$here = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent; $testRoot = Split-Path -Path $here -Parent; $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $testRoot -Parent; Import-Module "$moduleRoot\PScribo.psm1" -Force; InModuleScope 'PScribo' { function NewTestDocument { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Switch] $NoTestElement ) $testNamespace = 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main'; $newTestDocument = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Xml.XmlDocument'; [ref] $null = $newTestDocument.AppendChild($newTestDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration('1.0', 'utf-8', 'yes')); if (-not $NoTestElement) { [ref] $null = $newTestDocument.AppendChild($newTestDocument.CreateElement('w', 'test', $testNamespace)); } return $newTestDocument; } function GetMatch { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [System.String] $String, [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Complete ) Write-Verbose "Pre Match : '$String'"; $matchString = $String.Replace('/','\/'); if (-not $String.StartsWith('^')) { $matchString = $matchString.Replace('[..]','[\s\S]+'); if ($Complete) { $matchString = '^<w:test xmlns:w="http:\/\/schemas.openxmlformats.org\/wordprocessingml\/2006\/main">{0}<\/w:test>$' -f $matchString; } } Write-Verbose "Post Match: '$matchString'"; return $matchString; } #end function GetMatch <# Describe 'OutWord.Internal\ConvertToWordColor' { It 'converts to "abcdef" to "ABCDEF"' { $result = ConvertToWordColor 'abcdef'; $result | Should BeExactly 'ABCDEF'; } It 'converts "#abcdef" to "ABCDEF"' { $result = ConvertToWordColor '#abcdef'; $result | Should BeExactly 'ABCDEF'; } It 'converts "abc" to "AABBCC"' { $result = ConvertToWordColor 'abc'; $result | Should BeExactly 'AABBCC'; } It 'converts "#abc" to "AABBCC"' { $result = ConvertToWordColor '#abc'; $result | Should BeExactly 'AABBCC'; } } #end describe OutWord.Internal\ConvertToWordColor Describe 'OutWord.Internal\OutWordSection' { It 'appends section "<w:p>[..]</w:p>"' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testSection = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { }; OutWordSection -Section $testSection -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '<w:p>[..]</w:p>'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'appends section spacing "[..]<w:pPr><w:spacing w:before="160" w:after="160" /></w:pPr>[..]"' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testSection = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { }; OutWordSection -Section $testSection -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:pPr><w:spacing w:before="160" w:after="160" /></w:pPr>[..]'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'appends section style "[..]<w:pStyle w:val="CustomStyle" />[..]"' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testSection = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { }; $testSection.Style = 'CustomStyle'; OutWordSection -Section $testSection -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:pStyle w:val="CustomStyle" />[..]'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'increases section spacing between section levels' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testSection = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { }; $testSection.Level = 3; OutWordSection -Section $testSection -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:pPr><w:spacing w:before="280" w:after="280" /></w:pPr>[..]'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'appends "[..]<w:r><w:t>Section Run</w:t></w:r></w:p>" run' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testSection = Section -Name 'Section Run' -ScriptBlock { }; OutWordSection -Section $testSection -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:r><w:t>Section Run</w:t></w:r></w:p>'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'adds section numbering when enabled' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $Document.Options['EnableSectionNumbering'] = $true; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testSection = Section -Name 'Numbered Section' -ScriptBlock { }; $testSection.Number = 2; OutWordSection -Section $testSection -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:r><w:t>2 Numbered Section</w:t></w:r></w:p>'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'calls "OutWordParagraph"' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; Mock OutWordParagraph { return $testDocument.CreateElement('mockParagraph'); }; $section = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'TestParagraph' }; OutWordSection -Section $section -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutWordParagraph -Scope It; } It 'calls "OutTextParagraph" twice' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; Mock OutWordParagraph { return $testDocument.CreateElement('mockParagraph'); }; $section = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'TestParagraph'; Paragraph 'TestParagraph'; }; OutWordSection -Section $section -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutWordParagraph -Exactly 2 -Scope It; } It 'calls "OutWordTable"' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; Mock OutWordTable { return $testDocument.CreateElement('mockTable'); }; $section = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Get-Service | Select-Object -First 3 | Table TestTable }; OutWordSection -Section $section -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutWordTable -Scope It; } It 'calls "OutWordPageBreak"' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; Mock OutWordPageBreak { return $testDocument.CreateElement('mockPageBreak'); }; $section = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { PageBreak }; OutWordSection -Section $section -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutWordPageBreak -Scope It; } It 'calls "OutWordLineBreak"' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; Mock OutWordLineBreak { return $testDocument.CreateElement('mockLineBreak'); }; $section = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { LineBreak }; OutWordSection -Section $section -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutWordLineBreak -Scope It; } It 'calls "OutTextBlankLine"' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; Mock OutWordBlankLine { return $testDocument.CreateElement('mockBlankLine'); }; $section = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { BlankLine }; OutWordSection -Section $section -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutWordBlankLine -Scope It; } It 'calls nested "OutWordSection"' { ## Note this must be called last in the Describe script block as the OutXmlSection gets mocked! $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; Mock OutWordSection -MockWith { return $testDocument.CreateElement('mockSection'); }; $section = Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Section -Name SubSection { } }; OutWordSection -Section $section -XmlDocument $testDocument -RootElement $testDocument.DocumentElement; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutWordSection -Scope It; } } #end describe OutWord.Internal\OutWordSection Describe 'OutWord.Internal\OutWordParagraph' { It 'returns a "System.Xml.XmlElement" object type' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph'; $result = OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument; $result -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] | Should Be $true; } It 'outputs paragraph "<w:p>[..]></w:p>"' { # creates paragraph property $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '<w:p>[..]></w:p>' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs paragraph properties "<w:p><w:pPr>[..]></w:pPr[..]></w:p>"' { # creates paragraph property $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '<w:p><w:pPr>[..]></w:pPr[..]></w:p>' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs indented paragraph "<w:p><w:pPr><w:ind w:left="1440" />[..]</w:p>"' { # creates paragraph property $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph' -Tabs 2; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '<w:p><w:pPr><w:ind w:left="1440" />[..]</w:p>' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs paragraph style "<w:p><w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="[..]" />[..]</w:p>"' { # creates paragraph property $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph' -Style Heading3; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '<w:p><w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="Heading3" />[..]</w:p>' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run "[..]<w:r>[..]></w:r>[..]"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:r>[..]></w:r>[..]' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs empty run properties "[..]<w:r><w:rPr />[..]></w:r>[..]"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:r><w:rPr />[..]></w:r>[..]' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run property font "[..]<w:rPr><w:rFonts w:ascii="[..]" w:hAnsi="[..]" /></w:rPr>[..]"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph' -Font Ariel; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:rPr><w:rFonts w:ascii="Ariel" w:hAnsi="Ariel" /></w:rPr>[..]' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run property font size "[..]<w:rPr><w:sz w:val="[..]" /></w:rPr>[..]"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph' -Size 10; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:rPr><w:sz w:val="20" /></w:rPr>[..]' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run property bold "[..]<w:rPr><w:b /></w:rPr>[..]"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph' -Bold; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:rPr><w:b /></w:rPr>[..]' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run property italic "[..]<w:rPr><w:i /></w:rPr>[..]"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph' -Italic; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:rPr><w:i /></w:rPr>[..]' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run property underline "[..]<w:rPr><w:u w:val="single" /></w:rPr>[..]"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph' -Underline; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:rPr><w:u w:val="single" /></w:rPr>[..]' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run property colour "[..]<w:rPr><w:color w:val="112233" /></w:rPr>[..]"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraph = Paragraph 'Test paragraph' -Color 123; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch '[..]