$here = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent; $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $here -Parent; Import-Module "$moduleRoot\PScribo.psm1" -Force; InModuleScope 'PScribo' { Describe 'OutHtml' { $path = (Get-PSDrive -Name TestDrive).Root; It 'calls OutHtmlSection' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlSection -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { Section -Name 'TestSection' -ScriptBlock { } } | OutHtml -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlSection -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlParagraph' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlParagraph -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'TestParagraph' } | OutHtml -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlParagraph -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlTable' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlTable -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { Get-Service | Select-Object -First 1 | Table 'TestTable' } | OutHtml -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlTable -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlLineBreak' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlLineBreak -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { LineBreak; } | OutHtml -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlLineBreak -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlPageBreak' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlPageBreak -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { PageBreak; } | OutHtml -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlPageBreak -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlTOC' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlTOC -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { TOC -Name 'TestTOC'; } | OutHtml -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlTOC -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlBlankLine' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlBlankLine -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { BlankLine; } | OutHtml -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlBlankLine -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlBlankLine twice' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlBlankLine -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { BlankLine; BlankLine; } | OutHtml -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlBlankLine -Exactly 3; ## Mock calls are cumalative } } Describe 'GetHtmlStyle' { ## Scaffold new document to initialise options/styles $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; Context 'By named parameter.' { It 'creates single font default style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica; $fontFamily = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-family:*' ; ($fontFamily.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly "'Helvetica'"; $fontSize = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-size:*' ; ($fontSize.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '0.92em'; $fontWeight = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-weight:*' ; ($fontWeight.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'normal'; $fontStyle = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-style:*' ; $fontStyle | Should BeNullOrEmpty; $textDecoration = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'text-decoration:*' ; $textDecoration | Should BeNullOrEmpty; $textAlign = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'text-align:*' ; ($textAlign.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'left'; $color = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'color:*' ; ($color.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '#000000'; $backgroundColor = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'background-color:*' ; $backgroundColor | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'uses invariant culture font size (#6)' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica; $currentCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = 'da-DK'; $fontSize = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-size:*' ; [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $currentCulture; ($fontSize.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '0.92em'; } It 'creates multiple font default style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif; $fontFamily = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-family:*' ; ($fontFamily.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly "'Helvetica','Arial','Sans-Serif'"; } It 'creates single 12pt font.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Size 12; $fontSize = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-size:*' ; ($fontSize.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '1.00em'; } It 'creates bold font style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Bold; $fontWeight = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-weight:*' ; ($fontWeight.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'bold'; } It 'creates center aligned font style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Align Center; $textAlign = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'text-align:*' ; ($textAlign.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'center'; } It 'creates right aligned font style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Align Right; $textAlign = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'text-align:*' ; ($textAlign.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'right'; } It 'creates justified font style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Align Justify; $textAlign = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'text-align:*' ; ($textAlign.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'justify'; } It 'creates underline font style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Underline; $textDecoration = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'text-decoration:*' ; ($textDecoration.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'underline'; } It 'creates italic font style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Italic; $fontStyle = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'font-style:*' ; ($fontStyle.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'italic'; } It 'creates colored font style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Color ABC; $color = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'color:*' ; ($color.