
    Describes the functions and aliases available inside of the
    Invoke-AsAdministrator environment.
    PSeudo works by assembling a large string containing a PowerShell program
    and passing it to the Administrator process as an encoded command. By
    doing this, it exposes a number of functions and variables to the user.
    Some of them are incidental and "private" but accessible. Others are
    intended to be called by the user - PSeudo defines a number
    of aliases which shadow common output functions to call these functions.
    In an ideal world, the user shouldn't have to know about any of these
    functions or aliases, private public or otherwise. That said, for those
    of you deep in the weeds, these docs are for you.
    The following aliases are defined inside of the Administrator scope:
    Get-Output -> Write-Output
    Get-Error -> Write-Error
    Get-Debug -> Write-Debug
    Get-Verbose -> Write-Verbose
    Get-Warning -> Write-Warning
    Get-Host -> Write-Host
    Get-Progress -> Write-Progress
    All of these functions are also defined inside of the scope.
    The following functions are intended to be called by the user, largely
    through aliases:
    Sends the specified object through a named pipe from the Administrator
    process to the host process as output.
    The Send-Output function sends the specified object through a named pipe
    from the Administrator process to the host process such that it is passed
    down the pipeline to the next command.
    It attempts to expose the same interface as Write-Output such that it can
    be aliased to shadow the real Write-Output inside script blocks and commands
    executed by Invoke-AsAdministrator.
    It implements NoEnumerate by calling the real Write-Output with this switch
    before sending its output through the pipe. This means that NoEnumerate's
    behavior depends on the version of PowerShell running in the Administrator
    process. Note that this behavior is also poorly tested.
    Sends the specified object through a named pipe from the Administrator
    process to the host process as an error.
    The Send-Error function declares a non-terminating error and then sends it
    through a named pipe from the Administrator process to the host process
    such that it is emitted on the error stream.
    It attempts to expose the same interface as Write-Error such that it can
    be aliased to shadow the real Write-Error inside script blocks and commands
    executed by Invoke-AsAdministrator. It should be noted, however, that the
    actual interface to Write-Error is complicated and that there might be bugs.
    Internally, it constructs an ErrorRecord before sending it to the pipe. This
    simplifies the payload structure but may cause slightly different behavior
    than the real Write-Error depending on how it is called.
    Sends a debug message through a named pipe from the Administrator
    process to the host process.
    The Send-Debug function sends a message through a named pipe from the
    Administrator process to the host process such that it can be emitted
    as a debug message on the host.
    It attempts to expose the same interface as Write-Debug such that it can
    be aliased to shadow the real Write-Debug inside script blocks and commands
    executed by Invoke-AsAdministrator.
    Sends text through a named pipe from the Administrator process to the host
    process such that it can be written to the verbose message stream.
    The Send-Verbose function sends text through a named pipe from the
    Administrator process to the host process such that it can be emitted
    on the verbose message stream on the host.
    It attempts to expose the same interface as Write-Verbose such that it can
    be aliased to shadow the real Write-Verbose inside script blocks and commands
    executed by Invoke-AsAdministrator.
    Sends a warning through a named pipe from the Administrator process to the
    host process.
    The Send-Warning function sends warning messages through a named pipe from
    the Administrator process to the host process such that they can be emitted
    as warnings on the host.
    It attempts to expose the same interface as Write-Warning such that it can
    be aliased to shadow the real Write-Warning inside script blocks and commands
    executed by Invoke-AsAdministrator.
    Sends information stream data through a named pipe from the Administrator
    process to the host process.
    The Send-Information function sends message data and tags through a named
    pipe from the Administrator process to the host process such that it can be
    handled by the Write-Information cmdlet on the host.
    It attempts to expose the same interface as Write-Information such that it
    can be aliased to shadow the real Write-Information inside script blocks and
    commands executed by Invoke-AsAdministrator.
    Sends customized output through a named pipe from the Administrator process
    to the host process.
    The Send-Host function sends objects and parameters through a named pipe from
    the Administrator process to the host process such that it can be printed to
    the host's screen using Write-Host.
