
#region PScribo Bundle v0.7.2.180
#requires -Version 3

The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Iain Brighton
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

$localized = DATA {
# en-US
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
ImportingFile = Importing file '{0}'.
InvalidDirectoryPathError = Path '{0}' is not a valid directory path.'
NoScriptBlockProvidedError = No PScribo section script block is provided (have you put the open curly brace on the next line?).
InvalidHtmlColorError = Invalid Html color '{0}' specified.
InvalidHtmlBackgroundColorError = Invalid Html background color '{0}' specified.
UndefinedTableHeaderStyleError = Undefined table header style '{0}' specified.
UndefinedTableRowStyleError = Undefined table row style '{0}' specified.
UndefinedAltTableRowStyleError = Undefined table alternating row style '{0}' specified.
InvalidTableBorderColorError = Invalid table border color '{0}' specified.
UndefinedStyleError = Undefined style '{0}' specified.
OpenPackageError = Error opening package '{0}'. Ensure the file in not in use by another process.
MaxHeadingLevelWarning = Html5 supports a maximum of 5 heading levels.
TableHeadersWithNoColumnsWarning = Table headers have been specified with no table columns/properties. Headers will be ignored.
TableHeadersCountMismatchWarning = The number of table headers specified does not match the number of specified columns/properties. Headers will be ignored.
ListTableColumnCountWarning = Table columns widths in list format must be 2. Column widths will be ignored.
TableColumnWidthMismatchWarning = The specified number of table columns and column widths do not match. Column widths will be ignored.
TableColumnWidthSumWarning = The table column widths total '{0}'%. Total column width must equal 100%. Column widths will be ignored.
TableWidthOverflowWarning = The table width overflows the page margin and has been adjusted to '{0}'%.
DocumentProcessingStarted = Document '{0}' processing started.
DocumentInvokePlugin = Invoking '{0}' plugin.
DocumentOptions = Setting global document options.
DocumentOptionSpaceSeparator = Setting default space separator to '{0}'.
DocumentOptionUppercaseHeadings = Enabling uppercase headings.
DocumentOptionUppercaseSections = Enabling uppercase sections.
DocumentOptionSectionNumbering = Enabling section/heading numbering.
DocumentOptionPageTopMargin = Setting page top margin to '{0}'mm.
DocumentOptionPageRightMargin = Setting page right margin to '{0}'mm.
DocumentOptionPageBottomMargin = Setting page bottom margin to '{0}'mm.
DocumentOptionPageLeftMargin = Setting page left margin to '{0}'mm.
DocumentOptionPageSize = Setting page size to '{0}'.
DocumentOptionPageHeight = Setting page height to '{0}'mm.
DocumentOptionPageWidth = Setting page width to '{0}'mm.
DocumentOptionDefaultFont = Setting default font(s) to '{0}'.
ProcessingBlankLine = Processing blank line.
ProcessingImage = Processing image '{0}'.
ProcessingLineBreak = Processing line break.
ProcessingPageBreak = Processing page break.
ProcessingParagraph = Processing paragraph '{0}'.
ProcessingSection = Processing section '{0}'.
ProcessingSectionStarted = Processing section '{0}' started.
ProcessingSectionCompleted = Processing section '{0}' completed.
PluginProcessingSection = Processing {0} '{1}'.
ProcessingStyle = Setting document style '{0}'.
ProcessingTable = Processing table '{0}'.
ProcessingTableStyle = Setting table style '{0}'.
ProcessingTOC = Processing table of contents '{0}'.
ProcessingDocumentPart = Processing document part '{0}'.
WritingDocumentPart = Writing document part '{0}'.
GeneratingPackageRelationships = Generating package relationships.
PluginUnsupportedSection = Unsupported section '{0}'.
DocumentProcessingCompleted = Document '{0}' processing completed.
TotalProcessingTime = Total processing time '{0:N2}' seconds.
SavingFile = Saving file '{0}'.

function BlankLine {
        Initializes a new PScribo blank line object.

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [System.UInt32] $Count = 1
    begin {
        #region BlankLine Private Functions
        function New-PScriboBlankLine {
                Initializes a new PScribo blank line break.
                This is an internal function and should not be called directly.

            param (
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [System.UInt32] $Count = 1
            process {
                $typeName = 'PScribo.BlankLine';
                $pscriboBlankLine = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString();
                    LineCount = $Count;
                    Type = $typeName;
                return $pscriboBlankLine;
        } #end function New-PScriboBlankLine
        #endregion BlankLine Private Functions
    } #end begin
    process {
        WriteLog -Message $localized.ProcessingBlankLine;
        return (New-PScriboBlankLine @PSBoundParameters);
    } #end process
} #end function BlankLine

function ConvertPtToMm {
        Convert points into millimeters

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('pt')] [System.Single] $Point
    process {
        return [System.Math]::Round(($Point / 72) * 25.4, 2);

function ConvertPxToMm {
        Convert pixels into millimeters (default 96dpi)

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('px')] [System.Single] $Pixel,
        [Parameter()] [System.Int16] $Dpi = 96
    process {
        return [System.Math]::Round((25.4 / $Dpi) * $Pixel, 2);

function ConvertInToMm {
        Convert inches into millimeters

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('in')] [System.Single] $Inch
    process {
        return [System.Math]::Round($Inch * 25.4, 2);

function ConvertMmToIn {
        Convert millimeters into inches

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('mm','Millimetre')] [System.Single] $Millimeter
    process {
        return [System.Math]::Round($Millimeter / 25.4, 2);

function ConvertMmToPt {
        Convert millimeters into points

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('mm','Millimetre')] [System.Single] $Millimeter
    return ((ConvertMmToIn $Millimeter) / 0.0138888888888889);

function ConvertMmToTwips {
        Convert millimeters into twips
        1 twip = 1/20th pt

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('mm','Millimetre')] [System.Single] $Millimeter
    process {
        return (ConvertMmToIn -Millimeter $Millimeter) * 1440;

function ConvertMmToOctips {
        Convert millimeters into octips
        1 "octip" = 1/8th pt

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('mm','Millimetre')] [System.Single] $Millimeter
    process {
        return (ConvertMmToIn -Millimeter $Millimeter) * 576;

function ConvertMmToEm {
        Convert millimeters into em

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('mm','Millimetre')] [System.Single] $Millimeter
    process {
        return [System.Math]::Round($Millimeter / 4.23333333333333, 2);

function ConvertMmToPx {
        Convert millimeters into pixels (default 96dpi)

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('mm','Millimetre')] [System.Single] $Millimeter,
        [Parameter()] [System.Int16] $Dpi = 96
    process {
        $pixels = [System.Int16] ((ConvertMmToIn -Millimeter $Millimeter) * $Dpi);
        if ($pixels -lt 1) { return 1; }
        else { return $pixels; }

function Document {
        Initializes a new PScribo document object.

    param (
        ## PScribo document name
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [System.String] $Name,
        ## PScribo document DSL script block containing Section, Paragraph and/or Table etc. commands.
        [Parameter(Position = 1)] [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock = $(throw $localized.NoScriptBlockProvidedError) 
    begin {
        $pluginName = 'Document';
        #region Document Private Functions
        function New-PScriboDocument {
                Initializes a new PScript document object.
                This is an internal function and should not be called directly.

            param (
                ## PScribo document name
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name
            process {
                WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingStarted -f $Name);
                $typeName = 'PScribo.Document';
                $pscriboDocument = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = $Name.Replace(' ', '').ToUpper();
                    Type = $typeName;
                    Name = $Name;
                    Sections = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList;
                    Options = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Hashtable([System.StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    Properties = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Hashtable([System.StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    Styles = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Hashtable([System.StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    TableStyles = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Hashtable([System.StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    DefaultStyle = $null;
                    DefaultTableStyle = $null;
                    TOC = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList;
                GlobalOption -MarginTopAndBottom 72 -MarginLeftAndRight 54 -PageSize A4 -Verbose:$false -DefaultFont 'Calibri','Candara','Segoe','Segoe UI','Optima','Arial','Sans-Serif';
                ## Set "default" styles
                Style -Name Normal -Default;
                Style -Name Title -Size 28 -Color 0072af;
                Style -Name TOC -Size 16 -Color 0072af;
                Style -Name 'Heading 1' -Size 16 -Color 0072af;
                Style -Name 'Heading 2' -Size 14 -Color 0072af;
                Style -Name 'Heading 3' -Size 12 -Color 0072af;
                Style -Name TableDefaultHeading -Size 11 -Color fff -Bold -BackgroundColor 4472c4;
                Style -Name TableDefaultRow -Size 11;
                Style -Name TableDefaultAltRow -BackgroundColor d0ddee;
                Style -Name Footer -Size 8 -Color 0072af;
                TableStyle TableDefault -BorderWidth 1 -BorderColor 2a70be -HeaderStyle TableDefaultHeading -RowStyle TableDefaultRow -AlternateRowStyle TableDefaultAltRow -Default;
                return $pscriboDocument;
            } #end process
        } #end function NewPScriboDocument

        function Process-PScriboSection {
                Processes the document/TOC section versioning each level, i.e.
                This is an internal function and should not be called directly.

            param ( )
            function Process-PScriboSectionLevel {
                    Nested function that processes each document/TOC nested section

                param (
                    [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] [PSCustomObject] $Section,
                    [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Number
                if ($pscriboDocument.Options['ForceUppercaseSection']) {
                    $Section.Name = $Section.Name.ToUpper();
                ## Set this section's level
                $Section.Number = $Number;
                $Section.Level = $Number.Split('.').Count -1;
                ### Add to the TOC
                $tocEntry = [PScustomObject] @{ Id = $Section.Id; Number = $Number; Level = $Section.Level; Name = $Section.Name; }
                [ref] $null = $pscriboDocument.TOC.Add($tocEntry);
                ## Set sub-section level seed
                $minorNumber = 1;
                foreach ($s in $Section.Sections) {
                    if ($s.Type -like '*.Section' -and -not $s.IsExcluded) {
                        $sectionNumber = ('{0}.{1}' -f $Number, $minorNumber).TrimStart('.');  ## Calculate section version
                        Process-PScriboSectionLevel -Section $s -Number $sectionNumber;
                } #end foreach section
            } #end function Process-PScriboSectionLevel

            $majorNumber = 1;
            foreach ($s in $pscriboDocument.Sections) {
                if ($s.Type -like '*.Section') {
                    if ($pscriboDocument.Options['ForceUppercaseSection']) {
                        $s.Name = $s.Name.ToUpper();
                    if (-not $s.IsExcluded) {
                        Process-PScriboSectionLevel -Section $s -Number $majorNumber;
                } #end if
            } #end foreach
        } #end function process-psscribosection
        #endregion Document Private Functions
    } #end begin
    process {
        $stopwatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
        $pscriboDocument = New-PScriboDocument -Name $Name;
        ## Call the Document script block
        foreach ($result in & $ScriptBlock) {
            [ref] $null = $pscriboDocument.Sections.Add($result);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingCompleted -f $pscriboDocument.Name);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.TotalProcessingTime -f $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
        return $pscriboDocument;
    } #end process
} #end function Document

function Export-Document {
        Exports a PScribo document object to one or more output formats.

