param ( [System.String[]] $Format = 'Word', [System.String] $Path = '~\Desktop', [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $PassThru ) Import-Module PScribo -Force; $example32 = Document -Name 'PScribo Example 32' { <# A document has a default 'Portrait' page orientation. This can always be overridden using the `DocumentOption -Orientation Landscape` function if required. However, this changes the page orientation for all sebequent pages. #> DocumentOption -Orientation Portrait Section -Style 'Heading1' -Name 'Default Page Orientation' { <# You can specify an orientation on each document root `Section`. When no orientation is specified it will be displayed in the document's "current" orientation. If no orientation has been explicitly set, then the document's default page orientation is used. #> Paragraph 'This section will be displayed in "Portait" as no orientation has been set' } Section -Style 'Heading1' -Name 'Landscape Section' -Orientation Landscape { Paragraph 'This paragraph will be displayed in "Landscape" as the orientation has been specified.' } Section -Style 'Heading1' -Name 'Continuous Orientation' { <# When the orientation is changed, it is changed for all following sections - unless the orientation is explicitly reverted. #> Paragraph 'This paragraph will be displayed in "Landscape" as the orientation has not been specified, but has been changed by a previous section.' Section -Style 'Heading2' -Name 'Orientation Warning' -Orientation Portrait { Paragraph 'This paragraph will be displayed in "Landscape" as orientation can only be set at document-level section blocks (a warning will also be shown!).' } } Section -Style 'Heading1' -Name 'Portrait Section' -Orientation Portrait { Paragraph 'This paragraph will be displayed in "Portrait" again as the orientation has been specified.' } } $example32 | Export-Document -Path $Path -Format $Format -PassThru:$PassThru |