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '#abc'; } It 'creates colored font style with #.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -Color '#ABC'; $color = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'color:*' ; ($color.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '#abc'; } It 'creates background colored font style.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -BackgroundColor '#DEF'; $backgroundColor = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'background-color:*' ; ($backgroundColor.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '#def'; } It 'creates background colored font without #.' { Style -Name Test -Font Helvetica -BackgroundColor 'DEF'; $backgroundColor = ((GetHtmlStyle -Style $pscriboDocument.Styles['Test']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'background-color:*' ; ($backgroundColor.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '#def'; } } #end context By Named Parameter } #end describe GetHtmlStyle Describe 'GetHtmlTableStyle' { ## Scaffold new document to initialise options/styles $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; Context 'By Named Parameter.' { It 'creates default table style.' { Style -Name Default -Font Helvetica -Default; TableStyle -Name TestTableStyle; $padding = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'padding:*' ; ($padding.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '0.08em 0.33em 0em 0.33em'; #$borderColor = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-color:*' ; #($borderColor.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '#000'; #$borderWidth = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-width:*' ; #($borderWidth.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '0em'; $borderStyle = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-style:*' ; ($borderStyle.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'none'; $borderCollapse = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-collapse:*' ; ($borderCollapse.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'collapse'; } It 'creates custom table padding style of 5pt, 10pt, 5pt and 10pt.' { Style -Name Default -Font Helvetica -Default; TableStyle -Name TestTableStyle -PaddingTop 5 -PaddingRight 10 -PaddingBottom 5 -PaddingLeft 10; $padding = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'padding:*' ; ($padding.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '0.42em 0.83em 0.42em 0.83em'; } It 'creates custom table border color style when -BorderWidth is specified.' { Style -Name Default -Font Helvetica -Default; TableStyle -Name TestTableStyle -BorderColor CcC -BorderWidth 1; $borderColor = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-color:*' ; ($borderColor.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '#ccc'; $borderStyle = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-style:*' ; ($borderStyle.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'solid'; } It 'creates custom table border width style of 3pt.' { Style -Name Default -Font Helvetica -Default; TableStyle -Name TestTableStyle -BorderWidth 3; $borderWidth = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-width:*' ; ($borderWidth.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '0.25em'; $borderStyle = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-style:*' ; ($borderStyle.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'solid'; } It 'creates custom table border with no color style when no -BorderWidth specified.' { Style -Name Default -Font Helvetica -Default; TableStyle -Name TestTableStyle -BorderColor '#aAaAaA'; $borderStyle = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-style:*' ; ($borderStyle.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'none'; } It 'creates custom table border color style.' { Style -Name Default -Font Helvetica -Default; TableStyle -Name TestTableStyle -BorderColor '#aAaAaA' -BorderWidth 2; $borderColor = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-color:*' ; ($borderColor.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '#aaaaaa'; $borderStyle = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'border-style:*' ; ($borderStyle.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'solid'; } It 'centers table.' { Style -Name Default -Font Helvetica -Default; TableStyle -Name TestTableStyle -Align Center; $marginLeft = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'margin-left:*' ; $marginRight = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'margin-right:*' ; ($marginLeft.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'auto'; ($marginRight.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'auto'; } It 'aligns table to the right.' { Style -Name Default -Font Helvetica -Default; TableStyle -Name TestTableStyle -Align Right; $marginLeft = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'margin-left:*' ; $marginRight = ((GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $pscriboDocument.TableStyles['TestTableStyle']).Split(';').Trim()) -like 'margin-right:*' ; ($marginLeft.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly 'auto'; ($marginRight.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '0'; } } #end context By Named Parameter } #end describe GetHtmlTableStyle Describe 'OutHtmlBlankLine' { ## Scaffold new document to initialise options/styles $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; It 'creates a single <br /> html tag.' { BlankLine | OutHtmlBlankLine | Should BeExactly '<br />'; } It 'creates two <br /> html tags.' { BlankLine -Count 2 | OutHtmlBlankLine | Should BeExactly '<br /><br />'; } } Describe 'OutHtmlLineBreak' { It 'creates a <hr /> html tag.' { OutHtmlLineBreak | Should BeExactly '<hr />'; } } Describe 'OutHtmlPageBreak' { ## Scaffold new document to initialise options/styles $Document = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; $text = OutHtmlPageBreak; It 'closes previous </page> and </div> tags.' { $text.StartsWith('</div></page>') | Should Be $true; } It 'creates new <page>.' { $text -match '<page>' | Should Be $true; } It 'sets page class to default style' { $divStyleMatch = '<div class="{0}"' -f $Document.DefaultStyle; $text -match $divStyleMatch | Should Be $true; } It 'includes page margins.' { $text -match 'padding-top:[\s\S]+em' | Should Be $true; $text -match 'padding-right:[\s\S]+em' | Should Be $true; $text -match 'padding-bottom:[\s\S]+em' | Should Be $true; $text -match 'padding-left:[\s\S]+em' | Should Be $true; } } Describe 'OutHtmlParagraph' { ## Scaffold new document to initialise options/styles $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; Context 'By Named Parameter.' { It 'creates paragraph with no style and new line.' { Paragraph 'Test paragraph.' | OutHtmlParagraph | Should BeExactly "<div>Test paragraph.