    It attempts to expose the same interface as Write-Host such that it can be
    aliased to shadow the real Write-Host inside script blocks and commands
    executed by Invoke-AsAdministrator.
    Sends progress information through a named pipe from the Administrator
    process to the host process so that it can be displayed in progress bars.
    The Send-Progress function sends progress information through a named pipe
    from the Administrator process to the host process such that it can be
    displayed in progress bars on the host.
    It attempts to expose the same interface as Write-Progress such that it can
    be aliased to shadow the real Write-Progress inside script blocks and
    commands executed by Invoke-AsAdministrator.
    The following functions are exposed inside of the Administrator process
    scope but are not intended to be called by the user:
    The ConvertFrom-Representation function converts a deserializable base64
    object representation into an object, using .NET's serialization framework.
    This is used inside of the Administrator process to re-hydrate objects sent
    to it as command arguments from the host process.
    .Parameter Representation
    A base64 representation of an object.
    Object. A fully function PowerShell object.
    The Test-Serializable function tests an object to see if it's serializable
    with .NET's serialization framework. It does this by attempting to serialize
    the object into a MemoryStream. This means that an object may be serialized
    twice - once to test that it's serializable and then a second time to "do it
    for real" - but it seems to be the most straightforward and accurate way of
    ascertaining this property in PowerShell.
    .Parameter InputObject
    An object to test for serializability.
    boolean. True if the object is serializable and false if not.
    The New-SerializableObject function takes an arbitrary object and returns
    one which is guaranteed to be serialiable with .NET's serialization
    framework. When the object is already support serialization it's returned
    as-is and serialization is fully reversible; in other cases, we create a new
    PSObject with the same top-level properties (unless they're
    non-serializable, in which case they are stubbed with a string
    representation). This means that an object representation, though one with a
    significant loss of fidelity, can still be deserialized later.
    .Parameter InputObject
    An object to convert into a serializable object.
    Object. This object is guaranteed to be serializable.
    The Send-Message function sends a message from the Administrator process to
    the host process over a named pipe using .NET's serialization framework. It
    handles non-serializable objects by converting them into PSObjects with the
    same keys and with serializable values where possible and string stubs
    .Parameter Type
    The type of message. This is used by the host to decide which output
    function to call. Expected to be one of: Output, Error, Fatal, Debug,
    Verbose, Warning, Information, Host, Progress.
    Sends data from the output stgream of the executed command to the host
    process as output.
    The Send-ToPipe filter sends objects through a named pipe from the
    Administrator process to the host process such that it is interpreted as
    It handles both the output stream and a second stream, based on the
    -CapturedStream argument - by default this is the error stream but it
    can also handle streams 3-6. When intercepting the other stream it checks
    the type of the data and if it's the appropriate record type (ErrorStream,
    VerboseStream, InformationStream, etc.) it will forward it to the
    appropriate stream.
    This behavior is intended for capturing errors (and other streams of data)
    that are written to the error stream using $PSObject.WriteError, which
    can't be intercepted by aliasing Write-Error to Send-Error (or
    Write-Verbose/Send-Verbose and so on).
    When this argument is set to 1, this behavior is disabled and no second
    stream is captured.
    Sends the specified ErrorRecord through a named pipe from the Administrator
    process to the host process such that it is thrown as a terminating error.
    The Send-Fatal function declares an error and then sends it through a named
    pipe from the Administrator process to the host process such that it can be
    thrown as a terminating error.
    .Parameter ErrorRecord
    An ErrorRecord such as the value of $_ inside of a catch block.
    The following variables are exposed inside of the Administrator process
    scope but are not intended to be accessed by the user:
    - $Formatter - An instance of BinaryFormatter, used to serialize output objects
    - $PipeName - The name of our named pipe
    - $Location - The location used on the host
    - $Command - The command being ran by our process, either a string or a script block
    - $ArgumentList - The argument list passed to the command if it's a script block
    - $CapturedStream - The secondary stream being captured
    - $OutPipe - The NamedPipeClientStream used to send output objects through the named pipe