
param (
    [System.String[]] $Format = 'Word',
    [System.String] $Path = '~\Desktop',
    [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $PassThru

Import-Module PScribo -Force;

$example32 = Document -Name 'PScribo Example 32' {

        A document has a default 'Portrait' page orientation. This can always be overridden using the
        `DocumentOption -Orientation Landscape` function if required. However, this changes the page orientation
        for all sebequent pages.

    DocumentOption -Orientation Portrait

    Section -Style 'Heading1' -Name 'Default Page Orientation' {

            You can specify an orientation on each document root `Section`. When no orientation is specified it will be
            displayed in the document's "current" orientation. If no orientation has been explicitly set, then the
            document's default page orientation is used.

        Paragraph 'This section will be displayed in "Portait" as no orientation has been set'

    Section -Style 'Heading1' -Name 'Landscape Section' -Orientation Landscape {

        Paragraph 'This paragraph will be displayed in "Landscape" as the orientation has been specified.'

    Section -Style 'Heading1' -Name 'Continuous Orientation' {

            When the orientation is changed, it is changed for all following sections - unless the orientation is
            explicitly reverted.

        Paragraph 'This paragraph will be displayed in "Landscape" as the orientation has not been specified, but has been changed by a previous section.'

        Section -Style 'Heading2' -Name 'Orientation Warning' -Orientation Portrait {

            Paragraph 'This paragraph will be displayed in "Landscape" as orientation can only be set at document-level section blocks (a warning will also be shown!).'

    Section -Style 'Heading1' -Name 'Portrait Section' -Orientation Portrait {

        Paragraph 'This paragraph will be displayed in "Portrait" again as the orientation has been specified.'

$example32 | Export-Document -Path $Path -Format $Format -PassThru:$PassThru