    param (
        ## PScribo document object
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Document,
        ## Output formats
        [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.String[]] $Format,
        ## Output file path
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Path = (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem),
        ## PScribo document export option
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Options
    begin {
        try { $Path = Resolve-Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; }
        catch { }

        if (-not (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)) {
            ## Check $Path is a directory
            throw ($localized.InvalidDirectoryPathError -f $Path);
    process {
        foreach ($f in $Format) {
            WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentInvokePlugin -f $f) -Plugin 'Export';
            ## Call specified output plugin
            #try {
                ## Dynamically generate the output format function name
                $outputFormat = 'Out{0}' -f $f;
                & $outputFormat -Document $Document -Path $Path; # -ErrorAction Stop;
            #catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
            # Write-Warning ('Output format "{0}" is unsupported.' -f $f);
        } # end foreach
    } #end process
} #end function Export-Document

function GlobalOption {
        Initializes a new PScribo global options/settings.
        Options are reset upon each invocation.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Margin')]
    param (
        ## Forces document header to be displayed in upper case.
        [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $ForceUppercaseHeader,
        ## Forces all section headers to be displayed in upper case.
        [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $ForceUppercaseSection,
        ## Enable section/heading numbering
        [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $EnableSectionNumbering,
        ## Default space replacement separator
        [Alias('Separator')] [AllowNull()] [ValidateLength(0,1)] [System.String] $SpaceSeparator,
        ## Default page top, bottom, left and right margin (pt)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Margin')] [System.UInt16] $Margin = 72,
        ## Default page top and bottom margins (pt)
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'CustomMargin')] [System.UInt16] $MarginTopAndBottom,
        ## Default page left and right margins (pt)
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'CustomMargin')] [System.UInt16] $MarginLeftAndRight,
        ## Default page size
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('A4','Legal','Letter')] [System.String] $PageSize = 'A4',
        ## Default document font(s)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.String[]] $DefaultFont = @('Calibri','Candara','Segoe','Segoe UI','Optima','Arial','Sans-Serif')
    process {
        $localized.DocumentOptions | WriteLog;
        if ($SpaceSeparator) {
            WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentOptionSpaceSeparator -f $SpaceSeparator);
            $pscriboDocument.Options['SpaceSeparator'] = $SpaceSeparator;
        if ($ForceUppercaseHeader) {
            $localized.DocumentOptionUppercaseHeadings | WriteLog;
            $pscriboDocument.Options['ForceUppercaseHeader'] = $true;
            $pscriboDocument.Name = $pscriboDocument.Name.ToUpper();
        } #end if ForceUppercaseHeader
        if ($ForceUppercaseSection) {
            $localized.DocumentOptionUppercaseSections | WriteLog;
            $pscriboDocument.Options['ForceUppercaseSection'] = $true;
        } #end if ForceUppercaseSection
        if ($EnableSectionNumbering) {
            $localized.DocumentOptionSectionNumbering | WriteLog;
            $pscriboDocument.Options['EnableSectionNumbering'] = $true;
        if ($DefaultFont) {
            WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentOptionDefaultFont -f ([System.String]::Join(', ', $DefaultFont)));
            $pscriboDocument.Options['DefaultFont'] = $DefaultFont;
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CustomMargin') {
            if ($MarginTopAndBottom -eq 0) { $MarginTopAndBottom = 72; }
            if ($MarginLeftAndRight -eq 0) { $MarginTopAndBottom = 72; }
            $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginTop'] = ConvertPtToMm -Point $MarginTopAndBottom;
            $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginBottom'] = $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginTop'];
            $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginLeft'] = ConvertPtToMm -Point $MarginLeftAndRight;
            $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginRight'] = $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginLeft'];
        else {
            $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginTop'] = ConvertPtToMm -Point $Margin;
            $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginBottom'] = $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginTop'];
            $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginLeft'] = $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginTop'];
            $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginRight'] = $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginTop'];
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentOptionPageTopMargin -f $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginTop']);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentOptionPageRightMargin -f $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginRight']);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentOptionPageBottomMargin -f $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginBottom']);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentOptionPageLeftMargin -f $pscriboDocument.Options['MarginLeft']);

        ## Convert page size
        ($localized.DocumentOptionPageSize -f $PageSize) | WriteLog;
        switch ($PageSize) {
            'A4' {
                $pscriboDocument.Options['PageWidth'] = 210.0;
                $pscriboDocument.Options['PageHeight'] = 297.0;
            'Legal' {
                $pscriboDocument.Options['PageWidth'] = 215.9;
                $pscriboDocument.Options['PageHeight'] = 355.6;
            'Letter' {
                $pscriboDocument.Options['PageWidth'] = 215.9;
                $pscriboDocument.Options['PageHeight'] = 279.4;
        } #end switch
        ($localized.DocumentOptionPageHeight -f $pscriboDocument.Options['PageHeight']) | WriteLog;
        ($localized.DocumentOptionPageWidth -f $pscriboDocument.Options['PageWidth']) | WriteLog;
    } #end process
} #end function GlobalOption

function LineBreak {
        Initializes a new PScribo line break object.

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Id = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
    begin {
        #region LineBreak Private Functions
        function New-PScriboLineBreak {
                Initializes a new PScribo line break object.
                This is an internal function and should not be called directly.

            param (
                [Parameter(Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Id = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
            process {
                $typeName = 'PScribo.LineBreak';
                $pscriboLineBreak = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = $Id;
                    Type = $typeName;
                return $pscriboLineBreak;
        } #end function New-PScriboLineBreak
        #endregion LineBreak Private Functions
    } #end begin
    process {
        WriteLog -Message $localized.ProcessingLineBreak;
        return (New-PScriboLineBreak @PSBoundParameters);
    } #end process
} #end function LineBreak

function WriteLog {
        Writes message to the verbose, warning or debug streams. Output is
        prefixed with the time and PScribo plugin name.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Verbose')]
    param (
        ## Message to send to the Verbose stream
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Verbose')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Warning')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Debug')]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Message,
        ## PScribo plugin name
        [Parameter()] [System.String] $Plugin,
        ## Redirect message to the Warning stream
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Warning')] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $IsWarning,
        ## Redirect message to the Debug stream
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Debug')] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $IsDebug,
        ## Padding/indent section level
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Verbose')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Warning')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Debug')]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Int16] $Indent
    process {
        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Plugin)) {
            ## Attempt to resolve the plugin name from the parent scope
            $Plugin = $pluginName;
        ## Center plugin name
        $pluginPaddingSize = [System.Math]::Floor((10 - $Plugin.Length) / 2);
        $pluginPaddingString = ''.PadRight($pluginPaddingSize);
        $Plugin = '{0}{1}' -f $pluginPaddingString, $Plugin;
        $Plugin = $Plugin.PadRight(10)
        $date = Get-Date;
        $sectionLevelPadding = ''.PadRight($Indent);
        $formattedMessage = '[ {0} ] [{1}] - {2}{3}' -f $date.ToString('HH:mm:ss:fff'), $Plugin, $sectionLevelPadding, $Message;
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'Warning' { Write-Warning -Message $formattedMessage; }
            'Debug' { Write-Debug -Message $formattedMessage; }
            Default { Write-Verbose -Message $formattedMessage; }
    } #end process
} #end function WriteLog

function PageBreak {
        Creates a PScribo page break object.

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Id = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
    begin {
        #region PageBreak Private Functions
        function New-PScriboPageBreak {
                Creates a PScribo page break object.
                This is an internal function and should not be called directly.

            param (
                [Parameter(Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Id = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
            process {
                $typeName = 'PScribo.PageBreak';
                $pscriboPageBreak = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = $Id;
                    Type = $typeName;
                return $pscriboPageBreak;
        } #end function New-PScriboPageBreak
        #endregion PageBreak Private Functions
    } #end begin
    process {
        WriteLog -Message $localized.ProcessingPageBreak;
        return (New-PScriboPageBreak -Id $Id);
} #end function PageBreak

function Paragraph {
        Initializes a new PScribo paragraph object.

    param (
        ## Paragraph Id and Xml element name
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name,
        ## Paragraph text. If empty $Name/Id will be used.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 1)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Text = $null,
        ## Output value override, i.e. for Xml elements. If empty $Text will be used.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 2)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Value = $null,
        ## Paragraph style Name/Id reference.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Style = $null,
        [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $NoNewLine,
        ## Override the bold style
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Bold,
        ## Override the italic style
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Italic,
        ## Override the underline style
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Underline,
        ## Override the font name(s)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String[]] $Font,
        ## Override the font size (pt)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.UInt16] $Size = $null,
        ## Override the font color/colour
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Color = $null,
        ## Tab indent
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Int32] [ValidateRange(0,10)] $Tabs = 0
    begin {
        #region Paragraph Private Functions
        function New-PScriboParagraph {
                Initializes a new PScribo paragraph object.
                This is an internal function and should not be called directly.

            param (
                ## Paragraph Id (and Xml) element name
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name,
                ## Paragraph text. If empty $Name/Id will be used.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 1)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Text = $null,
                ## Ouptut value override, i.e. for Xml elements. If empty $Text will be used.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 2)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Value = $null,
                ## Paragraph style Name/Id reference.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Style = $null,
                ## No new line - ONLY IMPLEMENTED FOR TEXT OUTPUT
                [Switch] $NoNewLine,
                ## Override the bold style
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Bold,
                ## Override the italic style
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Italic,
                ## Override the underline style
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Underline,
                ## Override the font name(s)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String[]] $Font,
                ## Override the font size (pt)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.UInt16] $Size = $null,
                ## Override the font color/colour
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Colour')] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Color = $null,
                ## Tab indent
                [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0,10)] [System.Int32] $Tabs = 0
            begin {
                if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Text))) {
                    $Name = $Name.Replace(' ', $pscriboDocument.Options['SpaceSeparator']).ToUpper();
                if ($Color) {
                    $Color = Resolve-PScriboStyleColor -Color $Color;
            } #end begin
            process {
                $typeName = 'PScribo.Paragraph';
                $pscriboParagraph = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = $Name;
                    Text = $Text;
                    Type = $typeName;
                    Style = $Style;
                    Value = $Value;
                    NewLine = !$NoNewLine;
                    Tabs = $Tabs;
                    Bold = $Bold;
                    Italic = $Italic;
                    Underline = $Underline;
                    Font = $Font;
                    Size = $Size;
                    Color = $Color;
                return $pscriboParagraph;
            } #end process
        } #end function New-PScriboParagraph
        #endregion Paragraph Private Functions
    } #end begin
    process {
        if ($Name.Length -gt 40) { $paragraphDisplayName = '{0}[..]' -f $Name.Substring(0,36); }
        else { $paragraphDisplayName = $Name; }
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingParagraph -f $paragraphDisplayName);
        return (New-PScriboParagraph @PSBoundParameters);
    } #end process
} #end function Paragraph

function Section {
        Initializes a new PScribo section object.

    param (
        ## PScribo section heading/name.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [System.String] $Name,
        ## PScribo document script block.
        [Parameter(Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock = $(throw $localized.NoScriptBlockProvidedError),
        ## PScribo style applied to document section.
        [Parameter()] [System.String] [AllowNull()] $Style = $null,
        ## Section is excluded from TOC/section numbering.
        [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $ExcludeFromTOC
    begin {
        #region Section Private Functions
        function New-PScriboSection {
                Initializes new PScribo section object.
                This is an internal function and should not be called directly.

            param (
                ## PScribo section heading/name.
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name,
                ## PScribo style applied to document section.
                [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Style = $null,
                ## Section is excluded from TOC/section numbering.
                [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $IsExcluded
            process {
                $typeName = 'PScribo.Section';
                $pscriboSection = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = $Name.Replace(' ', $pscriboDocument.Options['SpaceSeparator']).ToUpper();
                    Level = 0;
                    Number = '';
                    Name = $Name;
                    Type = $typeName;
                    Style = $Style;
                    IsExcluded = $IsExcluded;
                    Sections = (New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList);
                return $pscriboSection;
            } #end process
        } #end function new-pscribosection
        #endregion Section Private Functions
    } #end begin
    process {
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingSectionStarted -f $Name);
        $pscriboSection = New-PScriboSection -Name $Name -Style $Style -IsExcluded:$ExcludeFromTOC;
        WriteLog -Message ('Document: {0}: Section count: {1}.' -f $pscriboSection.Id, $results.Count) -IsDebug;
        foreach ($result in & $ScriptBlock) {
            [ref] $null = $pscriboSection.Sections.Add($result);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingSectionCompleted -f $Name);
        return $pscriboSection;
    } #end process
} #end function Section

function Resolve-PScriboStyleColor {
        Resolves a HTML color format or Word color constant to a RGB value

