
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <member name="T:PSql.Cmdlet">
              Base class for PSql cmdlets.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.WriteHost(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{System.ConsoleColor},System.Nullable{System.ConsoleColor})">
              Writes the specified message to the host.
            <param name="message">
              The message to write.
            <param name="newLine">
              Whether a newline should follow the message.
            <param name="foregroundColor">
              The foreground color to use.
            <param name="backgroundColor">
              The background color to use.
              This method is similar to the PowerShell <c>Write-Host</c> cmdlet.
        <member name="T:PSql.ConnectedCmdlet">
              Base class for PSql cmdlets that use an open database connection.
        <member name="T:PSql.ApplicationIntent">
              Kinds of operations that an application can declare it intends to
              perform against a database.
        <member name="F:PSql.ApplicationIntent.ReadWrite">
              The application intends to perform reads and writes.
        <member name="F:PSql.ApplicationIntent.ReadOnly">
              The application intends to perform reads only.
        <member name="T:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode">
              Modes for authenticating connections to Azure SQL Database and compatible databases.
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.Default">
              Default authentication mode.
              The actual authentication mode depends on
                the value of the <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential" /> property.
              If the property is non-<see langword="null" />,
                this mode selects SQL authentication using the credential.
              If the property is <see langword="null" />,
                this mode selects Azure AD managed identity authentication.
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.SqlPassword">
              SQL authentication mode.
              The <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential" /> property should contain the
              name and password stored for a server login or contained database
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.AadPassword">
              Azure Active Directory password authentication mode.
              The <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential" /> property should contain the
              name and password of an Azure AD principal.
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.AadIntegrated">
              Azure Active Directory integrated authentication mode.
              The identity of the process should be an Azure AD principal.
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.AadInteractive">
              Azure Active Directory interactive authentication mode, also known
              as Universal Authentication with MFA.
              Authentication uses an interactive flow and supports multiple factors.
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.AadServicePrincipal">
              Azure Active Directory service principal authentication mode.
              The <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential" /> property should contain the
              client ID and secret of an Azure AD service principal.
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.AadDeviceCodeFlow">
              Azure Active Directory device code flow authentication mode.
              Use this mode to connect to Azure SQL Database from devices that do
              not provide a web browser, using another device to perform
              interactive authentication.
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.AadManagedIdentity">
              Azure Active Directory managed identity authentication mode.
              For a user-assigned managed identity,
                the <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential" /> property's username
                should be the object ID of the identity; the password is ignored.
              For a system-assigned managed identity,
                the <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential" /> property
                should be <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.AadDefault">
              Azure Active Directory default authentication mode. This mode
              attempts multiple <strong>non-interactive</strong> authentication
              methods sequentially.
                This mode attempts in order:
              <list type="bullet">
                    <a href="">configured in environment variables</a>.
                  <term>Managed Identity</term>
                    Azure Active Directory managed identity.
                    For a user-assigned managed identity,
                      the <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential" /> property's username
                      should be the object ID of the identity; the password is ignored.
                    For a system-assigned managed identity,
                      the <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential" /> property
                      should be <see langword="null" />.
                  <term>Shared Token Cache</term>
                    Local cache shared between Microsoft applications.
                  <term>Visual Studio</term>
                    Token cached by Visual Studio.
                  <term>Visual Studio Code</term>
                    Token cached by Visual Studio Code.
                  <term>Azure CLI</term>
                    Token cached by the Azure CLI.
        <member name="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext">
              Information necessary to connect to an Azure SQL Database or compatible database.
        <member name="M:PSql.AzureSqlContext.#ctor">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext" /> instance with
              default property values.
        <member name="M:PSql.AzureSqlContext.#ctor(PSql.AzureSqlContext)">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext" /> instance by property
              values from the specified instance.
            <param name="other">
              The instance from which to copy property values.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              <paramref name="other" /> is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.IsAzure">
              Gets whether the context is an <see cref="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.ServerResourceGroupName">
              Gets or sets the name of the Azure resource group containing the
              virtual database server. The default is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.ServerResourceName">
              Gets or sets the Azure resource name of the virtual database server.
              The default is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.AuthenticationMode">
              Gets or sets the method used to authenticate with the database server.
              The default is <see cref="F:PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode.Default" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.EncryptionMode">
              Gets or sets a value that specifies the transport encryption to use
              for connections. The default is <see cref="F:PSql.EncryptionMode.Default" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.Item(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
              Gets a new context that is a copy of the current instance, but with
              the specified server resource group name, server resource name, and
              database name. If the current instance is frozen, the copy is
              frozen also.
