
function Write-sLog(){
    Write a record
    The Write-sLog cmdLet write a new record to a logfile.
    If the logfile does not exist, it will be created automatically.
    Specifies the path to the logfile.
    Specifies the loglevel. Posible values are 'Info', 'Warning' and 'Error'. Default value is 'Info'.
  .PARAMETER Message
    Specifies data associated with the record.
    Write-sLog -Path .\logfile.log -Message 'Test' -LogLevel Error
    Create a record in the logfile.
    Author: Torsten Demmich

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Specify the path')]
      If(Test-Path -Path(Split-Path $_ -Parent) -PathType Container){
        $true }
      else {
        throw '{0} is not a valid Directory' -f (Split-Path $_ -Parent)

    HelpMessage='Specify the Message')]

    HelpMessage='Specify the log level')]
    [string]$LogLevel = 'Info'



      Add-Content -Path $Path -Value ('{0};{1};{2}' -f (Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).ToString(), $LogLevel, $Message)