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.String] $Color
    begin {
        $wordColorConstants = @{
            AliceBlue = 'F0F8FF'; AntiqueWhite = 'FAEBD7'; Aqua = '00FFFF'; Aquamarine = '7FFFD4'; Azure = 'F0FFFF'; Beige = 'F5F5DC';
            Bisque = 'FFE4C4'; Black = '000000'; BlanchedAlmond = 'FFEBCD'; Blue = '0000FF'; BlueViolet = '8A2BE2'; Brown = 'A52A2A';
            BurlyWood = 'DEB887'; CadetBlue = '5F9EA0'; Chartreuse = '7FFF00'; Chocolate = 'D2691E'; Coral = 'FF7F50';
            CornflowerBlue = '6495ED'; Cornsilk = 'FFF8DC'; Crimson = 'DC143C'; Cyan = '00FFFF'; DarkBlue = '00008B'; DarkCyan = '008B8B';
            DarkGoldenrod = 'B8860B'; DarkGray = 'A9A9A9'; DarkGreen = '006400'; DarkKhaki = 'BDB76B'; DarkMagenta = '8B008B';
            DarkOliveGreen = '556B2F'; DarkOrange = 'FF8C00'; DarkOrchid = '9932CC'; DarkRed = '8B0000'; DarkSalmon = 'E9967A';
            DarkSeaGreen = '8FBC8F'; DarkSlateBlue = '483D8B'; DarkSlateGray = '2F4F4F'; DarkTurquoise = '00CED1'; DarkViolet = '9400D3';
            DeepPink = 'FF1493'; DeepSkyBlue = '00BFFF'; DimGray = '696969'; DodgerBlue = '1E90FF'; Firebrick = 'B22222';
            FloralWhite = 'FFFAF0'; ForestGreen = '228B22'; Fuchsia = 'FF00FF'; Gainsboro = 'DCDCDC'; GhostWhite = 'F8F8FF';
            Gold = 'FFD700'; Goldenrod = 'DAA520'; Gray = '808080'; Green = '008000'; GreenYellow = 'ADFF2F'; Honeydew = 'F0FFF0';
            HotPink = 'FF69B4'; IndianRed = 'CD5C5C'; Indigo = '4B0082'; Ivory = 'FFFFF0'; Khaki = 'F0E68C'; Lavender = 'E6E6FA';
            LavenderBlush = 'FFF0F5'; LawnGreen = '7CFC00'; LemonChiffon = 'FFFACD'; LightBlue = 'ADD8E6'; LightCoral = 'F08080';
            LightCyan = 'E0FFFF'; LightGoldenrodYellow = 'FAFAD2'; LightGreen = '90EE90'; LightGrey = 'D3D3D3'; LightPink = 'FFB6C1';
            LightSalmon = 'FFA07A'; LightSeaGreen = '20B2AA'; LightSkyBlue = '87CEFA'; LightSlateGray = '778899'; LightSteelBlue = 'B0C4DE';
            LightYellow = 'FFFFE0'; Lime = '00FF00'; LimeGreen = '32CD32'; Linen = 'FAF0E6'; Magenta = 'FF00FF'; Maroon = '800000';
            McMintGreen = 'BED6C9'; MediumAuqamarine = '66CDAA'; MediumBlue = '0000CD'; MediumOrchid = 'BA55D3'; MediumPurple = '9370D8';
            MediumSeaGreen = '3CB371'; MediumSlateBlue = '7B68EE'; MediumSpringGreen = '00FA9A'; MediumTurquoise = '48D1CC';
            MediumVioletRed = 'C71585'; MidnightBlue = '191970'; MintCream = 'F5FFFA'; MistyRose = 'FFE4E1'; Moccasin = 'FFE4B5';
            NavajoWhite = 'FFDEAD'; Navy = '000080'; OldLace = 'FDF5E6'; Olive = '808000'; OliveDrab = '688E23'; Orange = 'FFA500';
            OrangeRed = 'FF4500'; Orchid = 'DA70D6'; PaleGoldenRod = 'EEE8AA'; PaleGreen = '98FB98'; PaleTurquoise = 'AFEEEE';
            PaleVioletRed = 'D87093'; PapayaWhip = 'FFEFD5'; PeachPuff = 'FFDAB9'; Peru = 'CD853F'; Pink = 'FFC0CB'; Plum = 'DDA0DD';
            PowderBlue = 'B0E0E6'; Purple = '800080'; Red = 'FF0000'; RosyBrown = 'BC8F8F'; RoyalBlue = '4169E1'; SaddleBrown = '8B4513';
            Salmon = 'FA8072'; SandyBrown = 'F4A460'; SeaGreen = '2E8B57'; Seashell = 'FFF5EE'; Sienna = 'A0522D'; Silver = 'C0C0C0';
            SkyBlue = '87CEEB'; SlateBlue = '6A5ACD'; SlateGray = '708090'; Snow = 'FFFAFA'; SpringGreen = '00FF7F'; SteelBlue = '4682B4';
            Tan = 'D2B48C'; Teal = '008080'; Thistle = 'D8BFD8'; Tomato = 'FF6347'; Turquoise = '40E0D0'; Violet = 'EE82EE'; Wheat = 'F5DEB3';
            White = 'FFFFFF'; WhiteSmoke = 'F5F5F5'; Yellow = 'FFFF00'; YellowGreen = '9ACD32';
    } #end begin
    process {
        $pscriboColor = $Color;
        if ($wordColorConstants.ContainsKey($pscriboColor)) {
            return $wordColorConstants[$pscriboColor].ToLower();
        elseif ($pscriboColor.Length -eq 6 -or $pscriboColor.Length -eq 3) {
            $pscriboColor = '#{0}' -f $pscriboColor;
        elseif ($pscriboColor.Length -eq 7 -or $pscriboColor.Length -eq 4) {
            if (-not ($pscriboColor.StartsWith('#'))) { return $null; }
        if ($pscriboColor -notmatch '^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$') { return $null; }
        return $pscriboColor.TrimStart('#').ToLower();
    } #end process
} #end function ResolvePScriboColor

function Test-PScriboStyleColor {
        Tests whether a color string is a valid HTML color.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Color
    process {
        if (Resolve-PScriboStyleColor -Color $Color) { return $true; }
        else { return $false; }
    } #end process
} #end function test-pscribostylecolor

function Test-PScriboStyle {
        Tests whether a style has been defined.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name
    process {
        return $PScriboDocument.Styles.ContainsKey($Name);
} #end function Test-PScriboStyle

function Style {
        Defines a new PScribo formatting style.
        Creates a standard format formatting style that can be applied
        to PScribo document keywords, e.g. a combination of font style, font
        weight and font size.
        Not all plugins support all options.

    param (
        ## Style name
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name,
        ## Font size (pt)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 1)] [System.UInt16] $Size = 11,
        ## Font color/colour
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Colour')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Color = '000',
        ## Background color/colour
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('BackgroundColour')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $BackgroundColor,
        ## Bold typeface
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Bold,
        ## Italic typeface
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Italic,
        ## Underline typeface
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Underline,
        ## Text alignment
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('Left','Center','Right','Justify')] [System.String] $Align = 'Left',
        ## Set as default style
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Default,
        ## Style id
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Id = $Name -Replace(' ',''),
        ## Font name (array of names for HTML output)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.String[]] $Font
    begin {
        #region Style Private Functions
        function Add-PScriboStyle {
                Initializes a new PScribo style object.

            param (
                ## Style name
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name,
                ## Style id
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Id = $Name -Replace(' ',''),
                ## Font size (pt)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.UInt16] $Size = 11,
                ## Font name (array of names for HTML output)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.String[]] $Font,
                ## Font color/colour
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Colour')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Color = 'Black',
                ## Background color/colour
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('BackgroundColour')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $BackgroundColor,
                ## Bold typeface
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Bold,
                ## Italic typeface
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Italic,
                ## Underline typeface
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Underline,
                ## Text alignment
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('Left','Center','Right','Justify')] [string] $Align = 'Left',
                ## Html CSS class id. Overrides Style.Id in HTML output.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.String] $CssClassId = '',
                ## Set as default style
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Default
            ) #end param
            begin {       
                if (-not (Test-PScriboStyleColor -Color $Color)) {
                    throw ($localized.InvalidHtmlColorError -f $Color);
                if ($BackgroundColor) {
                    if (-not (Test-PScriboStyleColor -Color $BackgroundColor)) {
                        throw ($localized.InvalidHtmlBackgroundColorError -f $BackgroundColor);
                    else {
                        $BackgroundColor = Resolve-PScriboStyleColor -Color $BackgroundColor;
                if (-not ($Font)) {
                    $Font = $pscriboDocument.Options['DefaultFont'];
            } #end begin
            process {
                $style = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = $Id;
                    Name = $Name;
                    Font = $Font;
                    Size = $Size;
                    Color = (Resolve-PScriboStyleColor -Color $Color).ToLower();
                    BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor.ToLower();
                    Bold = $Bold;
                    Italic = $Italic;
                    Underline = $Underline;
                    Align = $Align;
                $pscriboDocument.Styles[$Id] = $style;
                if ($Default) { $pscriboDocument.DefaultStyle = $style.Id; }
            } #end process
        } #end function Add-PScriboStyle
        #endregion Style Private Functions
    process {
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingStyle -f $Id);
        Add-PScriboStyle @PSBoundParameters;
    } #end process
} #end function Style

function Set-Style {
        Sets the style for an individual table row or cell.

    param (
        ## PSCustomObject to apply the style to
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object[]] [Ref] $InputObject,
        ## PScribo style Id to apply
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.String] $Style,
        ## Property name(s) to apply the selected style to. Leave blank to apply the style to the entire row.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String[]] $Property = '',
        ## Passes the modified object back to the pipeline
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $PassThru
    ) #end param
    begin {
        if (-not (Test-PScriboStyle -Name $Style)) {
            Write-Error ($localized.UndefinedStyleError -f $Style);
    process {
        foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
            foreach ($p in $Property) {
                ## If $Property not set, __Style will apply to the whole row.
                $propertyName = '{0}__Style' -f $p;
                $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $propertyName -Value $Style -Force;
        if ($PassThru) {
            Write-Output -InputObject $object -NoEnumerate;
    } #end process
} #end function set-tablestyle

function Table {
        Defines a new PScribo document table.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
    param (
        ## Table name/Id
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name = ([System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()),
        # Array of Hashtables
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Hashtable')]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary[]] $Hashtable,
        # Array of objects
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
        [Alias('CustomObject','Object')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Object[]] $InputObject,
        # Array of Hashtable key names or Object/PSCustomObject property names to include, in display order.
        # If not supplied then all Hashtable keys or all PSCustomObject properties will be used.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Hashtable')]
        [Alias('Properties')] [AllowNull()] [System.String[]] $Columns = $null,
        ## Column widths as percentages. Total should not exceed 100.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.UInt16[]] $ColumnWidths,
        # Array of custom table header strings in display order.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 2)] [AllowNull()] [System.String[]] $Headers = $null,
        ## Table style
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 3)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Style = 'TableDefault',
        # List view (no headers)
        [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $List,
        ## Table width (%), 0 = Autofit
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateRange(0,100)] [System.UInt16] $Width = 100,
        ## Indent table
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateRange(0,10)] [System.UInt16] $Tabs
    ) #end param
    begin {
        #region Table Private Functions
        function New-PScriboTable {
                Initializes a new PScribo table object.

            param (
                ## Table name/Id
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)]
                [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name = ([System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()),
                ## Table columns/display order
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [System.String[]] $Columns,
                ## Table columns widths
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [System.UInt16[]] $ColumnWidths,
                ## Collection of PScriboTableObjects for table rows
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Rows,
                ## Table style
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Style,
                ## List view
                [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $List,
                ## Table width (%), 0 = Autofit
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateRange(0,100)] [System.UInt16] $Width = 100,
                ## Indent table
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateRange(0,10)] [System.UInt16] $Tabs
            ) #end param
            process {
                $typeName = 'PScribo.Table';
                $pscriboTable = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = $Name.Replace(' ', $pscriboDocument.Options['SpaceSeparator']).ToUpper();
                    Name = $Name;
                    Type = $typeName;
                    # Headers = $Headers; ## Headers are stored as they may be required when formatting output, i.e. Word tables
                    Columns = $Columns;
                    ColumnWidths = $ColumnWidths;
                    Rows = $Rows;
                    List = $List;
                    Style = $Style;
                    Width = $Width;
                    Tabs = $Tabs;
                return $pscriboTable;
            } #end process
        } #end function new-pscribotable

        function New-PScriboTableRow {
                Defines a new PScribo document table row from an object or hashtable.

