
        This function starts a PowerShell Universal Dashboard (Web-based GUI) instance on the specified port on the
        localhost. The Dashboard features a Network Monitor tool that pings the specified Remote Hosts in your Domain
        every 5 seconds and reports the results to the site.
        See .SYNOPSIS
        This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it has a default value of 80.
        This parameter takes an integer between 1 and 32768 that represents the port on the localhost that the site
        will run on.
    .PARAMETER InstallNmap
        This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it has a default value of $True.
        This parameter is a switch. If used, nmap will be installed in order to guess the Operating System of
        Remote Hosts on the network.
    .PARAMETER RemoveExistingPUD
        This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it has a default value of $True.
        This parameter is a switch. If used, all running PowerShell Universal Dashboard instances will be removed
        prior to starting the Network Monitor Dashboard.
        # Open an elevated PowerShell Session, import the module, and -
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-PUDAdminCenter

function Get-PUDAdminCenter {
    Param (
        [int]$Port = 80,

        [switch]$InstallNmap = $True,

        [switch]$RemoveExistingPUD = $True

    #region >> Prep

    # Remove all current running instances of PUD
    if ($RemoveExistingPUD) {
        Get-UDDashboard | Stop-UDDashboard

    # Remove All Runspaces to Remote Hosts
    Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
    $RunspacesToDispose = @(
        Get-Runspace | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "Remote"}
    if ($RunspacesToDispose.Count -gt 0) {
        foreach ($RSpace in $RunspacesToDispose) {$_.Dispose()}

    # Define all of this Module's functions (both Public and Private) as an array of strings so that we can easily load them in different contexts/scopes
    $ThisModuleFunctionsStringArray =  $(Get-Module PUDAdminCenterPrototype).Invoke({$FunctionsForSBUse})

    # Create the $Pages ArrayList that will be used with 'New-UDDashboard -Pages'
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Pages = @()

    # Current Scope variable (ArrayList) containing the names of all of **Dynamic** Pages -
    # i.e. Pages where the URL contains a variable/parameter that is referenced within the Page itself.
    # For example, in this PUDAdminCenter App, the Overview Page (and all other Dynamic Pages in this list) is
    # eventually created via...
    # New-UDPage -Url "/Overview/:RemoteHost" -Endpoint {param($RemoteHost) ...}
    # ...meaning that if a user were to navigate to http://localhost/Overview/Server01, Overview Page Endpoint scriptblock
    # code that referenced the variable $RemoteHost would contain the string value 'Server01' (unless it is specifcally
    # overriden within the Overview Page Endpoint scriptblock, which is NOT recommended).
    $DynamicPages = @(
        "Users And Groups"
        "Roles And Features"
        "Scheduled Tasks"

    # Make sure we can resolve the $DomainName
    try {
        $DomainName = $(Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain
        $ResolveDomainInfo = [System.Net.Dns]::Resolve($DomainName)
    catch {
        Write-Error "Unable to resolve domain '$DomainName'! Halting!"
        $global:FunctionResult = "1"

    # Create Synchronized Hashtable so that we can pass variables between Pages regardless of scope.
    # This provides benefits above and beyond Universal Dashboard's $Cache: scope for two main reasons:
    # 1) It can be referenced anywhere (not just within an -Endpoint, which is what $Cache: scope is limited to)
    # 2) It allows us to more easily communicate with our own custom Runspace(s) that handle Live (Realtime) Data. For
    # examples of this, see uses of the 'New-Runspace' function within each of the Dynamic Pages (excluding the
    # PSRemotingCreds and ToolSelect Pages)
    Remove-Variable -Name PUDRSSyncHT -Scope Global -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $global:PUDRSSyncHT = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})

    # Populate $PUDRSSyncHT with information that you will need for your PUD Application. This will vary depending on
    # how your application works, but at the very least, you should:
    # 1) Add a Key that will contain information that will be displayed on your HomePage (for the PUDAdminCenter App,
    # this is the Value contained within the 'RemoteHostList' Key)
    # 2) If you are planning on using Live (Realtime) Data, ensure you add one or more keys that will contain
    # Live Data. (For the PUDAdminCenter App, this is the LiveDataRSInfo Key that exists within a hashtable
    # dedicated to each specific Remote Host)
    # For this PUDAdminCenterPrototype Application, the structure of the $PUDRSSyncHT will look like...
            RemoteHostList = $null
            <RemoteHostInfo> = @{
                NetworkInfo = $null
                <DynamicPage> = @{
                    <StaticInfoKey> = $null
                    LiveDataRSInfo = $null
                    LiveDataTracker = @{
                        Current = $null
                        Previous = $null

    # In other words. each Key within the $PUDRSSyncHT Synchronized Hashtable (with the exception of the 'RemoteHostList' key)
    # will represent a Remote Host that we intend to manage. Each RemoteHost key value will be a hashtable containing the key
    # 'NetworkInfo', as well as keys that rperesent relevant Dynamic Pages ('Overview','Certificates',etc). Each Dynamic Page
    # key value will be a hashtable containing one or more keys with value(s) representing static info that is queried at the time
    # the page loads as well as the keys 'LiveDataRSInfo', and 'LiveDataTracker'. Some key values are initially set to $null because
    # actions taken either prior to starting the UDDashboard or actions taken within the PUDAdminCenter WebApp itself on different
    # pages will set/reset their values as appropriate.