</div>"; } It 'creates paragraph with custom name/id' { Paragraph -Name 'Test' -Text 'Test paragraph.' -NoNewLine | OutHtmlParagraph | Should BeExactly "<div>Test paragraph.</div>"; } It 'creates paragraph with named -Style parameter.' { Paragraph 'Test paragraph.' -Style Named | OutHtmlParagraph | Should BeExactly "<div class=`"Named`">Test paragraph.</div>"; } } #end context By Named Parameter } #end describe OutHtmlParagraph Describe 'OutHtmlSection' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { } $pscriboDocument = $Document; It 'calls OutHtmlParagraph' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlParagraph -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'TestParagraph' } | OutHtmlSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlParagraph -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlParagraph twice' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlParagraph -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'TestParagraph'; Paragraph 'TestParagraph'; } | OutHtmlSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlParagraph -Exactly 3; } It 'calls OutHtmlTable' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlTable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Get-Service | Select-Object -First 3 | Table TestTable } | OutHtmlSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlTable -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlPageBreak' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlPageBreak -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { PageBreak } | OutHtmlSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlPageBreak -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlLineBreak' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlLineBreak -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { LineBreak } | OutHtmlSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlLineBreak -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutHtmlBlankLine' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlBlankLine -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { BlankLine } | OutHtmlSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlBlankLine -Exactly 1; } It 'warns on call OutHtmlTOC' { Mock -CommandName OutHtmlTOC -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { TOC 'TestTOC' } | OutHtmlSection -WarningAction SilentlyContinue; Assert-MockCalled OutHtmlTOC -Exactly 0; } It 'calls nested OutXmlSection' { ## Note this must be called last in the Describe script block as the OutXmlSection gets mocked! Mock -CommandName OutHtmlSection -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Section -Name SubSection { } } | OutHtmlSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutHtmlSection -Exactly 1; } } Describe 'OutHtmlStyle' { It 'creates <style> tag.' { $Document = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; $text = OutHtmlStyle -Styles $Document.Styles -TableStyles $Document.TableStyles; $text -match '<style type="text/css">' | Should Be $true; $text -match '</style>' | Should Be $true; } It 'creates page layout style by default' { $Document = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; $text = OutHtmlStyle -Styles $Document.Styles -TableStyles $Document.TableStyles; $text -match 'html {' | Should Be $true; $text -match 'page {' | Should Be $true; $text -match '@media print {' | Should Be $true; } It "suppresses page layout style when 'Options.NoPageLayoutSyle' specified" { $Document = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; $text = OutHtmlStyle -Styles $Document.Styles -TableStyles $Document.TableStyles -NoPageLayoutStyle; $text -match 'html {' | Should Be $false; $text -match 'page {' | Should Be $false; $text -match '@media print {' | Should Be $false; } } Describe 'OutHtmlParagraphStyle' { ## Scaffold new document to initialise options/styles $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; It 'uses invariant culture paragraph size (#6)' { $currentCulture = [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = 'da-DK'; $result = (Paragraph 'Test paragraph.' -Size 11 | OutHtmlParagraph) -match '(?<=style=").+(?=">)'; $fontSize = ($Matches[0]).Trim(';'); ($fontSize.Split(':').Trim())[1] | Should BeExactly '0.92em'; [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $currentCulture; } } #end describe OutHtmlParagraphStyle Describe 'OutHtmlTable' { Context 'Table.' { ## Scaffold new document to initialise options/styles $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; $services = Get-Service | Select -First 3; $table = $services | Table -Name 'Test Table' | OutHtmlTable; [Xml] $html = $table.Replace('&','&'); It 'creates default table class of tabledefault.' { $html.Div.Table.Class | Should BeExactly 'tabledefault'; } It 'creates table headings row.' { $html.Div.Table.Thead | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'creates column for each object property.' { $html.Div.Table.Thead.Tr.Th.Count | Should Be ($services | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count; } It 'creates a row for each object.' { $html.Div.Table.Tbody.Tr.Count | Should Be $services.Count; } } Context 'List.' { ## Scaffold new document to initialise options/styles $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'Test' -ScriptBlock { }; $services = Get-Service | Select -First 1; $table = $services | Table -Name 'Test Table' -List | OutHtmlTable; [Xml] $html = $table.Replace('&','&'); It 'creates no table heading row.' { ## Fix Set-StrictMode $html.Div.Table.PSObject.Properties['Thead'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'creates default table class of tabledefault-list.' { $html.Div.Table.Class | Should BeExactly 'tabledefault-list'; } It 'creates a two column table.' { $html.Div.Table.Tbody.Tr[0].Td.Count | Should Be 2; } It 'creates a row for each object property.' { $html.Div.Table.Tbody.Tr.Count | Should Be ($services | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count; } } #end context List } #end describe OutHtmlTable } #end inmodulescope <# Code coverage report: Covered 81.08% of 259 analyzed commands in 1 file. Missed commands: File Function Line Command ---- -------- ---- ------- OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlStyle 24 [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(' color: {0};', $Style.Color.ToLower()) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlStyle 27 [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(' background-color: {0};', $Style.BackgroundColor.ToLower()) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableDiv 74 [ref] $null = $divBuilder.AppendFormat('<div style="margin-left: {0}em;">' -f (ConvertMmToEm -Millimeter (12.7 * $Table.Tabs))) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableDiv 74 ConvertMmToEm -Millimeter (12.7 * $Table.Tabs) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableDiv 74 12.7 * $Table.Tabs OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableDiv 90 $styleElements += 'table-layout: fixed;' OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableDiv 91 $styleElements += 'word-wrap: break-word;' OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableDiv 97 [ref] $null = $divBuilder.Append('>') OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableColGroup 116 [ref] $null = $colGroupBuilder.Append('<colgroup>') OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableColGroup 117 $Table.ColumnWidths OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableColGroup 118 if ($null -eq $columnWidth) {... OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableColGroup 119 [ref] $null = $colGroupBuilder.Append('<col />') OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableColGroup 122 [ref] $null = $colGroupBuilder.AppendFormat('<col style="max-width:{0}%; min-width:{0}%; width:{0}%" />', $columnWidth) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableColGroup 125 [ref] $null = $colGroupBuilder.AppendLine('</colgroup>') OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlTOC 148 [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendFormat('<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}<a href="#{2}" style="text-decoration: none;">{3}</a></td></tr>', $tocEntry.Number, $sec... OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlStyle 196 $Document.Options['PageWidth'] OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlSection 240 [string] $sectionName = '{0} {1}' -f $Section.Number, $Section.Name OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlSection 245 WriteLog -Message $localized.MaxHeadingLevelWarning -IsWarning OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlSection 246 $headerLevel = 5 OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlSection 249 $className = $Section.Style OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlSection 252 $sectionId = '{0}[..]' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,36) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlSection 256 [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutHtmlSection -Section $s)) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlSection 256 OutHtmlSection -Section $s OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 283 $tabEm = ConvertMmToEm -Millimeter (12.7 * $Paragraph.Tabs) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 283 12.7 * $Paragraph.Tabs OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 284 [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' margin-left: {0}em;', $tabEm) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 286 [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(" font-family: '{0}';", $Paragraph.Font -Join "','") OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 287 [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' font-size: {0:0.00}em;', $Paragraph.Size / 12) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 288 [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.Append(' font-weight: bold;') OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 289 [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.Append(' font-style: italic;') OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 290 [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.Append(' text-decoration: underline;') OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 292 [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' color: {0};', $Paragraph.Color.ToLower()) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlParagraphStyle 295 [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' color: #{0};', $Paragraph.Color.ToLower()) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlParagraph 325 [ref] $null = $paragraphBuilder.AppendFormat('<div style="{1}">{2}</div>', $Paragraph.Style, $customStyle, $text) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableList 352 $propertyDisplayName = $Table.Headers[$i] OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableList 358 $propertyStyleHtml = (GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$Row.$propertyStyle]) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableList 358 GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$Row.$propertyStyle] OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableList 359 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Row.$propertyName)) {... OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableList 360 [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td style="{0}"> </td></tr>', $propertyStyleHtml) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableList 363 [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td style="{0}">{1}</td></tr>', $propertyStyleHtml, $Row.($propertyName)) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTableList 363 $propertyName OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTable 402 [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<th>{0}</th>', $Table.Headers[$i]) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTable 415 $propertyStyleHtml = (GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$row.$propertyStyle]).Trim() OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTable 415 GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$row.$propertyStyle] OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTable 416 [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td style="{0}">{1}</td>', $propertyStyleHtml, $row.$propertyName) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTable 420 $rowStyleHtml = (GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$row.__Style]).Trim() OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTable 420 GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$row.__Style] OutHtml.Internal.ps1 GetHtmlTable 421 [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td style="{0}">{1}</td>', $rowStyleHtml, $row.$propertyName) OutHtml.Internal.ps1 OutHtmlTable 460 [ref] $null = $tableBuilder.AppendLine('<p />') #> |