            param (
                ## PSCustomObject to create PScribo table row
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
                [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $InputObject,
                ## PSCutomObject properties to include in the table row
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
                [AllowNull()] [System.String[]] $Properties,
                # Custom table header strings (in Display Order). Used for property names.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
                [AllowNull()] [System.String[]] $Headers = $null,
                ## Array of ordered dictionaries (hashtables) to create PScribo table row
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Hashtable')]
                [AllowNull()] [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] $Hashtable
            begin {
                Write-Debug ('Using parameter set "{0}.' -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName);
            } #end begin
            process {
                switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                        if (-not $Hashtable.Contains('__Style')) { $Hashtable['__Style'] = $null; }
                        ## Create and return custom object from hashtable
                        return ([PSCustomObject] $Hashtable);
                    } #end Hashtable
                    Default {
                        $objectProperties = [Ordered] @{ };
                        if ($Properties -notcontains '__Style') { $Properties += '__Style'; }
                        ## Build up hashtable of required property names
                        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Properties.Count; $i++) {
                            $propertyName = $Properties[$i];
                            $propertyStyleName = '{0}__Style' -f $propertyName;
                            if ($InputObject.$propertyStyleName) {
                                if ($Headers) {
                                    ## Rename the style property to match the header
                                    $headerStyleName = '{0}__Style' -f $Headers[$i];
                                    $objectProperties[$headerStyleName] = $InputObject.$propertyStyleName;
                                else {
                                    $objectProperties[$propertyStyleName] = $InputObject.$propertyStyleName;
                            if ($Headers -and $PropertyName -notlike '*__Style') {
                                $objectProperties[$Headers[$i]] = $InputObject.$propertyName;
                            else {
                                $objectProperties[$propertyName] = $InputObject.$propertyName;
                        } #end for
                        ## Create and return custom object
                        return ([PSCustomObject] $objectProperties);
                    } #end Default
                } #end switch
            } #end process
        } #end function New-PScriboTableRow
        #endregion Table Private Functions
        Write-Debug ('Using parameter set "{0}".' -f $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName);
        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $rows = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList;
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingTable -f $Name);
        if ($Headers -and (-not $Columns)) {
            WriteLog -Message $localized.TableHeadersWithNoColumnsWarning -IsWarning;
            $Headers = $Columns;
        } #end if
        elseif (($null -ne $Columns) -and ($null -ne $Headers)) {
            ## Check the number of -Headers matches the number of -Properties
            if ($Headers.Count -ne $Columns.Count) {
                WriteLog -Message $localized.TableHeadersCountMismatchWarning -IsWarning;
                $Headers = $Columns;
        } #end if
        if ($ColumnWidths) {
            $columnWidthsSum = $ColumnWidths | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum;
            if ($columnWidthsSum -ne 100) {
                WriteLog -Message ($localized.TableColumnWidthSumWarning -f $columnWidthsSum) -IsWarning;
                $ColumnWidths = $null;
            elseif ($List -and $ColumnWidths.Count -ne 2) {
                WriteLog -Message $localized.ListTableColumnCountWarning -IsWarning;
                $ColumnWidths = $null;
            elseif (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Hashtable') -and (-not $List) -and ($Hashtable[0].Keys.Count -ne $ColumnWidths.Count)) {
                WriteLog -Message $localized.TableColumnWidthMismatchWarning -IsWarning;
                $ColumnWidths = $null;
            elseif (($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'InputObject') -and (-not $List) -and ($Columns.Count -ne $ColumnWidths.Count)) {
                WriteLog -Message $localized.TableColumnWidthMismatchWarning -IsWarning;
                $ColumnWidths = $null;
        } #end if columnwidths
    } #end begin
    process {
        if ($null -eq $Columns) {
            ## Use all available properties
            switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'Hashtable' {
                    $Columns = $Hashtable | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notlike '*__Style' };
                Default {
                    ## Pipeline objects are not available in the begin scriptblock
                    $object = $InputObject | Select-Object -First 1;
                    if ($object -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]) {
                        $Columns = $object.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object Name -notlike '*__Style' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name;
                    else {
                        $Columns = Get-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType Properties | Where-Object Name -notlike '*__Style' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name;
                } #end default
            } #end switch parametersetname
        } # end if not columns
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'Hashtable' {
                foreach ($nestedHashtable in $Hashtable) {
                    $customObject = New-PScriboTableRow -Hashtable $nestedHashtable;
                    [ref] $null = $rows.Add($customObject);
                } #end foreach nested hashtable entry
            } #end hashtable
            Default {
                foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
                    $customObject = New-PScriboTableRow -InputObject $object -Properties $Columns -Headers $Headers;
                    [ref] $null = $rows.Add($customObject);
                } #end foreach inputobject
            } #end default
        } #end switch
    } #end process
    end {
        ## Reset the column names as the object have been rewritten with their headers
        if ($Headers) { $Columns = $Headers; }
        $table = @{
            Name = $Name;
            Columns = $Columns;
            ColumnWidths = $ColumnWidths;
            Rows = $rows;
            List = $List;
            Style = $Style;
            Width = $Width;
            Tabs = $Tabs;
        return (New-PScriboTable @table);
    } #end end
} #end function Table

function TableStyle {
        Defines a new PScribo table formatting style.
        Creates a standard table formatting style that can be applied
        to the PScribo table keyword, e.g. a combination of header and
        row styles and borders.
        Not all plugins support all options.

    param (
        ## Table Style name/id
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('Name')] [System.String] $Id,
        ## Header Row Style Id
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $HeaderStyle = 'Default',
        ## Row Style Id
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 2)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $RowStyle = 'Default',
        ## Header Row Style Id
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 3)] [AllowNull()] [Alias('AlternatingRowStyle')] [System.String] $AlternateRowStyle = 'Default',
        ## Table border size/width (pt)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Border')] [AllowNull()] [System.Single] $BorderWidth = 0,
        ## Table border colour
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Border')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('BorderColour')] [System.String] $BorderColor = '000',
        ## Table cell top padding (pt)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Single] $PaddingTop = 1.0,
        ## Table cell left padding (pt)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Single] $PaddingLeft = 4.0,
        ## Table cell bottom padding (pt)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Single] $PaddingBottom = 0.0,
        ## Table cell right padding (pt)
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Single] $PaddingRight = 4.0,
        ## Table alignment
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('Left','Center','Right')] [System.String] $Align = 'Left',
        ## Set as default table style
        [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Default
    ) #end param
    begin {
        #region TableStyle Private Functions
        function Add-PScriboTableStyle {
                Defines a new PScribo table formatting style.
                Creates a standard table formatting style that can be applied
                to the PScribo table keyword, e.g. a combination of header and
                row styles and borders.
                Not all plugins support all options.

            param (
                ## Table Style name/id
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('Name')] [System.String] $Id,
                ## Header Row Style Id
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $HeaderStyle = 'Normal',
                ## Row Style Id
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 2)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $RowStyle = 'Normal',
                ## Header Row Style Id
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 3)] [AllowNull()] [Alias('AlternatingRowStyle')] [System.String] $AlternateRowStyle = 'Normal',
                ## Table border size/width (pt)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Border')] [AllowNull()] [System.Single] $BorderWidth = 0,
                ## Table border colour
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ParameterSetName = 'Border')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('BorderColour')] [System.String] $BorderColor = '000',
                ## Table cell top padding (pt)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Single] $PaddingTop = 1.0,
                ## Table cell left padding (pt)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Single] $PaddingLeft = 4.0,
                ## Table cell bottom padding (pt)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Single] $PaddingBottom = 0.0,
                ## Table cell right padding (pt)
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Single] $PaddingRight = 4.0,
                ## Table alignment
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('Left','Center','Right')] [System.String] $Align = 'Left',
                ## Set as default table style
                [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Default
            ) #end param
            begin {
                if ($BorderWidth -gt 0) { $borderStyle = 'Solid'; } else {$borderStyle = 'None'; }
                if (-not ($pscriboDocument.Styles.ContainsKey($HeaderStyle))) {
                    throw ($localized.UndefinedTableHeaderStyleError -f $HeaderStyle);
                if (-not ($pscriboDocument.Styles.ContainsKey($RowStyle))) {
                    throw ($localized.UndefinedTableRowStyleError -f $RowStyle);
                if (-not ($pscriboDocument.Styles.ContainsKey($AlternateRowStyle))) {
                    throw ($localized.UndefinedAltTableRowStyleError -f $AlternateRowStyle);
                if (-not (Test-PScriboStyleColor -Color $BorderColor)) {
                    throw ($localized.InvalidTableBorderColorError -f $BorderColor);
            } #end begin
            process {
                $tableStyle = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = $Id.Replace(' ', $pscriboDocument.Options['SpaceSeparator']);
                    Name = $Id;
                    HeaderStyle = $HeaderStyle;
                    RowStyle = $RowStyle;
                    AlternateRowStyle = $AlternateRowStyle;
                    PaddingTop = ConvertPtToMm $PaddingTop;
                    PaddingLeft = ConvertPtToMm $PaddingLeft;
                    PaddingBottom = ConvertPtToMm $PaddingBottom;
                    PaddingRight = ConvertPtToMm $PaddingRight;
                    Align = $Align;
                    BorderWidth = ConvertPtToMm $BorderWidth;
                    BorderStyle = $borderStyle;
                    BorderColor = Resolve-PScriboStyleColor -Color $BorderColor;
                $pscriboDocument.TableStyles[$Id] = $tableStyle;
                if ($Default) { $pscriboDocument.DefaultTableStyle = $tableStyle.Id; }
            } #end process
        } #end function Add-PScriboTableStyle
        #endregion TableStyle Private Functions
    process {
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingTableStyle -f $Id);
        Add-PScriboTableStyle @PSBoundParameters;
} #end function tablestyle

function TOC {
        Initializes a new PScribo Table of Contents (TOC) object.

    param (
        [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name = 'Contents'
    begin {
        #region TOC Private Functions
        function New-PScriboTOC {
                Initializes a new PScribo Table of Contents (TOC) object.
                This is an internal function and should not be called directly.

            param (
                [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Name = 'Contents'
            process {
                $typeName = 'PScribo.TOC';
                if ($pscriboDocument.Options['ForceUppercaseSection']) {
                    $Name = $Name.ToUpper();
                $pscriboTOC = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Id = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString();
                    Name = $Name;
                    Type = $typeName;
                return $pscriboTOC;
            } #end process
        } #end function New-PScriboLTOC
        #endregion TOC Private Functions
    } #end begin
    process {
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingTOC -f $Name);
        return (New-PScriboTOC @PSBoundParameters);
} #end function TOC

function OutHtml {
        Html output plugin for PScribo.
        Outputs a Html file representation of a PScribo document object.

    param (
        ## PScribo document object to convert to a text document
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [PSCustomObject] $Document,
        ## Output directory path for the .html file
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $Path,
        ### Hashtable of all plugin supported options
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Options
    begin {
        $pluginName = 'Html';
        #region OutHtml Private Functions
        function GetHtmlStyle {
                Generates html stylesheet style attributes from a PScribo document style.

            param (
                ## PScribo document style
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Style
            process {
                $styleBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(" font-family: '{0}';", $Style.Font -Join "','");
                [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(' font-size: {0:0.00}em;', $Style.Size / 12);
                [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(' text-align: {0};', $Style.Align.ToLower());
                if ($Style.Bold) { [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.Append(' font-weight: bold;'); }
                else { [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.Append(' font-weight: normal;'); }
                if ($Style.Italic) { [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.Append(' font-style: italic;'); }
                if ($Style.Underline) { [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.Append(' text-decoration: underline;'); }
                if ($Style.Color.StartsWith('#')) { [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(' color: {0};', $Style.Color.ToLower()); }
                else { [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(' color: #{0};', $Style.Color); }
                if ($Style.BackgroundColor) {
                    if ($Style.BackgroundColor.StartsWith('#')) { [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(' background-color: {0};', $Style.BackgroundColor.ToLower()); }
                    else { [ref] $null = $styleBuilder.AppendFormat(' background-color: #{0};', $Style.BackgroundColor.ToLower()); }
                return $styleBuilder.ToString();
        } #end function GetHtmlStyle

        function GetHtmlTableStyle {
                Generates html stylesheet style attributes from a PScribo document table style.

