function New-SlackConfirmationDialogObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a Slack Confirmation Dialog Object. .DESCRIPTION This function returns a Slack Confirmation Dialog Object as a PSCustomObject ready to combine with any Slack Element, ConvertTo-Json, and send to Slack. .PARAMETER title Text that defines the dialog's title. .PARAMETER text Text that defines the explanatory text that appears in the confirm dialog. .PARAMETER confirm Text to define the text of the button that confirms the action. .PARAMETER deny Text to define the text of the button that cancels the action. .LINK .EXAMPLE New-SlackConfirmationDialogObject -title "Are you sure?" -text "Really?" -confirmationText "Yes" -denialText "No" #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $title, [string] $text, [string] $confirmationText, [string] $denialText ) $SlackConfirmation = [pscustomobject]@{ title = @{ type = "plain_text" text = $title } text = @{ type = "mrkdwn" text = $text } confirm = @{ type = "plain_text" text = $confirm } deny = @{ type = "plain_text" text = $deny } } return $SlackConfirmation } |