$StoragePageContent = { param($RemoteHost) $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:StoragePageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { if ($Session:StoragePageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator # Master Endpoint - All content will be within this Endpoint so that we can reference $Cache: and $Session: scope variables New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Endpoint { #region >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} # For some reason, scriptblocks defined earlier can't be used directly here. They need to be a different objects before # they actually behave as expected. Not sure why. #$RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent = [scriptblock]::Create($DisconnectedPageContentString) $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] if ($Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -eq $null) { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } try { $ConnectionStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock {"Connected"} } catch { $ConnectionStatus = "Disconnected" } # If we're not connected to $RemoteHost, don't load anything else if ($ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") { #Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $RecreatedDisconnectedPageContent -ArgumentList $RemoteHost Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } else { New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 6 -Endpoint { New-UDTable -Id "TrackingTable" -Headers @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 2 -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $WSMan5985Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5985).Open $WSMan5986Available = $(TestPort -HostName $RHostIP -Port 5986).Open if ($WSMan5985Available -or $WSMan5986Available) { $TableData = @{ RemoteHost = $RemoteHost.ToUpper() Status = "Connected" } } else { Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/Disconnected/$RemoteHost" } # SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL Real-Time Enpoints on the Page reference LiveOutputClone! if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Count -gt 0) { if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Previous -eq $null) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Current.Count -gt 0) { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Previous = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Current.Clone() } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataTracker.Current = $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput.Clone() } $TableData.Add("DateTime",$(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hh:mm:sstt)) [PSCustomObject]$TableData | Out-UDTableData -Property @("RemoteHost","Status","DateTime") } } New-UDColumn -Size 3 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } #endregion >> Ensure We Are Connected / Can Connect to $RemoteHost #region >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost $GetStorageDiskFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageDisk" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetStorageFileShareFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageFileShare" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetStorageVolumeFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageVolume" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $FunctionsToLoad = @($GetStorageDiskFunc,$GetStorageFileShareFunc,$GetStorageVolumeFunc) $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { $using:FunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} $DiskSummary = Get-StorageDisk $VolumeSummary = Get-StorageVolume $FileShareSummary = Get-StorageFileShare [pscustomobject]@{ DiskSummary = $DiskSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} VolumeSummary = $VolumeSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} FileShareSummary = $FileShareSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} } } $Session:DiskSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.DiskSummary $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.VolumeSummary $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic = $StaticInfo.FileShareSummary if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Keys -notcontains "DiskSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Add("DiskSummary",$StaticInfo.DiskSummary) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.DiskSummary = $StaticInfo.DiskSummary } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Keys -notcontains "VolumeSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Add("VolumeSummary",$Session:VolumeSummaryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.VolumeSummary = $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic } if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Keys -notcontains "FileShareSummary") { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.Add("FileShareSummary",$Session:FileShareSummaryStatic) } else { $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.FileShareSummary = $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic } #endregion >> Gather Some Initial Info From $RemoteHost #region >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "Storage (In Progress)" -Size 3 New-UDHeading -Text "NOTE: Domain Group Policy trumps controls with an asterisk (*)" -Size 6 } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 12 -Content { New-UDCollapsible -Items { New-UDCollapsibleItem -Title "More