            <param name="serverResourceGroupName">
              The value to set on the copy for the name of the Azure resource
              group containing the virtual database server.
            <param name="serverResourceName">
              The value to set on the copy for the Azure resource name of the
              virtual database server.
            <param name="databaseName">
              The value to set on the copy for the name of the database.
        <member name="M:PSql.AzureSqlContext.Clone">
              Creates a new, non-frozen context that is a copy of the current
        <member name="M:PSql.AzureSqlContext.CloneCore">
              Creates a new, non-frozen context that is a copy of the current
              instance. Subclasses should override this method.
        <member name="T:PSql.EncryptionMode">
              Modes for connection encryption and server identity verification.
        <member name="F:PSql.EncryptionMode.Default">
              The default encrption mode. Equivalent to <see cref="F:PSql.EncryptionMode.None" /> for
              connections to the local machine, and <see cref="F:PSql.EncryptionMode.Full" /> for all
              other connections.
        <member name="F:PSql.EncryptionMode.None">
              No connection encryption or server identity check. Data sent over
              the connection is exposed to other network devices. A malicious
              device could masquerade as a server. This encryption mode is
              appropriate for same-machine connections only.
        <member name="F:PSql.EncryptionMode.Unverified">
              Connections are encrypted, but server identities are not verified. A
              malicious device could masquerade as a server. This encryption mode
              is appropriate only when the server uses a self-signed certificate.
        <member name="F:PSql.EncryptionMode.Full">
              Connections are encrypted, and server identities are verified. This
              is the most secure encryption mode.
        <member name="T:PSql.SqlClientVersion">
              Supported SqlClient versions.
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Legacy">
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Mds1">
              Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.0.x
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Mds1_1">
              Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 1.1.x
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Mds2">
              Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 2.0.x
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Mds2_1">
              Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 2.1.x
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Mds3">
              Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 3.x
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Mds4">
              Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 4.x
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Mds5">
              Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 5.x
        <member name="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Latest">
              The latest version supported by the current code.
        <member name="T:PSql.SqlContext">
              Information necessary to connect to SQL Server, Azure SQL Database,
              or compatible product.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.#ctor">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.SqlContext" /> instance with default
              property values.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.#ctor(PSql.SqlContext)">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.SqlContext" /> instance by copying
              property values from the specified instance.
            <param name="other">
              The instance from which to copy property values.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              <paramref name="other" /> is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.IsAzure">
              Gets whether the context is an <see cref="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.AsAzure">
              Gets the context cast to <see cref="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext" />. If the
              context is a non-Azure context, this property is
              <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.IsLocal">
              Gets whether the context connects to the local computer.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.IsFrozen">
              Gets whether the context is frozen. A frozen context is read-only;
              its properties cannot be changed.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.ServerName">
              Gets or sets the DNS name of the database server. The values
              <c>.</c> and <c>(local)</c> are recognized as aliases for the local
              machine. If <see langword="null" /> or an empty string, behavior is
              context-dependent: <see cref="T:PSql.SqlContext" /> connects to the local
              machine, and <see cref="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext" /> connects to the Azure
              virtual database server identified by the
                <see cref="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.ServerResourceGroupName" /> and
                <see cref="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.ServerResourceName" /> properties.
              The default is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.ServerPort">
              Gets or sets the remote TCP port of the database server. If
              <see langword="null" />, the underlying ADO.NET implementation will
              use a default port, typically 1433. The default is
              <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.InstanceName">
              Gets or sets the name of the database engine instance. If
              <see langword="null" />, connection attempts will target the default
              instance. The default is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.DatabaseName">
             Gets or sets the name of the database. If <see langword="null" />,
             connections will attempt to open in the default database of the
             authenticated user. The default is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.Credential">
              Gets or sets the credential to use to authenticate with the database
              server. The default is <see langword="null" />.
                For <see cref="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext" />, the use of this property
                depends on the authentication mode. For details, see the
                <see cref="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.AuthenticationMode" /> property.
