# MIT License (Expat) # # Copyright (c) 2020 Josh Holbrook # Copyright (c) 2014 msumimz # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. function Get-Base64String { <# .Description The Get-Base64String function converts a string into bytes and then into a base64 string. Note that this encoding is based on a UTF-16 LE byte encoding, rather tha UTF-8. .Parameter String An unencoded string to convert to base64. .Outputs string. A base64 encoded string. #> param( [string]$String ) $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($String) [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes) } $Formatter = New-Object System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter function Test-Serializable { <# .Description The Test-Serializable function tests an object to see if it's serializable with .NET's serialization framework. It does this by attempting to serialize the object into a MemoryStream. This means that an object may be serialized twice - once to test that it's serializable and then a second time to "do it for real" - but it seems to be the most straightforward and accurate way of ascertaining this property in PowerShell. .Parameter InputObject An object to test for serializability. .Outputs boolean. True if the object is serializable and false if not. #> param( $InputObject ) $IsSerializable = $true if ($InputObject) { try { $FormattedString = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $Formatter.Serialize($FormattedString,$InputObject) } catch [System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException]{ $IsSerializable = $false } } return $IsSerializable } function ConvertTo-Representation { <# .Description The ConvertTo-Representation function converts an input object into a deserializable base64 representation. This is so that we can send objects over command line arguments from the host process into the Administrator process. When objects support .NET's serialization framework this is fully reversible; in other cases, we create a new PSObject with the same top- level properties (unless they're non-serializable, in which case they are stubbed with a string representation). This means that an object representation, though one with a significant loss of fidelity, can still be deserialized later. .Parameter InputObject An object to convert to a base64 representation. .Outputs string. A base64 string that can be deserialized by ConvertFrom-Representation inside the Administrator process. #> param( $InputObject ) $SerializableObject = $InputObject if (-not (Test-Serializable $InputObject)) { $SerializableObject = New-Object PSObject @('Property','NoteProperty') | ForEach-Object { $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType $_ | ForEach-Object { $Name = $_.Name $Value = ($InputObject | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Name) if (Test-Serializable $Value) { $SerializableObject | Add-Member $Name $Value } else { $SerializableObject | Add-Member $Name ([string]$Value) } } } } $FormattedString = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $Formatter.Serialize($FormattedString,$SerializableObject) $Bytes = New-Object byte[] ($FormattedString.length) [void]$FormattedString.Seek(0,"Begin") [void]$FormattedString.Read($Bytes,0,$FormattedString.length) [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes) } $DeserializerString = @' function ConvertFrom-Representation { param( [string]$Representation ) $Formatter = New-Object System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter $Bytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($Representation) $FormattedString = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream [void]$FormattedString.Write($Bytes,0,$Bytes.length) [void]$FormattedString.Seek(0,"Begin") $Formatter.Deserialize($FormattedString) } '@ $SerializerString = @' function Test-Serializable { param( $InputObject ) $IsSerializable = $true if ($InputObject) { try { $FormattedString = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $Formatter.Serialize($FormattedString,$InputObject) } catch [System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException]{ $IsSerializable = $false } } return $IsSerializable } function New-SerializableObject { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] param( [object]$InputObject ) if ($InputObject -eq $null) { return $InputObject } $SerializableObject = $InputObject if (-not (Test-Serializable $InputObject) -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($InputObject,'Create a new object')) { $SerializableObject = New-Object PSObject @('Property','NoteProperty') | ForEach-Object { $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType $_ | ForEach-Object { $Name = $_.Name $Value = ($InputObject | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Name) if (Test-Serializable $Value) { $SerializableObject | Add-Member $Name $Value } else { $SerializableObject | Add-Member $Name ([string]$Value) } } } } return $SerializableObject } '@ $SenderString = @' function Send-Message { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Type, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object]$InputObject ) $SerializableObject = New-SerializableObject $InputObject $Payload = @{ Type = $Type; Object = $SerializableObject } $OutPipe.WriteByte(1) $Formatter.Serialize($OutPipe,$Payload) } filter Send-ToPipe { if ($CapturedStream -eq 2 -and ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])) { Send-Error -ErrorRecord $_ } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 3 -and ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord])) { Send-Warning $_.Message } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 4 -and ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord])) { Send-Verbose $_.Message } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 5 -and ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.DebugRecord])) { Send-Debug $_.Message } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 6 -and ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord])) { Send-Information $_.MessageData $_.Tags } else { Send-Message -Type 'Output' -InputObject $_ } } function Send-Output { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,Mandatory = $true)] [object]$InputObject, [switch]$NoEnumerate ) $Cmd = (Get-Command 'Write-Output' -CommandType Cmdlet) & $Cmd -InputObject $InputObject -NoEnumerate:$NoEnumerate | Send-ToPipe } function Send-Error { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Exception')] [Exception]$Exception, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'ErrorRecord')] [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$ErrorRecord, [Parameter(Position = 0,ParameterSetName = 'Exception')] [string]$Message, [Parameter(Position = 1,ParameterSetName = 'Exception')] [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]$Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]'NotSpecified', [Parameter(Position = 2,ParameterSetName = 'Exception')] [string]$ErrorId, [Parameter(Position = 3,ParameterSetName = 'Exception')] [Object]$TargetObject, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [string]$RecommendedAction, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [string]$CategoryActivity, [Parameter(Position = 6)] [string]$CategoryReason, [Parameter(Position = 7)] [string]$CategoryTargetName, [Parameter(Position = 8)] [string]$CategoryTargetType ) if ($Message -and -not $Exception) { $Exception = New-Object Exception $Message } if ($Exception) { $ErrorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord @( $Exception, $ErrorId, $Category, $TargetObject ) } $Payload = @{ ErrorRecord = $ErrorRecord; RecommendedAction = $RecommendedAction; CategoryActivity = $CategoryActivity; CategoryReason = $CategoryReason; CategoryTargetName = $CategoryTargetName; CategoryTargetType = $CategoryTargetType } Send-Message -Type Error -InputObject $Payload } function Send-Fatal { param( [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$ErrorRecord ) Send-Message -Type Fatal -InputObject $ErrorRecord } function Send-Debug { param( [string]$Message ) Send-Message -Type Debug -InputObject $Message } function Send-Verbose { param( [string]$Message ) Send-Message -Type Verbose -InputObject $Message } function Send-Warning { param( [string]$Message ) Send-Message -Type Warning -InputObject $Message } function Send-Information { param( [object]$MessageData, [string[]]$Tags = @() ) Send-Message -Type Information -InputObject @{ MessageData = (New-SerializableObject $MessageData); Tags = $Tags } } function Send-Host { param( [object]$Object, [switch]$NoNewLine, [object]$Separator = '', [ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColor, [ConsoleColor]$BackgroundColor ) Send-Message -Type Host -InputObject @{ Object = (New-SerializableObject $Object); NoNewLine = $NoNewLine.IsPresent; Separator = (New-SerializableObject $Separator); ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor; BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor } } function Send-Progress { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] param( [Parameter(Position = 0,Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Activity, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$Status, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [int]$Id, [int]$PercentComplete, [int]$SecondsRemaining, [string]$CurrentOperation, [int]$ParentId, [switch]$Completed, [int]$SourceId ) Send-Message -Type Progress -InputObject @{ Activity = $Activity; Status = $Status; Id = $Id; PercentComplete = $PercentComplete; SecondsRemaining = $SecondsRemaining; CurrentOperation = $CurrentOperation; ParentId = $ParentId; Completed = $Completed.IsPresent; SourceId = $SourceId } } Set-Alias -Name Write-Output -Value Send-Output Set-Alias -Name Write-Error -Value Send-Error Set-Alias -Name Write-Debug -Value Send-Debug Set-Alias -Name Write-Verbose -Value Send-Verbose Set-Alias -Name Write-Warning -Value Send-Warning Set-Alias -Name Write-Information -Value Send-Information Set-Alias -Name Write-Host -Value Send-Host Set-Alias -Name Write-Progress -Value Send-Progress '@ $RunnerString = @' $Formatter = New-Object System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter Set-Location $Location try { try { $OutPipe = New-Object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream ".",$PipeName,"Out" $OutPipe.Connect() if ($ArgumentList.length -eq 0 -and $Command -is [string]) { if ($CapturedStream -eq 2) { Invoke-Expression -Command $Command 2>&1 | Send-ToPipe } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 3) { Invoke-Expression -Command $Command 3>&1 | Send-ToPipe } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 4) { Invoke-Expression -Command $Command 4>&1 | Send-ToPipe } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 5) { Invoke-Expression -Command $Command 5>&1 | Send-ToPipe } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 6) { Invoke-Expression -Command $Command 6>&1 | Send-ToPipe } else { Invoke-Expression -Command $Command | Send-ToPipe } } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 2) { & $Command @ArgumentList 2>&1 | Send-ToPipe } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 3) { & $Command @ArgumentList 3>&1 | Send-ToPipe } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 4) { & $Command @ArgumentList 4>&1 | Send-ToPipe } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 5) { & $Command @ArgumentList 5>&1 | Send-ToPipe } elseif ($CapturedStream -eq 6) { & $Command @ArgumentList 6>&1 | Send-ToPipe } else { & $Command @ArgumentList | Send-ToPipe } } catch [Exception]{ Send-Fatal $_ } } finally { $OutPipe.WriteByte(0) $OutPipe.WaitForPipeDrain() $OutPipe.Close() } '@ function Test-CommandString { <# .Description Test that a command string will successfully parse by PowerShell such that it can be ran as the -Command for a PowerShell child process. This is important to catch ahead of time because if the parent process waits for a connection that will never come it will hang indefinitely. .Parameter Command A string intended to be executed by PowerShell. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Command ) $Tokens = $null $ParseErrors = $null [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Command,[ref]$Tokens,[ref]$ParseErrors) | Out-Null if ($ParseErrors) { $Exception = New-Object Exception $ParseErrors[0].Message $ErrorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord @( $Exception, $ParseErrors[0].ErrorId, [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::'ParserError', $Command ) $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($ErrorRecord) } } function Invoke-AdminProcess { <# .Description Run the Administrator process with the given command string, file path and verb. This function is exposed internally so that it can be easily mocked in tests. .Parameter CommandString A string intended to be executed by PowerShell. .Parameter FilePath The path to the PowerShell executable. .Parameter Verb The verb to use when starting the process. Typically "RunAs". .Outputs None. #> param( [string]$CommandString, [string]$FilePath, [string]$Verb ) $ProcStartInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $ProcStartInfo.FileName = $FilePath $ProcStartInfo.Verb = $Verb if ($env:INVOKEASADMINDEBUG) { $ProcStartInfo.Arguments = "-NoExit","-EncodedCommand",(Get-Base64String $CommandString) } else { $ProcStartInfo.WindowStyle = "Hidden" $ProcStartInfo.Arguments = "-EncodedCommand",(Get-Base64String $CommandString) } $Process = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($ProcStartInfo) [void]$Process } function Invoke-AsAdministrator { <# .Synopsis Execute commands with elevated Administrator privileges. .Description The Invoke-AsAdministrator function executes a command as an elevated user. It does this by creating a child process running with Administrator privileges and passing it a special command. This command encodes the arguments to the Invoke-AsAdministrator function using .NET's serialization framework and a base64 encoding. It then creates a named pipe to initiate a connection back to the child process, with which it sends output from the commands being invoked - again using .NET's serialization framework - back to the host process. This allows us to execute commands in an Administrator-level process and have the output accessible in the host terminal, "just like sudo". Additionally, it defines a number of functions and shadowing aliases for common output commands: - Write-Output - Write-Error - Write-Debug - Write-Verbose - Write-Warning - Write-Host - Write-Progress Naive calls to these commands will be captured and their corresponding parameters will be sent to the host process, where the corresponding "real" command will be called. .Parameter ScriptBlock When defined, this gets evaluated in the Administrator process with the call operator (&). .Parameter Command When defined, this gets evaluated in the Administrator process with Invoke-Expression. .Parameter ArgumentList Arguments to be passed to the script block. .Parameter FilePath An optional path to a PowerShell executable. This defaults to the executable being used to run the parent process; however it can be overridden to run the Administrator process with a different executable than the one currently running. .Parameter Verb In addition to the RunAs verb, exes also support the RunAsUser verb. This allows for using this alternate verb. .Parameter CapturedStream By default, the 'error' stream (stream 2) is completely captured and all ErrorRecords are re-emitted on the host Error stream. This allows for capturing errors that are emitted by calling $PSCmdlet.WriteError or by native cmdlets. This value can be set to capture other streams. For example, setting this value to 6 would capture all data emitted over the Information stream. This behavior can be completely disabled by setting this value