            param (
                ## PScribo document table style
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
                [System.Object] $TableStyle
            process {
                $tableStyleBuilder = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder';
                [ref] $null = $tableStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' padding: {0}em {1}em {2}em {3}em;',
                                                                                                    (ConvertMmToEm $TableStyle.PaddingTop),
                                                                                                        (ConvertMmToEm $TableStyle.PaddingRight),
                                                                                                            (ConvertMmToEm $TableStyle.PaddingBottom),
                                                                                                                (ConvertMmToEm $TableStyle.PaddingLeft));
                [ref] $null = $tableStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' border-style: {0};', $TableStyle.BorderStyle.ToLower());
                if ($TableStyle.BorderWidth -gt 0) {
                    [ref] $null = $tableStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' border-width: {0}em;', (ConvertMmToEm $TableStyle.BorderWidth));
                    if ($TableStyle.BorderColor.Contains('#')) {
                        [ref] $null = $tableStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' border-color: {0};', $TableStyle.BorderColor);
                    else {
                        [ref] $null = $tableStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' border-color: #{0};', $TableStyle.BorderColor);
                [ref] $null = $tableStyleBuilder.Append(' border-collapse: collapse;');
                ## <table align="center"> is deprecated in Html5
                if ($TableStyle.Align -eq 'Center') {
                    [ref] $null = $tableStyleBuilder.Append(' margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;');
                elseif ($TableStyle.Align -eq 'Right') {
                    [ref] $null = $tableStyleBuilder.Append(' margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0;');
                return $tableStyleBuilder.ToString();
        } #end function outhtmltablestyle

        function GetHtmlTableDiv {
                Generates Html <div style=..><table style=..> tags based upon table width, columns and indentation
                A <div> is required to ensure that the table stays within the "page" boundaries/margins.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Table
            process {
                $divBuilder = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder';
                if ($Table.Tabs -gt 0) {
                    [ref] $null = $divBuilder.AppendFormat('<div style="margin-left: {0}em;">' -f (ConvertMmToEm -Millimeter (12.7 * $Table.Tabs)));
                else {
                    [ref] $null = $divBuilder.Append('<div>' -f (ConvertMmToEm -Millimeter (12.7 * $Table.Tabs)));
                if ($Table.List) {
                    [ref] $null = $divBuilder.AppendFormat('<table class="{0}-list"', $Table.Style.ToLower());
                else {
                    [ref] $null = $divBuilder.AppendFormat('<table class="{0}"', $Table.Style.ToLower());
                $styleElements = @();
                if ($Table.Width -gt 0) {
                    $styleElements += 'width:{0}%;' -f $Table.Width;
                if ($Table.ColumnWidths) {
                    $styleElements += 'table-layout: fixed;';
                    $styleElements += 'word-break: break-word;'
                if ($styleElements.Count -gt 0) {
                    [ref] $null = $divBuilder.AppendFormat(' style="{0}">', [String]::Join(' ', $styleElements));
                else {
                    [ref] $null = $divBuilder.Append('>');
                return $divBuilder.ToString();
        } #end function GetHtmlTableDiv

        function GetHtmlTableColGroup {
                Generates Html <colgroup> tags based on table column widths

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Table
            process {
                $colGroupBuilder = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder';
                if ($Table.ColumnWidths) {
                    [ref] $null = $colGroupBuilder.Append('<colgroup>');
                    foreach ($columnWidth in $Table.ColumnWidths) {
                        if ($null -eq $columnWidth) {
                            [ref] $null = $colGroupBuilder.Append('<col />');
                        else {
                            [ref] $null = $colGroupBuilder.AppendFormat('<col style="max-width:{0}%; min-width:{0}%; width:{0}%" />', $columnWidth);
                    [ref] $null = $colGroupBuilder.AppendLine('</colgroup>');
                return $colGroupBuilder.ToString();
        } #end function GetHtmlTableDiv

        function OutHtmlTOC {
                Generates Html table of contents.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $TOC
            process {
                $tocBuilder = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder';
                [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendFormat('<h1 class="TOC">{0}</h1>', $TOC.Name);
                [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendLine('<table style="width: 100%;">');
                foreach ($tocEntry in $Document.TOC) {
                    $sectionNumberIndent = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' * $tocEntry.Level;
                    if ($Document.Options['EnableSectionNumbering']) {
                        [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendFormat('<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}<a href="#{2}" style="text-decoration: none;">{3}</a></td></tr>', $tocEntry.Number, $sectionNumberIndent, $tocEntry.Id, $tocEntry.Name).AppendLine();
                    else {
                        [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendFormat('<tr><td>{0}<a href="#{1}" style="text-decoration: none;">{2}</a></td></tr>', $sectionNumberIndent, $tocEntry.Id, $tocEntry.Name).AppendLine();
                [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendLine('</table>');
                return $tocBuilder.ToString();
            } #end process
        } #end function OutHtmlTOC

        function OutHtmlBlankLine {
                Outputs html PScribo.Blankline.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $BlankLine
            process {
                $blankLineBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $BlankLine.LineCount; $i++) {
                    [ref] $null = $blankLineBuilder.Append('<br />');
                return $blankLineBuilder.ToString();
            } #end process
        } #end function OutHtmlBlankLine

        function OutHtmlStyle {
                Generates an in-line HTML CSS stylesheet from a PScribo document styles and table styles.

            param (
                ## PScribo document styles
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Styles,
                ## PScribo document tables styles
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $TableStyles
            process {
                $stylesBuilder = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder';
                [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendLine('<style type="text/css">');
                ## Add HTML page layout styling options
                [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendLine('html { height: 100%; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; background: #f8f8f8; }');
                [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.Append("page { background: white; width: $($Document.Options['PageWidth'])mm; display: block; margin-top: 1em; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 1em; ");
                [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendLine('border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #c6c6c6; }');
                [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendLine('@media print { body, page { margin: 0; box-shadow: 0; } }');
                [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendLine('hr { margin-top: 1.0em; }');
                foreach ($style in $Styles.Keys) {
                    ## Build style
                    $htmlStyle = GetHtmlStyle -Style $Styles[$style];
                    [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendFormat(' .{0} {{{1} }}', $Styles[$style].Id, $htmlStyle).AppendLine(); 
                foreach ($tableStyle in $TableStyles.Keys) {
                    $tStyle = $TableStyles[$tableStyle];
                    $tableStyleId = $tStyle.Id.ToLower();
                    $htmlTableStyle = GetHtmlTableStyle -TableStyle $tStyle;
                    $htmlHeaderStyle = GetHtmlStyle -Style $Styles[$tStyle.HeaderStyle];
                    $htmlRowStyle = GetHtmlStyle -Style $Styles[$tStyle.RowStyle];
                    $htmlAlternateRowStyle = GetHtmlStyle -Style $Styles[$tStyle.AlternateRowStyle];
                    ## Generate Standard table styles
                    [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendFormat(' table.{0} {{{1} }}', $tableStyleId, $htmlTableStyle).AppendLine();
                    [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendFormat(' table.{0} th {{{1}{2} }}', $tableStyleId, $htmlHeaderStyle, $htmlTableStyle).AppendLine();
                    [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendFormat(' table.{0} tr:nth-child(odd) td {{{1}{2} }}', $tableStyleId, $htmlRowStyle, $htmlTableStyle).AppendLine();
                    [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendFormat(' table.{0} tr:nth-child(even) td {{{1}{2} }}', $tableStyleId, $htmlAlternateRowStyle, $htmlTableStyle).AppendLine();
                    ## Generate List table styles
                    [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendFormat(' table.{0}-list {{{1} }}', $tableStyleId, $htmlTableStyle).AppendLine();
                    [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendFormat(' table.{0}-list td:nth-child(1) {{{1}{2} }}', $tableStyleId, $htmlHeaderStyle, $htmlTableStyle).AppendLine();
                    [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendFormat(' table.{0}-list td:nth-child(2) {{{1}{2} }}', $tableStyleId, $htmlRowStyle, $htmlTableStyle).AppendLine();
                } #end foreach style
                [ref] $null = $stylesBuilder.AppendLine('</style>');
                return $stylesBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd();
            } #end process
        } #end function OutHtmlStyle

        function OutHtmlSection {
                Output formatted Html section.

            param (
                ## Section to output
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Section
            process {
                [System.Text.StringBuilder] $sectionBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder;
                if ($Document.Options['EnableSectionNumbering']) { [string] $sectionName = '{0} {1}' -f $Section.Number, $Section.Name; }
                else { [string] $sectionName = '{0}' -f $Section.Name; }
                [int] $headerLevel = $Section.Number.Split('.').Count;
                ## Html <h5> is the maximum supported level
                if ($headerLevel -ge 5) {
                    WriteLog -Message $localized.MaxHeadingLevelWarning -IsWarning;
                    $headerLevel = 5;
                if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Section.Style)) { $className = $Document.DefaultStyle; }
                else { $className = $Section.Style; }
                [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.AppendFormat('<a name="{0}"><h{1} class="{2}">{3}</h{1}></a>', $Section.Id, $headerLevel, $className, $sectionName.TrimStart());
                foreach ($s in $Section.Sections.GetEnumerator()) {
                    if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}[..]' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,36); }
                    else { $sectionId = $s.Id; }
                    WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent ($s.Level +1);
                    switch ($s.Type) {
                        'PScribo.Section' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutHtmlSection -Section $s)); }
                        'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutHtmlParagraph -Paragraph $s)); }
                        'PScribo.LineBreak' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutHtmlLineBreak)); }
                        'PScribo.PageBreak' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutHtmlPageBreak)); }
                        'PScribo.Table' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutHtmlTable -Table $s)); }
                        'PScribo.BlankLine' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutHtmlBlankLine -BlankLine $s)); }
                        Default { WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $s.Type) -IsWarning; }
                    } #end switch
                } #end foreach
                Write-Output ($sectionBuilder.ToString()) -NoEnumerate;
            } #end process
        } # end function OutHtmlSection

        function GetHtmlParagraphStyle {
                Generates html style attribute from PScribo paragraph style overrides.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Paragraph
            process {
                $paragraphStyleBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                if ($Paragraph.Tabs -gt 0) {
                    ## Default to 1/2in tab spacing
                    $tabEm = ConvertMmToEm -Millimeter (12.7 * $Paragraph.Tabs);
                    [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' margin-left: {0}em;', $tabEm);
                if ($Paragraph.Font) { [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(" font-family: '{0}';", $Paragraph.Font -Join "','"); }
                if ($Paragraph.Size -gt 0) { [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' font-size: {0:0.00}em;', $Paragraph.Size / 12); } 
                if ($Paragraph.Bold -eq $true) { [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.Append(' font-weight: bold;'); }
                if ($Paragraph.Italic -eq $true) { [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.Append(' font-style: italic;'); }
                if ($Paragraph.Underline -eq $true) { [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.Append(' text-decoration: underline;'); }
                if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph.Color) -and $Paragraph.Color.StartsWith('#')) {
                    [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' color: {0};', $Paragraph.Color.ToLower());
                elseif (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph.Color)) {
                    [ref] $null = $paragraphStyleBuilder.AppendFormat(' color: #{0};', $Paragraph.Color.ToLower());
                return $paragraphStyleBuilder.ToString().TrimStart();
            } #end process
        } #end function GetHtmlParagraphStyle

        function OutHtmlParagraph {
                Output formatted Html paragraph.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Paragraph
            process {
                [System.Text.StringBuilder] $paragraphBuilder = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder';
                $text = $Paragraph.Text;
                if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($text)) {
                    $text = $Paragraph.Id;
                $customStyle = GetHtmlParagraphStyle -Paragraph $Paragraph;
                if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph.Style) -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($customStyle)) {
                    [ref] $null = $paragraphBuilder.AppendFormat('<div>{0}</div>', $text);
                elseif ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($customStyle)) {
                    [ref] $null = $paragraphBuilder.AppendFormat('<div class="{0}">{1}</div>', $Paragraph.Style, $text);
                else {
                    [ref] $null = $paragraphBuilder.AppendFormat('<div style="{1}">{2}</div>', $Paragraph.Style, $customStyle, $text);
                return $paragraphBuilder.ToString();
            } #end process
        } #end OutHtmlParagraph

        function GetHtmlTableList {
                Generates list html <table> from a PScribo.Table row object.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Table,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $Row
            process {
                $listTableBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.Append((GetHtmlTableDiv -Table $Table));
                [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.Append((GetHtmlTableColGroup -Table $Table));
                [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.Append('<tbody>');
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Table.Columns.Count; $i++) {
                    $propertyName = $Table.Columns[$i];
                    $propertyDisplayName = $propertyName;
                    if ($Table.Headers) {
                        $propertyDisplayName = $Table.Headers[$i];
                    [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<tr><td>{0}</td>', $propertyDisplayName);
                    $propertyStyle = '{0}__Style' -f $propertyName;

                    if ($Row.$propertyStyle) {
                        $propertyStyleHtml = (GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$Row.$propertyStyle]);
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Row.$propertyName)) {
                            [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td style="{0}">&nbsp;</td></tr>', $propertyStyleHtml);
                        else {
                            [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td style="{0}">{1}</td></tr>', $propertyStyleHtml, $Row.($propertyName));
                    else {
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Row.$propertyName)) {
                            [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.Append('<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>');
                        else {
                            [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td>{0}</td></tr>', $Row.$propertyName);
                } #end for each property
                [ref] $null = $listTableBuilder.AppendLine('</tbody></table></div>');
                return $listTableBuilder.ToString();
            } #end process
        } #end function GetHtmlTableList

        function GetHtmlTable {
                Generates html <table> from a PScribo.Table object.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Table
            process {
                $standardTableBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.Append((GetHtmlTableDiv -Table $Table));
                [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.Append((GetHtmlTableColGroup -Table $Table));