                For non-Azure contexts, if <c>Credential</c> is not
                <see langword="null" />, connections will use SQL passwor
                authentication. If this property is <see langword="null" />,
                connections will use integrated authentication.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.EncryptionMode">
              Gets or sets a value that specifies the transport encryption to use
              for connections. The default is <see cref="F:PSql.EncryptionMode.Default" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.ConnectTimeout">
              Gets or sets the duration after which a connection attempt times
              out. If <see langword="null" />, the underlying ADO.NET
              implementation default of 15 seconds is used.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.ClientName">
              Gets or sets the name of the client device. If <see langword="null" />,
              the underlying ADO.NET implementation will provide a default value.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.ApplicationName">
              Gets or sets the name of the client application. If <see langword="null" />,
              the underlying ADO.NET implementation will provide a default value.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.ApplicationIntent">
              Gets or sets a value that declares the kinds of operations that the
              client application intends to perform against databases. The
              default is <see cref="F:PSql.ApplicationIntent.ReadWrite" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.ExposeCredentialInConnectionString">
              Gets or sets whether the credential used for authentication should
              be exposed in the <see cref="P:System.Data.Common.DbConnection.ConnectionString" />
              property. This is a potential security risk, so use only when
              necessary. The default is <see langword="false" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.EnableConnectionPooling">
              Gets or sets whether connections may be pooled to reduce setup and
              teardown time. Pooling is useful when making many connections with
              identical connection strings. The default is <see langword="false" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.EnableMultipleActiveResultSets">
              Gets or sets whether connections support execution of multiple
              batches concurrently, with limitations. The default is
              <see langword="false" />. For more information, see
              <a href="">Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS)</a>.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.Item(System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock)">
              Gets a new context that is a copy of the current instance, then
              modified by the specified script block. If the current instance is
              frozen, the copy becomes frozen after the script block ends.
            <param name="block">
              A script block that can modify the created context. Inside the
              script block, the variable <c>$_</c> holds the created context.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.Item(System.String)">
              Gets a new context that is a copy of the current instance, but with
              the specified database name. If the current instance is frozen, the
              copy is frozen also.
            <param name="databaseName">
              The name of the database to set on the copy.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContext.Item(System.String,System.String)">
              Gets a new context that is a copy of the current instance, but with
              the specified server name and database name. If the current
              instance is frozen, the copy is frozen also.
            <param name="serverName">
              The name of the server to set on the copy.
            <param name="databaseName">
              The name of the database to set on the copy.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.Clone">
              Creates a new, non-frozen context that is a copy of the current
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.System#ICloneable#Clone">
            <summary>Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.</summary><returns>A new object that is a copy of this instance.</returns>
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.CloneCore">
              Creates a new, non-frozen context that is a copy of the current
              instance. Subclasses should override this method.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.Freeze">
              Freezes the context if it is not frozen already. Once frozen, the
              properties of the context cannot be changed.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.GetEffectiveServerName">
              Returns the effective DNS name of the database server. If the
              <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.ServerName" /> property is neither <see langword="null" />
              nor empty, this method returns the property value. Otherwise,
              behavior is context-dependent. For <see cref="T:PSql.SqlContext" />, this
              method returns an alias for the local machine. For
              <see cref="T:PSql.AzureSqlContext" />, this method returns the DNS name
              of the Azure virtual database server identified by the
                <see cref="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.ServerResourceGroupName" /> and
                <see cref="P:PSql.AzureSqlContext.ServerResourceName" /> properties.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.GetConnectionString(System.String,PSql.SqlClientVersion,System.Boolean)">
              Gets a connection string built from the property values of the
              current context, optionally with the specified database name,
              compatibility, and/or credential disclosure.
            <param name="databaseName">
              The name of the database to specify in the connection string. If
              not <see langword="null" />, this parameter overrides the value of
              the <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.DatabaseName" /> property. The default is
              <see langword="null" />.
            <param name="sqlClientVersion">
              The SqlClient version with which the generated connection string
              should be compatible. The default is
              <see cref="F:PSql.SqlClientVersion.Legacy" />.
            <param name="omitCredential">
                Whether to omit credential properties from the generated
                connection string if possible. Use <see langword="true" /> when
                passing the credential separately from the connection string (for
                example, as a <c>SqlCredential</c> object). The default is
                <see langword="false" />.
                Note that the <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.ExposeCredentialInConnectionString" />
                takes precedence over this this parameter. If the property is
                <see langword="true" />, the generated connection string will
                include credential properties regardless of this parameter.
              A connection string compatible with <paramref name="sqlClientVersion" />
              built from the property values of the current context and, if
              specified, <paramref name="databaseName" />. If
              <paramref name="omitCredential" /> is <see langword="true" />, the
              connection string will not include credential properties.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContext.Connect(System.String,PSql.IConsole)">
              Opens a connection as determined by the property values of the
              current context, optionally with the specified database name, logging
              server messages on the specified console.
