Import-Module PScribo -Force; $example22 = Document -Name 'PScribo Example 22' { <# A grid can be applied to a table by setting the -BorderWidth parameter. The border width is specified in points (pt). NOTE: Table borders apply to both standard tables and -List view tables. Optionally, you may set a border/grid color with the -BorderColor. If the border color is not specified, it will default to black (#000). The following example creates a table with an orange/red grid/border around all cells. #> TableStyle -Name 'BasicGrid' -HeaderStyle Normal -RowStyle Normal -BorderWidth 1 -BorderColor OrangeRed Get-Service | Select-Object -Property Name,DisplayName,Status -First 3 | Table -Style BasicGrid } $example22 | Export-Document -Format Html -Path ~\Desktop |