                ## Table headers
                [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.Append('<thead><tr>');
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Table.Columns.Count; $i++) {
                    if ($null -eq $Table.Headers) {
                        [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<th>{0}</th>', $Table.Columns[$i]);
                    else {
                        [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<th>{0}</th>', $Table.Headers[$i]);
                [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.Append('</tr></thead>');

                ## Table body
                [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendLine('<tbody>');
                foreach ($row in $Table.Rows) {
                    [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.Append('<tr>');
                    foreach ($propertyName in $Table.Columns) {
                        $propertyStyle = '{0}__Style' -f $propertyName;
                        if ($row.$propertyStyle) {
                            ## Cell styles override row styles
                            $propertyStyleHtml = (GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$row.$propertyStyle]).Trim();
                            [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td style="{0}">{1}</td>', $propertyStyleHtml, $row.$propertyName);
                        elseif (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($row.__Style)) {
                            ## We have a row style
                            $rowStyleHtml = (GetHtmlStyle -Style $Document.Styles[$row.__Style]).Trim();
                            [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td style="{0}">{1}</td>', $rowStyleHtml, $row.$propertyName);
                        else {
                            if ($null -ne $row.$propertyName) {
                                ## Check that the property has a value
                                [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendFormat('<td>{0}</td>', $row.$propertyName);
                            else {
                                [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.Append('<td>&nbsp</td>');
                        } #end if $row.PropertyStyle
                    } #end foreach property
                    [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendLine('</tr>');
                } #end foreach row
                [ref] $null = $standardTableBuilder.AppendLine('</tbody></table></div>');
                return $standardTableBuilder.ToString();
            } #end process
        } #end function GetHtmlTableList

        function OutHtmlTable {
                Output formatted Html <table> from PScribo.Table object.
                One table is output per table row with the -List parameter.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Table
            process {
                [System.Text.StringBuilder] $tableBuilder = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Text.StringBuilder';
                if ($Table.List) {
                    ## Create a table for each row
                    for ($r = 0; $r -lt $Table.Rows.Count; $r++) {
                        $row = $Table.Rows[$r];
                        if ($r -gt 0) {
                            ## Add a space between each table to mirror Word output rendering
                            [ref] $null = $tableBuilder.AppendLine('<p />');
                        [ref] $null = $tableBuilder.Append((GetHtmlTableList -Table $Table -Row $row));
                    } #end foreach row
                else {
                    [ref] $null = $tableBuilder.Append((GetHtmlTable -Table $Table));
                } #end if
                return $tableBuilder.ToString();
                #Write-Output ($tableBuilder.ToString()) -NoEnumerate;
            } #end process
        } #end function outhtmltable

        function OutHtmlLineBreak {
                Output formatted Html line break.

            param ( )
            process {
                return '<hr />';
        } #end function OutHtmlLineBreak

        function OutHtmlPageBreak {
                Output formatted Html page break.

            param ( )
            process {
                [System.Text.StringBuilder] $pageBreakBuilder = New-Object 'System.Text.StringBuilder';
                [ref] $null = $pageBreakBuilder.Append('</div></page>');
                $topMargin = ConvertMmToEm $Document.Options['MarginTop'];
                $leftMargin = ConvertMmToEm $Document.Options['MarginLeft'];
                $bottomMargin = ConvertMmToEm $Document.Options['MarginBottom'];
                $rightMargin = ConvertMmToEm $Document.Options['MarginRight'];
                [ref] $null = $pageBreakBuilder.AppendFormat('<page><div class="{0}" style="padding-top: {1}em; padding-left: {2}em; padding-bottom: {3}em; padding-right: {4}em;">', $Document.DefaultStyle, $topMargin, $leftMargin, $bottomMargin, $rightMargin).AppendLine();
                return $pageBreakBuilder.ToString();
        } #end function OutHtmlPageBreak
        #endregion OutHtml Private Functions
    } #end begin
    process {
        $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingStarted -f $Document.Name);
        [System.Text.StringBuilder] $htmlBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder;
        [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.AppendLine('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">');
        [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.AppendLine('<html xmlns="">');
        [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.AppendLine('<head><title>{0}</title>' -f $Document.Name);
        [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.AppendLine('{0}</head><body><page>' -f (OutHtmlStyle -Styles $Document.Styles -TableStyles $Document.TableStyles));
        $topMargin = ConvertMmToEm $Document.Options['MarginTop'];
        $leftMargin = (ConvertMmToEm $Document.Options['MarginLeft']);
        $bottomMargin = (ConvertMmToEm $Document.Options['MarginBottom']);
        $rightMargin = ConvertMmToEm $Document.Options['MarginRight'];
        [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.AppendFormat('<div class="{0}" style="padding-top: {1}em; padding-left: {2}em; padding-bottom: {3}em; padding-right: {4}em;">', $Document.DefaultStyle, $topMargin, $leftMargin, $bottomMargin, $rightMargin).AppendLine();
        foreach ($s in $Document.Sections.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}[..]' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,36); }
            else { $sectionId = $s.Id; }
            WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent ($s.Level +1);
            switch ($s.Type) {
                'PScribo.Section' { [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.Append((OutHtmlSection -Section $s)); }
                'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.Append((OutHtmlParagraph -Paragraph $s)); }
                'PScribo.Table' { [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.Append((OutHtmlTable -Table $s)); }
                'PScribo.LineBreak' { [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.Append((OutHtmlLineBreak)); }
                'PScribo.PageBreak' { [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.Append((OutHtmlPageBreak)); } ## Page breaks are implemented as line breaks with extra padding
                'PScribo.TOC' { [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.Append((OutHtmlTOC -TOC $s)); }
                'PScribo.BlankLine' { [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder.Append((OutHtmlBlankLine -BlankLine $s)); }
                Default { WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $s.Type) -IsWarning; }
            } #end switch
        } #end foreach section
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingCompleted -f $Document.Name);
        $destinationPath = Join-Path $Path ('{0}.html' -f $Document.Name);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.SavingFile -f $destinationPath);
        $htmlBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd() | Out-File -FilePath $destinationPath -Force -Encoding utf8;
        [ref] $null = $htmlBuilder;
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.TotalProcessingTime -f $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
        Write-Output (Get-Item -Path $destinationPath);
    } #end process
} #end function OutHtml

function OutText {
        Text output plugin for PScribo.
        Outputs a text file representation of a PScribo document object.

    param (
        ## ThePScribo document object to convert to a text document
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Document,
        ## Output directory path for the .txt file
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.String] $Path,
        ### Hashtable of all plugin supported options
        [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Options
    begin {
        $pluginName = 'Text';
        #region OutText Private Functions
        function New-PScriboTextOptions {
                Sets the text plugin specific formatting/output options.
                All plugin options should be prefixed with the plugin name.

            param (
                ## Text/output width. 0 = none/no wrap.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Int32] $TextWidth = 120,
                ## Document header separator character.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateLength(1,1)] [System.String] $HeaderSeparator = '=',
                ## Document section separator character.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateLength(1,1)] [System.String] $SectionSeparator = '-',
                ## Document section separator character.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateLength(1,1)] [System.String] $LineBreakSeparator = '_',
                ## Default header/section separator width.
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Int32] $SeparatorWidth = $TextWidth,
                ## Text encoding
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('ASCII','Unicode','UTF7','UTF8')] [System.String] $Encoding = 'ASCII'
            process {
                ## Flag that the Text options have been set. There should be a flag that is checked
                ## by the plugin if the user has set plugin-specific options.
                $options = @{
                    TextWidth = $TextWidth;
                    HeaderSeparator = $HeaderSeparator;
                    SectionSeparator = $SectionSeparator;
                    LineBreakSeparator = $LineBreakSeparator;
                    SeparatorWidth = $SeparatorWidth;
                    Encoding = $Encoding;
                return $options;
            } #end process
        } #end function New-PScriboTextOptions

        function OutTextTOC {
                Output formatted Table of Contents

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $TOC
            process {
                $tocBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendLine($TOC.Name);
                [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendLine(''.PadRight($Options.SeparatorWidth, $Options.SectionSeparator));
                $maxSectionNumberLength = ($Document.TOC.Number | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum).Length;
                foreach ($tocEntry in $Document.TOC) {
                    $sectionNumberPaddingLength = $maxSectionNumberLength - $tocEntry.Number.Length;
                    $sectionNumberIndent = ''.PadRight($tocEntry.Level, ' ');
                    $sectionPadding = ''.PadRight($sectionNumberPaddingLength, ' ');
                    [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendFormat('{0}{1} {2}{3}', $tocEntry.Number, $sectionPadding, $sectionNumberIndent, $tocEntry.Name).AppendLine();
                } #end foreach TOC entry
                return $tocBuilder.ToString();      
            } #end process
        } #end function OutTextTOC

        function OutTextBlankLine {
                Output formatted text blankline.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $BlankLine
            process {
                $blankLineBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $BlankLine.LineCount; $i++) {
                    [ref] $null = $blankLineBuilder.AppendLine();
                return $blankLineBuilder.ToString();
            } #end process
        } #end function OutHtmlBlankLine

        function OutTextSection {
                Output formatted text section.

            param (
                ## Section to output
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Section
            process {
                $sectionBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                if ($Document.Options['EnableSectionNumbering']) { [string] $sectionName = '{0} {1}' -f $Section.Number, $Section.Name; }
                else { [string] $sectionName = '{0}' -f $Section.Name; }
                [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.AppendLine();
                [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.AppendLine($sectionName.TrimStart());
                [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.AppendLine(''.PadRight($Options.SeparatorWidth, $Options.SectionSeparator));
                foreach ($s in $Section.Sections.GetEnumerator()) {
                    if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}..' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,38); }
                    else { $sectionId = $s.Id; }
                    WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent ($s.Level +1);
                    switch ($s.Type) {
                        'PScribo.Section' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutTextSection -Section $s)); }
                        'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append(($s | OutTextParagraph)); }
                        'PScribo.PageBreak' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.AppendLine((OutTextPageBreak)); }  ## Page breaks implemented as line break with extra padding
                        'PScribo.LineBreak' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.AppendLine((OutTextLineBreak)); }
                        'PScribo.Table' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.AppendLine(($s | OutTextTable)); }
                        'PScribo.BlankLine' { [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.AppendLine(($s | OutTextBlankLine)); }
                        Default { WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $pluginName, $s.Type) -IsWarning; }
                    } #end switch
                } #end foreach
                return $sectionBuilder.ToString();
            } #end process
        } #end function outtextsection

        function OutTextParagraph {
                Output formatted paragraph text.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Paragraph
            process {
                $padding = ''.PadRight(($Paragraph.Tabs * 4), ' ');
                if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Object.Text)) { $text = "$padding$($Paragraph.Id)"; }
                else { $text = "$padding$($Paragraph.Text)"; }
                $formattedText = OutStringWrap -InputObject $text -Width $Options.TextWidth;
                if ($Paragraph.NewLine) { return "$formattedText`r`n"; }
                else { return $formattedText; }
            } #end process
        } #end outtextparagraph

        function OutTextLineBreak {
                Output formatted line break text.

            param ( )
            process {
                ## Use the specified output width
                if ($Options.TextWidth -eq 0) { $Options.TextWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width -1; }
                $lb = ''.PadRight($Options.SeparatorWidth, $Options.LineBreakSeparator);
                return "$(OutStringWrap -InputObject $lb -Width $Options.TextWidth)`r`n";
            } #end process
        } #end function OutTextLineBreak

        function OutTextPageBreak {
                Output formatted line break text.