    # Let's populate $PUDRSSyncHT.RemoteHostList with information that will be needed immediately upon navigating to the $HomePage.
    # For this reason, we're gathering the info before we start the UDDashboard. (Note that the below 'GetComputerObjectInLDAP' Private
    # function gets all Computers in Active Directory without using the ActiveDirectory PowerShell Module)
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$InitialRemoteHostListPrep = $(GetComputerObjectsInLDAP).Name
    # Let's just get 20 of them initially. We want *something* on the HomePage but we don't want hundreds/thousands of entries. We want
    # the user to specify individual/range of hosts/devices that they want to manage.
    $InitialRemoteHostListPrep = $InitialRemoteHostListPrep[0..20]
    if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") {
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$InitialRemoteHostListPrep = $InitialRemoteHostListPrep | foreach {$_ -replace "CN=",""}

    # Filter Out the Remote Hosts that we can't resolve
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$InitialRemoteHostList = @()

    $null = Clear-DnsClientCache
    foreach ($HName in $InitialRemoteHostListPrep) {
        try {
            $RemoteHostNetworkInfo = ResolveHost -HostNameOrIP $HName -ErrorAction Stop

            if ($InitialRemoteHostList.FQDN -notcontains $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.FQDN) {
                $null = $InitialRemoteHostList.Add($RemoteHostNetworkInfo)
        catch {


    # Add Keys for each of the Remote Hosts in the $InitialRemoteHostList
    foreach ($RHost in $InitialRemoteHostList) {
        $Key = $RHost.HostName + "Info"
        $Value = @{
            NetworkInfo                 = $RHost
            CredHT                      = $null
            ServerInventoryStatic       = $null
            RelevantNetworkInterfaces   = $null
            LiveDataRSInfo              = $null
            LiveDataTracker             = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null}
        foreach ($DynPage in $($DynamicPages | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "PSRemotingCreds|ToolSelect"})) {
            $DynPageHT = @{
                LiveDataRSInfo      = $null
                LiveDataTracker     = @{Current = $null; Previous = $null}
            $Value.Add($($DynPage -replace "[\s]",""),$DynPageHT)

    if ($InstallNmap) {
        # Install nmap
        if ($(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name -notcontains "ProgramManagement") {Install-Module ProgramManagement}
        if ($(Get-Module).Name -notcontains "ProgramManagement") {Import-Module ProgramManagement}
        if (!$(Get-Command nmap -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            try {
                Write-Host "Installing 'nmap'. This could take up to 10 minutes..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $InstallnmapResult = Install-Program -ProgramName nmap -CommandName nmap
            catch {
                Write-Error $_
                $global:FunctionResult = "1"
        if (!$(Get-Command nmap -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            Write-Error "Unable to find the command 'nmap'! Halting!"
            $global:FunctionResult = "1"
        $NmapParentDir = $(Get-Command nmap).Source | Split-Path -Parent
        [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentEnvPathArray = $env:Path -split ';' | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}
        if ($CurrentEnvPathArray -notcontains $NmapParentDir) {
            $env:Path = $CurrentEnvPathArray -join ';'
        $SystemPathInRegistry = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
        $CurrentSystemPath = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $SystemPathInRegistry -Name PATH).Path
        [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentSystemPathArray = $CurrentSystemPath -split ";" | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}
        if ($CurrentSystemPathArray -notcontains $NmapParentDir) {
            $UpdatedSystemPath = $CurrentSystemPathArray -join ';'
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $SystemPathInRegistry -Name PATH -Value $UpdatedSystemPath

    #endregion >> Prep

    #region >> Dynamic Pages

'Add Dynamic Pages Here'

    #endregion >> Dynamic Pages

    #region >> Static Pages

'Add Static Pages Here'

    #endregion >> Static Pages
    # Finalize the Site
    $Theme = New-UDTheme -Name "DefaultEx" -Parent Default -Definition @{
        UDDashboard = @{
            BackgroundColor = "rgb(255,255,255)"
    $MyDashboard = New-UDDashboard -Title "PUD Admin Center" -Pages $Pages -Theme $Theme

    # Start the Site
    Start-UDDashboard -Dashboard $MyDashboard -Port $Port

# SIG # Begin signature block
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