This document details the outstanding features or acknowledgment of future developments: *** Set-StrictMode support for bundle - needs testing... *** Minified bundle. DocumentlOption EnableSectionNumbering - Support multiple formats, i.e. a), b), c) or i), ii) or iii) Add a Title "shortcut" for document name and -Style Title? Add section numbering separator, i.e. 1.2.3 - <Section Name>. Default to blank though :) Sections Indent each section? Headers/Footers Footer style, report header Themes Add standard themes, e.g. "Virtual Engine" and "Webster" themes. Add "snippets" to insert things like cover/title pages? Export-Document Add dynamic parameter for output formats, enumerate out* functions? Output/Plugins Html Output/Plugin Add option to set default/base font size? Support external/custom CSS. Text Output/Plugin Implement right and center text alignment Be able to specify tab "size" Wrap on word endings (or hypens). Support different file extensions Xml Output/Plugin Escape element names with [System.Xml.XmlConvert]::EncodeName()? Word Output/Plugin Need to flag update if page numbers are used in headers/footers, e.g. Get-WordSettingsDocument -UpdateFields |