<w:rPr><w:color w:val="112233" /></w:rPr>[..]' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run text "[..]<w:r>[..]<w:t [..]>{0}</w:t>[..]" using "Name" property' { ## Ignore the space preservation namespace $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraphText = 'Test paragraph'; $testParagraph = Paragraph -Name $testParagraphText; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch ('[..]<w:r>[..]<w:t [..]>{0}</w:t>[..]' -f $testParagraphText); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs run text "[..]<w:r>[..]<w:t [..]>{0}</w:t>[..]" using "Text" property' { ## Ignore the space preservation namespace $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testParagraphText = 'Test paragraph'; $testParagraph = Paragraph -Name 'Test' -Text $testParagraphText; $testDocument.DocumentElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $testParagraph -XmlDocument $testDocument)); $expected = GetMatch ('[..]<w:r>[..]<w:t [..]>{0}</w:t>[..]' -f $testParagraphText); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } } #end describe OutWord.Internal\OutWordParagraph Describe 'OutWord.Internal\OutWordPageBreak' { It 'returns a "System.Xml.XmlElement" object type' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument -NoTestElement; $testPageBreak = PageBreak; $result = OutWordPageBreak -PageBreak $testPageBreak -XmlDocument $testDocument; $result -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] | Should Be $true; } It 'outputs "<w:p><w:r><w:br w:type="page" /></w:r></w:p>"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument -NoTestElement; $testPageBreak = PageBreak; $result = OutWordPageBreak -PageBreak $testPageBreak -XmlDocument $testDocument; $expected = GetMatch '^<w:p [\s\S]+><w:r><w:br w:type="page" /></w:r></w:p>$' $result.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } } #end describe OutWord.Internal\OutWordPageBreak Describe 'OutWord.Internal\OutWordLineBreak' { It 'returns a "System.Xml.XmlElement" object type' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument -NoTestElement; $testLineBreak = LineBreak; $result = OutWordLineBreak -LineBreak $testLineBreak -XmlDocument $testDocument; $result -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] | Should Be $true; } It 'outputs paragraph properties "<w:p><w:pPr>[..]</w:pPr></w:p>"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument -NoTestElement; $testLineBreak = LineBreak; $result = OutWordLineBreak -LineBreak $testLineBreak -XmlDocument $testDocument; $expected = GetMatch '^<w:p [\s\S]+><w:pPr>[\s\S]+</w:pPr></w:p>$' $result.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs border "<w:pBdr><w:bottom w:val="single" w:sz="6" w:space="1" w:color="auto" /></w:pBdr>"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument -NoTestElement; $testLineBreak = LineBreak; $result = OutWordLineBreak -LineBreak $testLineBreak -XmlDocument $testDocument; $expected = GetMatch '^<w:p [\s\S]+<w:pBdr><w:bottom w:val="single" w:sz="6" w:space="1" w:color="auto" /></w:pBdr>[\s\S]+$' $result.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } } #end describe OutWord.Internal\context OutWordLineBreak #> Describe 'OutWord.Internal\OutWordTable' { <# <w:test xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"> <w:tbl> <w:tblPr> <w:tblW w:type="pct" w:w="5000" /> <w:spacing w:before="72" w:after="72" /> <w:tblBorders> <w:top w:sz="5.76" w:val="single" w:color="2A70BE" /> <w:bottom w:sz="5.76" w:val="single" w:color="2A70BE" /> <w:start w:sz="5.76" w:val="single" w:color="2A70BE" /> <w:end w:sz="5.76" w:val="single" w:color="2A70BE" /> <w:insideH w:sz="5.76" w:val="single" w:color="2A70BE" /> <w:insideV w:sz="5.76"w:val="single" w:color="2A70BE" /> </w:tblBorders> <w:tblCellMar> <w:top w:w="14.4" w:type="dxa" /> <w:start w:w="86.4" w:type="dxa" /> <w:bottom w:w="0" w:type="dxa" /> <w:end w:w="86.4" w:type="dxa" /> </w:tblCellMar> </w:tblPr> <w:tblGrid> <w:gridCol /> <w:gridCol /> <w:gridCol /> </w:tblGrid> <w:tr> <w:tc> <w:tcPr /> <w:tcPr> <w:shd w:val="clear" w:color="auto" w:fill="4472C4" /> </w:tcPr> <w:p> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultHeading" /> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Name</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> </w:tc> <w:tc> <w:tcPr /> <w:p> <w:r> <w:t>AJRouter</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> </w:tc> </w:tr> <w:tr> <w:tc> <w:tcPr /> <w:tcPr> <w:shd w:val="clear" w:color="auto" w:fill="4472C4" /> </w:tcPr> <w:p> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultHeading" /> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>DisplayName</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> </w:tc> <w:tc> <w:tcPr /> <w:p> <w:r> <w:t>AllJoyn Router Service</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> </w:tc> </w:tr> <w:tr> <w:tc> <w:tcPr /> <w:tcPr> <w:shd w:val="clear" w:color="auto" w:fill="4472C4" /> </w:tcPr> <w:p> <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultHeading" /> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>Status</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> </w:tc> <w:tc> <w:tcPr /> <w:p> <w:r> <w:t>Stopped</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> </w:tc> </w:tr> </w:tbl> </w:test> OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 357 if (-not (Test-Path -Path Variable:\cellStyle)) {... OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 357 Test-Path -Path Variable:\cellStyle OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 358 $cellStyle = $Document.Styles[$row.