomobject]@{ LocalUserNameTextBox = $LocalUserNameTextBox LocalPasswordTextBox = $LocalPasswordTextBox DomainUserNameTextBox = $DomainUserNameTextBox DomainPasswordTextBox = $DomainPasswordTextBox SSHPublicCertTextBox = $SSHPublicCertTextBox PrefCredTypeSelection = $PrefCredTypeSelection PrefRemotingMethodSelection = $PrefRemotingMethodSelection Local_UserName = $Local_UserName Local_Password = $Local_Password Domain_UserName = $Domain_UserName Domain_Password = $Domain_Password VaultServerUrl = $VaultServerUrl Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod RemoteHost = $Session:ThisRemoteHost } if ($Session:CredentialHT.Keys -notcontains $Session:ThisRemoteHost) { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "`$Session:CredentialHT is not defined!" -Duration 10000 $Session:CredentialHT = @{} $RHostCredHT = @{ DomainCreds = $null LocalCreds = $null VaultServerUrl = $null PSRemotingCredType = $null PSRemotingMethod = $null PSRemotingCreds = $null } $Session:CredentialHT.Add($Session:ThisRemoteHost,$RHostCredHT) # TODO: Need to remove this when finished testing $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".CredHT = $Session:CredentialHT #New-UDInputAction -Toast "`$Session:CredentialHT was null" -Duration 10000 } # In case this page was refreshed or redirected to from itself, check $Session:CredentialHT for existing values if (!$Local_UserName -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $Local_UserName = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds.UserName } if (!$Local_Password -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $Local_Password = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } if (!$Domain_UserName -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds -ne $null) { $Domain_UserName = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName } if (!$Domain_Password -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds -ne $null) { $Domain_Password = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } if (!$VaultServerUrl -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl -ne $null) { $VaultServerUrl = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType -ne $null) { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod -ne $null) { $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod } if (!$Local_UserName -and !$Local_Password -and !$Domain_UserName -and !$Domain_Password -and !$VaultServerUrl) { $Session:NoCredsEntered = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($VaultServerUrl) { # TODO: Validate the provided string is a SSH Public Cert if ($BadSSHPubCert) { $Session:InvalidSSHPubCert = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod) { $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "SSH" -and !$VaultServerUrl) { $Session:SSHRemotingMethodNoCert = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType) { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Domain" -and $(!$Domain_UserName -or !$Domain_Password)) { $Session:DomainRemotingMethodNoCreds = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local" -and $(!$Local_UserName -or !$Local_Password)) { $Session:LocalRemotingMethodNoCreds = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($($Local_UserName -and !$Local_Password) -or $(!$Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) -or $($Domain_UserName -and !$Domain_Password) -or $(!$Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) ) { $Session:UserNameAndPasswordRequired = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { # Make sure the $Local_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName if ($Local_UserName -notmatch "^$Session:ThisRemoteHost\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Local_UserName = "$Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName" } $LocalPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Local_Password -AsPlainText -Force $LocalAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Local_UserName,$LocalPwdSecureString) } if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Session:BadFormatDomainUserName = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } # Test the Credentials [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CredentialsToTest = @() if ($LocalAdminCreds) { $PSObj = [pscustomobject]@{CredType = "LocalUser"; PSCredential = $LocalAdminCreds} $null = $CredentialsToTest.Add($PSObj) } if ($DomainAdminCreds) { $PSObj = [pscustomobject]@{CredType = "DomainUser"; PSCredential = $DomainAdminCreds} $null = $CredentialsToTest.Add($PSObj) } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedCredentialsA = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -AltCredentials $CredObj.PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.DeterminedCredsThatWorkedOnRemoteHost) { if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { $null = $FailedCredentialsA.Add($CredObj) } } else { $null = $FailedCredentialsA.Add($CredObj) } } catch {} } if ($($CredentialsToTest.Count -eq 2 -and $FailedCredentialsA.Count -eq 2) -or $($CredentialsToTest.Count -eq 1 -and $FailedCredentialsA.Count -eq 1) ) { # Since WinRM failed, try and enable WinRM Remotely via Invoke-WmiMethod over RPC Port 135 (if it's open) $RPCPortOpen = $(TestPort -HostName $Session:ThisRemoteHost -Port 135).Open [System.Collections.ArrayList]$EnableWinRMSuccess = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { if ($RPCPortOpen) { try { $null = EnableWinRMViaRPC -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -Credential $CredObj.PSCredential $null = $EnableWinRMSuccess.Add($CredObj) break } catch { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "Failed to enable WinRM Remotely using Credentials $($CredObj.PSCredential.UserName)" -Duration 10000 } } } if ($EnableWinRMSuccess.Count -eq 0) { $Session:EnableWinRMFailure = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } else { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedCredentialsB = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -AltCredentials $CredObj.PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $null = $FailedCredentialsB.Add($CredObj) } } catch { $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return #Show-UDToast -Message $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10 } } } } if ($FailedCredentialsA.Count -gt 0 -or $FailedCredentialsB.Count -gt 0) { if ($FailedCredentialsB.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($CredObj in $FailedCredentialsB) { $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" #$Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost."$CredType`Creds" = $null } $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($FailedCredentialsA.Count -gt 0 -and $FailedCredentialsB.Count -eq 0) { foreach ($CredObj in $FailedCredentialsA) { $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" } $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } } if ($DomainAdminCreds) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds = $DomainAdminCreds } if ($LocalAdminCreds) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds = $LocalAdminCreds } if ($VaultServerUrl) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl = $VaultServerUrl } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType = $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod = $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod } # Determine $PSRemotingCreds if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local") { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Domain") { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds } Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/ToolSelect/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" } } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { try { $null = $Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") } catch { Write-Verbose "`$Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker hasn't been set yet..." } } } New-UDColumn -Size 2 -Content {} } #> New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 2 -EndPoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 8 -EndPoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:CredsForm = New-UDInput -SubmitText "Set Credentials" -Id "CredsForm" -Content { New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'Local_UserName' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type password -Name 'Local_Password' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'Domain_UserName' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type password -Name 'Domain_Password' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'VaultServerUrl' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type select -Name 'Preferred_PSRemotingCredType' -Values @("Local","Domain","SSHCertificate") -DefaultValue "Domain" [System.Collections.ArrayList]$PSRemotingMethodValues = @("WinRM") if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".RHostTableData.SSH -eq "Available") { $null = $PSRemotingMethodValues.Add("SSH") } New-UDInputField -Type select -Name 'Preferred_PSRemotingMethod' -Values @("WinRM","SSH") -DefaultValue "WinRM" } -Endpoint { param( [string]$Local_UserName, [string]$Local_Password, [string]$Domain_UserName, [string]$Domain_Password, [string]$VaultServerUrl, [string]$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType, [string]$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod ) # Add the SyncHash to the Page so that we can pass output to other pages $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} try { if ($Session:CredentialHT.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Collections.Hashtable") { $Session:CredentialHT = @{} } } catch { $Session:CredentialHT = @{} } if ($Session:CredentialHT.Keys -notcontains $Session:ThisRemoteHost) { $RHostCredHT = @{ DomainCreds = $null LocalCreds = $null VaultServerUrl = $null PSRemotingCredType = $null PSRemotingMethod = $null PSRemotingCreds = $null } $Session:CredentialHT.Add($Session:ThisRemoteHost,$RHostCredHT) } # TODO: Need to remove this when finished testing $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".CredHT = $Session:CredentialHT # In case this page was refreshed or redirected to from itself, check $Session:CredentialHT for existing values if (!$Local_UserName -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $Local_UserName = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds.UserName } if (!$Local_Password -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $Local_Password = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } if (!$Domain_UserName -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds -ne $null) { $Domain_UserName = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName } if (!$Domain_Password -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds -ne $null) { $Domain_Password = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } if (!$VaultServerUrl -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl -ne $null) { $VaultServerUrl = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType -ne $null) { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod -ne $null) { $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod } # Make sure *Something* is filled out... if (!$Local_UserName -and !$Local_Password -and !$Domain_UserName -and !$Domain_Password -and !$VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You MUST enter UserName/Password for either a Local User or Domain User with access to $Session:ThisRemoteHost!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } <# # Set/Check $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType... if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType) { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType } # Set/Check $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod... if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod) { $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod } #> if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "SSH") { if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -ne "SSHCertificate") { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = "SSHUserNameAndPassword" } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Domain") { if ($Local_UserName -or $Local_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', but you provided Local_UserName or Local_Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', but you provided VaultServerUrl!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if (!$Domain_UserName -or !$Domain_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must provide a Domain_UserName AND Domain_Password in order to use PowerShell Remoting over SSH!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local") { if ($Domain_UserName -or $Domain_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', but you provided Domain_UserName or Domain_Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', but you provided VaultServerUrl!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if (!$Local_UserName -or !$Local_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must provide a Local_UserName AND Local_Password in order to use PowerShell Remoting over SSH!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Local_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { if ($Local_UserName -notmatch "^$Session:ThisRemoteHost\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Local_UserName = "$Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName" } $LocalPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Local_Password -AsPlainText -Force $LocalAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Local_UserName,$LocalPwdSecureString) } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHUserNameAndPassword") { if (!$($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) -and !$($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password)) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Since you specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', you MUST provide a Domain_UserName and Domain_Password or Local_UserName and Local_Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Local_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { if ($Local_UserName -notmatch "^$Session:ThisRemoteHost\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Local_UserName = "$Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName" } $LocalPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Local_Password -AsPlainText -Force $LocalAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Local_UserName,$LocalPwdSecureString) } # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHCertificate") { if (!$Domain_UserName -or !$Domain_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', which means you must provide Domain_UserName and Domain_Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if (!$VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must provide the VaultServerUrl in order to generate/request/receive a new SSH Certificate!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } if ($VaultServerUrl) { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" # Make sure we can reach the Vault Server and that is in a state where we can actually use it. try { $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck = Invoke-RestMethod "$VaultServerUrl/sys/health" if (!$VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.initialized -ne $True -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.sealed -ne $False -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.standby -ne $False) { throw "The Vault Server is either not reachable or in a state where it cannot be used! Halting!" } } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } } try { # Make sure we have the WinSSH Module Available if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") {$null = Install-Module WinSSH -ErrorAction Stop} if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") {$null = Import-Module WinSSH -ErrorAction Stop} # Make sure we have the VaultServer Module Available if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "VaultServer") {$null = Install-Module VaultServer -ErrorAction Stop} if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "VaultServer") {$null = Import-Module VaultServer -ErrorAction Stop} } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "The WinSSH Module is not available! Halting!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "VaultServer") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "The VaultServer Module is not available! Halting!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Install OpenSSH-Win64 if it isn't already if (!$(Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64\ssh.exe")) { Install-WinSSH -GiveWinSSHBinariesPathPriority -ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost -DefaultShell pwsh } else { if (!$(Get-Command ssh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $OpenSSHDir ="$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64" # Update PowerShell $env:Path [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentEnvPathArray = $env:Path -split ';' | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} | Sort-Object | Get-Unique if ($CurrentEnvPathArray -notcontains $OpenSSHDir) { $CurrentEnvPathArray.Insert(0,$OpenSSHDir) $env:Path = $CurrentEnvPathArray -join ';' } # Update SYSTEM Path $RegistrySystemPath = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' $CurrentSystemPath = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistrySystemPath -Name PATH).Path [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentSystemPathArray = $CurrentSystemPath -split ";" | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} | Sort-Object | Get-Unique if ($CurrentSystemPathArray -notcontains $OpenSSHDir) { $CurrentSystemPathArray.Insert(0,$OpenSSHDir) $UpdatedSystemPath = $CurrentSystemPathArray -join ";" Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistrySystemPath -Name PATH -Value $UpdatedSystemPath } } if (!$(Get-Command ssh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to find ssh.exe on $env:ComputerName!