            param ( )
            process {
                return "$(OutTextLineBreak)`r`n";
            } #end process
        } #end function OutTextLineBreak

        function OutTextTable {
                Output formatted text table.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Table
            process {
                ## Use the specified output width
                if ($Options.TextWidth -eq 0) { $Options.TextWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width -1; }
                if ($Table.List) {
                    $text = ($Table.Rows | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty '*__Style' | Format-List | Out-String -Width $Options.TextWidth).Trim();
                } else {
                    ## Don't trim tabs for table headers
                    ## Tables set to AutoSize as otherwise, rendering is different between PoSh v4 and v5
                    $text = ($Table.Rows | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty '*__Style' | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize | Out-String -Width $Options.TextWidth).Trim("`r`n");
                # Ensure there's a space before and after the table.
                return "`r`n$text`r`n";
            } #end process
        } #end function outtexttable

        function OutStringWrap {
                Outputs objects to strings, wrapping as required.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [Object[]] $InputObject,
                [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Int32] $Width = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width
            begin {
                ## 2 is the minimum, therefore default to wiiiiiiiiiide!
                if ($Width -lt 2) { $Width = 4096; }
                WriteLog -Message ('Wrapping text at "{0}" characters.' -f $Width) -IsDebug;
            process {
                foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
                    $textBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder;
                    $text = (Out-String -InputObject $object).TrimEnd("`r`n");
                    for ($i = 0; $i -le $text.Length; $i += $Width) {
                        if (($i + $Width) -ge ($text.Length -1)) { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.Append($text.Substring($i)); }
                        else { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.AppendLine($text.Substring($i, $Width)); }
                    } #end for
                    return $textBuilder.ToString();
                    $textBuilder = $null;
                } #end foreach
            } #end process
        } #end function OutStringWrap
        #endregion OutText Private Functions
    process {
        $stopwatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingStarted -f $Document.Name);
        ## Create default options if not specified
        if ($null -eq $Options) { $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions; }
        [System.Text.StringBuilder] $textBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder;
        foreach ($s in $Document.Sections.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}[..]' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,36); }
            else { $sectionId = $s.Id; }
            WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent ($s.Level +1);
            switch ($s.Type) {
                'PScribo.Section' { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.Append((OutTextSection -Section $s)); }
                'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.Append(($s | OutTextParagraph)); }
                'PScribo.PageBreak' { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.AppendLine((OutTextPageBreak)); }
                'PScribo.LineBreak' { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.AppendLine((OutTextLineBreak)); }
                'PScribo.Table' { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.AppendLine(($s | OutTextTable)); }
                'PScribo.TOC' { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.AppendLine(($s | OutTextTOC)); }
                'PScribo.BlankLine' { [ref] $null = $textBuilder.AppendLine(($s | OutTextBlankLine)); }
                Default { WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $s.Type) -IsWarning; }
            } #end switch
        } #end foreach
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingCompleted -f $Document.Name);
        $destinationPath = Join-Path -Path $Path ('{0}.txt' -f $Document.Name);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.SavingFile -f $destinationPath);
        Set-Content -Value ($textBuilder.ToString()) -Path $destinationPath -Encoding $Options.Encoding;
        [ref] $null = $textBuilder;
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.TotalProcessingTime -f $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
        ## Return the file reference to the pipeline
        Write-Output (Get-Item -Path $destinationPath);
    } #end process
} #end function OutText

function OutWord {
        Microsoft Word output plugin for PScribo.
        Outputs a Word document representation of a PScribo document object.

    param (
        ## ThePScribo document object to convert to a text document
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Document,
        ## Output directory path for the .txt file
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.String] $Path,
        ### Hashtable of all plugin supported options
        [Parameter()] [AllowNull()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Options
    begin {
        $pluginName = 'Word';
        #region OutWord Private Functions

        function ConvertToWordColor {
                Converts an HTML color to RRGGBB value as Word does not support short Html color codes

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.String] $Color
            process {
                $Color = $Color.TrimStart('#');
                if ($Color.Length -eq 3) {
                    $Color = '{0}{0}{1}{1}{2}{2}' -f $Color[0], $Color[1],$Color[2];
                return $Color.ToUpper();
        } #end function ConvertToWordColor

        function OutWordSection {
                Output formatted Word section (paragraph).

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Section,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $RootElement,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';

                $p = $RootElement.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
                $pPr = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Section.Style)) {
                    #if (-not $Section.IsExcluded) {
                        ## If it's excluded we need a non-Heading style :( Could explicitly set the style on the run?
                        $pStyle = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pStyle', $xmlnsMain));
                        [ref] $null = $pStyle.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $Section.Style);
                $spacing = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'spacing', $xmlnsMain));
                ## Increment heading spacing by 2pt for each section level, starting at 8pt for level 0, 10pt for level 1 etc
                $spacingPt = (($Section.Level * 2) + 8) * 20;
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('before', $xmlnsMain, $spacingPt);
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('after', $xmlnsMain, $spacingPt);
                $r = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                $t = $r.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 't', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Document.Options['EnableSectionNumbering']) { [string] $sectionName = '{0} {1}' -f $Section.Number, $Section.Name; }
                else { [string] $sectionName = '{0}' -f $Section.Name; }
                [ref] $null = $t.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($sectionName));

                foreach ($s in $Section.Sections.GetEnumerator()) {
                    if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}[..]' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,36); }
                    else { $sectionId = $s.Id; }
                    WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent ($s.Level +1);
                    switch ($s.Type) {
                        'PScribo.Section' { $s | OutWordSection -RootElement $RootElement -XmlDocument $XmlDocument; }
                        'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $RootElement.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $s -XmlDocument $XmlDocument)); }
                        'PScribo.PageBreak' { [ref] $null = $RootElement.AppendChild((OutWordPageBreak -PageBreak $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument)); }
                        'PScribo.LineBreak' { [ref] $null = $RootElement.AppendChild((OutWordLineBreak -LineBreak $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument)); }
                        'PScribo.Table' { OutWordTable -Table $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument -Element $RootElement; }
                        'PScribo.BlankLine' { OutWordBlankLine -BlankLine $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument -Element $RootElement; }
                        Default { WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $s.Type) -IsWarning; }
                    } #end switch
                } #end foreach
            } #end process
        } #end function OutWordSection

        function OutWordParagraph {
                    Output formatted Word paragraph.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Paragraph,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';

                $p = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain);
                $pPr = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Paragraph.Tabs -gt 0) {
                    $ind = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'ind', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $ind.SetAttribute('left', $xmlnsMain, (720 * $Paragraph.Tabs));
                if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph.Style)) {
                    $pStyle = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pStyle', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $pStyle.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $Paragraph.Style);
                $spacing = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'spacing', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('before', $xmlnsMain, 0);
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('after', $xmlnsMain, 0);
                $r = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                $rPr = $r.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'rPr', $xmlnsMain));
                ## Apply custom paragraph styles to the run..
                if ($Paragraph.Font) {
                    $rFonts = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'rFonts', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $rFonts.SetAttribute('ascii', $xmlnsMain, $Paragraph.Font[0]);
                    [ref] $null = $rFonts.SetAttribute('hAnsi', $xmlnsMain, $Paragraph.Font[0]);
                if ($Paragraph.Size -gt 0) {
                    $sz = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'sz', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $sz.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $Paragraph.Size * 2);
                if ($Paragraph.Bold -eq $true) {
                    [ref] $null = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'b', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Paragraph.Italic -eq $true) {
                    [ref] $null = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'i', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Paragraph.Underline -eq $true) {
                    $u = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'u', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $u.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'single');
                if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph.Color)) {
                    $color = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'color', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $color.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertToWordColor -Color $Paragraph.Color));
                $t = $r.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 't', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $t.SetAttribute('space', '', 'preserve'); ## needs to be xml:space="preserve" NOT w:space...
                if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph.Text)) {
                    [ref] $null = $t.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($Paragraph.Id));
                else {
                    [ref] $null = $t.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($Paragraph.Text));
                return $p;
            } #end process
        } #end function OutWordParagraph

        function OutWordPageBreak {
                Output formatted Word page break.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $PageBreak,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $p = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain);
                $r = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                $br = $r.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'br', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $br.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'page');
                return $p;
        } #end function OutWordPageBreak

        function OutWordLineBreak {
                Output formatted Word line break.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $LineBreak,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $p = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain);
                $pPr = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                $pBdr = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pBdr', $xmlnsMain));
                $bottom = $pBdr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'bottom', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $bottom.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'single');
                [ref] $null = $bottom.SetAttribute('sz', $xmlnsMain, 6);
                [ref] $null = $bottom.SetAttribute('space', $xmlnsMain, 1);
                [ref] $null = $bottom.SetAttribute('color', $xmlnsMain, 'auto');
                return $p;
        } #end function OutWordLineBreak

        function GetWordTable {
                Creates a scaffold Word <w:tbl> element

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Table,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $tableStyle = $Document.TableStyles[$Table.Style];
                $tbl = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tbl', $xmlnsMain);
                $tblPr = $tbl.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblPr', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Table.Tabs -gt 0) {
                    $tblInd = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblInd', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $tblInd.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, (720 * $Table.Tabs));
                if ($Table.ColumnWidths) {
                    $tblLayout = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblLayout', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $tblLayout.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'fixed');
                elseif ($Table.Width -eq 0) {
                    $tblLayout = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblLayout', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $tblLayout.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'autofit');
                if ($Table.Width -gt 0) {
                    $tblW = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblW', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $tblW.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'pct');
                    $tableWidthRenderPct = $Table.Width;

                    if ($Table.Tabs -gt 0) {
                        ## We now need to deal with tables being pushed outside the page margin
                        $pageWidthMm = $Document.Options['PageWidth'] - ($Document.Options['PageMarginLeft'] + $Document.Options['PageMarginRight']);
                        $indentWidthMm = ConvertPtToMm -Point ($Table.Tabs * 36);
                        $tableRenderMm = (($pageWidthMm / 100) * $Table.Width) + $indentWidthMm;
                        if ($tableRenderMm -gt $pageWidthMm) {
                            ## We've over-flowed so need to work out the maximum percentage
                            $maxTableWidthMm = $pageWidthMm - $indentWidthMm;
                            $tableWidthRenderPct = [System.Math]::Round(($maxTableWidthMm / $pageWidthMm) * 100, 2);
                            WriteLog -Message ($localized.TableWidthOverflowWarning -f $tableWidthRenderPct) -IsWarning;
                    [ref] $null = $tblW.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, $tableWidthRenderPct * 50);
                $spacing = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'spacing', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('before', $xmlnsMain, 72);
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('after', $xmlnsMain, 72);
                #$tblLook = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblLook', $xmlnsMain));
                #[ref] $null = $tblLook.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, '04A0');
                #[ref] $null = $tblLook.SetAttribute('firstRow', $xmlnsMain, 1);
                ## <w:tblLook w:val="04A0" w:firstRow="1" w:lastRow="0" w:firstColumn="1" w:lastColumn="0" w:noHBand="0" w:noVBand="1"/>
                #$tblStyle = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblStyle', $xmlnsMain));
                #[ref] $null = $tblStyle.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $Table.Style);

                if ($tableStyle.BorderWidth -gt 0) {
                    $tblBorders = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblBorders', $xmlnsMain));
                    foreach ($border in @('top','bottom','start','end','insideH','insideV')) {
                        $b = $tblBorders.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', $border, $xmlnsMain));
                        [ref] $null = $b.SetAttribute('sz', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToOctips $tableStyle.BorderWidth));
                        [ref] $null = $b.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'single');
                        [ref] $null = $b.SetAttribute('color', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertToWordColor -Color $tableStyle.BorderColor));
                $tblCellMar = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblCellMar', $xmlnsMain));
                $top = $tblCellMar.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'top', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $top.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips $tableStyle.PaddingTop));
                [ref] $null = $top.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'dxa');
                $left = $tblCellMar.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'start', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $left.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips $tableStyle.PaddingLeft));
                [ref] $null = $left.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'dxa');
                $bottom = $tblCellMar.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'bottom', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $bottom.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips $tableStyle.PaddingBottom));
                [ref] $null = $bottom.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'dxa');
                $right = $tblCellMar.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'end', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $right.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips $tableStyle.PaddingRight));
                [ref] $null = $right.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'dxa');