            <param name="databaseName">
              A database name. If not <see langword="null" />, this parameter
              overrides the value of the <see cref="P:PSql.SqlContext.DatabaseName" /> property.
            <param name="console">
              The console on which to log server messages received over the
              An object representing the open connection.
        <member name="T:PSql.Internal.ModuleLifecycleEvents">
              Handlers for module lifecycle events.
        <member name="M:PSql.Internal.ModuleLifecycleEvents.OnImport">
              Invoked by PowerShell when the module is imported into a runspace.
        <member name="M:PSql.Internal.ModuleLifecycleEvents.OnRemove(System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo)">
              Invoked by PowerShell when the module is removed from a runspace.
            <param name="module">
              The module being removed.
        <member name="T:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration">
              Represents a private dependency assembly that loads, along with its
              transitive dependencies, into a private <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext" />
              to prevent conflict with dependencies of other modules.
              All members of this type are thread-safe.
        <member name="M:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.#ctor">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration" />
              instance for the private dependency assembly corresponding to the
              calling assembly.
              If the calling assembly is <c>X.dll</c>, then this constructor
              requires an assembly <c>deps\X.private.dll</c> and accompanying
              <c>deps\X.private.deps.json</c> file.
        <member name="P:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.Name">
              Gets the simple name of the private dependency assembly.
        <member name="P:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.ReferenceCount">
              Gets the current reference count. The default is <c>0</c>
                When the reference count is above zero, the private dependency
                assembly is loadable. It and its transitive dependencies load into
                the PSql private <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext" />.
                To change the reference count, use the <see cref="M:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.Reference" /> and
                <see cref="M:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.Unreference" /> methods.
        <member name="M:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.Reference">
              Increments the reference count of the private dependency assembly.
                When the reference count is above zero, the private dependency
                assembly is loadable. It and its transitive dependencies load into
                the PSql private <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext" />.
                If <see cref="P:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.ReferenceCount" /> is <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />,
                this method has no effect.
        <member name="M:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.Unreference">
              Decrements the reference count of the private dependency assembly.
                When the reference count is above zero, the private dependency
                assembly is loadable. It and its transitive dependencies load into
                the PSql private <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext" />.
                If <see cref="P:PSql.Internal.PrivateDependencyRegistration.ReferenceCount" /> is <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" />,
                this method has no effect.
        <member name="T:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder">
              A simple, append-only connection string builder that supportes multiple
              SqlClient versions.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.#ctor(PSql.SqlClientVersion)">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder" /> instance
              for the specified SqlClient version.
            <param name="version">
              The SqlClient version against which the builder should maintain
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.Version">
              Gets the SqlClient version against which the builder maintains
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendServerName(System.String)">
              Appends a property that specifies the name or network address of the
              SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, or compatible product instance to
              which to connect.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendDatabaseName(System.String)">
              Appends a property that specifies the name of the database to which
              to connect.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendIntegratedSecurity(System.Boolean)">
              Appends a property that specifies to use the current user identity
              for authentication.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendAuthenticationMode(PSql.AzureAuthenticationMode)">
              Appends a property that specifies the authentication mode.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendCredential(System.Net.NetworkCredential)">
              Appends properties that specify the username and password for
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendUserName(System.String)">
              Appends a property that specifies the username for authentication.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendPassword(System.String)">
              Appends a property that specifies the password for authentication.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendPersistSecurityInfo(System.Boolean)">
              Appends a property that specifies whether security-sensitive
              information such as password appears in a connection's
              <see cref="P:System.Data.Common.DbConnection.ConnectionString" /> property after the
              connection transitions to the open state.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendEncrypt(System.Boolean)">
              Appends a property that specifies whether to encrypt data sent
              between between client and server if the server supports encryption.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendTrustServerCertificate(System.Boolean)">
              Appends a property that specifies whether to skip verification of
              the chain of trust of the certificate the server presents for
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendConnectTimeout(System.TimeSpan)">
              Appends a property that specifies the duration to wait for a
              connection to become established before terminating the attempt and
              throwing an exception.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendClientName(System.String)">
              Appends a property that specifies the client machine name to
              associate with connections.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendApplicationName(System.String)">
              Appends a property that specifies the client application name to
              associate with connections.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendApplicationIntent(PSql.ApplicationIntent)">
              Appends a property that specifies the kind of operations the client
              intends to perform using connections.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendMultipleActiveResultSets(System.Boolean)">
              Appends a property that specifies whether connections will support
              multiple active result sets.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.AppendPooling(System.Boolean)">
              Appends a property that specifies whether connections will
              participate in pooling.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.ToString">
              Returns the current connection string built by this instance.