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHCertificate") { # Use Domain Credentials to get a new Vault Server Authentication Token, generate new SSH Keys on the PUDAdminCenter Server, # have the Vault Server sign them, add the new private key to the ssh-agent, and output an SSH Public Certificate to $HOME\.ssh # NOTE: The SSH Keys will expire in 24 hours $NewSSHKeyName = $($DomainAdminCreds.UserName -split "\\")[-1] + "_" + $(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hhmmsstt) $NewSSHCredentialsSplatParams = @{ VaultServerBaseUri = $VaultServerUrl DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault = $DomainAdminCreds NewSSHKeyName = $NewSSHKeyName BlankSSHPrivateKeyPwd = $True AddToSSHAgent = $True RemovePrivateKey = $True # Removes the Private Key from the filesystem #SSHAgentExpiry = 86400 # 24 hours in seconds # Don't use because this makes ALL keys in ssh-agent expire in 24 hours } try { $NewSSHCredsResult = New-SSHCredentials @NewSSHCredentialsSplatParams -ErrorAction Stop $NewSSHCredsResult | Add-Member -Name "PrivateKeyPath" -Value $($NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath -replace "\.pub","") -MemberType NoteProperty } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "NewSSHCredsResult") { $PUDRSSyncHT.NewSSHCredsResult = $NewSSHCredsResult } else { $PUDRSSyncHT.Add("NewSSHCredsResult",$NewSSHCredsResult) } # $NewSSHCredsResult (and $GetSSHAuthSanity later on) is a pscustomobject with the following content: <# PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork : True FinalSSHExeCommand : ssh zeroadmin@zero@<RemoteHost> PublicKeyPath : C:\Users\zeroadmin\.ssh\ PublicCertPath : C:\Users\zeroadmin\.ssh\ #> # If $NewSSHCredsResult.FinalSSHExeCommand looks like... # ssh -o "IdentitiesOnly=true" -i "C:\Users\zeroadmin\.ssh\zeroadmin_071718" -i "C:\Users\zeroadmin\.ssh\" zeroadmin@zero@<RemoteHost> # ...or... # ssh <user>@<RemoteHost> # ...then there are too many identities loaded in the ssh-agent service, which means we need to get the private key from the registry and write it to a file # See: if (!$NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork -or $NewSSHCredsResult.FinalSSHExeCommand -eq "ssh <user>@<RemoteHost>" -or $NewSSHCredsResult.FinalSSHExeCommand -match "IdentitiesOnly=true" ) { # NOTE: Extract-SSHPrivateKeysFromRegistry is from the WinSSH Module and provides output like: <# OriginalPrivateKeyFilePath = $OriginalPrivateKeyFilePath PrivateKeyContent = $PrivateKeyContent #> # This should only really be necessary if the ssh-agent has more than 5 entries in it (and the needed key isn't within one of the first 5) and # the RSA Private Key isn't on the filesystem under "$HOME\.ssh". The Get-SSHClientAuthSanity function figures that out for us. $ExtractedPrivateKeys = Extract-SSHPrivateKeysFromRegistry $OriginalPrivateKeyPath = $NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath -replace "\.pub","" $PrivateKeyContent = $($ExtractedPrivateKeys | Where-Object {$_.OriginalPrivateKeyFilePath -eq $OriginalPrivateKeyPath}).PrivateKeyContent if ($PrivateKeyContent.Count -gt 0) { Set-Content -Path $OriginalPrivateKeyPath -Value $PrivateKeyContent $NeedToRemovePrivateKey = $True $GetSSHAuthSanityCheck = Get-SSHClientAuthSanity -SSHPublicKeyFilePath $NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath if ($GetSSHAuthSanityCheck.PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork) { $GetSSHAuthSanity = [pscustomobject]@{ PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork = $True FinalSSHExeCommand = $GetSSHAuthSanityCheck.FinalSSHExeCommand PrivateKeyPath = $OriginalPrivateKeyPath PublicKeyPath = $NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath PublicCertPath = $NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath + '' } } # The below $FinalSSHExeCommand string should look like: # ssh -o "IdentitiesOnly=true" -i "$OriginalPrivateKeyPath" -i "$($NewSSHCredsResult.PublicCertPath)" zeroadmin@zero@<RemoteHost> $FinalSSHExeCommand = $GetSSHAuthSanity.FinalSSHExeCommand if (!$GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork) { $UserNamePasswordRequired = $True $ToastMsg = "Unable to use SSH Certificate Authentication because the user ssh private key is not available on the " + "filesystem or in the ssh-agent. Trying UserName/Password SSH Authentication..." New-UDInputAction -Toast $ToastMsg -Duration 10000 #Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" #return } } else { $UserNamePasswordRequired = $True $ToastMsg = "Unable to use SSH Certificate Authentication because the user ssh keys and/or " + "ssh cert and/or ssh-agent is not configured properly! Trying UserName/Password SSH Authentication..." New-UDInputAction -Toast $ToastMsg -Duration 10000 #Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" #return } } else { $GetSSHAuthSanity = $NewSSHCredsResult # The below $FinalSSHExeCommand string should look like: # ssh zeroadmin@zero@<RemoteHost> $FinalSSHExeCommand = $GetSSHAuthSanity.FinalSSHExeCommand } $SSHCertificate = Get-Content $GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicCertPath if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "GetSSHAuthSanity") { $PUDRSSyncHT.GetSSHAuthSanity = $GetSSHAuthSanity } else { $PUDRSSyncHT.Add("GetSSHAuthSanity",$GetSSHAuthSanity) } } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "WinRM") { if ($VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You provided a Vault Server Url, however, your Preferred_PSRemotingMethod is not SSH!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($($Local_UserName -and !$Local_Password) -or $(!$Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) -or $($Domain_UserName -and !$Domain_Password) -or $(!$Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) ) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Please enter both a UserName and a Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Local_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { if ($Local_UserName -notmatch "^$Session:ThisRemoteHost\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Local_UserName = "$Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName" } $LocalPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Local_Password -AsPlainText -Force $LocalAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Local_UserName,$LocalPwdSecureString) } # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } } ##### Test the Credentials ##### # IMPORTANT NOTE: OpenSSH-Win64's implementation of 'ssh.exe -t' does not work properly...If it did, the TestSSH Private function would be a lot simpler # NOTE: The Principal(s) on the SSH Certificate do NOT determine who you are on the Remote Host. What DOES determine who you are on the Remote Host is # 1) The UserName specified via -UserName with *-PSSession cmdlets # 2) The UserName specified via <UserName>@<DomainShortName>@<RemoteHost> with ssh.exe if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "SSH") { # Make sure we have pwsh if (!$(Get-Command pwsh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $InstallPwshResult = Install-Program -ProgramName powershell-core -CommandName pwsh.exe -ExpectedInstallLocation "C:\Program Files\PowerShell" } # NOTE: The Await Module comes with the WinSSH Module that we made sure was installed/imported earlier try { Import-Module "$($(Get-Module WinSSH).ModuleBase)\Await\Await.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to load the Await Module! Halting!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHCertificate") { # Determine if we're going to do UserName/Password Auth or SSH Certificate Auth if (!$UserNamePasswordRequired) { # We need to get the UserName from the SSHCertificate [System.Collections.ArrayList][array]$SSHCertInfo = ssh-keygen -L -f $GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicCertPath $PrincipalsLine = $SSHCertInfo | Where-Object {$_ -match "Principals:"} $PrincipalsLineIndex = $SSHCertInfo.IndexOf($PrincipalsLine) $CriticalOptionsLine = $SSHCertInfo | Where-Object {$_ -match "Critical Options:"} $CriticalOptionsLineIndex = $SSHCertInfo.IndexOf($CriticalOptionsLine) [array]$PrincipalsList = @($SSHCertInfo[$PrincipalsLineIndex..$CriticalOptionsLineIndex] | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "Principals:|Critical Options:"} | foreach {$_.Trim()}) $SSHCertUser = $($PrincipalsList[0] -split '@')[0].Trim() $ShortUserName = $SSHCertUser $DomainShortName = $($($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $Session:ThisRemoteHost}).Domain -split "\.")[0] $Domain_UserName = "$DomainShortName\$ShortUserName" } } $OSGuess = $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".RHostTableData.OS_Guess if ($OSGuess) { if ($OSGuess -match "Windows|Microsoft") { $UpdatedOSGuess = "Windows" } elseif ($OSGuess -match "Linux") { $UpdatedOSGuess = "Linux" } else { $UpdatedOSGuess = "Windows" } } if (!$OSGuess) { $UpdatedOSGuess = "Windows" } $SSHTestSplatParams = @{ OSGuess = $UpdatedOSGuess RemoteHostNetworkInfo = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $Session:ThisRemoteHost} OutputTracker = $PUDRSSyncHT } if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("LocalUserName",$Local_UserName) $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("LocalPassword",$Local_Password) } if ($Domain_UserName -and $DOmain_Password) { $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("DomainUserName",$Domain_UserName) $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("DomainPassword",$Domain_Password) } if ($GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicCertPath) { $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("PublicCertPath",$GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicCertPath) } # IMPORTANT NOTE: The SSHTest function outputs some UDDashboard objects and sets $script:SSHCheckAsJson as well as $script:SSHOutputPrep # For these reasons, we are assigning SSHTest output to a variable TestSSH @SSHTestSplatParams if ($SSHCheckAsJson.Output -ne "ConnectionSuccessful" -and ![bool]$($($SSHOutputPrep -split "`n") -match "^ConnectionSuccessful")) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH attempts via PowerShell Core 'Invoke-Command' and ssh.exe have failed!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "WinRM") { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CredentialsToTest = @() if ($LocalAdminCreds) { $PSObj = [pscustomobject]@{CredType = "LocalUser"; PSCredential = $LocalAdminCreds} $null = $CredentialsToTest.Add($PSObj) } if ($DomainAdminCreds) { $PSObj = [pscustomobject]@{CredType = "DomainUser"; PSCredential = $DomainAdminCreds} $null = $CredentialsToTest.Add($PSObj) } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedCredentialsA = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -AltCredentials $CredObj.PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.DeterminedCredsThatWorkedOnRemoteHost) { if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $null = $FailedCredentialsA.Add($CredObj) } } else { $null = $FailedCredentialsA.Add($CredObj) } } catch { #New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 #New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to test $($CredObj.CredType) Credentials! Refreshing page..." -Duration 10000 #New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" } } if ($($CredentialsToTest.Count -eq 2 -and $FailedCredentialsA.Count -eq 2) -or $($CredentialsToTest.Count -eq 1 -and $FailedCredentialsA.Count -eq 1) ) { # Since WinRM failed, try and enable WinRM Remotely via Invoke-WmiMethod over RPC Port 135 (if it's open) $RPCPortOpen = $(TestPort -HostName $Session:ThisRemoteHost -Port 135).Open [System.Collections.ArrayList]$EnableWinRMSuccess = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { if ($RPCPortOpen) { try { $null = EnableWinRMViaRPC -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -Credential $CredObj.PSCredential $null = $EnableWinRMSuccess.Add($CredObj) break } catch { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "Failed to enable WinRM Remotely using Credentials $($CredObj.PSCredential.UserName)" -Duration 10000 } } } if ($EnableWinRMSuccess.Count -eq 0) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to Enable WinRM on $Session:ThisRemoteHost via Invoke-WmiMethod over RPC! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } else { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedCredentialsB = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -AltCredentials $CredObj.PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $null = $FailedCredentialsB.Add($CredObj) } } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to test $($CredObj.CredType) Credentials! Please try again." -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } } } if ($FailedCredentialsA.Count -gt 0 -or $FailedCredentialsB.Count -gt 0) { if ($FailedCredentialsB.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($CredObj in $FailedCredentialsB) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost."$CredType`Creds" = $null } Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($FailedCredentialsA.Count -gt 0 -and $FailedCredentialsB.Count -eq 0) { foreach ($CredObj in $FailedCredentialsA) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost."$CredType`Creds" = $null } Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } } if ($DomainAdminCreds) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds = $DomainAdminCreds } if ($LocalAdminCreds) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds = $LocalAdminCreds } if ($VaultServerUrl) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl = $VaultServerUrl } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType = $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod = $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod } # Determine $PSRemotingCreds if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local") { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Domain") { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "SSH") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH was SUCCESSFUL, however, ssh functionality has not been fully implemented yet. Please use WinRM instead." -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/ToolSelect/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" } $Cache:CredsForm New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { try { $null = $Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") } catch { Write-Verbose "`$Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker hasn't been set yet..." } } } New-UDColumn -Size 2 -EndPoint {} } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $PSRemotingCredsPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $RegistryPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:RegistryPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:RegistryPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost if (!$Session:HKLMChildKeys -or !$Session:HKCUChildKeys -or !$Session:HKCRChildKeys -or !$Session:HKUChildKeys -or !$Session:HKCCChildKeys) { $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $null = Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc $null = Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc # HKLM and HKCU are already defined by default... $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_USERS $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCC -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG <# 'Get-RegistryValues -path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\Connections' Output Example Name type data ---- ---- ---- ClassManagers MultiString {{B4C8DF59-D16F-4042-80B7-3557A254B7C5}, {BA126AD3-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E}, {BA126AD5-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E}, {BA126ADD-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E}} 'Get-RegistrySubKeys -path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network' Output Example Name Path childCount ---- ---- ---------- {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} 8 {4d36e973-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4d36e973-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} 1 {4d36e974-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4d36e974-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} 9 {4d36e975-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4d36e975-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} 19 Connections Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\Connections 0 LightweightCallHandlers Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\LightweightCallHandlers 2 NetworkLocationWizard Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\NetworkLocationWizard 0 SharedAccessConnection Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\SharedAccessConnection 0 #> $HKLMChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path "HKLM:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKLMValues = Get-RegistryValues -path "HKLM:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKLMCurrentDir = "HKLM:\" $HKCUChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path "HKCU:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCUValues = Get-RegistryValues -path "HKCU:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCUCurrentDir = "HKCU:\" $HKCRChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path "HKCR:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCRValues = Get-RegistryValues -path "HKCR:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCRCurrentDir = "HKCR:\" $HKUChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path "HKU:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKUValues = Get-RegistryValues -path "HKU:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKUCurrentDir = "HKU:\" $HKCCChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path "HKCC:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCCValues = Get-RegistryValues -path "HKCC:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCCCurrentDir = "HKCC:\" [pscustomobject]@{ HKLMChildKeys = $HKLMChildKeys HKLMValues = $HKLMValues HKLMCurrentDir = $HKLMCurrentDir HKCUChildKeys = $HKCUChildKeys HKCUValues = $HKCUValues HKCUCurrentDir = $HKCUCurrentDir HKCRChildKeys = $HKCRChildKeys HKCRValues = $HKCRValues HKCRCurrentDir = $HKCRCurrentDir HKUChildKeys = $HKUChildKeys HKUValues = $HKUValues HKUCurrentDir = $HKUCurrentDir HKCCChildKeys = $HKCCChildKeys HKCCValues = $HKCCValues HKCCCurrentDir = $HKCCCurrentDir } } $Session:HKLMChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKLMChildKeys $Session:HKLMValues = $StaticInfo.HKLMValues $Session:HKLMCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKLMCurrentDir [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKLMObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKLMChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKLMChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKLMObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKLMValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($Obj in $Session:HKLMValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKLMObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKLMObjectsForGrid = $HKLMObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKCUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys $Session:HKCUValues = $StaticInfo.HKCUValues $Session:HKCUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKCUObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKCUChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCUChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCUObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKCUValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCUValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCUObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKCUObjectsForGrid = $HKCUObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKCRChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys $Session:HKCRValues = $StaticInfo.HKCRValues $Session:HKCRCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKCRObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKCRChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCRChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCRObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKCRValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCRValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCRObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKCRObjectsForGrid = $HKCRObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys $Session:HKUValues = $StaticInfo.HKUValues $Session:HKUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKUObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKUChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCUChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKUObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKUValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKUValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKUObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKUObjectsForGrid = $HKUObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKCCChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys $Session:HKCCValues = $StaticInfo.HKCCValues $Session:HKCCCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKCCObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKCCChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCCChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCCObjectsForGridPrep.Add($Session:HKCCChildKeys) } } } if (@($Session:HKCCValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCCValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCCObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKCCObjectsForGrid = $HKCCObjectsForGridPrep if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKLMChildKeys") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKLMChildKeys",$StaticInfo.HKLMChildKeys) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKLMChildKeys } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKLMValues") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKLMValues",$StaticInfo.HKLMValues) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMValues = $StaticInfo.HKLMValues } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKLMCurrentDir") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKLMCurrentDir",$StaticInfo.HKLMCurrentDir) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKLMCurrentDir } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCUChildKeys") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCUChildKeys",$StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCUValues") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCUValues",$StaticInfo.HKCUValues) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUValues = $StaticInfo.HKCUValues } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCUCurrentDir") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCUCurrentDir",$StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCRChildKeys") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCRChildKeys",$StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCRValues") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCRValues",$StaticInfo.HKCRValues) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRValues = $StaticInfo.HKCRValues } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCRCurrentDir") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCRCurrentDir",$StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKUChildKeys") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKUChildKeys",$StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKUValues") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKUValues",$StaticInfo.HKUValues) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUValues = $StaticInfo.HKUValues } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKUCurrentDir") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKUCurrentDir",$StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCCChildKeys") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCCChildKeys",$StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCCValues") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCCValues",$StaticInfo.HKCCValues) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCValues = $StaticInfo.HKCCValues } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Keys -notcontains "HKCCCurrentDir") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.Add("HKCCCurrentDir",$StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir } } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Registry (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Registry$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Registry$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{RootRegistry = Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:SystemDrive\" } } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{RootRegistry = Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:SystemDrive\"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Registry$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Registry$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Registry$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKLMGridObjects" -Tag div -EndPoint { $Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed = $False [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKLMObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKLMChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKLMChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKLMObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKLMValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKLMValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKLMObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKLMObjectsForGrid = $HKLMObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed = $True } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKLMRootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKLMChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKLM:"} else {"HKLM:\"} $CurrentDirectory = $Session:HKLMChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> New-UDHeading -Text "Current Directory: $($Session:HKLMCurrentDir)" -Size 5 } New-UDElement -Id "NewHKLMRootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "NewHKLMRootDirTBProper" -Label "New Directory" } New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKLMUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewHKLMRootDirTBProper" $FullPathToExplore = $NewRootDirTextBox.Attributes['value'] $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $HKLMChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKLMValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKLMCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKLMChildKeys = $HKLMChildKeys HKLMValues = $HKLMValues HKLMCurrentDir = $HKLMCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKLMChildKeys = $NewPathInfo.HKLMChildKeys $Session:HKLMValues = $NewPathInfo.HKLMValues $Session:HKLMCurrentDir = $NewPathInfo.HKLMCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMChildKeys = $NewPathInfo.HKLMChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMValues = $NewPathInfo.HKLMValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMCurrentDir = $NewPathInfo.HKLMCurrentDir $Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKLMRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKLMRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKLMGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKLMChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Parent Directory" -OnClick { $Session:HKLMUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKLMChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKLM:"} else {"HKLM:\"} $FullPathToExplorePrep = $Session:HKLMChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> $FullPathToExplore = if ($($Session:HKLMCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent) -eq "") { $Session:HKLMCurrentDir } else { $Session:HKLMCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent } $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $HKLMChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKLMValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKLMCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKLMChildKeys = $HKLMChildKeys HKLMValues = $HKLMValues HKLMCurrentDir = $HKLMCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKLMChildKeys = $NewPathInfo.HKLMChildKeys $Session:HKLMValues = $NewPathInfo.HKLMValues $Session:HKLMCurrentDir = $NewPathInfo.HKLMCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMChildKeys = $NewPathInfo.HKLMChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMValues = $NewPathInfo.HKLMValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMCurrentDir = $NewPathInfo.HKLMCurrentDir $Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKLMRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKLMRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKLMGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKLMChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Force Refresh" -OnClick { $Session:HKLMUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKLMRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKLMRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKLMGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKLMChildItemsUDGrid" } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if ($Session:HKLMUDGridLoadingTracker -eq "Loading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 6 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $RootRegistryProperties = @("Name","Path","Type","Data","ChildCount","Explore") $RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "HKLMChildItemsUDGrid" Headers = $RootRegistryProperties Properties = $RootRegistryProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $HKLMGridRefreshed = $False try { $Session:HKLMObjectsForGrid | foreach { if ($_.Path) { $RootDirSlashCheck = $_.Path -split "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKLM:"} else {"HKLM:\"} $PathUpdatedFormat = $_.Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString } #elseif ($_.ChildCount -eq 0 -and $($PathUpdatedFormat -split "\\").Count -gt 2) {'Empty'} [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name Path = if ($_.Path) {$PathUpdatedFormat} else {$null} Type = if ($_.Type) {$_.Type.ToString()} else {"Key"} Data = if ($_.Data) {$_.Data -join ", "} else {$null} ChildCount = if ($_.ChildCount) {$_.ChildCount} else {$null} Explore = if (!$_.Path) {'-'} else { New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKLMUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" #$NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" $FullPathToExplore = $PathUpdatedFormat $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $HKLMChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKLMValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKLMCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKLMChildKeys = $HKLMChildKeys HKLMValues = $HKLMValues HKLMCurrentDir = $HKLMCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMChildKeys = $NewPathInfo.HKLMChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMValues = $NewPathInfo.HKLMValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKLMCurrentDir = $NewPathInfo.HKLMCurrentDir $Session:HKLMChildKeys = $NewPathInfo.HKLMChildKeys $Session:HKLMValues = $NewPathInfo.HKLMValues $Session:HKLMCurrentDir = $NewPathInfo.HKLMCurrentDir $Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKLMRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKLMRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKLMGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKLMGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKLMChildItemsUDGrid" } } } } | Out-UDGridData } catch {} $HKLMGridRefreshed = $True $Session:HKLMUDGridLoadingTracker = "FinishedLoading" } } } } } New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCUGridObjects" -Tag div -EndPoint { $Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed = $False [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKCUObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKCUChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCUChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCUObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKCUValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCUValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCUObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKCUObjectsForGrid = $HKCUObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed = $True } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCURootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKCUChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKCU:"} else {"HKCU:\"} $CurrentDirectory = $Session:HKCUChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> New-UDHeading -Text "Current Directory: $($Session:HKCUCurrentDir)" -Size 5 } New-UDElement -Id "NewHKCURootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "NewHKCURootDirTBProper" -Label "New Directory" } New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKCUUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewHKCURootDirTBProper" $FullPathToExplore = $NewRootDirTextBox.Attributes['value'] $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $HKCUChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path "HKCU:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCUValues = Get-RegistryValues -path "HKCU:\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCUCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCUChildKeys = $HKCUChildKeys HKCUValues = $HKCUValues HKCUCurrentDir = $HKCUCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys $Session:HKCUValues = $StaticInfo.HKCUValues $Session:HKCUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUValues = $StaticInfo.HKCUValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir $Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCUGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCUChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Parent Directory" -OnClick { $Session:HKCUUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKLMChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKCU:"} else {"HKCU:\"} $FullPathToExplorePrep = $Session:HKCUChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> $FullPathToExplore = if ($($Session:HKCUCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent) -eq "") { $Session:HKCUCurrentDir } else { $Session:HKCUCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent } $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $HKCUChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCUValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCUCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCUChildKeys = $HKCUChildKeys HKCUValues = $HKCUValues HKCUCurrentDir = $HKCUCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys $Session:HKCUValues = $StaticInfo.HKCUValues $Session:HKCUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUValues = $StaticInfo.HKCUValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir $Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCUGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCUChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Force Refresh" -OnClick { $Session:HKCUUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCUGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCUChildItemsUDGrid" } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if ($Session:HKCUUDGridLoadingTracker -eq "Loading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 6 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $RootRegistryProperties = @("Name","Path","Type","Data","ChildCount","Explore") $RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "HKCUChildItemsUDGrid" Headers = $RootRegistryProperties Properties = $RootRegistryProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $HKCUGridRefreshed = $False while (!$HKCUGridRefreshed) { try { $Session:HKCUObjectsForGrid | foreach { if ($_.Name) { if ($_.Path) { $RootDirSlashCheck = $_.Path -split "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKCU:"} else {"HKCU:\"} $PathUpdatedFormat = $_.Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString } #elseif ($_.ChildCount -eq 0 -and $($PathUpdatedFormat -split "\\").Count -gt 2) {'Empty'} [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name Path = if ($_.Path) {$PathUpdatedFormat} else {$null} Type = if ($_.Type) {$_.Type.ToString()} else {"Key"} Data = if ($_.Data) {$_.Data -join ", "} else {$null} ChildCount = if ($_.ChildCount) {$_.ChildCount} else {$null} Explore = if (!