#region >> PSRemoting Creds Page $PSRemotingCredsPageContent = { param($RemoteHost) New-UDColumn -Endpoint {$Session:ThisRemoteHost = $RemoteHost} # Add the SyncHash to the Page so that we can pass output to other pages $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} #region >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid if ($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList.HostName -notcontains $RemoteHost) { $ErrorText = "The Remote Host $($RemoteHost.ToUpper()) is not a valid Host Name!" } if ($ErrorText) { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text $ErrorText -Size 6 } New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { New-UDHeading -Text "" } } } # If $RemoteHost isn't valid, don't load anything else if ($ErrorText) { return } #endregion >> Ensure $RemoteHost is Valid #region >> Loading Indicator New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -Endpoint { $Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() #$PUDRSSyncHT.PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker = $Session:HomePageLoadingTracker $Session:NoCredsEntered = $False $Session:InvalidSSHPubCert = $False $Session:SSHRemotingMethodNoCert = $False $Session:DomainRemotingMethodNoCreds = $False $Session:LocalRemotingMethodNoCreds = $False $Session:UserNameAndPasswordRequired = $False $Session:BadFormatDomainUserName = $False $Session:EnableWinRMFailure = $False $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $False $Session:InvalidCreds = $False $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False } New-UDHeading -Text "Set Credentials for $($RemoteHost.ToUpper())" -Size 4 } New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { if ($Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker -notcontains "FinishedLoading") { New-UDHeading -Text "Loading...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { New-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" -Tag div -EndPoint { if ($Session:CheckingCredentials) { New-UDHeading -Text "Checking Credentials for $Session:ThisRemoteHost...Please wait..." -Size 5 New-UDPreloader -Size small } } } New-UDColumn -EndPoint { New-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" -Tag div -EndPoint { #New-UDHeading -Text "RemoteHost is $Session:ThisRemoteHost!" -Size 6 -Color red if ($Session:NoCredsEntered) { New-UDHeading -Text "You MUST enter UserName/Password for either a Local User or Domain User with access to $Session:ThisRemoteHost!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:NoCredsEntered = $False } if ($Session:InvalidSSHPubCert) { New-UDHeading -Text "The string provided is not a valid SSH Public Certificate!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:InvalidSSHPubCert = $False } if ($Session:SSHRemotingMethodNoCert) { New-UDHeading -Text "You indicated that SSH is your Preferred_PSRemotingMethod, however, you did not provide a value for Path_To_SSH_Public_Cert!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:SSHRemotingMethodNoCert = $False } if ($Session:DomainRemotingMethodNoCreds) { New-UDHeading -Text "You indicated that 'Domain' was your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType, however, you did not provide Domain Credentials!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:DomainRemotingMethodNoCreds = $False } if ($Session:LocalRemotingMethodNoCreds) { New-UDHeading -Text "You indicated that 'Local' was your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType, however, you did not provide Local Credentials!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:LocalRemotingMethodNoCreds = $False } if ($Session:UserNameAndPasswordRequired) { New-UDHeading -Text "Please enter both a UserName and a Password!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:UserNameAndPasswordRequired = $False } if ($Session:BadFormatDomainUserName) { New-UDHeading -Text "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Size 6 -Color red $Session:BadFormatDomainUserName = $False } if ($Session:EnableWinRMFailure) { New-UDHeading -Text "Unable to Enable WinRM on $Session:ThisRemoteHost via Invoke-WmiMethod over RPC! Please check your credentials." -Size 6 -Color red $Session:EnableWinRMFailure = $False } if ($Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure) { New-UDHeading -Text "Unable to test Credentials! Please try again." -Size 6 -Color red $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $False } if ($Session:InvalidCreds) { New-UDHeading -Text "Invalud Credentials! Please try again." -Size 6 -Color red $Session:InvalidCreds = $False } } } } #endregion >> Loading Indicator <# New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 2 -Content {} New-UDColumn -Size 8 -Endpoint { New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDTextbox -Id "LocalUserName" -Label "Local UserName" -Type text New-UDTextbox -Id "LocalPassword" -Label "Local Password" -Type password New-UDTextbox -Id "DomainUserName" -Label "Domain UserName" -Type text New-UDTextbox -Id "DomainPassword" -Label "Domain Password" -Type password New-UDTextbox -Id "SSHPublicCert" -Label "SSH Public Certificate" -Type text New-UDSelect -Id "PreferredPSRemotingCredType" -Label "Credential Type" -Option { New-UDSelectOption -Name "Domain" -Value "Domain" -Selected New-UDSelectOption -Name "Local" -Value "Local" } New-UDSelect -Id "PreferredPSRemotingMethod" -Label "PSRemoting Method" -Option { New-UDSelectOption -Name "WinRM" -Value "WinRM" -Selected New-UDSelectOption -Name "SSH" -Value "SSH" } } New-UDRow -EndPoint { New-UDButton -Text "Set Credentials" -OnClick { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Session:CheckingCredentials = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" $LocalUserNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "LocalUserName" $LocalPasswordTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "LocalPassword" $DomainUserNameTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "DomainUserName" $DomainPasswordTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "DomainPassword" $SSHPublicCertTextBox = Get-UDElement -Id "SSHPublicCert" $PrefCredTypeSelection = Get-UDElement -Id "PreferredPSRemotingCredType" $PrefRemotingMethodSelection = Get-UDElement -Id "PreferredPSRemotingMethod" $Local_UserName = $LocalUserNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $Local_Password = $LocalPasswordTextBox.Attributes['value'] $Domain_UserName = $DomainUserNameTextBox.Attributes['value'] $Domain_Password = $DomainPasswordTextBox.Attributes['value'] $VaultServerUrl = $SSHPublicCertTextBox.Attributes['value'] $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $($PrefCredTypeSelection.Content | foreach { $_.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json } | Where-Object {$_.attributes.selected.isPresent}).attributes.value $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $($PrefRemotingMethodSelection.Content | foreach { $_.ToString() | ConvertFrom-Json } | Where-Object {$_.attributes.selected.isPresent}).attributes.value $TestingCredsObj = [pscustomobject]@{ LocalUserNameTextBox = $LocalUserNameTextBox LocalPasswordTextBox = $LocalPasswordTextBox DomainUserNameTextBox = $DomainUserNameTextBox DomainPasswordTextBox = $DomainPasswordTextBox SSHPublicCertTextBox = $SSHPublicCertTextBox PrefCredTypeSelection = $PrefCredTypeSelection PrefRemotingMethodSelection = $PrefRemotingMethodSelection Local_UserName = $Local_UserName Local_Password = $Local_Password Domain_UserName = $Domain_UserName Domain_Password = $Domain_Password VaultServerUrl = $VaultServerUrl Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod RemoteHost = $Session:ThisRemoteHost } if ($Session:CredentialHT.Keys -notcontains $Session:ThisRemoteHost) { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "`$Session:CredentialHT is not defined!" -Duration 10000 $Session:CredentialHT = @{} $RHostCredHT = @{ DomainCreds = $null LocalCreds = $null VaultServerUrl = $null PSRemotingCredType = $null PSRemotingMethod = $null PSRemotingCreds = $null } $Session:CredentialHT.Add($Session:ThisRemoteHost,$RHostCredHT) # TODO: Need to remove this when finished testing $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".CredHT = $Session:CredentialHT #New-UDInputAction -Toast "`$Session:CredentialHT was null" -Duration 10000 } # In case this page was refreshed or redirected to from itself, check $Session:CredentialHT for existing values if (!$Local_UserName -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $Local_UserName = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds.UserName } if (!$Local_Password -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $Local_Password = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } if (!$Domain_UserName -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds -ne $null) { $Domain_UserName = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName } if (!$Domain_Password -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds -ne $null) { $Domain_Password = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } if (!$VaultServerUrl -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl -ne $null) { $VaultServerUrl = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType -ne $null) { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod -ne $null) { $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod } if (!$Local_UserName -and !$Local_Password -and !$Domain_UserName -and !$Domain_Password -and !$VaultServerUrl) { $Session:NoCredsEntered = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($VaultServerUrl) { # TODO: Validate the provided string is a SSH Public Cert if ($BadSSHPubCert) { $Session:InvalidSSHPubCert = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod) { $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "SSH" -and !$VaultServerUrl) { $Session:SSHRemotingMethodNoCert = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType) { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Domain" -and $(!$Domain_UserName -or !$Domain_Password)) { $Session:DomainRemotingMethodNoCreds = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local" -and $(!$Local_UserName -or !$Local_Password)) { $Session:LocalRemotingMethodNoCreds = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($($Local_UserName -and !$Local_Password) -or $(!$Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) -or $($Domain_UserName -and !$Domain_Password) -or $(!$Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) ) { $Session:UserNameAndPasswordRequired = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { # Make sure the $Local_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName if ($Local_UserName -notmatch "^$Session:ThisRemoteHost\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Local_UserName = "$Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName" } $LocalPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Local_Password -AsPlainText -Force $LocalAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Local_UserName,$LocalPwdSecureString) } if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Session:BadFormatDomainUserName = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } # Test the Credentials [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CredentialsToTest = @() if ($LocalAdminCreds) { $PSObj = [pscustomobject]@{CredType = "LocalUser"; PSCredential = $LocalAdminCreds} $null = $CredentialsToTest.Add($PSObj) } if ($DomainAdminCreds) { $PSObj = [pscustomobject]@{CredType = "DomainUser"; PSCredential = $DomainAdminCreds} $null = $CredentialsToTest.Add($PSObj) } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedCredentialsA = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -AltCredentials $CredObj.PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.DeterminedCredsThatWorkedOnRemoteHost) { if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { $null = $FailedCredentialsA.Add($CredObj) } } else { $null = $FailedCredentialsA.Add($CredObj) } } catch {} } if ($($CredentialsToTest.Count -eq 2 -and $FailedCredentialsA.Count -eq 2) -or $($CredentialsToTest.Count -eq 1 -and $FailedCredentialsA.Count -eq 1) ) { # Since WinRM failed, try and enable WinRM Remotely via Invoke-WmiMethod over RPC Port 135 (if it's open) $RPCPortOpen = $(TestPort -HostName $Session:ThisRemoteHost -Port 135).Open [System.Collections.ArrayList]$EnableWinRMSuccess = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { if ($RPCPortOpen) { try { $null = EnableWinRMViaRPC -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -Credential $CredObj.PSCredential $null = $EnableWinRMSuccess.Add($CredObj) break } catch { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "Failed to enable WinRM Remotely using Credentials $($CredObj.PSCredential.UserName)" -Duration 10000 } } } if ($EnableWinRMSuccess.Count -eq 0) { $Session:EnableWinRMFailure = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } else { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedCredentialsB = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -AltCredentials $CredObj.PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $null = $FailedCredentialsB.Add($CredObj) } } catch { $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return #Show-UDToast -Message $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10 } } } } if ($FailedCredentialsA.Count -gt 0 -or $FailedCredentialsB.Count -gt 0) { if ($FailedCredentialsB.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($CredObj in $FailedCredentialsB) { $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" #$Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost."$CredType`Creds" = $null } $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } if ($FailedCredentialsA.Count -gt 0 -and $FailedCredentialsB.Count -eq 0) { foreach ($CredObj in $FailedCredentialsA) { $Session:GetWorkingCredsFailure = $True Sync-UDElement -Id "ValidateCredsMsg" } $Session:CheckingCredentials = $False Sync-UDElement -Id "CheckingCredentials" return } } if ($DomainAdminCreds) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds = $DomainAdminCreds } if ($LocalAdminCreds) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds = $LocalAdminCreds } if ($VaultServerUrl) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl = $VaultServerUrl } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType = $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod = $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod } # Determine $PSRemotingCreds if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local") { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Domain") { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds } Invoke-UDRedirect -Url "/ToolSelect/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" } } New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { try { $null = $Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") } catch { Write-Verbose "`$Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker hasn't been set yet..." } } } New-UDColumn -Size 2 -Content {} } #> New-UDRow -Endpoint { New-UDColumn -Size 2 -EndPoint {} New-UDColumn -Size 8 -EndPoint { $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT $Cache:CredsForm = New-UDInput -SubmitText "Set Credentials" -Id "CredsForm" -Content { New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'Local_UserName' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type password -Name 'Local_Password' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'Domain_UserName' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type password -Name 'Domain_Password' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type textbox -Name 'VaultServerUrl' -Value $null New-UDInputField -Type select -Name 'Preferred_PSRemotingCredType' -Values @("Local","Domain","SSHCertificate") -DefaultValue "Domain" [System.Collections.ArrayList]$PSRemotingMethodValues = @("WinRM") if ($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".RHostTableData.SSH -eq "Available") { $null = $PSRemotingMethodValues.Add("SSH") } New-UDInputField -Type select -Name 'Preferred_PSRemotingMethod' -Values @("WinRM","SSH") -DefaultValue "WinRM" } -Endpoint { param( [string]$Local_UserName, [string]$Local_Password, [string]$Domain_UserName, [string]$Domain_Password, [string]$VaultServerUrl, [string]$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType, [string]$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod ) # Add the SyncHash to the Page so that we can pass output to other pages $PUDRSSyncHT = $global:PUDRSSyncHT # Load PUDAdminCenter Module Functions Within ScriptBlock $Cache:ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray | Where-Object {$_ -ne $null} | foreach {Invoke-Expression $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} try { if ($Session:CredentialHT.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Collections.Hashtable") { $Session:CredentialHT = @{} } } catch { $Session:CredentialHT = @{} } if ($Session:CredentialHT.Keys -notcontains $Session:ThisRemoteHost) { $RHostCredHT = @{ DomainCreds = $null LocalCreds = $null VaultServerUrl = $null PSRemotingCredType = $null PSRemotingMethod = $null PSRemotingCreds = $null } $Session:CredentialHT.Add($Session:ThisRemoteHost,$RHostCredHT) } # TODO: Need to remove this when finished testing $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".CredHT = $Session:CredentialHT # In case this page was refreshed or redirected to from itself, check $Session:CredentialHT for existing values if (!$Local_UserName -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $Local_UserName = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds.UserName } if (!$Local_Password -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds -ne $null) { $Local_Password = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } if (!$Domain_UserName -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds -ne $null) { $Domain_UserName = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds.UserName } if (!$Domain_Password -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds -ne $null) { $Domain_Password = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds.GetNetworkCredential().Password } if (!$VaultServerUrl -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl -ne $null) { $VaultServerUrl = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType -ne $null) { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType } if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod -ne $null) { $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod } # Make sure *Something* is filled out... if (!$Local_UserName -and !$Local_Password -and !$Domain_UserName -and !$Domain_Password -and !$VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You MUST enter UserName/Password for either a Local User or Domain User with access to $Session:ThisRemoteHost!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } <# # Set/Check $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType... if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType) { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType } # Set/Check $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod... if (!$Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -and $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod) { $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod } #> if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "SSH") { if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -ne "SSHCertificate") { $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType = "SSHUserNameAndPassword" } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Domain") { if ($Local_UserName -or $Local_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', but you provided Local_UserName or Local_Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', but you provided VaultServerUrl!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if (!$Domain_UserName -or !$Domain_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must provide a Domain_UserName AND Domain_Password in order to use PowerShell Remoting over SSH!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local") { if ($Domain_UserName -or $Domain_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', but you provided Domain_UserName or Domain_Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', but you provided VaultServerUrl!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if (!$Local_UserName -or !$Local_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must provide a Local_UserName AND Local_Password in order to use PowerShell Remoting over SSH!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Local_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { if ($Local_UserName -notmatch "^$Session:ThisRemoteHost\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Local_UserName = "$Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName" } $LocalPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Local_Password -AsPlainText -Force $LocalAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Local_UserName,$LocalPwdSecureString) } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHUserNameAndPassword") { if (!