$cellPropertyStyle] OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 360 if (-not (Test-Path -Path Variable:\cellStyle)) {... OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 362 $cellStyle = $Document.Styles[$row.$cellPropertyStyle] OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 364 if ($cellStyle.BackgroundColor) {... OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 365 [ref] $null = $tc2.AppendChild((GetWordTableStyleCellPr -Style $ce... OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 365 GetWordTableStyleCellPr -Style $cellStyle -XmlDocument $XmlDocument OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 367 if ($row.$cellPropertyStyle) {... OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 368 $pPr2 = $p2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xm... OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 369 $pStyle2 = $pPr2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pSty... OutWord.Internal.ps1 OutWordTable 370 [ref] $null = $pStyle2.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $row.$cellP... #> Context 'List Table' { BeforeEach { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $Document = $pscriboDocument; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testTable = Get-Service | Select -Property 'Name','DisplayName','Status' -First 3 | Table -Name 'Test Table' -List; } It 'outputs table per row "(<w:tbl>[..]</w:tbl>.*){3}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:tbl>[..]</w:tbl>.*){{{0}}}' -f ($testTable.Rows.Count)); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs space between each table "(<w:p />.*){2}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:p />.*){{{0}}}' -f ($testTable.Rows.Count -1)); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs one row per object property "(<w:tr>[..]</w:tr>.*){3}"' { $testTable = Get-Service | Select -Property 'Name','DisplayName','Status' -First 1 | Table -Name 'Test Table' -List; OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; ## Ignore __Style property $rowPropertyCount = @(($testTable.Rows[0]).PSObject.Properties).Count -1; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:tr>[..]</w:tr>.*){{{0}}}' -f $rowPropertyCount); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs two cells per object property "(<w:tc>[..]</w:tc>.*){6}"' { $testTable = Get-Service | Select -Property 'Name','DisplayName','Status' -First 1 | Table -Name 'Test Table' -List; OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; ## Ignore __Style property $rowPropertyCount = @(($testTable.Rows[0]).PSObject.Properties).Count -1; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:tc>[..]</w:tc>.*){{{0}}}' -f ($rowPropertyCount * 2)); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs table cell percentage widths "(<w:tcW w:w="[..]" w:type="pct" />.*){6}' { $testTable = Get-Service | Select -Property 'Name','DisplayName','Status' -First 1 | Table -Name 'Test Table' -List -ColumnWidths 30,70; OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:tcW w:w="[..]" w:type="pct" />.*){6}') $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs paragraph per table cell "(<w:p>[..]</w:p>.*){6}"' { $testTable = Get-Service | Select -Property 'Name','DisplayName','Status' -First 1 | Table -Name 'Test Table' -List -ColumnWidths 30,70; OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:p>[..]</w:p>.*){6}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs custom cell style "(<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="{0}" /></w:pPr>){1}"' { $testStyleName = 'Title'; $testTable = @( [Ordered] @{ Column1 = 'Row1/Column1'; Column2 = 'Row1/Column2'; } [Ordered] @{ Column1 = 'Row2/Column1'; Column2 = 'Row2/Column2'; 'Column2__Style' = $testStyleName; } ) OutWordTable (Table 'TestTable' -Hashtable $testTable) -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="{0}" /></w:pPr>){{1}}' -f $testStyleName); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs custom row style "(<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="{0}" /></w:pPr>.*){2}"' { $testStyleName = 'Title'; $testTable = @( [Ordered] @{ Column1 = 'Row1/Column1'; Column2 = 'Row1/Column2'; } [Ordered] @{ Column1 = 'Row2/Column1'; Column2 = 'Row2/Column2'; '__Style' = $testStyleName; } ) OutWordTable (Table 'TestTable' -Hashtable $testTable) -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="{0}" /></w:pPr>.*){{2}}' -f $testStyleName); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } } #end context list table Context 'Tabular Table' { BeforeEach { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $Document = $pscriboDocument; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testTable = Get-Service | Select -First 3 | Table -Name 'Test Table' -Columns 'Name','DisplayName' -ColumnWidths 30,70; } It 'appends table "<w:tbl>[..]</w:tbl>"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '<w:tbl>[..]