$_.Path) {'-'} else { New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKCUUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" #$NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" $FullPathToExplore = $PathUpdatedFormat $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $HKCUChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCUValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCUCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCUChildKeys = $HKCUChildKeys HKCUValues = $HKCUValues HKCUCurrentDir = $HKCUCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys $Session:HKCUValues = $StaticInfo.HKCUValues $Session:HKCUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCUChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUValues = $StaticInfo.HKCUValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCUCurrentDir $Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCUGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCUGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCUChildItemsUDGrid" } } } } } | Out-UDGridData $HKCUGridRefreshed = $True $Session:HKCUUDGridLoadingTracker = "FinishedLoading" } catch {} } } } } } } New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCRGridObjects" -Tag div -EndPoint { $Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed = $False [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKCRObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKCRChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCRChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCRObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKCRValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCRValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCRObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKCRObjectsForGrid = $HKCRObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed = $True } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCRRootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKCRChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKCR:"} else {"HKCR:\"} $CurrentDirectory = $Session:HKCRChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> New-UDHeading -Text "Current Directory: $($Session:HKCRCurrentDir)" -Size 5 } New-UDElement -Id "NewHKCRRootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "NewHKCRRootDirTBProper" -Label "New Directory" } New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKCRUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewHKCRRootDirTBProper" $FullPathToExplore = $NewRootDirTextBox.Attributes['value'] $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT $HKCRChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCRValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCRCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCRChildKeys = $HKCRChildKeys HKCRValues = $HKCRValues HKCRCurrentDir = $HKCRCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCRChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys $Session:HKCRValues = $StaticInfo.HKCRValues $Session:HKCRCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRValues = $StaticInfo.HKCRValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir $Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCRRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCRRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCRGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCRChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Parent Directory" -OnClick { $Session:HKCRUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKCRChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKCR:"} else {"HKCR:\"} $FullPathToExplorePrep = $Session:HKCRChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> $FullPathToExplore = if ($($Session:HKCRCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent) -eq "") { $Session:HKCRCurrentDir } else { $Session:HKCRCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent } $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT $HKCRChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCRValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCRCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCRChildKeys = $HKCRChildKeys HKCRValues = $HKCRValues HKCRCurrentDir = $HKCRCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCRChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys $Session:HKCRValues = $StaticInfo.HKCRValues $Session:HKCRCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRValues = $StaticInfo.HKCRValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir $Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCRRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCRRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCRGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCRChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Force Refresh" -OnClick { $Session:HKCRUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCRRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCRRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCRGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCRChildItemsUDGrid" } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if ($Session:HKCRUDGridLoadingTracker -eq "Loading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 6 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $RootRegistryProperties = @("Name","Path","Type","Data","ChildCount","Explore") $RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "HKCRChildItemsUDGrid" Headers = $RootRegistryProperties Properties = $RootRegistryProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $HKCRGridRefreshed = $False while (!$HKCRGridRefreshed) { try { $Session:HKCRObjectsForGrid | foreach { if ($_.Name) { if ($_.Path) { $RootDirSlashCheck = $_.Path -split "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKCR:"} else {"HKCR:\"} $PathUpdatedFormat = $_.Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString } #elseif ($_.ChildCount -eq 0 -and $($PathUpdatedFormat -split "\\").Count -gt 2) {'Empty'} [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name Path = if ($_.Path) {$PathUpdatedFormat} else {$null} Type = if ($_.Type) {$_.Type.ToString()} else {"Key"} Data = if ($_.Data) {$_.Data -join ", "} else {$null} ChildCount = if ($_.ChildCount) {$_.ChildCount} else {$null} Explore = if (!$_.Path) {'-'} else { New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKCRUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" #$NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" $FullPathToExplore = $PathUpdatedFormat $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT $HKCRChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCRValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCRCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCRChildKeys = $HKCRChildKeys HKCRValues = $HKCRValues HKCRCurrentDir = $HKCRCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCRChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys $Session:HKCRValues = $StaticInfo.HKCRValues $Session:HKCRCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCRChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRValues = $StaticInfo.HKCRValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCRCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCRCurrentDir $Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCRRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCRRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCRGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCRGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCRChildItemsUDGrid" } } } } } | Out-UDGridData $HKCRGridRefreshed = $True $Session:HKCRUDGridLoadingTracker = "FinishedLoading" } catch {} } } } } } } New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "HKEY_USERS" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKUGridObjects" -Tag div -EndPoint { $Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed = $False [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKUObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKUChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKUChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKUObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKUValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKUValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKUObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKUObjectsForGrid = $HKUObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed = $True } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKURootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKUChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_USERS\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKU:"} else {"HKU:\"} $CurrentDirectory = $Session:HKUChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> New-UDHeading -Text "Current Directory: $($Session:HKUCurrentDir)" -Size 5 } New-UDElement -Id "NewHKURootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "NewHKURootDirTBProper" -Label "New Directory" } New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKUUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewHKURootDirTBProper" $FullPathToExplore = $NewRootDirTextBox.Attributes['value'] $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_USERS $HKUChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKUValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKUCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKUChildKeys = $HKUChildKeys HKUValues = $HKUValues HKUCurrentDir = $HKUCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys $Session:HKUValues = $StaticInfo.HKUValues $Session:HKUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUValues = $StaticInfo.HKUValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir $Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKUGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKUChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Parent Directory" -OnClick { $Session:HKUUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKUChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_USER\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKU:"} else {"HKU:\"} $FullPathToExplorePrep = $Session:HKUChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> $FullPathToExplore = if ($($Session:HKUCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent) -eq "") { $Session:HKUCurrentDir } else { $Session:HKUCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent } $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_USERS $HKUChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKUValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKUCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKUChildKeys = $HKUChildKeys HKUValues = $HKUValues HKUCurrentDir = $HKUCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys $Session:HKUValues = $StaticInfo.HKUValues $Session:HKUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUValues = $StaticInfo.HKUValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir $Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKUGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKUChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Force Refresh" -OnClick { $Session:HKUUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKUGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKUChildItemsUDGrid" } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if ($Session:HKUUDGridLoadingTracker -eq "Loading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 6 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $RootRegistryProperties = @("Name","Path","Type","Data","ChildCount","Explore") $RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "HKUChildItemsUDGrid" Headers = $RootRegistryProperties Properties = $RootRegistryProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $HKUGridRefreshed = $False while (!$HKUGridRefreshed) { try { $Session:HKUObjectsForGrid | foreach { if ($_.Name) { if ($_.Path) { $RootDirSlashCheck = $_.Path -split "HKEY_USERS\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKU:"} else {"HKU:\"} $PathUpdatedFormat = $_.Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString } #elseif ($_.ChildCount -eq 0 -and $($PathUpdatedFormat -split "\\").Count -gt 2) {'Empty'} [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name Path = if ($_.Path) {$PathUpdatedFormat} else {$null} Type = if ($_.Type) {$_.Type.ToString()} else {"Key"} Data = if ($_.Data) {$_.Data -join ", "} else {$null} ChildCount = if ($_.ChildCount) {$_.ChildCount} else {$null} Explore = if (!$_.Path) {'-'} else { New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKUUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" #$NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" $FullPathToExplore = $PathUpdatedFormat $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_USERS $HKUChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKUValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKUCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKUChildKeys = $HKUChildKeys HKUValues = $HKUValues HKUCurrentDir = $HKUCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys $Session:HKUValues = $StaticInfo.HKUValues $Session:HKUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKUChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUValues = $StaticInfo.HKUValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKUCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKUCurrentDir $Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKURootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKUGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKUGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKUChildItemsUDGrid" } } } } } | Out-UDGridData $HKUGridRefreshed = $True $Session:HKUUDGridLoadingTracker = "FinishedLoading" } catch {} } } } } } } New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" -Icon laptop -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCCGridObjects" -Tag div -EndPoint { $Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed = $False [System.Collections.ArrayList]$HKCCObjectsForGridPrep = @() if (@($Session:HKCCChildKeys).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCCChildKeys) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCCObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } if (@($Session:HKCCValues).Count -gt 0) { foreach ($obj in $Session:HKCCValues) { if ($obj.Name) { $null = $HKCCObjectsForGridPrep.Add($obj) } } } $Session:HKCCObjectsForGrid = $HKCCObjectsForGridPrep $Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed = $False } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCCRootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKCCChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKCC:"} else {"HKCC:\"} $CurrentDirectory = $Session:HKCCChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> New-UDHeading -Text "Current Directory: $($Session:HKCCCurrentDir)" -Size 5 } New-UDElement -Id "NewHKCCRootDirTB" -Tag div -EndPoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "NewHKCCRootDirTBProper" -Label "New Directory" } New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKCCUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewHKCCRootDirTBProper" $FullPathToExplore = $NewRootDirTextBox.Attributes['value'] $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCC -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG $HKCCChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCCValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCCCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCCChildKeys = $HKCCChildKeys HKCCValues = $HKCCValues HKCCCurrentDir = $HKCCCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCCChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys $Session:HKCCValues = $StaticInfo.HKCCValues $Session:HKCCCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCValues = $StaticInfo.HKCCValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir $Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCCRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCCRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCCGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCCChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Parent Directory" -OnClick { $Session:HKCCUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" <# $RootDirSlashCheck = $Session:HKUChildKeys[0].Path -split "HKEY_USER\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKU:"} else {"HKU:\"} $FullPathToExplorePrep = $Session:HKUChildKeys[0].Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString #> $FullPathToExplore = if ($($Session:HKUCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent) -eq "") { $Session:HKUCurrentDir } else { $Session:HKUCurrentDir | Split-Path -Parent } $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCC -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG $HKCCChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCCValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCCCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCCChildKeys = $HKCCChildKeys HKCCValues = $HKCCValues HKCCCurrentDir = $HKCCCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCCChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys $Session:HKCCValues = $StaticInfo.HKCCValues $Session:HKCCCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCValues = $StaticInfo.HKCCValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir $Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCCRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCCRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCCGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCCChildItemsUDGrid" } New-UDButton -Text "Force Refresh" -OnClick { $Session:HKCCUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" $Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCCRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCCRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCCGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCCChildItemsUDGrid" } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Endpoint {} } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if ($Session:HKCCUDGridLoadingTracker -eq "Loading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 6 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $RootRegistryProperties = @("Name","Path","Type","Data","ChildCount","Explore") $RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Id = "HKCCChildItemsUDGrid" Headers = $RootRegistryProperties Properties = $RootRegistryProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @RootRegistryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $HKCCGridRefreshed = $False while (!$HKCCGridRefreshed) { try { $Session:HKCCObjectsForGrid | foreach { if ($_.Name) { if ($_.Path) { $RootDirSlashCheck = $_.Path -split "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\\" $ReplaceString = if ($RootDirSlashCheck[-1][0] -eq "\") {"HKCC:"} else {"HKCC:\"} $PathUpdatedFormat = $_.Path -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::.*?\\",$ReplaceString } #elseif ($_.ChildCount -eq 0 -and $($PathUpdatedFormat -split "\\").Count -gt 2) {'Empty'} [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $_.Name Path = if ($_.Path) {$PathUpdatedFormat} else {$null} Type = if ($_.Type) {$_.Type.ToString()} else {"Key"} Data = if ($_.Data) {$_.Data -join ", "} else {$null} ChildCount = if ($_.ChildCount) {$_.ChildCount} else {$null} Explore = if (!$_.Path) {'-'} else { New-UDButton -Text "Explore" -OnClick { $Session:HKCCUDGridLoadingTracker = "Loading" #$NewRootDirTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "NewRootDirTB" $FullPathToExplore = $PathUpdatedFormat $GetRegistrySubKeysFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistrySubKeys" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRegistryValuesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RegistryValues" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $NewPathInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistrySubKeysFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetRegistryValuesFunc $null = New-PSDrive -Name HKCC -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG $HKCCChildKeys = Get-RegistrySubKeys -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCCValues = Get-RegistryValues -path $args[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $HKCCCurrentDir = $args[0] [pscustomobject]@{ HKCCChildKeys = $HKCCChildKeys HKCCValues = $HKCCValues HKCCCurrentDir = $HKCCCurrentDir } } -ArgumentList $FullPathToExplore $Session:HKCCChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys $Session:HKCCValues = $StaticInfo.HKCCValues $Session:HKCCCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCChildKeys = $StaticInfo.HKCCChildKeys $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCValues = $StaticInfo.HKCCValues $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Registry.HKCCCurrentDir = $StaticInfo.HKCCCurrentDir $Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "NewHKCCRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "CurrentHKCCRootDirTB" Sync-UDElement -Id "UpdateHKCCGridObjects" while (!