$($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) -and !$($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password)) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Since you specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', you MUST provide a Domain_UserName and Domain_Password or Local_UserName and Local_Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Local_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { if ($Local_UserName -notmatch "^$Session:ThisRemoteHost\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Local_UserName = "$Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName" } $LocalPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Local_Password -AsPlainText -Force $LocalAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Local_UserName,$LocalPwdSecureString) } # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHCertificate") { if (!$Domain_UserName -or !$Domain_Password) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You specifed your Preferred_PSRemotingCredType as '$Preferred_PSRemotingCredType', which means you must provide Domain_UserName and Domain_Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if (!$VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You must provide the VaultServerUrl in order to generate/request/receive a new SSH Certificate!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } if ($VaultServerUrl) { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" # Make sure we can reach the Vault Server and that is in a state where we can actually use it. try { $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck = Invoke-RestMethod "$VaultServerUrl/sys/health" if (!$VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.initialized -ne $True -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.sealed -ne $False -or $VaultServerUpAndUnsealedCheck.standby -ne $False) { throw "The Vault Server is either not reachable or in a state where it cannot be used! Halting!" } } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } } try { # Make sure we have the WinSSH Module Available if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") {$null = Install-Module WinSSH -ErrorAction Stop} if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") {$null = Import-Module WinSSH -ErrorAction Stop} # Make sure we have the VaultServer Module Available if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "VaultServer") {$null = Install-Module VaultServer -ErrorAction Stop} if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "VaultServer") {$null = Import-Module VaultServer -ErrorAction Stop} } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "WinSSH") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "The WinSSH Module is not available! Halting!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "VaultServer") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "The VaultServer Module is not available! Halting!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Install OpenSSH-Win64 if it isn't already if (!$(Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64\ssh.exe")) { Install-WinSSH -GiveWinSSHBinariesPathPriority -ConfigureSSHDOnLocalHost -DefaultShell pwsh } else { if (!$(Get-Command ssh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $OpenSSHDir ="$env:ProgramFiles\OpenSSH-Win64" # Update PowerShell $env:Path [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentEnvPathArray = $env:Path -split ';' | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} | Sort-Object | Get-Unique if ($CurrentEnvPathArray -notcontains $OpenSSHDir) { $CurrentEnvPathArray.Insert(0,$OpenSSHDir) $env:Path = $CurrentEnvPathArray -join ';' } # Update SYSTEM Path $RegistrySystemPath = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' $CurrentSystemPath = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistrySystemPath -Name PATH).Path [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentSystemPathArray = $CurrentSystemPath -split ";" | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} | Sort-Object | Get-Unique if ($CurrentSystemPathArray -notcontains $OpenSSHDir) { $CurrentSystemPathArray.Insert(0,$OpenSSHDir) $UpdatedSystemPath = $CurrentSystemPathArray -join ";" Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistrySystemPath -Name PATH -Value $UpdatedSystemPath } } if (!$(Get-Command ssh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to find ssh.exe on $env:ComputerName!