Tools" -Icon laptop -Active -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { foreach ($ToolName in $($Cache:DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $ToolNameNoSpaces = $ToolName -replace "[\s]","" New-UDLink -Text $ToolName -Url "/$ToolNameNoSpaces/$RemoteHost" -Icon dashboard } } #New-UDCard -Links $Links } } } } } #endregion >> Page Name and Horizontal Nav #region >> Setup LiveData <# New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] # Remove Existing Runspace for LiveDataRSInfo if it exists as well as the PSSession Runspace within if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo -ne $null) { $PSSessionRunspacePrep = @( Get-Runspace | Where-Object { $_.RunspaceIsRemote -and $_.Id -gt $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Id -and $_.OriginalConnectionInfo.ComputerName -eq $RHostIP } ) if ($PSSessionRunspacePrep.Count -gt 0) { $PSSessionRunspace = $($PSSessionRunspacePrep | Sort-Object -Property Id)[0] } $PSSessionRunspace.Dispose() $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.ThisRunspace.Dispose() } # Create a Runspace that creates a PSSession to $RemoteHost that is used once every second to re-gather data from $RemoteHost $GetStorageOverviewFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageOverview" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $GetStorageFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-Storage" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $LiveDataFunctionsToLoad = @($GetStorageOverviewFunc,$GetStorageFunc) # The New-Runspace function handles scope for you behind the scenes, so just pretend that everything within -ScriptBlock {} is in the current scope New-Runspace -RunspaceName "Storage$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ScriptBlock { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $LiveDataPSSession = New-PSSession -Name "Storage$RemoteHost`LiveData" -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds # Load needed functions in the PSSession Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { $using:LiveDataFunctionsToLoad | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_} } $RSLoopCounter = 0 while ($PUDRSSyncHT) { # $LiveOutput is a special ArrayList created and used by the New-Runspace function that collects output as it occurs # We need to limit the number of elements this ArrayList holds so we don't exhaust memory if ($LiveOutput.Count -gt 1000) { $LiveOutput.RemoveRange(0,800) } # Stream Results to $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput Invoke-Command -Session $LiveDataPSSession -ScriptBlock { # Place most resource intensive operations first # Operations that you only want running once every 30 seconds go within this 'if; block # Adjust the timing as needed with deference to $RemoteHost resource efficiency. if ($using:RSLoopCounter -eq 0 -or $($using:RSLoopCounter % 30) -eq 0) { #@{AllStorages = Get-Storage} } # Operations that you want to run once every second go here @{StorageSummary = Get-StorageOverview -channel "Microsoft-Windows-StorageervicesClient-Lifecycle-System*"} } | foreach {$null = $LiveOutput.Add($_)} $RSLoopCounter++ [GC]::Collect() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } # The New-Runspace function outputs / continually updates a Global Scope variable called $global:RSSyncHash. The results of # the Runspace we just created can be found in $global:RSSyncHash's "Storage$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" Property - which is just # the -RunspaceName value plus the word 'Info'. By setting $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo equal to # $RSSyncHash."Storage$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult", we can now reference $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo.LiveOutput # to get the latest data from $RemoteHost. $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.LiveDataRSInfo = $RSSyncHash."Storage$RemoteHost`LiveDataResult" } #> #endregion >> Setup LiveData #region >> Controls # Static Data Element Example <# PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-StorageDisk Name Value ---- ----- UniqueId 60022480D969B073D0ADAF27131151DF SerialNumber ProvisioningType 1 IsSystem True LogicalSectorSize 512 Number 0 IsHighlyAvailable False HealthStatus 0 volumeIds {\\?\Volume{96ae8ad0-e1c2-4cd0-9109-83a47970250f}\, \\?\Volume{7c1da3c0-361d-4803-939c-6e375035ab96}\} PhysicalSectorSize 4096 NumberOfPartitions 4 Model Virtual Disk IsReadOnly False OperationalStatus {53264} IsScaleOut False IsClustered False IsOffline False FirmwareVersion 1.0 LargestFreeExtent 0 BootFromDisk True BusType 10 Size 68719476736 OfflineReason 0 AllocatedSize 68719476736 Location Integrated : Adapter 0 : Port 0 : Target 0 : LUN 0 IsBoot True FriendlyName Msft Virtual Disk UniqueIdFormat 3 Path \\?\scsi#disk&ven_msft&prod_virtual_disk#000000#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b} PartitionStyle 2 Signature PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-StorageVolume Name Value ---- ----- UniqueId \\?\Volume{7c1da3c0-361d-4803-939c-6e375035ab96}\ FileSystemLabel Name (C:) IsSystem False FileSystemType 14 DiskNumber 0 FileSystem NTFS IsBoot True SizeRemaining 43436892160 IsActive False OperationalStatus {2} HealthStatus 0 DriveType 3 PartitionNumber 4 DriveLetter C AllocationUnitSize 4096 Size 68124930048 DedupMode 4 Path \\?