$Session:HKCCGridItemsRefreshed) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } Sync-UDElement -Id "HKCCChildItemsUDGrid" } } } } } | Out-UDGridData $HKCCGridRefreshed = $True $Session:HKCCUDGridLoadingTracker = "FinishedLoading" } catch {} } } } } } } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:RegistryPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Registry/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $RegistryPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $RolesAndFeaturesPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:RolesAndFeaturesPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:RolesAndFeaturesPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $OSInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem if ($OSInfo.Caption -match "Server") { Import-Module ServerManager $RolesAndFeaturesInfo = Get-WindowsFeature } else { try { Import-Module "$env:SystemRoot\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\Dism\Dism.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop $RolesAndFeaturesInfo = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online } catch { $RolesAndFeaturesInfo = [pscustomobject]@{ FeatureName = "Unable to load Dism Module!" State = "Unable to load Dism Module!" Path = "Unable to load Dism Module!" Online = "Unable to load Dism Module!" WinPath = "Unable to load Dism Module!" SysDrivePath = "Unable to load Dism Module!" RestartNeeded = "Unable to load Dism Module!" LogPath = "Unable to load Dism Module!" ScratchDirectory = "Unable to load Dism Module!" LogLevel = "Unable to load Dism Module!" } } } [pscustomobject]@{ RolesAndFeaturesInfo = $RolesAndFeaturesInfo } } $Session:RolesAndFeaturesInfoStatic = $StaticInfo.RolesAndFeaturesInfo if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.Keys -notcontains "RolesAndFeaturesInfo") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.Add("RolesAndFeaturesInfo",$Session:RolesAndFeaturesInfoStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.RolesAndFeaturesInfo = $Session:RolesAndFeaturesInfoStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "RolesAndFeatures (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetRolesAndFeaturesOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RolesAndFeaturesOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetRolesAndFeaturesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-RolesAndFeatures" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetRolesAndFeaturesOverviewFunc,$GetRolesAndFeaturesFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "RolesAndFeatures$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "RolesAndFeatures$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllRolesAndFeaturess = Get-RolesAndFeatures} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{RolesAndFeaturesSummary = Get-RolesAndFeaturesOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-RolesAndFeatureservicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "RolesAndFeatures$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."RolesAndFeatures$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."RolesAndFeatures$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example # Dism 'Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online' Properties <# FeatureName : ADCertificateServicesRole State : Disabled Path : Online : True WinPath : SysDrivePath : RestartNeeded : False LogPath : C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log ScratchDirectory : LogLevel : WarningsInfo #> # ServerManager Get-WindowsFeature Properties <# Name : AD-Certificate DisplayName : Active Directory Certificate Services Description : Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) is used to create certification authorities and related role services that allow you to issue and manage certificates used in a variety of applications. Installed : False InstallState : Available FeatureType : Role Path : Active Directory Certificate Services Depth : 1 DependsOn : {} Parent : ServerComponentDescriptor : ServerComponent_AD_Certificate SubFeatures : {ADCS-Cert-Authority, ADCS-Enroll-Web-Pol, ADCS-Enroll-Web-Svc, ADCS-Web-Enrollment...} SystemService : {} Notification : {} BestPracticesModelId : Microsoft/Windows/CertificateServices EventQuery : ActiveDirectoryCertificateServices.Events.xml PostConfigurationNeeded : False AdditionalInfo : {MajorVersion, MinorVersion, NumericId, InstallName} #> $RolesAndFeaturesProperties = @("Name","State","Parent","SubFeatures","DependsOn") $RolesAndFeaturesUDGridSplatParams = @{ Headers = $RolesAndFeaturesProperties Properties = $RolesAndFeaturesProperties NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @RolesAndFeaturesUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $OSInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem if ($OSInfo.Caption -match "Server") { Import-Module ServerManager $RolesAndFeaturesInfo = Get-WindowsFeature } else { try { Import-Module "$env:SystemRoot\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\Dism\Dism.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop $RolesAndFeaturesInfo = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online } catch { $RolesAndFeaturesInfo = [pscustomobject]@{ FeatureName = "Unable to load Dism Module!" State = "Unable to load Dism Module!" Path = "Unable to load Dism Module!" Online = "Unable to load Dism Module!" WinPath = "Unable to load Dism Module!" SysDrivePath = "Unable to load Dism Module!" RestartNeeded = "Unable to load Dism Module!" LogPath = "Unable to load Dism Module!" ScratchDirectory = "Unable to load Dism Module!" LogLevel = "Unable to load Dism Module!" } } } [pscustomobject]@{ RolesAndFeaturesInfo = $RolesAndFeaturesInfo } } if ($($StaticInfo.RolesAndFeaturesInfo[0] | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name -contains "FeatureName") { $Session:RolesAndFeaturesInfoStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.RolesAndFeaturesInfo) { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $obj.FeatureName State = $obj.State # Enabled/Disabled Parent = "Info Not Available" SubFeatures = "Info Not Available" DependsOn = "Info Not Available" } } } else { $Session:RolesAndFeaturesInfoStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.RolesAndFeaturesInfo) { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $obj.Name State = if ($obj.Installed) {"Enabled"} else {"Disabled"} Parent = $obj.Parent SubFeatures = $obj.SubFeatures -join ", " DependsOn = $obj.DependsOn -join ", " } } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".RolesAndFeatures.RolesAndFeaturesInfo = $Session:RolesAndFeaturesInfoStatic $Session:RolesAndFeaturesInfoStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:RolesAndFeaturesPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/RolesAndFeatures/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $RolesAndFeaturesPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $ScheduledTasksPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:ScheduledTasksPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:ScheduledTasksPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetScheduledTasksFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ScheduledTasks" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetScheduledTasksFunc $AllScheduledTasks = Get-ScheduledTasks [pscustomobject]@{ AllScheduledTasks = $AllScheduledTasks } } $Session:AllScheduledTasksStatic = $StaticInfo.AllScheduledTasks if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.Keys -notcontains "AllScheduledTasks") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.Add("AllScheduledTasks",$Session:AllScheduledTasksStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.AllScheduledTasks = $Session:AllScheduledTasksStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "ScheduledTasks (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetScheduledTasksOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ScheduledTasksOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetScheduledTasksFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ScheduledTasks" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetScheduledTasksOverviewFunc,$GetScheduledTasksFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "ScheduledTasks$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "ScheduledTasks$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllScheduledTaskss = Get-ScheduledTasks} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{ScheduledTasksSummary = Get-ScheduledTasksOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-ScheduledTaskservicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "ScheduledTasks$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."ScheduledTasks$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."ScheduledTasks$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example <# PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $SchTsks[0].ScheduledTaskInfo LastRunTime : 8/28/2018 10:50:50 PM LastTaskResult : 0 NextRunTime : 8/29/2018 10:50:50 PM NumberOfMissedRuns : 0 TaskName : GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore TaskPath : \ PSComputerName : PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $SchTsks[0].ScheduledTask TaskPath TaskName State -------- -------- ----- \ GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore Ready PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $SchTsks[0].ScheduledTask | fl * status : Ready TriggersEx : {MSFT_TaskLogonTrigger, MSFT_TaskDailyTrigger} State : Ready Actions : {MSFT_TaskExecAction} Author : Date : Description : Keeps your Google software up to date. If this task is disabled or stopped, your Google software will not be kept up to date, meaning security vulnerabilities that may arise cannot be fixed and features may not work. This task uninstalls itself when there is no Google software using it. Documentation : Principal : MSFT_TaskPrincipal2 SecurityDescriptor : Settings : MSFT_TaskSettings3 Source : TaskName : GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore TaskPath : \ Triggers : {MSFT_TaskLogonTrigger, MSFT_TaskDailyTrigger} URI : \GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore Version : PSComputerName : CimClass : Root/Microsoft/Windows/TaskScheduler:MSFT_ScheduledTask CimInstanceProperties : {Actions, Author, Date, Description...} CimSystemProperties : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties Trigger Value: $($($($($($($SchTsks.ScheduledTask[6].Triggers | gm).TypeName | Sort-Object | Get-Unique) | foreach {$_ -split "/"}) -match "Trigger") -replace "MSFT_Task") -replace "Trigger") -join ", " #> $AllScheduledTasksProperties = @("Name","Status","Triggers","NextRunTime","LastRunTime","LastRunResult","Author","Created") $AllScheduledTasksUDTableSplatParams = @{ Headers = $AllScheduledTasksProperties Properties = $AllScheduledTasksProperties PageSize = 20 } New-UDGrid @AllScheduledTasksUDTableSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetScheduledTasksFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ScheduledTasks" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $SchTsksInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetScheduledTasksFunc $AllScheduledTasks = Get-ScheduledTasks [pscustomobject]@{ AllScheduledTasks = $AllScheduledTasks } } $Session:AllScheduledTasksStatic = foreach ($obj in $SchTsksInfo.AllScheduledTasks) { [array]$TriggersPrepA = @($obj.ScheduledTask.Triggers | Where-Object {$_}) if ($TriggersPrepA.Count -gt 0) { $TriggersPrep = $($($TriggersPrepA | Get-Member).TypeName | Sort-Object | Get-Unique) | foreach {$_ -split "/"} $Triggers = $($($TriggersPrepA -match "Trigger") -replace "MSFT_Task") -replace "Trigger" } else { $Triggers = $null } # LastRunResult Translation # From: $LastRunResult = switch ($obj.ScheduledTaskInfo.LastTaskResult) { {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '0'} { "The operation completed successfully." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '1'} { "Incorrect function called or unknown function called." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '2'} { "File not found." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '10'} { "The environment is incorrect." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41300'} { "Task is ready to run at its next scheduled time." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41301'} { "The task is currently running." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41302'} { "The task has been disabled." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41303'} { "The task has not yet run." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41304'} { "There are no more runs scheduled for this task." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41305'} { "One or more of the properties that are needed to run this task have not been set." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41306'} { "The last run of the task was terminated by the user." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41307'} { "Either the task has no triggers or the existing triggers are disabled or not set." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '41308'} { "Event triggers do not have set run times." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80010002'} { "Call was canceled by the message filter." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041309'} { "A task's trigger is not found." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004130A'} { "One or more of the properties required to run this task have not been set." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004130B'} { "There is no running instance of the task." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004130C'} { "The Task Scheduler service is not installed on this computer." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004130D'} { "The task object could not be opened." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004130E'} { "The object is either an invalid task object or is not a task object." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004130F'} { "No account information could be found in the Task Scheduler security database for the task indicated." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041310'} { "Unable to establish existence of the account specified." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041311'} { "Corruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041312'} { "Task Scheduler security services are available only on Windows NT." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041313'} { "The task object version is either unsupported or invalid." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041314'} { "The task has been configured with an unsupported combination of account settings and run time options." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041315'} { "The Task Scheduler Service is not running." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041316'} { "The task XML contains an unexpected node." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041317'} { "The task XML contains an element or attribute from an unexpected namespace." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041318'} { "The task XML contains a value which is incorrectly formatted or out of range." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041319'} { "The task XML is missing a required element or attribute." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004131A'} { "The task XML is malformed." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '0004131B'} { "The task is registered, but not all specified triggers will start the task." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '0004131C'} { "The task is registered, but may fail to start. Batch logon privilege needs to be enabled for the task principal." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004131D'} { "The task XML contains too many nodes of the same type." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004131E'} { "The task cannot be started after the trigger end boundary." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '8004131F'} { "An instance of this task is already running." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041320'} { "The task will not run because the user is not logged on." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041321'} { "The task image is corrupt or has been tampered with." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041322'} { "The Task Scheduler service is not available." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041323'} { "The Task Scheduler service is too busy to handle your request. Please try again later." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041324'} { "The Task Scheduler service attempted to run the task, but the task did not run due to one of the constraints in the task definition." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '00041325'} { "The Task Scheduler service has asked the task to run." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041326'} { "The task is disabled." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041327'} { "The task has properties that are not compatible with earlier versions of Windows." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq '80041328'} { "The task settings do not allow the task to start on demand." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq 'C000013A'} { "The application terminated as a result of a CTRL+C." } {$('{0:X}' -f $_) -eq 'C0000142'} { "The application failed to initialize properly." } Default { $null } } [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $obj.ScheduledTask.TaskName Status = $obj.ScheduledTask.status Triggers = $Triggers NextRunTime = if ($obj.ScheduledTaskInfo.NextRunTime) {Get-Date $obj.ScheduledTaskInfo.NextRunTime -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt} else {$null} LastRunTime = if ($obj.ScheduledTaskInfo.LastRunTime) {Get-Date $obj.ScheduledTaskInfo.LastRunTime -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt} else {$null} LastRunResult = $LastRunResult Author = $obj.ScheduledTask.Author Created = if ($obj.ScheduledTask.Date) {Get-Date $obj.ScheduledTask.Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt} else {$null} } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".ScheduledTasks.AllScheduledTasks = $Session:AllScheduledTasksStatic $Session:AllScheduledTasksStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:ScheduledTasksPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/ScheduledTasks/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $ScheduledTasksPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $ServicesPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:ServicesPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:ServicesPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $AllServices = Get-CimInstance Win32_Service [pscustomobject]@{ AllServices = [pscustomobject]$AllServices } } $Session:AllServicesStatic = $StaticInfo.AllServices if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.Keys -notcontains "AllServices") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.Add("AllServices",$Session:AllServicesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.AllServices = $Session:AllServicesStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Services (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetServicesOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ServicesOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetServicesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Services" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetServicesOverviewFunc,$GetServicesFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Services$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Services$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllServicess = Get-Services} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{ServicesSummary = Get-ServicesOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-ServiceservicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Services$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Services$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Services$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example <# Name : AJRouter Status : OK ExitCode : 1077 DesktopInteract : False ErrorControl : Normal PathName : C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted ServiceType : Share Process StartMode : Manual Caption : AllJoyn Router Service Description : Routes AllJoyn messages for the local AllJoyn clients. If this service is stopped the AllJoyn clients that do not have their own bundled routers will be unable to run. InstallDate : CreationClassName : Win32_Service Started : False SystemCreationClassName : Win32_ComputerSystem SystemName : ZEROTESTING AcceptPause : False AcceptStop : False DisplayName : AllJoyn Router Service ServiceSpecificExitCode : 0 StartName : NT AUTHORITY\LocalService State : Stopped TagId : 0 CheckPoint : 0 DelayedAutoStart : False ProcessId : 0 WaitHint : 0 PSComputerName : CimClass : root/cimv2:Win32_Service CimInstanceProperties : {Caption, Description, InstallDate, Name...} CimSystemProperties : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties #> $AllServicesProperties = @("Name","DisplayName","Status","State","StartMode","PathName","Description") $AllServicesUDGridSplatParams = @{ Headers = $AllServicesProperties Properties = $AllServicesProperties PageSize = 20 } New-UDGrid @AllServicesUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $AllServices = Get-CimInstance Win32_Service [pscustomobject]@{ AllServices = [pscustomobject]$AllServices } } $Session:AllServicesStatic = $StaticInfo.AllServices $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Services.AllServices = $Session:AllServicesStatic $Session:AllServicesStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:ServicesPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Services/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $ServicesPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $StoragePageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:StoragePageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:StoragePageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetStorageDiskFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageDisk" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetStorageFileShareFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageFileShare" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetStorageVolumeFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageVolume" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $FunctionsToLoad = @($GetStorageDiskFunc,$GetStorageFileShareFunc,$GetStorageVolumeFunc) $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $using:FunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} $DiskSummary = Get-StorageDisk $VolumeSummary = Get-StorageVolume $FileShareSummary = Get-StorageFileShare [pscustomobject]@{ DiskSummary = $DiskSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} VolumeSummary = $VolumeSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} FileShareSummary = $FileShareSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} } } $Session:DiskSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.DiskSummary $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.VolumeSummary $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.FileShareSummary if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Keys -notcontains "DiskSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Add("DiskSummary",$StaticInfo.DiskSummary) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.DiskSummary = $StaticInfo.DiskSummary } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Keys -notcontains "VolumeSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Add("VolumeSummary",$Session:VolumeSummaryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.VolumeSummary = $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Keys -notcontains "FileShareSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Add("FileShareSummary",$Session:FileShareSummaryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.FileShareSummary = $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Storage (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetStorageOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetStorageFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Storage" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetStorageOverviewFunc,$GetStorageFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Storage$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Storage$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllStorages = Get-Storage} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{StorageSummary = Get-StorageOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-StorageervicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Storage$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Storage$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Storage$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example <# PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-StorageDisk Name Value ---- ----- UniqueId 60022480D969B073D0ADAF27131151DF SerialNumber ProvisioningType 1 IsSystem True LogicalSectorSize 512 Number 0 IsHighlyAvailable False HealthStatus 0 volumeIds {\\?\Volume{96ae8ad0-e1c2-4cd0-9109-83a47970250f}\, \\?\Volume{7c1da3c0-361d-4803-939c-6e375035ab96}\} PhysicalSectorSize 4096 NumberOfPartitions 4 Model Virtual Disk IsReadOnly False OperationalStatus {53264} IsScaleOut False IsClustered False IsOffline False FirmwareVersion 1.0 LargestFreeExtent 0 BootFromDisk True BusType 10 Size 68719476736 OfflineReason 0 AllocatedSize 68719476736 Location Integrated : Adapter 0 : Port 0 : Target 0 : LUN 0 IsBoot True FriendlyName Msft Virtual Disk UniqueIdFormat 3 Path \\?\scsi#disk&ven_msft&prod_virtual_disk#000000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} PartitionStyle 2 Signature PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-StorageVolume Name Value ---- ----- UniqueId \\?\Volume{7c1da3c0-361d-4803-939c-6e375035ab96}\ FileSystemLabel Name (C:) IsSystem False FileSystemType 14 DiskNumber 0 FileSystem NTFS IsBoot True SizeRemaining 43436892160 IsActive False OperationalStatus {2} HealthStatus 0 DriveType 3 PartitionNumber 4 DriveLetter C AllocationUnitSize 4096 Size 68124930048 DedupMode 4 Path \\?\Volume{7c1da3c0-361d-4803-939c-6e375035ab96}\ PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-StorageFileShare Name Value ---- ----- UniqueId smb|$ Description Default share EncryptData False ContinuouslyAvailable False IsHidden True ShareState 1 Name C$ FileSharingProtocol 3 HealthStatus 0 OperationalStatus {53264} VolumePath \ #> # Disk Summary $DiskSummaryProperties = @("Number","Name","Health","Status","Unallocated","Capacity","BootDisk") $DiskSummaryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Disk Summary" Headers = $DiskSummaryProperties Properties = $DiskSummaryProperties NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @DiskSummaryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetStorageDiskFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageDisk" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetStorageDiskFunc $DiskSummary = Get-StorageDisk [pscustomobject]@{ DiskSummary = $DiskSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} } } $Session:DiskSummaryStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.DiskSummary) { $Health = switch ($obj.HealthStatus) { '0' {"Healthy"} '1' {"Warning"} '2' {"Unhealthy"} '5' {"Unknown"} Default {$null} } [pscustomobject]@{ Number = $obj.Number Name = $obj.FriendlyName Health = $Health Status = if ($obj.isOffline) {"Offline"} else {"Online"} Unallocated = [Math]::Round($($($obj.Size - $obj.AllocatedSize) / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' Capacity = [Math]::Round($($obj.Size / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' BootDisk = if ($obj.isBoot) {"True"} else {"False"} } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.DiskSummary = $Session:DiskSummaryStatic $Session:DiskSummaryStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Volume Summary $VolumeSummaryProperties = @("Name","DiskNumber","BootVolume","DriveType","FileSystem","Health","SpaceRemaining","Size") $VolumeSummaryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Volume Summary" Headers = $VolumeSummaryProperties Properties = $VolumeSummaryProperties NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @VolumeSummaryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetStorageVolumeFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageVolume" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetStorageVolumeFunc $VolumeSummary = Get-StorageVolume [pscustomobject]@{ VolumeSummary = $VolumeSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} } } $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.VolumeSummary) { $Health = switch ($obj.HealthStatus) { '0' {"Healthy"} '1' {"Warning"} '2' {"Unhealthy"} '5' {"Unknown"} Default {$null} } $DriveType = switch ($obj.DriveType) { '0' {"Unknown"} '1' {"No Root Directory"} '2' {"Removeable Disk"} '3' {"Local Disk"} '4' {"Network Drive"} '5' {"Compact Disk"} '6' {"RAM Disk"} Default {$null} } [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $obj.Name DiskNumber = $obj.DiskNumber BootVolume = $obj.isBoot.ToString() DriveType = $DriveType FileSystem = $obj.FileSystem Health = $Health SpaceRemaining = [Math]::Round($($obj.SizeRemaining / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' Size = [Math]::Round($($obj.Size / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.VolumeSummary = $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic | Out-UDGridData } # FileShare Summary $FileShareSummaryProperties = @("Name","Health","ShareState","FileSharingProtocol","EncryptData","Hidden") $FileShareSummaryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "FileShare Summary" Headers = $FileShareSummaryProperties Properties = $FileShareSummaryProperties NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @FileShareSummaryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetStorageFileShareFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageFileShare" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetStorageFileShareFunc $FileShareSummary = Get-StorageFileShare [pscustomobject]@{ FileShareSummary = $FileShareSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} } } # See: $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.FileShareSummary) { $Health = switch ($obj.HealthStatus) { '0' {"Healthy"} '1' {"Warning"} '2' {"Unhealthy"} '5' {"Unknown"} Default {$null} } $ShareState = switch ($obj.ShareState) { '0' {"Pending"} '1' {"Online"} '2' {"Offline"} Default {$null} } $FileSharingProtocol = switch ($obj.FileSharingProtocol) { '2' {"NFS"} '3' {"CIFS(SMB)"} Default {$null} } [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $obj.Name Health = $Health ShareState = $ShareState FileSharingProtocol = $FileSharingProtocol EncryptData = $obj.EncryptData.ToString() Hidden = $obj.IsHidden.ToString() } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.FileShareSummary = $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:StoragePageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Storage/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $StoragePageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) #region >> Test Page $TestPageContent = { New-UDTable -Title "Users" -Headers @("Name", "Emails per Day") -Endpoint { Import-Module UniversalDashboard.Sparklines @( [PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Adam"; Values = @(12,12,4,2,75,23,54,12); Color = "#234254"} [PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Jon"; Values = @(2,42,33,21,11,3,32,9); Color = "#453423"} [PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Bill"; Values = @(1,92,40,21,7,3,2,12); Color = "#923923"} [PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Ted"; Values = @(112,11,41,2,5,63,74,12); Color = "#A43534"} [PSCustomObject]@{"Name" = "Tommy"; Values = @(12,2,42,21,18,26,26,19); Color = "#593493"} ) | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name Sparkline = New-UDSparkline -Data $_.Values -Color $_.Color } } | Out-UDTableData -Property @("Name", "Sparkline") } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Test" -Endpoint $TestPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) #endregion >> Test Page #region >> Tool Select Page $ToolSelectPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) New-UDColumn -Endpoint {$Session:ThisRemoteHost = $RemoteHost} $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, we can't use the $DisconnectedPageContent directly here. It needs to be a different object before it actually outputs # UD Elements. Not sure why. $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:ToolSelectPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() #$PUDRSSyncHT.ToolSelectPageLoadingTracker = $Session:ToolSelectPageLoadingTracker } #New-UDHeading -Text "Select a Tool" -Size 4 } New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if ($Session:ToolSelectPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $Session:ThisRemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" #Write-Error "Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds is null" } else { # Check $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds Credentials. If they don't work, redirect to "/PSRemotingCreds/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $RHostIP -AltCredentials $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.DeterminedCredsThatWorkedOnRemoteHost) { if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" #Write-Error "GetWorkingCredentials A" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" #Write-Error "GetWorkingCredentials B" } } catch { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" #Write-Error $_ } } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $Session:ThisRemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","CredSSP","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $Session:ThisRemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $Session:ThisRemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { <# $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $Session:ThisRemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Disconnected" } #> Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" } #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $Session:ThisRemoteHost $GetServerInventoryFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-ServerInventory" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetServerInventoryFunc [pscustomobject]@{ServerInventoryStatic = Get-ServerInventory} } $Session:ServerInventoryStatic = $StaticInfo.ServerInventoryStatic $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".ServerInventoryStatic = $Session:ServerInventoryStatic #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $Session:ThisRemoteHost # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Previous.Count -eq 0) { if ($Session:ServerInventoryStatic.IsCredSSPEnabled) { $CredSSPStatus = "Enabled" } else { $CredSSPStatus = "Disabled" } } elseif (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Previous.ServerInventory).Count -gt 0) { if (@($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".LiveDataTracker.Previous.ServerInventory)[-1].IsCredSSPEnabled) { $CredSSPStatus = "Enabled" } else { $CredSSPStatus = "Disabled" } } else { $CredSSPStatus = "NotYetDetermined" } $TableData.Add("CredSSP",$CredSSPStatus) $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","CredSSP","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected to $Session:ThisRemoteHost #region >> Create the Tool Select Content if ($ConnectionStatus -eq "Connected") { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$DynPageRows = @() $RelevantDynamicPages = $DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"} $ItemsPerRow = 3 $NumberOfRows = $DynamicPages.Count / $ItemsPerRow for ($i=0; $i -lt $NumberOfRows; $i++) { New-Variable -Name "Row$i" -Value $(New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList) -Force if ($i -eq 0) {$j = 0} else {$j = $i * $ItemsPerRow} $jLoopLimit = $j + $($ItemsPerRow - 1) while ($j -le $jLoopLimit) { $null = $(Get-Variable -Name "Row$i" -ValueOnly).Add($RelevantDynamicPages[$j]) $j++ } $null = $DynPageRows.Add($(Get-Variable -Name "Row$i" -ValueOnly)) } foreach ($DynPageRow in $DynPageRows) { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($DynPage in $DynPageRow) { # Make sure we're connected before loadting the UDCards $DynPageNoSpace = $DynPage -replace "[\s]","" $CardId = $DynPageNoSpace + "Card" New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Endpoint { if ($DynPage -ne $null) { $Links = @(New-UDLink -Text $DynPage -Url "/$DynPageNoSpace/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" -Icon dashboard) New-UDCard -Title $DynPage -Id $CardId -Text "$DynPage Info" -Links $Links } } } } } $null = $Session:ToolSelectPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") } #endregion >> Create the Tool Select Content } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/ToolSelect/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $ToolSelectPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) #endregion >> Tool Select Page $UpdatesPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:UpdatesPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:UpdatesPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetWUAHistoryFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-WUAHistory" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetPendingUpdatesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-PendingUpdates" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetPendingUpdatesFunc Invoke-Expression $using:GetWUAHistoryFunc $UpdatesHistory = Get-WUAHistory $PendingUpdates = Get-PendingUpdates [pscustomobject]@{ UpdatesHistory = $UpdatesHistory PendingUpdates = $PendingUpdates } } $Session:UpdatesHistoryStatic = $StaticInfo.UpdatesHistory $Session:PendingUpdatesStatic = $StaticInfo.PendingUpdates if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.Keys -notcontains "UpdatesHistory") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.Add("UpdatesHistory",$Session:UpdatesHistoryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.UpdatesHistory = $Session:UpdatesHistoryStatic } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.Keys -notcontains "PendingUpdates") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.Add("PendingUpdates",$Session:PendingUpdatesStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.PendingUpdates = $Session:PendingUpdatesStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Updates (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetUpdatesOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-UpdatesOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetUpdatesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Updates" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetUpdatesOverviewFunc,$GetUpdatesFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Updates$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Updates$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllUpdatess = Get-Updates} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{UpdatesSummary = Get-UpdatesOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-UpdateservicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Updates$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Updates$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Updates$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example <# PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $testWUAHist[0] Result : Succeeded UpdateId : 7aea2f20-80a5-44b7-aab1-f1f491651c13 RevisionNumber : 200 Product : Windows Defender Operation : 1 ResultCode : 2 HResult : 0 Date : 8/29/2018 9:36:50 PM UpdateIdentity : System.