        <member name="T:PSql.SqlErrorHandling">
              Convenience methods for SQL error handling.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlErrorHandling.Apply(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
              Combines the specified SQL batches into a single superbatch with an
              error-handling wrapper that improves the diagnostic experience.
            <param name="batches">
              The SQL batches to combine.
              A superbatch that consists of the given <paramref name="batches" />
              with an error-handling wrapper.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              <paramref name="batches" /> is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="T:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder">
              A builder that combines SQL batches into a single superbatch with an
              error-handling wrapper that improves the diagnostic experience.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder.#ctor">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder" /> instance.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder.IsEmpty">
              Gets whether the builder is empty.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder.StartNewBatch">
              Ends the current batch and begins a new batch.
              If the current batch is empty, this method has no effect.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder.Append(System.String)">
              Appends the specified SQL code to the current batch.
            <param name="sql">
              The SQL code to append to the current batch.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              <paramref name="sql" /> is <see langword="null" />.
              If <paramref name="sql" /> is empty, this method has no effect.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder.Append(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture)">
              Appends the specified span of SQL code to the current batch.
            <param name="sql">
              A string that contains SQL code to append to the current batch.
            <param name="capture">
              A regular expression capture whose <see cref="P:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture.Index" /> and
              <see cref="P:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture.Length" /> properties specify the span of SQL code
              within <paramref name="sql" /> to add to the current batch.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              <paramref name="sql" /> and/or <paramref name="capture" /> is
              <see langword="null" />.
              If <paramref name="capture" /> zero-length, this method has no effect.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder.Append(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
              Appends the specified span of SQL code to the current batch.
            <param name="sql">
              A string that contains SQL code to append to the current batch.
            <param name="index">
              The index of the span of SQL code within <paramref name="sql" /> to
              add to the current batch.
            <param name="length">
              The length of the span of SQL code within <paramref name="sql" /> to
              add to the current batch.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              <paramref name="sql" /> is <see langword="null" />.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
              <paramref name="index" /> is negative or greater than the length of
                <paramref name="sql" />; or,
              <paramref name="length" /> is negative or greater than the length of
                the maximum span within <paramref name="sql" /> starting at
                <paramref name="index" />.
              If <paramref name="length" /> is zero, this method has no effect.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlErrorHandlingBuilder.Complete">
              Ends the current batch, returns the accumulated superbatch with
              error-handling wrapper, and resets the builder to its initial state.
              The accumulated superbatch with error-handling wrapper.
              If the builder has accumulated no batches, then this method returns
              an empty string.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteObject(System.Object)">
              Writes the specified object to the output stream as a single object,
              even if the object is enumerable.
            </summary><param name="obj">
              The object to write.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteObject(System.Object,System.Boolean)">
              Writes the specified object to the output stream, optionally
              enumerating the object if it is enumerable.
            </summary><param name="obj">
              The object to write.
            </param><param name="enumerate"><see langword="true" /> to enumerate <paramref name="obj" /> if it is
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteError(System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord)">
              Writes the specified record to the error stream.
            </summary><param name="record">
              The record to write.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteWarning(System.String)">
              Writes the specified text to the warning stream.
            </summary><param name="text">
              The text to write.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteVerbose(System.String)">
              Writes the specified text to the verbose stream.
            </summary><param name="text">
              The text to write.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteDebug(System.String)">
              Writes the specified text to the debug stream.
            </summary><param name="text">
              The text to write.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteInformation(System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord)">
              Writes the specified record to the information stream or host.
            </summary><param name="record">
              The record to write.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteInformation(System.Object,System.String[])">
              Writes the specified data to the information stream or host.
            </summary><param name="data">
              The object or message data to write.
            </param><param name="tags">
              Tags to be associated with the message data.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteProgress(System.Management.Automation.ProgressRecord)">
              Writes the specified record to the progress stream.
            </summary><param name="record">
              The record to write.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#WriteCommandDetail(System.String)">
              Writes the specified text to the pipeline execution log.
            </summary><param name="text">
              The text to write.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#ShouldContinue(System.String,System.String)">
              Confirms an action or group of actions via a prompt with the options
              <b>yes</b> and <b>no</b>.