\Volume{7c1da3c0-361d-4803-939c-6e375035ab96}\ PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-StorageFileShare Name Value ---- ----- UniqueId smb|$ Description Default share EncryptData False ContinuouslyAvailable False IsHidden True ShareState 1 Name C$ FileSharingProtocol 3 HealthStatus 0 OperationalStatus {53264} VolumePath \ #> # Disk Summary $DiskSummaryProperties = @("Number","Name","Health","Status","Unallocated","Capacity","BootDisk") $DiskSummaryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Disk Summary" Headers = $DiskSummaryProperties Properties = $DiskSummaryProperties NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @DiskSummaryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetStorageDiskFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageDisk" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetStorageDiskFunc $DiskSummary = Get-StorageDisk [pscustomobject]@{ DiskSummary = $DiskSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} } } $Session:DiskSummaryStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.DiskSummary) { $Health = switch ($obj.HealthStatus) { '0' {"Healthy"} '1' {"Warning"} '2' {"Unhealthy"} '5' {"Unknown"} Default {$null} } [pscustomobject]@{ Number = $obj.Number Name = $obj.FriendlyName Health = $Health Status = if ($obj.isOffline) {"Offline"} else {"Online"} Unallocated = [Math]::Round($($($obj.Size - $obj.AllocatedSize) / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' Capacity = [Math]::Round($($obj.Size / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' BootDisk = if ($obj.isBoot) {"True"} else {"False"} } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.DiskSummary = $Session:DiskSummaryStatic $Session:DiskSummaryStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Volume Summary $VolumeSummaryProperties = @("Name","DiskNumber","BootVolume","DriveType","FileSystem","Health","SpaceRemaining","Size") $VolumeSummaryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "Volume Summary" Headers = $VolumeSummaryProperties Properties = $VolumeSummaryProperties NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @VolumeSummaryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetStorageVolumeFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageVolume" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetStorageVolumeFunc $VolumeSummary = Get-StorageVolume [pscustomobject]@{ VolumeSummary = $VolumeSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} } } $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.VolumeSummary) { $Health = switch ($obj.HealthStatus) { '0' {"Healthy"} '1' {"Warning"} '2' {"Unhealthy"} '5' {"Unknown"} Default {$null} } $DriveType = switch ($obj.DriveType) { '0' {"Unknown"} '1' {"No Root Directory"} '2' {"Removeable Disk"} '3' {"Local Disk"} '4' {"Network Drive"} '5' {"Compact Disk"} '6' {"RAM Disk"} Default {$null} } [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $obj.Name DiskNumber = $obj.DiskNumber BootVolume = $obj.isBoot.ToString() DriveType = $DriveType FileSystem = $obj.FileSystem Health = $Health SpaceRemaining = [Math]::Round($($obj.SizeRemaining / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' Size = [Math]::Round($($obj.Size / 1GB),2).ToString() + 'GB' } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.VolumeSummary = $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic $Session:VolumeSummaryStatic | Out-UDGridData } # FileShare Summary $FileShareSummaryProperties = @("Name","Health","ShareState","FileSharingProtocol","EncryptData","Hidden") $FileShareSummaryUDGridSplatParams = @{ Title = "FileShare Summary" Headers = $FileShareSummaryProperties Properties = $FileShareSummaryProperties NoPaging = $True } New-UDGrid @FileShareSummaryUDGridSplatParams -Endpoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $RHostIP = $($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $RemoteHost}).IPAddressList[0] $GetStorageFileShareFunc = $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -match "function Get-StorageFileShare" -and $_ -notmatch "function Get-PUDAdminCenter"} $StaticInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RHostIP -Credential $Session:CredentialHT.$RemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $using:GetStorageFileShareFunc $FileShareSummary = Get-StorageFileShare [pscustomobject]@{ FileShareSummary = $FileShareSummary | foreach {[pscustomobject]$_} } } # See: $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic = foreach ($obj in $StaticInfo.FileShareSummary) { $Health = switch ($obj.HealthStatus) { '0' {"Healthy"} '1' {"Warning"} '2' {"Unhealthy"} '5' {"Unknown"} Default {$null} } $ShareState = switch ($obj.ShareState) { '0' {"Pending"} '1' {"Online"} '2' {"Offline"} Default {$null} } $FileSharingProtocol = switch ($obj.FileSharingProtocol) { '2' {"NFS"} '3' {"CIFS(SMB)"} Default {$null} } [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $obj.Name Health = $Health ShareState = $ShareState FileSharingProtocol = $FileSharingProtocol EncryptData = $obj.EncryptData.ToString() Hidden = $obj.IsHidden.ToString() } } $PUDRSSyncHT."$RemoteHost`Info".Storage.FileShareSummary = $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic $Session:FileShareSummaryStatic | Out-UDGridData } # Live Data Element Example # Remove the Loading Indicator $null = $Session:StoragePageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") #endregion >> Controls } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/Storage/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $StoragePageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) |