__ComObject Title : Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Definition 1.275.400.0) Description : Install this update to revise the definition files that are used to detect viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software. Once you have installed this item, it cannot be removed. UnmappedResultCode : 0 ClientApplicationID : Windows Defender (77BDAF73-B396-481F-9042-AD358843EC24) ServerSelection : 2 ServiceID : UninstallationSteps : System.__ComObject UninstallationNotes : SupportUrl : Categories : System.__ComObject PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $testPendUp[0] Computername : ZEROTESTING Title : Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - August 2018 (KB890830) KB : 890830 SecurityBulletin : MsrcSeverity : IsDownloaded : False Url : Categories : {Update Rollups, Windows Server 2016} BundledUpdates : @{Title=Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - August 2018 (KB890830) Multi-Lingual - Delta 5; DownloadUrl=} #> $UpdatesHistoryProperties = @("Title","Result","Product","KB","Date","Description","SupportUrl") $UpdatesHistoryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Updates History" Headers = $UpdatesHistoryProperties Properties = $UpdatesHistoryProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @UpdatesHistoryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetWUAHistoryFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-WUAHistory" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetWUAHistoryFunc $UpdatesHistory = Get-WUAHistory [pscustomobject]@{ UpdatesHistory = $UpdatesHistory } } $Session:UpdatesHistoryStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.UpdatesHistory) { [pscustomobject]@{ Title = $obj.Title Result = $obj.Result Product = $obj.Product KB = $($obj.Title | Select-String -Pattern "KB[0-9]+").Matches.Value Date = Get-Date $obj.Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt Description = $obj.Description SupportUrl = $obj.SupportUrl } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.UpdatesHistory = $Session:UpdatesHistoryStatic $Session:UpdatesHistoryStatic | Out-UDGridData } $PendingUpdatesProperties = @("Title","KB","MsrcSeverity","IsDownloaded","Url","Categories") $PendingUpdatesUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Pending Updates" Headers = $PendingUpdatesProperties Properties = $PendingUpdatesProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @PendingUpdatesUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetPendingUpdatesFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-PendingUpdates" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetPendingUpdatesFunc $PendingUpdates = Get-PendingUpdates [pscustomobject]@{ PendingUpdates = $PendingUpdates } } $Session:PendingUpdatesStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.PendingUpdates) { [pscustomobject]@{ Title = $obj.Title KB = 'KB' + $obj.KB MsrcSeverity = $obj.MsrcSeverity IsDownloaded = $obj.IsDownloaded Url = $obj.Url Categories = $obj.Categories -join ", " } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Updates.PendingUpdates = $Session:PendingUpdatesStatic $Session:PendingUpdatesStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:UpdatesPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Updates/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $UpdatesPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) $UsersAndGroupsPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:UsersAndGroupsPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:UsersAndGroupsPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetLocalUsersFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-LocalUsers" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetLocalGroupsFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-LocalGroups" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetLocalGroupUsersFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-LocalGroupUsers" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetLocalUserBelongGroupsFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-LocalUserBelongGroups" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $FunctionsToLoad = @($GetLocalUsersFunc,$GetLocalGroupsFunc,$GetLocalGroupUsersFunc,$GetLocalUserBelongGroupsFunc) $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $using:FunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} $LocalUsersInfo = Get-LocalUsers | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ AccountExpires = if ($_.AccountExpires) {$_.AccountExpires.ToString()} else {$null} Description = $_.Description Enabled = $_.Enabled FullName = $_.FullName LastLogon = if ($_.LastLogon) {$_.LastLogon.ToString()} else {$null} Name = $_.Name GroupMembership = $_.GroupMembership ObjectClass = $_.ObjectClass PasswordChangeableDate = if ($_.PasswordChangeableDate) {$_.PasswordChangeableDate.ToString()} else {$null} PasswordExpires = if ($_.PasswordExpires) {$_.PasswordExpires.ToString()} else {$null} PasswordLastSet = if ($_.PasswordLastSet) {$_.PasswordLastSet.ToString()} else {$null} PasswordRequired = $_.PasswordRequired SID = $_.SID.Value UserMayChangePassword = $_.UserMayChangePassword } } $LocalGroupsInfo = Get-LocalGroups [pscustomobject]@{ LocalUsers = $LocalUsersInfo LocalGroups = $LocalGroupsInfo } } $Session:LocalUsersStatic = $StaticInfo.LocalUsers $Session:LocalGroupsStatic = $StaticInfo.LocalGroups if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.Keys -notcontains "LocalUsers") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.Add("LocalUsers",$Session:LocalUsersStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LocalUsers = $Session:LocalUsersStatic } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.Keys -notcontains "LocalGroups") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.Add("LocalGroups",$Session:LocalGroupsStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LocalGroups = $Session:LocalGroupsStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "UsersAndGroups (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetUsersAndGroupsificateOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-UsersAndGroupsificateOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetUsersAndGroupsFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-UsersAndGroups" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetUsersAndGroupsificateOverviewFunc,$GetUsersAndGroupsFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "UsersAndGroups$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "UsersAndGroups$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllUsersAndGroupss = Get-UsersAndGroups} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{UsersAndGroupsSummary = Get-UsersAndGroupsificateOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-UsersAndGroupservicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "UsersAndGroups$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."UsersAndGroups$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."UsersAndGroups$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example #$LocalUsersProperties = @("Name","FullName","SID","Enabled","GroupMembership","LastLogon","PasswordChangeableDate","PasswordExpires","PasswordLastSet","PasswordRequired","UserMayChangePassword") $LocalUsersProperties = @("Name","Enabled","GroupMembership","LastLogon","AccountExpires","PasswordChangeableDate","PasswordExpires","UserMayChangePassword") $LocalUsersUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Local Users" Headers = $LocalUsersProperties Properties = $LocalUsersProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @LocalUsersUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetLocalUsersFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-LocalUsers" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetLocalUserBelongGroupsFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-LocalUserBelongGroups" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $FunctionsToLoad = @($GetLocalUsersFunc,$GetLocalUserBelongGroupsFunc) $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $using:FunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} $LocalUsersInfo = Get-LocalUsers | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ AccountExpires = if ($_.AccountExpires) {$_.AccountExpires.ToString()} else {$null} Description = $_.Description Enabled = $_.Enabled.ToString() FullName = $_.FullName LastLogon = if ($_.LastLogon) {$_.LastLogon.ToString()} else {$null} Name = $_.Name GroupMembership = $_.GroupMembership -join ", " PasswordChangeableDate = if ($_.PasswordChangeableDate) {$_.PasswordChangeableDate.ToString()} else {$null} PasswordExpires = if ($_.PasswordExpires) {$_.PasswordExpires.ToString()} else {$null} PasswordLastSet = if ($_.PasswordLastSet) {$_.PasswordLastSet.ToString()} else {$null} PasswordRequired = $_.PasswordRequired.ToString() SID = $_.SID.Value UserMayChangePassword = $_.UserMayChangePassword.ToString() } } [pscustomobject]@{ LocalUsers = $LocalUsersInfo } } $Session:LocalUsersStatic = $StaticInfo.LocalUsers if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.Keys -notcontains "LocalUsers") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.Add("LocalUsers",$Session:LocalUsersStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LocalUsers = $Session:LocalUsersStatic } $Session:LocalUsersStatic | Out-UDGridData } $LocalGroupsProperties = @("Name","Description","SID","Members") $LocalGroupsUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Local Groups" Headers = $LocalGroupsProperties Properties = $LocalGroupsProperties PageSize = 10 } New-UDGrid @LocalGroupsUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetLocalGroupsFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-LocalGroups" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetLocalGroupUsersFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-LocalGroupUsers" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $FunctionsToLoad = @($GetLocalGroupsFunc,$GetLocalGroupUsersFunc) $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $using:FunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} $LocalGroupsInfo = Get-LocalGroups | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ Description = $_.Description Name = $_.Name SID = $_.SID Members = $_.Members -join ", " } } [pscustomobject]@{ LocalGroups = $LocalGroupsInfo } } $Session:LocalGroupsStatic = $StaticInfo.LocalGroups if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.Keys -notcontains "LocalGroups") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.Add("LocalGroups",$Session:LocalGroupsStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".UsersAndGroups.LocalGroups = $Session:LocalGroupsStatic } $Session:LocalGroupsStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:UsersAndGroupsPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/UsersAndGroups/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $UsersAndGroupsPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) #endregion >> Dynamic Pages #region >> Static Pages #region >> Create Home Page $HomePageContent = { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Define some Cache: variables that we'll be using in a lot of different contexts $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray = $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray = $(Get-Module PUDAdminCenterPrototype).Invoke({$FunctionsForSBUse}) $Cache:DynamicPages = $DynamicPages = @( "PSRemotingCreds" "ToolSelect" "Overview" "Certificates" "Devices" "Events" "Files" "Firewall" "Users And Groups" "Network" "Processes" "Registry" "Roles And Features" "Scheduled Tasks" "Services" "Storage" "Updates" ) # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Cache:RHostRefreshAlreadyRan = $False $Session:HomePageLoadingTracker = $False $Session:SearchRemoteHosts = $False } New-UDHeading -Text "Home" -Size 4 } New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if (!$Session:HomePageLoadingTracker) { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator #region >> HomePage Main Content New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDHeading -Text "General Network Scan" -Size 5 New-UDElement -Id "ScanNetwork" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:ScanNetwork) { New-UDHeading -Text "Scanning Network for RemoteHosts...Please wait..." -Size 6 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDButton -Text "Scan Network" -OnClick { $Session:ScanNetwork = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ScanNetwork" [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ScanRemoteHostListPrep = $(GetComputerObjectsInLDAP).Name # Let's just get 20 of them initially. We want *something* on the HomePage but we don't want hundreds/thousands of entries. We want # the user to specify individual/range of hosts/devices that they want to manage. #$ScanRemoteHostListPrep = $ScanRemoteHostListPrep[0..20] if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ScanRemoteHostListPrep = $ScanRemoteHostListPrep | foreach {$_ -replace "CN=",""} } # Filter Out the Remote Hosts that we can't resolve [System.Collections.ArrayList]$ScanRemoteHostList = @() $null = Clear-DnsClientCache foreach ($HName in $ScanRemoteHostListPrep) { try { $RemoteHostNetworkInfo = ResolveHost -HostNameOrIP $HName -ErrorAction Stop if ($ScanRemoteHostList.FQDN -notcontains $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.FQDN) { $null = $ScanRemoteHostList.Add($RemoteHostNetworkInfo) } } catch { continue } } $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList = $ScanRemoteHostList # Add Keys for each of the Remote Hosts in the $InitialRemoteHostList foreach ($RHost in $ScanRemoteHostList) { $Key = $RHost.HostName + "Info" if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -notcontains $Key) { $Value = @{ NetworkInfo = $RHost CredHT = $null ServerInventoryStatic = $null RelevantNetworkInterfaces = $null LiveDataRSInfo = $null LiveDataTracker = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null} } foreach ($DynPage in $($DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { $DynPageHT = @{ LiveDataRSInfo = $null LiveDataTracker = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null} } $Value.Add($($DynPage -replace "[\s]",""),$DynPageHT) } $PUDRSSyncHT.Add($Key,$Value) } } $Session:ScanNetwork = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "ScanNetwork" # Refresh the Main Content Sync-UDElement -Id "MainContent" } } } # RemoteHost / Device Search New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDHeading -Text "Find Specific Remote Hosts" -Size 5 New-UDElement -Id "SearchRemoteHosts" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:SearchRemoteHosts) { New-UDHeading -Text "Searching for RemoteHosts...Please wait..." -Size 6 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 5 -Endpoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "HostNameOrFQDN" -Label "HostName_Or_FQDN" -Placeholder "Enter a HostName/FQDN, or comma-separated HostNames/FQDNs" } New-UDColumn -Size 5 -Endpoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "IPAddress" -Label "IPAddress" -Placeholder "Enter an IP, comma-separated IPs, a range of IPs using a '-', or a range of IPs using CIDR" } New-UDColumn -Size 2 -Endpoint { New-UDButton -Text "Search" -OnClick { $Session:SearchRemoteHosts = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "SearchRemoteHosts" $HostNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "HostNameOrFQDN" $IPTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "IPAddress" $HostNames = $HostNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $IPAddresses = $IPTextBox.Attributes['value'] [System.Collections.ArrayList]$RemoteHostListPrep = @() if ($HostNames) { if ($HostNames -match [regex]::Escape(',')) { $HostNames -split [regex]::Escape(',') | foreach { if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)) { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($_.Trim()) } } } else { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($HostNames.Trim()) } } if ($IPAddresses) { # Do some basic validation. Make sure no unexpected characters are present. $UnexpectedCharsCheck = $([char[]]$IPAddresses -notmatch "[\s]|,|-|\/|[0-9]") | Where-Object {$_ -ne '.'