            </summary><param name="query">
              A question asking whether the action should be performed.
            </param><param name="caption">
              A window caption that the user interface might display.
            </param><returns><see langword="true" /> if the action should be performed;
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
              Unlike <c>ShouldProcess</c>, preference settings or command-line
              parameters do not affect this method.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#ShouldContinue(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@)">
              Confirms an action or group of actions via a prompt with the options
              <b>yes</b>, <b>yes to all</b>, <b>no</b>, and <b>no to all</b>.
            </summary><param name="query">
              A question asking whether the action should be performed.
            </param><param name="caption">
              A window caption that the user interface might display.
            </param><param name="yesToAll"><see langword="true" /> to bypass the prompt and return
              <see langword="true" />; otherwise, on return, this parameter is set
              to <see langword="true" /> if the user responds <b>yes to all</b>.
            </param><param name="noToAll"><see langword="true" /> to bypass the prompt and return
              <see langword="false" />; otherwise, on return, this parameter is set
              to <see langword="true" /> if the user responds <b>no to all</b>.
            </param><returns><see langword="true" /> if the action should be performed;
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#ShouldContinue(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean@,System.Boolean@)">
              Confirms an action or group of actions via a prompt with the options
              <b>yes</b>, <b>yes to all</b>, <b>no</b>, and <b>no to all</b>.
            </summary><param name="query">
              A question asking whether the action should be performed.
            </param><param name="caption">
              A window caption that the user interface might display.
            </param><param name="hasSecurityImpact"><see langword="true" /> if the action has a security impact;
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
              The default response is <b>no</b> for actions with a security impact.
            </param><param name="yesToAll"><see langword="true" /> to bypass the prompt and return
              <see langword="true" />; otherwise, on return, this parameter is set
              to <see langword="true" /> if the user responds <b>yes to all</b>.
            </param><param name="noToAll"><see langword="true" /> to bypass the prompt and return
              <see langword="false" />; otherwise, on return, this parameter is set
              to <see langword="true" /> if the user responds <b>no to all</b>.
            </param><returns><see langword="true" /> if the action should be performed;
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#ShouldProcess(System.String)">
              Confirms whether an action should be performed.
            </summary><param name="target">
              The name of the target on which an action is to be performed.
            </param><returns><see langword="true" /> if the action should be performed;
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
              Commands that make changes should invoke a <c>ShouldProcess</c>
              method to give the user an opportunity to confirm that a change
              actually should be performed.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#ShouldProcess(System.String,System.String)">
              Confirms whether an action should be performed.
            </summary><param name="target">
              The name of the target on which the action is to be performed.
            </param><param name="action">
              The name of the action to be performed.
            </param><returns><see langword="true" /> if the action should be performed;
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
              Commands that make changes should invoke a <c>ShouldProcess</c>
              method to give the user an opportunity to confirm that a change
              actually should be performed.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#ShouldProcess(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
              Confirms whether an action should be performed.
            </summary><param name="description">
              A description of the action to be performed.
              This text is used for <see cref="F:System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference.Continue" />.
            </param><param name="query">
              A question asking whether the action should be performed.
              This text is used for <see cref="F:System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference.Inquire" />.
            </param><param name="caption">
              A window caption that the user interface might display.
            </param><returns><see langword="true" /> if the action should be performed;
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
              Commands that make changes should invoke a <c>ShouldProcess</c>
              method to give the user an opportunity to confirm that a change
              actually should be performed.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#ShouldProcess(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Management.Automation.ShouldProcessReason@)">
              Confirms whether an action should be performed.
            </summary><param name="description">
              A description of the action to be performed.
              This text is used for <see cref="F:System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference.Continue" />.
            </param><param name="query">
              A question asking whether the action should be performed.
              This text is used for <see cref="F:System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference.Inquire" />.
            </param><param name="caption">
              A window caption that the user interface might display.
            </param><param name="reason">
              On return, indicates the reason(s) for the return value.
            </param><returns><see langword="true" /> if the action should be performed;
              <see langword="false" /> otherwise.
              Commands that make changes should invoke a <c>ShouldProcess</c>
              method to give the user an opportunity to confirm that a change
              actually should be performed.
        <member name="M:PSql.Cmdlet.PSql#IConsole#ThrowTerminatingError(System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord)">
              Terminates the current command and reports an error.
            </summary><param name="record">
              The error to report.
        <member name="M:PSql.ConnectedCmdlet.System#IDisposable#Dispose">
            <summary>Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.</summary>