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHCertificate") { # Use Domain Credentials to get a new Vault Server Authentication Token, generate new SSH Keys on the PUDAdminCenter Server, # have the Vault Server sign them, add the new private key to the ssh-agent, and output an SSH Public Certificate to $HOME\.ssh # NOTE: The SSH Keys will expire in 24 hours $NewSSHKeyName = $($DomainAdminCreds.UserName -split "\\")[-1] + "_" + $(Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yy_hhmmsstt) $NewSSHCredentialsSplatParams = @{ VaultServerBaseUri = $VaultServerUrl DomainCredentialsWithAccessToVault = $DomainAdminCreds NewSSHKeyName = $NewSSHKeyName BlankSSHPrivateKeyPwd = $True AddToSSHAgent = $True RemovePrivateKey = $True # Removes the Private Key from the filesystem #SSHAgentExpiry = 86400 # 24 hours in seconds # Don't use because this makes ALL keys in ssh-agent expire in 24 hours } try { $NewSSHCredsResult = New-SSHCredentials @NewSSHCredentialsSplatParams -ErrorAction Stop $NewSSHCredsResult | Add-Member -Name "PrivateKeyPath" -Value $($NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath -replace "\.pub","") -MemberType NoteProperty } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "NewSSHCredsResult") { $PUDRSSyncHT.NewSSHCredsResult = $NewSSHCredsResult } else { $PUDRSSyncHT.Add("NewSSHCredsResult",$NewSSHCredsResult) } # $NewSSHCredsResult (and $GetSSHAuthSanity later on) is a pscustomobject with the following content: <# PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork : True FinalSSHExeCommand : ssh zeroadmin@zero@<RemoteHost> PublicKeyPath : C:\Users\zeroadmin\.ssh\ PublicCertPath : C:\Users\zeroadmin\.ssh\ #> # If $NewSSHCredsResult.FinalSSHExeCommand looks like... # ssh -o "IdentitiesOnly=true" -i "C:\Users\zeroadmin\.ssh\zeroadmin_071718" -i "C:\Users\zeroadmin\.ssh\" zeroadmin@zero@<RemoteHost> # ...or... # ssh <user>@<RemoteHost> # ...then there are too many identities loaded in the ssh-agent service, which means we need to get the private key from the registry and write it to a file # See: if (!$NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork -or $NewSSHCredsResult.FinalSSHExeCommand -eq "ssh <user>@<RemoteHost>" -or $NewSSHCredsResult.FinalSSHExeCommand -match "IdentitiesOnly=true" ) { # NOTE: Extract-SSHPrivateKeysFromRegistry is from the WinSSH Module and provides output like: <# OriginalPrivateKeyFilePath = $OriginalPrivateKeyFilePath PrivateKeyContent = $PrivateKeyContent #> # This should only really be necessary if the ssh-agent has more than 5 entries in it (and the needed key isn't within one of the first 5) and # the RSA Private Key isn't on the filesystem under "$HOME\.ssh". The Get-SSHClientAuthSanity function figures that out for us. $ExtractedPrivateKeys = Extract-SSHPrivateKeysFromRegistry $OriginalPrivateKeyPath = $NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath -replace "\.pub","" $PrivateKeyContent = $($ExtractedPrivateKeys | Where-Object {$_.OriginalPrivateKeyFilePath -eq $OriginalPrivateKeyPath}).PrivateKeyContent if ($PrivateKeyContent.Count -gt 0) { Set-Content -Path $OriginalPrivateKeyPath -Value $PrivateKeyContent $NeedToRemovePrivateKey = $True $GetSSHAuthSanityCheck = Get-SSHClientAuthSanity -SSHPublicKeyFilePath $NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath if ($GetSSHAuthSanityCheck.PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork) { $GetSSHAuthSanity = [pscustomobject]@{ PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork = $True FinalSSHExeCommand = $GetSSHAuthSanityCheck.FinalSSHExeCommand PrivateKeyPath = $OriginalPrivateKeyPath PublicKeyPath = $NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath PublicCertPath = $NewSSHCredsResult.PublicKeyPath + '' } } # The below $FinalSSHExeCommand string should look like: # ssh -o "IdentitiesOnly=true" -i "$OriginalPrivateKeyPath" -i "$($NewSSHCredsResult.PublicCertPath)" zeroadmin@zero@<RemoteHost> $FinalSSHExeCommand = $GetSSHAuthSanity.FinalSSHExeCommand if (!$GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicKeyCertificateAuthShouldWork) { $UserNamePasswordRequired = $True $ToastMsg = "Unable to use SSH Certificate Authentication because the user ssh private key is not available on the " + "filesystem or in the ssh-agent. Trying UserName/Password SSH Authentication..." New-UDInputAction -Toast $ToastMsg -Duration 10000 #Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" #return } } else { $UserNamePasswordRequired = $True $ToastMsg = "Unable to use SSH Certificate Authentication because the user ssh keys and/or " + "ssh cert and/or ssh-agent is not configured properly! Trying UserName/Password SSH Authentication..." New-UDInputAction -Toast $ToastMsg -Duration 10000 #Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" #return } } else { $GetSSHAuthSanity = $NewSSHCredsResult # The below $FinalSSHExeCommand string should look like: # ssh zeroadmin@zero@<RemoteHost> $FinalSSHExeCommand = $GetSSHAuthSanity.FinalSSHExeCommand } $SSHCertificate = Get-Content $GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicCertPath if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "GetSSHAuthSanity") { $PUDRSSyncHT.GetSSHAuthSanity = $GetSSHAuthSanity } else { $PUDRSSyncHT.Add("GetSSHAuthSanity",$GetSSHAuthSanity) } } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "WinRM") { if ($VaultServerUrl) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "You provided a Vault Server Url, however, your Preferred_PSRemotingMethod is not SSH!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($($Local_UserName -and !$Local_Password) -or $(!$Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) -or $($Domain_UserName -and !$Domain_Password) -or $(!$Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) ) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Please enter both a UserName and a Password!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } # Make sure the $Local_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { if ($Local_UserName -notmatch "^$Session:ThisRemoteHost\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { $Local_UserName = "$Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Local_UserName" } $LocalPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Local_Password -AsPlainText -Force $LocalAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Local_UserName,$LocalPwdSecureString) } # Make sure the $Domain_UserName is in format $Session:ThisRemoteHost\$Domain_UserName if ($Domain_UserName -and $Domain_Password) { $DomainShortName = $($PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".NetworkInfo.Domain -split "\.")[0] if ($Domain_UserName -notmatch "^$DomainShortName\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+$") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Domain_UserName must be in format 'Domain\DomainUser'!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } $DomainPwdSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $Domain_Password -AsPlainText -Force $DomainAdminCreds = [pscredential]::new($Domain_UserName,$DomainPwdSecureString) } } ##### Test the Credentials ##### # IMPORTANT NOTE: OpenSSH-Win64's implementation of 'ssh.exe -t' does not work properly...If it did, the TestSSH Private function would be a lot simpler # NOTE: The Principal(s) on the SSH Certificate do NOT determine who you are on the Remote Host. What DOES determine who you are on the Remote Host is # 1) The UserName specified via -UserName with *-PSSession cmdlets # 2) The UserName specified via <UserName>@<DomainShortName>@<RemoteHost> with ssh.exe if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "SSH") { # Make sure we have pwsh if (!$(Get-Command pwsh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $InstallPwshResult = Install-Program -ProgramName powershell-core -CommandName pwsh.exe -ExpectedInstallLocation "C:\Program Files\PowerShell" } # NOTE: The Await Module comes with the WinSSH Module that we made sure was installed/imported earlier try { Import-Module "$($(Get-Module WinSSH).ModuleBase)\Await\Await.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to load the Await Module! Halting!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHCertificate") { # Determine if we're going to do UserName/Password Auth or SSH Certificate Auth if (!$UserNamePasswordRequired) { # We need to get the UserName from the SSHCertificate [System.Collections.ArrayList][array]$SSHCertInfo = ssh-keygen -L -f $GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicCertPath $PrincipalsLine = $SSHCertInfo | Where-Object {$_ -match "Principals:"} $PrincipalsLineIndex = $SSHCertInfo.IndexOf($PrincipalsLine) $CriticalOptionsLine = $SSHCertInfo | Where-Object {$_ -match "Critical Options:"} $CriticalOptionsLineIndex = $SSHCertInfo.IndexOf($CriticalOptionsLine) [array]$PrincipalsList = @($SSHCertInfo[$PrincipalsLineIndex..$CriticalOptionsLineIndex] | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "Principals:|Critical Options:"} | foreach {$_.Trim()}) $SSHCertUser = $($PrincipalsList[0] -split '@')[0].Trim() $ShortUserName = $SSHCertUser $DomainShortName = $($($PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $Session:ThisRemoteHost}).Domain -split "\.")[0] $Domain_UserName = "$DomainShortName\$ShortUserName" } } $OSGuess = $PUDRSSyncHT."$Session:ThisRemoteHost`Info".RHostTableData.OS_Guess if ($OSGuess) { if ($OSGuess -match "Windows|Microsoft") { $UpdatedOSGuess = "Windows" } elseif ($OSGuess -match "Linux") { $UpdatedOSGuess = "Linux" } else { $UpdatedOSGuess = "Windows" } } if (!$OSGuess) { $UpdatedOSGuess = "Windows" } $SSHTestSplatParams = @{ OSGuess = $UpdatedOSGuess RemoteHostNetworkInfo = $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList | Where-Object {$_.HostName -eq $Session:ThisRemoteHost} OutputTracker = $PUDRSSyncHT } if ($Local_UserName -and $Local_Password) { $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("LocalUserName",$Local_UserName) $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("LocalPassword",$Local_Password) } if ($Domain_UserName -and $DOmain_Password) { $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("DomainUserName",$Domain_UserName) $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("DomainPassword",$Domain_Password) } if ($GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicCertPath) { $SSHTestSplatParams.Add("PublicCertPath",$GetSSHAuthSanity.PublicCertPath) } # IMPORTANT NOTE: The SSHTest function outputs some UDDashboard objects and sets $script:SSHCheckAsJson as well as $script:SSHOutputPrep # For these reasons, we are assigning SSHTest output to a variable TestSSH @SSHTestSplatParams if ($SSHCheckAsJson.Output -ne "ConnectionSuccessful" -and ![bool]$($($SSHOutputPrep -split "`n") -match "^ConnectionSuccessful")) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH attempts via PowerShell Core 'Invoke-Command' and ssh.exe have failed!" -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "WinRM") { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CredentialsToTest = @() if ($LocalAdminCreds) { $PSObj = [pscustomobject]@{CredType = "LocalUser"; PSCredential = $LocalAdminCreds} $null = $CredentialsToTest.Add($PSObj) } if ($DomainAdminCreds) { $PSObj = [pscustomobject]@{CredType = "DomainUser"; PSCredential = $DomainAdminCreds} $null = $CredentialsToTest.Add($PSObj) } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedCredentialsA = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -AltCredentials $CredObj.PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.DeterminedCredsThatWorkedOnRemoteHost) { if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $null = $FailedCredentialsA.Add($CredObj) } } else { $null = $FailedCredentialsA.Add($CredObj) } } catch { #New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 #New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to test $($CredObj.CredType) Credentials! Refreshing page..." -Duration 10000 #New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/PSRemotingCreds/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" } } if ($($CredentialsToTest.Count -eq 2 -and $FailedCredentialsA.Count -eq 2) -or $($CredentialsToTest.Count -eq 1 -and $FailedCredentialsA.Count -eq 1) ) { # Since WinRM failed, try and enable WinRM Remotely via Invoke-WmiMethod over RPC Port 135 (if it's open) $RPCPortOpen = $(TestPort -HostName $Session:ThisRemoteHost -Port 135).Open [System.Collections.ArrayList]$EnableWinRMSuccess = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { if ($RPCPortOpen) { try { $null = EnableWinRMViaRPC -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -Credential $CredObj.PSCredential $null = $EnableWinRMSuccess.Add($CredObj) break } catch { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "Failed to enable WinRM Remotely using Credentials $($CredObj.PSCredential.UserName)" -Duration 10000 } } } if ($EnableWinRMSuccess.Count -eq 0) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to Enable WinRM on $Session:ThisRemoteHost via Invoke-WmiMethod over RPC! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } else { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedCredentialsB = @() foreach ($CredObj in $CredentialsToTest) { try { $GetWorkingCredsResult = GetWorkingCredentials -RemoteHostNameOrIP $Session:ThisRemoteHost -AltCredentials $CredObj.PSCredential -ErrorAction Stop if ($GetWorkingCredsResult.WorkingCredentials.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential") { #New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $null = $FailedCredentialsB.Add($CredObj) } } catch { New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000 New-UDInputAction -Toast "Unable to test $($CredObj.CredType) Credentials! Please try again." -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } } } if ($FailedCredentialsA.Count -gt 0 -or $FailedCredentialsB.Count -gt 0) { if ($FailedCredentialsB.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($CredObj in $FailedCredentialsB) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost."$CredType`Creds" = $null } Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } if ($FailedCredentialsA.Count -gt 0 -and $FailedCredentialsB.Count -eq 0) { foreach ($CredObj in $FailedCredentialsA) { New-UDInputAction -Toast "$($CredObj.CredType) Credentials are not valid! Please try again." -Duration 10000 $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost."$CredType`Creds" = $null } Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } } } if ($DomainAdminCreds) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds = $DomainAdminCreds } if ($LocalAdminCreds) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds = $LocalAdminCreds } if ($VaultServerUrl) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.VaultServerUrl = $VaultServerUrl } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCredType = $Preferred_PSRemotingCredType } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod) { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingMethod = $Preferred_PSRemotingMethod } # Determine $PSRemotingCreds if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Local") { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.LocalCreds } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "Domain") { $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.PSRemotingCreds = $Session:CredentialHT.$Session:ThisRemoteHost.DomainCreds } if ($Preferred_PSRemotingMethod -eq "SSH") { New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH was SUCCESSFUL, however, ssh functionality has not been fully implemented yet. Please use WinRM instead." -Duration 10000 Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm" return } New-UDInputAction -RedirectUrl "/ToolSelect/$Session:ThisRemoteHost" } $Cache:CredsForm New-UDColumn -AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 1 -Endpoint { try { $null = $Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker.Add("FinishedLoading") } catch { Write-Verbose "`$Session:PSRemotingPageLoadingTracker hasn't been set yet..." } } } New-UDColumn -Size 2 -EndPoint {} } } $Page = New-UDPage -Url "/PSRemotingCreds/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint $PSRemotingCredsPageContent $null = $Pages.Add($Page) |