} if ($UnexpectedCharsCheck.Count -gt 0) { $Session:SearchRemoteHosts = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "SearchRemoteHosts" $Msg = "The following invalid characters were found in the 'IPAddress' field:`n$($UnexpectedCharsCheck -join ', ')" Show-UDToast -Message $Msg -Position 'topRight' -Title "BadChars" -Duration 10000 Write-Error $Msg return } if (!$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape(',')) -and !$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('-')) -and !$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('/'))) { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($IPAddresses.Trim()) } if ($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape(',')) { $ArrayOfRanges = $IPAddresses -split [regex]::Escape(',') | foreach { if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)) { $_.Trim() } } if ($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('-') -and $IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('/')) { foreach ($IPRange in $ArrayOfRanges) { if ($IPRange -match [regex]::Escape('-')) { $StartIP = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('-'))[0] $EndIP = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('-'))[-1] if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $StartIP)) { Show-UDToast -Message "$StartIP is NOT a valid IPv4 Address!" -Position 'topRight' -Title "BadStartIP" -Duration 5000 } if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $EndIP)) { Show-UDToast -Message "$EndIP is NOT a valid IPv4 Address!" -Position 'topRight' -Title "BadEndIP" -Duration 5000 } if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $StartIP) -or !$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $EndIP)) { continue } Get-IPRange -start $StartIP -end $EndIP | foreach { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($_) } } if ($IPRange -match [regex]::Escape('/')) { $IPAddr = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('/'))[0] $CIDRInt = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('/'))[-1] Get-IPRange -ip $IPAddr -cidr $CIDRInt | foreach { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($_) } } } } if ($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('-') -and !$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('/'))) { foreach ($IPRange in $ArrayOfRanges) { $StartIP = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('-'))[0] $EndIP = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('-'))[-1] if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $StartIP)) { Show-UDToast -Message "$StartIP is NOT a valid IPv4 Address!" -Position 'topRight' -Title "BadStartIP" -Duration 5000 } if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $EndIP)) { Show-UDToast -Message "$EndIP is NOT a valid IPv4 Address!" -Position 'topRight' -Title "BadEndIP" -Duration 5000 } if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $StartIP) -or !$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $EndIP)) { continue } Get-IPRange -start $StartIP -end $EndIP | foreach { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($_) } } } if ($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('/') -and !$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('-'))) { foreach ($IPRange in $ArrayOfRanges) { $IPAddr = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('/'))[0] $CIDRInt = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('/'))[-1] Get-IPRange -ip $IPAddr -cidr $CIDRInt | foreach { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($_) } } } if (!$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('/')) -and !$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('-'))) { $IPAddresses -split [regex]::Escape(',') | foreach { if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $_)) { Show-UDToast -Message "$_ is NOT a valid IPv4 Address!" -Position 'topRight' -Title "BadIP" -Duration 5000 } else { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($_.Trim()) } } } } if ($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('-') -and $IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('/')) { Write-Error "You are either missing a comma between two or more separate IP Ranges, or your notation is incorrect. Please try again." $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('-') -and !$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('/'))) { $StartIP = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('-'))[0] $EndIP = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('-'))[-1] if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $StartIP)) { Show-UDToast -Message "$StartIP is NOT a valid IPv4 Address!" -Position 'topRight' -Title "BadStartIP" -Duration 5000 } if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $EndIP)) { Show-UDToast -Message "$EndIP is NOT a valid IPv4 Address!" -Position 'topRight' -Title "BadEndIP" -Duration 5000 } if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $StartIP) -or !$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $EndIP)) { continue } Get-IPRange -start $StartIP -end $EndIP | foreach { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($_) } } if ($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('/') -and !$($IPAddresses -match [regex]::Escape('-'))) { $IPAddr = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('/'))[0] $CIDRInt = $($IPRange -split [regex]::Escape('/'))[-1] Get-IPRange -ip $IPAddr -cidr $CIDRInt | foreach { $null = $RemoteHostListPrep.Add($_) } } } # Filter Out the Remote Hosts that we can't resolve via DNS [System.Collections.ArrayList]$RemoteHostList = @() $null = Clear-DnsClientCache foreach ($HNameOrIP in $RemoteHostListPrep) { try { $RemoteHostNetworkInfo = ResolveHost -HostNameOrIP $HNameOrIP -ErrorAction Stop $null = $RemoteHostList.Add($RemoteHostNetworkInfo) } catch { Show-UDToast -Message "Unable to resolve $HNameOrIP" -Position 'topRight' -Title "CheckDNS" -Duration 5000 continue } } $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList = $RemoteHostList # Add Keys for each of the Remote Hosts in the $InitialRemoteHostList foreach ($RHost in $RemoteHostList) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -notcontains "$($RHost.HostName)Info") { $Key = $RHost.HostName + "Info" $Value = @{ NetworkInfo = $RHost CredHT = $null ServerInventoryStatic = $null RelevantNetworkInterfaces = $null LiveDataRSInfo = $null LiveDataTracker = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null} } foreach ($DynPage in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { $DynPageHT = @{ LiveDataRSInfo = $null LiveDataTracker = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null} } $Value.Add($($DynPage -replace "[\s]",""),$DynPageHT) } $PUDRSSyncHT.Add($Key,$Value) } } $Session:SearchRemoteHosts = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "SearchRemoteHosts" # Refresh the Main Content Sync-UDElement -Id "MainContent" } } } } } <# New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { New-UDHeading -Text "Sampling of Available Remote Hosts" -Size 5 } } #> New-UDElement -Id "MainContent" -Tag div -EndPoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { $RHostUDTableEndpoint = { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHost = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RHostName} $RHostTableData = @{} $RHostTableData.Add("HostName",$RHost.HostName.ToUpper()) $RHostTableData.Add("FQDN",$RHost.FQDN) # Guess Operating System if ($RHost.HostName -eq $env:ComputerName) { $OSGuess = $(Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption } else { if ([bool]$(Get-Command nmap -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $NmapOSResult = nmap -O $RHost.IPAddressList[0] if ($NmapOSResult -match "OS details:") { $OSGuessPrep = $($NmapOSResult | Where-Object {$_ -match "OS details:"}) -replace "OS details: ","" $OSGuess = if ($OSGuessPrep -match ',') {$($OSGuessPrep -split ',')[0].Trim()} else {$OSGuessPrep.Trim()} } if ($NmapOSResult -match "Aggressive OS guesses:") { $OSGuessPrep = $($NmapOSResult | Where-Object {$_ -match "Aggressive OS guesses:"}) -replace "Aggressive OS guesses: ","" $OSGuessPrep = if ($OSGuessPrep -match ',') {$($OSGuessPrep -split ',')[0]} else {$OSGuessPrep} $OSGuess = $($OSGuessPrep -replace "[\s]\([0-9]+%\)","").Trim() } if (!$OSGuess) { $OSGuess = $null } } else { $OSGuess = $null } } $RHostTableData.Add("OS_Guess",$OSGuess) $IPAddressListAsString = @($RHost.IPAddressList) -join ", " $RHostTableData.Add("IPAddress",$IPAddressListAsString) # Check Ping try { $PingResult = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping]::new().Send( $RHost.IPAddressList[0],1000 ) | Select-Object -Property Address,Status,RoundtripTime -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName,PSShowComputerName,RunspaceId $PingStatus = if ($PingResult.Status.ToString() -eq "Success") {"Available"} else {"Unavailable"} $RHostTableData.Add("PingStatus",$PingStatus) } catch { $RHostTableData.Add("PingStatus","Unavailable") } # Check WSMan Ports try { $WSMan5985Url = "http://$($RHost.IPAddressList[0])`:5985/wsman" $WSMan5986Url = "http://$($RHost.IPAddressList[0])`:5986/wsman" $WSManUrls = @($WSMan5985Url,$WSMan5986Url) foreach ($WSManUrl in $WSManUrls) { $Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($WSManUrl) $Request.Timeout = 1000 try { [System.Net.WebResponse]$Response = $Request.GetResponse() } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -match "The remote server returned an error: \(405\) Method Not Allowed") { if ($WSManUrl -match "5985") { $WSMan5985Available = $True } else { $WSMan5986Available = $True } } elseif ($_.Exception.Message -match "The operation has timed out") { if ($WSManUrl -match "5985") { $WSMan5985Available = $False } else { $WSMan5986Available = $False } } else { if ($WSManUrl -match "5985") { $WSMan5985Available = $False } else { $WSMan5986Available = $False } } } } if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $RHostTableData.Add("WSMan","Available") [System.Collections.ArrayList]$WSManPorts = @() if ($WSMan5985Available) { $null = $WSManPorts.Add("5985") } if ($WSMan5986Available) { $null = $WSManPorts.Add("5986") } $WSManPortsString = $WSManPorts -join ', ' $RHostTableData.Add("WSManPorts",$WSManPortsString) } } catch { $RHostTableData.Add("WSMan","Unavailable") } # Check SSH try { $TestSSHResult = TestPort -HostName $RHost.IPAddressList[0] -Port 22 if ($TestSSHResult.Open) { $RHostTableData.Add("SSH","Available") } else { $RHostTableData.Add("SSH","Unavailable") } } catch { $RHostTableData.Add("SSH","Unavailable") } $RHostTableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) if ($RHostTableData.WSMan -eq "Available" -or $RHostTableData.SSH -eq "Available") { # We are within an -Endpoint, so $Session: variables should be available #if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$($RHost.HostName)`Info".CredHT.PSRemotingCreds -ne $null) { if ($Session:CredentialHT.$($RHost.HostName).PSRemotingCreds -ne $null) { $RHostTableData.Add("ManageLink",$(New-UDLink -Text "Manage" -Url "/ToolSelect/$($RHost.HostName)")) } else { $RHostTableData.Add("ManageLink",$(New-UDLink -Text "Manage" -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/$($RHost.HostName)")) } } else { $RHostTableData.Add("ManageLink","Unavailable") } $RHostTableData.Add("NewCreds",$(New-UDLink -Text "NewCreds" -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/$($RHost.HostName)")) if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$($RHost.HostName)Info".Keys -contains "RHostTableData") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$($RHost.HostName)Info".RHostTableData = $RHostTableData } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$($RHost.HostName)Info".Add("RHostTableData",$RHostTableData) } [pscustomobject]$RHostTableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("HostName","FQDN","OS_Guess","IPAddress","PingStatus","WSMan","WSManPorts","SSH","DateTime","ManageLink","NewCreds") } $RHostUDTableEndpointAsString = $RHostUDTableEndpoint.ToString() $RHostCounter = 0 #$Session:CredentialHT = @{} foreach ($RHost in $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList) { $RHostUDTableEndpoint = [scriptblock]::Create( $( "`$RHostName = '$($RHost.HostName)'" + "`n" + $RHostUDTableEndpointAsString ) ) $ResultProperties = @("HostName","FQDN","OS_Guess","IPAddress","PingStatus","WSMan","WSManPorts","SSH","DateTime","ManageLink","NewCreds") $RHostUDTableSplatParams = @{ Title = $RHost.HostName.ToUpper() Headers = $ResultProperties #AutoRefresh = $True #RefreshInterval = 15 Endpoint = $RHostUDTableEndpoint } New-UDTable @RHostUDTableSplatParams $RHostCounter++ if ($RHostCounter -ge $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.Count-1)) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:HomePageLoadingTracker = $True $Session:SearchRemoteHosts = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "SearchRemoteHosts" } } } # This hidden column refreshes the RemoteHostList so that when the HomePage is reloaded, it only displays # host/devices that can be resolved. This is so that if PUDAdminCenter is used to shutdown/restart a Remote Host, # the list of hosts on the HomePage is accurate New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 10 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} if ($Cache:HomeFinishedLoading -and !$Cache:RHostRefreshAlreadyRan) { $null = Clear-DnsClientCache foreach ($IPAddr in $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.IPAddressList) { try { $RemoteHostNetworkInfo = ResolveHost -HostNameOrIP $IPAddr -ErrorAction Stop # ResolveHost will NOT throw an error even if it can't figure out HostName, Domain, or FQDN as long as $IPAddr IS pingable # So, we need to do the below to compensate for code downstream that relies on HostName, Domain, and FQDN if (!$RemoteHostNetworkInfo.HostName) { $LastTwoOctets = $($IPAddr -split '\.')[2..3] -join 'Dot' $UpdatedHostName = NewUniqueString -PossibleNewUniqueString "Unknown$LastTwoOctets" -ArrayOfStrings $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.HostName = $UpdatedHostName $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.FQDN = $UpdatedHostName + '.Unknown' $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.Domain = 'Unknown' } $null = $RemoteHostList.Add($RemoteHostNetworkInfo) } catch { continue } } $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList = $RemoteHostList $Cache:RHostRefreshAlreadyRan = $True } } } } } #endregion >> HomePage Main Content } # IMPORTANT NOTE: Anytime New-UDPage is used with parameter set '-Name -Content', it appears in the hamburger menu # This is REQUIRED for the HomePage, otherwise http://localhost won't load (in otherwords, you can't use the # parameter set '-Url -Endpoint' for the HomePage). # Also, it is important that the HomePage comes first in the $Pages ArrayList $HomePage = New-UDPage -Name "Home" -Icon home -Content $HomePageContent $null = $Pages.Insert(0,$HomePage) #endregion >> Static Pages # Finalize the Site $Theme = New-UDTheme -Name "DefaultEx" -Parent Default -Definition @{ UDDashboard = @{ BackgroundColor = "rgb(255,255,255)" } } $MyDashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "PUD Admin Center" -Pages $Pages -Theme $Theme # Start the Site Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard $MyDashboard -Port $Port } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIMiAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIMeTCCDHUCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUqUoABhRLsrLpVaBayR2X+UXY # mTygggn9MIIEJjCCAw6gAwIBAgITawAAAB/Nnq77QGja+wAAAAAAHzANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQsFADAwMQwwCgYDVQQGEwNMQUIxDTALBgNVBAoTBFpFUk8xETAPBgNVBAMT # CFplcm9EQzAxMB4XDTE3MDkyMDIxMDM1OFoXDTE5MDkyMDIxMTM1OFowPTETMBEG # CgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMT # B1plcm9TQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCwqv+ROc1 # bpJmKx+8rPUUfT3kPSUYeDxY8GXU2RrWcL5TSZ6AVJsvNpj+7d94OEmPZate7h4d # gJnhCSyh2/3v0BHBdgPzLcveLpxPiSWpTnqSWlLUW2NMFRRojZRscdA+e+9QotOB # aZmnLDrlePQe5W7S1CxbVu+W0H5/ukte5h6gsKa0ktNJ6X9nOPiGBMn1LcZV/Ksl # lUyuTc7KKYydYjbSSv2rQ4qmZCQHqxyNWVub1IiEP7ClqCYqeCdsTtfw4Y3WKxDI # JaPmWzlHNs0nkEjvnAJhsRdLFbvY5C2KJIenxR0gA79U8Xd6+cZanrBUNbUC8GCN # wYkYp4A4Jx+9AgMBAAGjggEqMIIBJjASBgkrBgEEAYI3FQEEBQIDAQABMCMGCSsG # AQQBgjcVAgQWBBQ/0jsn2LS8aZiDw0omqt9+KWpj3DAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUicLX4r2C # Kn0Zf5NYut8n7bkyhf4wGQYJKwYBBAGCNxQCBAweCgBTAHUAYgBDAEEwDgYDVR0P # AQH/BAQDAgGGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUdpW6phL2RQNF # 7AZBgQV4tgr7OE0wMQYDVR0fBCowKDAmoCSgIoYgaHR0cDovL3BraS9jZXJ0ZGF0 # YS9aZXJvREMwMS5jcmwwPAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEMDAuMCwGCCsGAQUFBzAChiBodHRw # Oi8vcGtpL2NlcnRkYXRhL1plcm9EQzAxLmNydDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEA # tyX7aHk8vUM2WTQKINtrHKJJi29HaxhPaHrNZ0c32H70YZoFFaryM0GMowEaDbj0 # a3ShBuQWfW7bD7Z4DmNc5Q6cp7JeDKSZHwe5JWFGrl7DlSFSab/+a0GQgtG05dXW # YVQsrwgfTDRXkmpLQxvSxAbxKiGrnuS+kaYmzRVDYWSZHwHFNgxeZ/La9/8FdCir # MXdJEAGzG+9TwO9JvJSyoGTzu7n93IQp6QteRlaYVemd5/fYqBhtskk1zDiv9edk # mHHpRWf9Xo94ZPEy7BqmDuixm4LdmmzIcFWqGGMo51hvzz0EaE8K5HuNvNaUB/hq # MTOIB5145K8bFOoKHO4LkTCCBc8wggS3oAMCAQICE1gAAAH5oOvjAv3166MAAQAA # AfkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwPTETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmS # JomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMTB1plcm9TQ0EwHhcNMTcwOTIwMjE0MTIy # WhcNMTkwOTIwMjExMzU4WjBpMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCUEExFTAT # BgNVBAcTDFBoaWxhZGVscGhpYTEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlNYWdnaW8gSW5jMQswCQYD # VQQLEwJJVDESMBAGA1UEAxMJWmVyb0NvZGUyMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOC # AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxX0+4yas6xfiaNVVVZJB2aRK+gS3iEMLx8wMF3kLJYLJyR+l # rcGF/x3gMxcvkKJQouLuChjh2+i7Ra1aO37ch3X3KDMZIoWrSzbbvqdBlwax7Gsm # BdLH9HZimSMCVgux0IfkClvnOlrc7Wpv1jqgvseRku5YKnNm1JD+91JDp/hBWRxR # 3Qg2OR667FJd1Q/5FWwAdrzoQbFUuvAyeVl7TNW0n1XUHRgq9+ZYawb+fxl1ruTj # 3MoktaLVzFKWqeHPKvgUTTnXvEbLh9RzX1eApZfTJmnUjBcl1tCQbSzLYkfJlJO6 # eRUHZwojUK+TkidfklU2SpgvyJm2DhCtssFWiQIDAQABo4ICmjCCApYwDgYDVR0P # AQH/BAQDAgeAMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMB0GA1UdDgQWBBS5d2bhatXq # eUDFo9KltQWHthbPKzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSJwtfivYIqfRl/k1i63yftuTKF/jCB # 6QYDVR0fBIHhMIHeMIHboIHYoIHVhoGubGRhcDovLy9DTj1aZXJvU0NBKDEpLENO # PVplcm9TQ0EsQ049Q0RQLENOPVB1YmxpYyUyMEtleSUyMFNlcnZpY2VzLENOPVNl # cnZpY2VzLENOPUNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb24sREM9emVybyxEQz1sYWI/Y2VydGlmaWNh # dGVSZXZvY2F0aW9uTGlzdD9iYXNlP29iamVjdENsYXNzPWNSTERpc3RyaWJ1dGlv # blBvaW50hiJodHRwOi8vcGtpL2NlcnRkYXRhL1plcm9TQ0EoMSkuY3JsMIHmBggr # BgEFBQcBAQSB2TCB1jCBowYIKwYBBQUHMAKGgZZsZGFwOi8vL0NOPVplcm9TQ0Es # Q049QUlBLENOPVB1YmxpYyUyMEtleSUyMFNlcnZpY2VzLENOPVNlcnZpY2VzLENO # PUNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb24sREM9emVybyxEQz1sYWI/Y0FDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZT9iYXNl # P29iamVjdENsYXNzPWNlcnRpZmljYXRpb25BdXRob3JpdHkwLgYIKwYBBQUHMAKG # 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