function Request-TokenRefresh { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # TODO put settingsfile and tokenfile into parameters? [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$SettingsFile ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$NewAccessToken ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$NewRefreshToken = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$BackupPreviousFile = $false ) begin { If ( $null -eq $NewAccessToken ) { throw "Accesstoken is null" } else { If ( $NewAccessToken.Trim().Length -eq 0 ) { throw "Accesstoken has no length" } } } process { #----------------------------------------------- # SET LOGFILE #----------------------------------------------- # Set log file here, otherwise it could interrupt the process when launched headless from .net in System32 Set-Logfile -Path "./psoauth.log" #----------------------------------------------- # EXCHANGE THE TOKEN #----------------------------------------------- # Read the settingsfile $set = Get-Content -Path $SettingsFile -Encoding utf8 -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json # Encrypt tokens, if wished $refreshToken = "" If ( $EncryptToken -eq $true) { $accessToken = Get-PlaintextToSecure $NewAccessToken If ( $NewRefreshToken -ne "" ) { $refreshToken = Get-PlaintextToSecure $NewRefreshToken $set.refreshtoken = $refreshToken } } else { $accessToken = $NewAccessToken If ( $NewRefreshToken -ne "" ) { $refreshToken = $NewRefreshToken $set.refreshtoken = $refreshToken } } # The changed settings to save for refreshing $set.accesstoken = $accessToken $set.unixtime = Get-Unixtime # create json object $json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $set -Depth 99 # -compress # TODO implement PSNotify here for email notifications #----------------------------------------------- # SAVING TO FILE #----------------------------------------------- # rename settings file if it already exists If ( $BackupPreviousFile -eq $true ) { If ( Test-Path -Path $SettingsFile ) { $backupPath = "$( $SettingsFile ).$( $timestamp.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") )" Write-Log -message "Moving previous settings file to $( $backupPath )" -severity ( [Logseverity]::WARNING ) Move-Item -Path $SettingsFile -Destination $backupPath } else { Write-Log -message "There was no settings file existing yet" } } # print settings to console #$json # save settings to file $json | Set-Content -path $SettingsFile -Encoding UTF8 -Force #----------------------------------------------- # SAVE THE TOKENS AS SEPARATE FILE UNENCRYPTED #----------------------------------------------- If ( $set.saveSeparateTokenFile -eq $true ) { Write-Log -message "Saving token to '$( $set.tokenFile )'" $NewAccessToken | Set-Content -path "$( $set.tokenFile )" -Encoding UTF8 -Force } } end { } } |