to 1 (the output stream). .Example Invoke-AsAdministrator { "hello world!" } This will execute a script block as Administrator and output the string "hello world!". .Example Invoke-AsAdministrator '"hello world!"' This will evaluate a string as Administrator and output the string "hello world!". .Example Invoke-AsAdministrator { param($Friend) "hello $Friend!" } -ArgumentList 'Korben' This will execute a script block as Administrator and pass an argument to it, outputting the string "hello Korben!". .Example Invoke-AsAdministrator { $Env:AppData } This will output the host user's AppData directory. Variables in script blocks are evaluated before they're ran in the Administrator process. .Example Invoke-AsAdministrator { throw 'baby' } This will throw an exception on the host process. Exceptions are captured and proxied. .Example Invoke-AsAdministrator { Write-Error 'this is a test error!'; Write-Information 'this is some IMPORTANT INFORMATION!'; Write-Host "I'm writing to your host!" } 6>&1 This will write an error to the host error stream, information to the information stream (redirected to the output stream on the host), and write a message directly to the host. The functions Write-Output, Write-Debug, Write-Verbose, Write-Warning and Write-Progress work similarly. .Example Invoke-AsAdministrator { Get-Process -IncludeUsername | Sort-Object -Property VM -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } This will get all processes, including processes not owned by the user - which is information only accessible to the Administrator - and then find the one using the most memory, finally sending data back to the host output stream. Process objects are non-serializable, so the object returned by Invoke-AsAdministrator is a PSObject with the same properties. .Link about_Pseudo .Link about_PSeudo_Administrator_Scope .Link #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0,Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')] [scriptblock]$ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Position = 0,Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'StringCommand')] [string]$Command, [Parameter(Position = 1,Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')] [object[]]$ArgumentList, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$FilePath = [Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Verb = 'RunAs', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateRange(1,6)] [int]$CapturedStream = 2 ) Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $PipeName = "AdminPipe-" + [guid].GUID.ToString() $Location = ConvertTo-Representation (Get-Location).Path if ($ScriptBlock) { $RemoteCommand = ConvertTo-Representation $ScriptBlock } else { Test-CommandString $Command $RemoteCommand = ConvertTo-Representation $Command } $CommandString = " $DeserializerString `$PipeName = `'$PipeName`' `$Location = ConvertFrom-Representation `'$Location`' `$Command = ConvertFrom-Representation `'$RemoteCommand`' " if ($ArgumentList) { $RemoteArgs = ConvertTo-Representation $ArgumentList $CommandString += "`$ArgumentList = @(ConvertFrom-Representation `'$RemoteArgs`')`n" } else { $CommandString += "`$ArgumentList = @()`n" } $CommandString += " `$CapturedStream = $CapturedStream $SerializerString $SenderString $RunnerString " Test-CommandString $CommandString $InPipe = New-Object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream $PipeName,"In" -ErrorAction Stop Invoke-AdminProcess $CommandString -FilePath $FilePath -Verb $Verb $InPipe.WaitForConnection() try { for (;;) { $Type = $InPipe.ReadByte() if ($Type -eq 0) { break } $Payload = $Formatter.Deserialize($InPipe) $PayloadType = $Payload.Type $Object = $Payload.Object switch ($PayloadType) { 'Output' { Write-Output $Object } 'Error' { Write-Error ` -ErrorRecord $Object.ErrorRecord ` -RecommendedAction $Object.RecommendedAction ` -CategoryActivity $Object.CategoryActivity ` -CategoryReason $Object.CategoryReason ` -CategoryTargetName $Object.CategoryTargetName ` -CategoryTargetType $Object.CategoryTargetType } 'Fatal' { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($Object) } 'Debug' { Write-Debug $Object } 'Verbose' { Write-Verbose $Object } 'Warning' { Write-Warning $Object } 'Information' { Write-Information -MessageData $Object.MessageData -Tags $Object.Tags } 'Host' { $Splatted = @{} $Object.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value } | ForEach-Object { $Splatted[$_.Name] = $_.Value } | Out-Null Write-Host @Splatted } 'Progress' { $Splatted = @{} $Object.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Value } | ForEach-Object { $Splatted[$_.Name] = $_.Value } | Out-Null Write-Progress @Splatted | Out-Null } default { $Exception = New-Object Exception "Invalid message type $PayloadType" $ErrorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord @( $Exception, 'InvalidMessageTypeError', [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]'InvalidData', $Payload ) $PSCmdlet.WriteError($ErrorRecord) } } } } catch { $PSCmdlet.WriteError($_) } finally { $InPipe.Close() } } Export-ModuleMember ` -Function @( 'Get-Base64String', 'ConvertTo-Representation', 'Invoke-AdminProcess', 'Invoke-AsAdministrator', 'Test-CommandString' ) ` -Variable @( 'DeserializerString', 'SerializerString', 'SenderString', 'RunnerString' ) |