</w:tbl>'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs table rows including header "(<w:tr>[..]?</w:tr>){4}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:tr>[..]?</w:tr>){4}' $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs table header "<w:tr><w:trPr><w:tblHeader />"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '<w:tr><w:trPr><w:tblHeader />'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs table borders "<w:tblGrid>[..]</w:tblGrid>"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '<w:tblGrid>[..]</w:tblGrid>'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs grid per column "(<w:gridCol />){2}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:gridCol />){2}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs table cell percentage widths "(<w:tcW w:w="[..]" w:type="pct" />.*){2}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:tcW w:w="[..]" w:type="pct" />.*){2}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs custom cell style "(<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="{0}" /></w:pPr>){1}"' { $testStyleName = 'Title'; $testTable = @( [Ordered] @{ Column1 = 'Row1/Column1'; Column2 = 'Row1/Column2'; } [Ordered] @{ Column1 = 'Row2/Column1'; Column2 = 'Row2/Column2'; 'Column2__Style' = $testStyleName; } ) OutWordTable (Table 'TestTable' -Hashtable $testTable) -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="{0}" /></w:pPr>){{1}}' -f $testStyleName); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs custom row style "(<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="{0}" /></w:pPr>.*){2}"' { $testStyleName = 'Title'; $testTable = @( [Ordered] @{ Column1 = 'Row1/Column1'; Column2 = 'Row1/Column2'; } [Ordered] @{ Column1 = 'Row2/Column1'; Column2 = 'Row2/Column2'; '__Style' = $testStyleName; } ) OutWordTable (Table 'TestTable' -Hashtable $testTable) -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch ('(<w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="{0}" /></w:pPr>.*){{2}}' -f $testStyleName); $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs table cells per row "(<w:tc>[..]?<\/w:tc>.*){8}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:tc>[..]?</w:tc>.*){8}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs paragraph per table cell "(<w:p>[..]</w:p>.*){8}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:p>[..]</w:p>.*){8}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs paragraph run style "(<w:p><w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="[..]" /></w:pPr>[..]</w:p>.*){8}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:p><w:pPr><w:pStyle w:val="[..]" /></w:pPr>[..]</w:p>.*){8}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs paragraph run per cell "(<w:p>[..]<w:r><w:t>[..]</w:t></w:r></w:p>.*){8}"' { OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:p>[..]<w:r><w:t>[..]</w:t></w:r></w:p>.*){8}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs default table heading style "(<w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultHeading" />.*){2}"' { ## 2 x heading cells OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultHeading" />.*){2}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs custom table heading style "(<w:pStyle w:val="CustomStyle" />.*){2}"' { ## 2 x heading cells $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { Style -Name 'CustomStyle' -Size 11 -Color 000; TableStyle -Id 'CustomTableStyle' -HeaderStyle 'CustomStyle' -RowStyle 'CustomStyle' -AlternateRowStyle 'CustomStyle'; }; $Document = $pscriboDocument; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testTable = Get-Service | Select -First 3 | Table -Name 'Test Table' -Columns 'Name','DisplayName' -Style 'CustomTableStyle'; OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:pStyle w:val="CustomStyle" />.*){2}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs default table row style "(<w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultRow" />.*){4}"' { ## 4 x default table row cells OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultRow" />.*){4}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'outputs alternate table row style "(<w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultAltRow" />.*){2}"' { ## 2 x alternating table row cells OutWordTable $testTable -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '(<w:pStyle w:val="TableDefaultAltRow" />.*){2}'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } } #end context Tabular Table } #end describe OutWord.Internal\OutWordTable <# Describe 'OutWord.Internal\OutWordBlankLine' { It 'appends paragraph "<w:p />"' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testBlankLine = BlankLine; OutWordBlankLine -BlankLine $testBlankLine -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '<w:p />'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } It 'appends paragraph "<w:p />" per blankline' { $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; $testDocument = NewTestDocument; $testBlankLines = BlankLine -Count 2; OutWordBlankLine -BlankLine $testBlankLines -XmlDocument $testDocument -Element $testDocument.DocumentElement; $expected = GetMatch '<w:p /><w:p />'; $testDocument.DocumentElement.OuterXml | Should Match $expected; } } #end describe OutWord.Internal\OutWordBlankLine #> } #end in module scope |