                $tblGrid = $tbl.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblGrid', $xmlnsMain));
                $columnCount = $Table.Columns.Count;
                if ($Table.List) {
                    $columnCount = 2;
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Table.Columns.Count; $i++) {
                    $gridCol = $tblGrid.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'gridCol', $xmlnsMain));

                return $tbl;
            } #end process
        } #end functino GetWordTable

        function OutWordTable {
                Output formatted Word table.
                Specifies that the current row should be repeated at the top each new page on which the table is displayed. E.g, <w:tblHeader />.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Table,
                ## Root element to append the table(s) to. List view will create multiple tables
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Element,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $tableStyle = $Document.TableStyles[$Table.Style];
                $headerStyle = $Document.Styles[$tableStyle.HeaderStyle];

                if ($Table.List) {
                    for ($r = 0; $r -lt $Table.Rows.Count; $r++) {
                        $row = $Table.Rows[$r];
                        if ($r -gt 0) {
                            ## Add a space between each table as Word renders them together..
                            [ref] $null = $Element.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));

                        ## Create <tr><tc></tc></tr> for each property
                        $tbl = $Element.AppendChild((GetWordTable -Table $Table -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                        $properties = @($row.PSObject.Properties);
                        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $properties.Count; $i++) {
                            $propertyName = $properties[$i].Name;
                            ## Ignore __Style properties
                            if (-not $propertyName.EndsWith('__Style')) {
                                $tr = $tbl.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tr', $xmlnsMain));
                                $tc1 = $tr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tc', $xmlnsMain));
                                $tcPr1 = $tc1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tcPr', $xmlnsMain));
                                if ($null -ne $Table.ColumnWidths) {
                                    ## TODO: Refactor out
                                    $columnWidthTwips = ConvertMmToTwips -Millimeter ($Table.ColumnWidths[0] * $tableWidthOnePct);
                                    $tcW1 = $tcPr1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tcW', $xmlnsMain));
                                    [ref] $null = $tcW1.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, $Table.ColumnWidths[0] * 50);
                                    [ref] $null = $tcW1.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'pct');
                                if ($headerStyle.BackgroundColor) {
                                    [ref] $null = $tc1.AppendChild((GetWordTableStyleCellPr -Style $headerStyle -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                                $p1 = $tc1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
                                $pPr1 = $p1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                                $pStyle1 = $pPr1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pStyle', $xmlnsMain));
                                [ref] $null = $pStyle1.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $tableStyle.HeaderStyle);
                                $r1 = $p1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                                $t1 = $r1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 't', $xmlnsMain));
                                [ref] $null = $t1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($propertyName));                 

                                $tc2 = $tr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tc', $xmlnsMain));
                                $tcPr2 = $tc2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tcPr', $xmlnsMain));
                                if ($null -ne $Table.ColumnWidths) {
                                    ## TODO: Refactor out
                                    $tcW2 = $tcPr2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tcW', $xmlnsMain));
                                    [ref] $null = $tcW2.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, $Table.ColumnWidths[1] * 50);
                                    [ref] $null = $tcW2.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'pct');

                                $p2 = $tc2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
                                $cellPropertyStyle = '{0}__Style' -f $propertyName;
                                if ($row.$cellPropertyStyle) {
                                    if ($cellStyle.Id -ne $row.$cellPropertyStyle) {
                                        ## Retrieve the style if we don't already have it
                                        $cellStyle = $Document.Styles[$row.$cellPropertyStyle];
                                    if ($cellStyle.BackgroundColor) {
                                        [ref] $null = $tc2.AppendChild((GetWordTableStyleCellPr -Style $cellStyle -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                                    if ($row.$cellPropertyStyle) {
                                        $pPr2 = $p2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                                        $pStyle2 = $pPr2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pStyle', $xmlnsMain));
                                        [ref] $null = $pStyle2.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $row.$cellPropertyStyle);
                                $r2 = $p2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                                $t2 = $r2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 't', $xmlnsMain));
                                [ref] $null = $t2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($row.($propertyName)));
                        } #end for each property
                     } #end foreach row
                } #end if Table.List
                else {
                    $tbl = $Element.AppendChild((GetWordTable -Table $Table -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                    $tr = $tbl.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tr', $xmlnsMain));
                    $trPr = $tr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'trPr', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $rblHeader = $trPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblHeader', $xmlnsMain)); ## Flow headers across pages
                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Table.Columns.Count; $i++) {
                        $tc = $tr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tc', $xmlnsMain));
                        if ($headerStyle.BackgroundColor) {
                            $tcPr = $tc.AppendChild((GetWordTableStyleCellPr -Style $headerStyle -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                        else {
                            $tcPr = $tc.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tcPr', $xmlnsMain));
                        $tcW = $tcPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tcW', $xmlnsMain));

                        if (($Table.ColumnWidths -ne $null) -and ($Table.ColumnWidths[$i] -ne $null)) {
                            [ref] $null = $tcW.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, $Table.ColumnWidths[$i] * 50);
                            [ref] $null = $tcW.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'pct');
                        else {
                            [ref] $null = $tcW.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, 0);
                            [ref] $null = $tcW.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'auto');

                        $p = $tc.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
                        $pPr = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                        $pStyle = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pStyle', $xmlnsMain));
                        [ref] $null = $pStyle.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $tableStyle.HeaderStyle);
                        $r = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                        $t = $r.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 't', $xmlnsMain));
                        if ($null -eq $Table.Headers) {
                            [ref] $null = $t.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($Table.Columns[$i]));
                        else {
                            [ref] $null = $t.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($Table.Headers[$i]));
                    } #end for Table.Columns

                    $isAlternatingRow = $false;
                    foreach ($row in $Table.Rows) {
                        $tr = $tbl.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tr', $xmlnsMain));
                        foreach ($propertyName in $Table.Columns) {
                            $cellPropertyStyle = '{0}__Style' -f $propertyName;
                            if ($row.$cellPropertyStyle) {
                                ## Cell style overrides row/default styles
                                $cellStyleName = $row.$cellPropertyStyle;
                            elseif (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($row.__Style)) {
                                ## Row style overrides default style
                                $cellStyleName = $row.__Style;
                            else {
                                ## Use the table row/alternating style..
                                $cellStyleName = $tableStyle.RowStyle;
                                if ($isAlternatingRow) {
                                    $cellStyleName = $tableStyle.AlternateRowStyle;

                            if ($cellStyle.Id -ne $cellStyleName) {
                                $cellStyle = $Document.Styles[$cellStyleName];
                            $tc = $tr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tc', $xmlnsMain));
                            if ($cellStyle.BackgroundColor) {
                                [ref] $null = $tc.AppendChild((GetWordTableStyleCellPr -Style $cellStyle -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                            $p = $tc.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
                            $pPr = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                            $pStyle = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pStyle', $xmlnsMain));
                            [ref] $null = $pStyle.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $cellStyleName);
                            $r = $p.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                            $t = $r.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 't', $xmlnsMain));
                            [ref] $null = $t.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($row.($propertyName)));
                        } #end foreach property
                        $isAlternatingRow = !$isAlternatingRow;
                    } #end foreach row
                } #end if not Table.List
            } #end process
        } #end function OutWordTable

        function OutWordTOC {
                 Output formatted Word table of contents.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $TOC,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $sdt = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'sdt', $xmlnsMain);
                $sdtPr = $sdt.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'sdtPr', $xmlnsMain));
                $docPartObj = $sdtPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'docPartObj', $xmlnsMain));
                $docObjectGallery = $docPartObj.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'docPartGallery', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $docObjectGallery.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'Table of Contents');
                [ref] $null = $docPartObj.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'docPartUnique', $xmlnsMain));
                $sdtEndPr = $sdt.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'stdEndPr', $xmlnsMain));

                $sdtContent = $sdt.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'stdContent', $xmlnsMain));
                $p1 = $sdtContent.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
                $pPr1 = $p1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                $pStyle1 = $pPr1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pStyle', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $pStyle1.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'TOC');
                $r1 = $p1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                $t1 = $r1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 't', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $t1.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode($TOC.Name));

                $p2 = $sdtContent.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
                $pPr2 = $p2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                $tabs2 = $pPr2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tabs', $xmlnsMain));
                $tab2 = $tabs2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tab', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $tab2.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'right');
                [ref] $null = $tab2.SetAttribute('leader', $xmlnsMain, 'dot');
                [ref] $null = $tab2.SetAttribute('pos', $xmlnsMain, '9016'); #10790?!
                $r2 = $p2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                ##TODO: Refactor duplicate code
                $fldChar1 = $r2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'fldChar', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $fldChar1.SetAttribute('fldCharType', $xmlnsMain, 'begin');
                $r3 = $p2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                $instrText = $r3.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'instrText', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $instrText.SetAttribute('space', '', 'preserve');
                [ref] $null = $instrText.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateTextNode(' TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u '));

                $r4 = $p2.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                $fldChar2 = $r4.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'fldChar', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $fldChar2.SetAttribute('fldCharType', $xmlnsMain, 'separate');

                $p3 = $sdtContent.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
                $r5 = $p3.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'r', $xmlnsMain));
                #$rPr3 = $r3.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'rPr', $xmlnsMain));
                $fldChar3 = $r5.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'fldChar', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $fldChar3.SetAttribute('fldCharType', $xmlnsMain, 'end');

                return $sdt;
            } #end process
        } #end function OutWordTOC

        function OutWordBlankLine {
                Output formatted Word xml blank line (paragraph).

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $BlankLine,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlElement] $Element         
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $BlankLine.LineCount; $i++) {
                    [ref] $null = $Element.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'p', $xmlnsMain));
        } #end function OutWordLineBreak

        function GetWordStyle {
                Generates Word Xml style element from a PScribo document style.

            param (
                ## PScribo document style
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Style,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Paragraph','Character')] [System.String] $Type
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                if ($Type -eq 'Paragraph') {
                    $styleId = $Style.Id;
                    $styleName = $Style.Name;
                    $linkId = '{0}Char' -f $Style.Id;
                else {
                    $styleId = '{0}Char' -f $Style.Id;
                    $styleName = '{0} Char' -f $Style.Name;
                    $linkId = $Style.Id;

                $documentStyle = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'style', $xmlnsMain);
                [ref] $null = $documentStyle.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, $Type.ToLower());
                if ($Style.Id -eq $Document.DefaultStyle) {
                    ## Set as default style
                    [ref] $null = $documentStyle.SetAttribute('default', $xmlnsMain, 1);
                    $uiPriority = $documentStyle.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'uiPriority', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $uiPriority.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 1);
                elseif (($Style.Id -eq 'Footer') -or ($Style.Id -eq 'Header')) {
                    ## Semi hide the styles named Footer and Header
                    [ref] $null = $documentStyle.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'semiHidden', $xmlnsMain));
                elseif (($document.TableStyles.Values | ForEach-Object { $_.HeaderStyle; $_.RowStyle; $_.AlternateRowStyle; }) -contains $Style.Id) {
                    ## Semi hide styles behind table styles (except default style!)
                    [ref] $null = $documentStyle.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'semiHidden', $xmlnsMain));

                [ref] $null = $documentStyle.SetAttribute('styleId', $xmlnsMain, $styleId);
                $documentStyleName = $documentStyle.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'name', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $documentStyleName.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $styleName);
                $basedOn = $documentStyle.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'basedOn', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $basedOn.SetAttribute('val', $XmlnsMain, 'Normal');
                $link = $documentStyle.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'link', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $link.SetAttribute('val', $XmlnsMain, $linkId);
                $next = $documentStyle.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'next', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $next.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'Normal');
                $qFormat = $documentStyle.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'qFormat', $xmlnsMain));
                $pPr = $documentStyle.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain));
                $keepNext = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'keepNext', $xmlnsMain));
                $keepLines = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'keepLines', $xmlnsMain));
                $spacing = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'spacing', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('before', $xmlnsMain, 0);
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('after', $xmlnsMain, 0);
                ## Set the <w:jc> (justification) element
                $jc = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'jc', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Style.Align.ToLower() -eq 'justify') {
                    [ref] $null = $jc.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'distribute');
                else {
                    [ref] $null = $jc.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $Style.Align.ToLower());
                if ($Style.BackgroundColor) {
                    $shd = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'shd', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $shd.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'clear');
                    [ref] $null = $shd.SetAttribute('color', $xmlnsMain, 'auto');
                    [ref] $null = $shd.SetAttribute('fill', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertToWordColor -Color $Style.BackgroundColor));
                [ref] $null = $documentStyle.AppendChild((GetWordStyleRunPr -Style $Style -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                return $documentStyle;
            } #end process
        } #end function GetWordStyle

        function GetWordTableStyle {
                Generates Word Xml table style element from a PScribo document table style.

            param (
                ## PScribo document style
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $TableStyle,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $style = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'style', $xmlnsMain);
                [ref] $null = $style.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'table');
                [ref] $null = $style.SetAttribute('styleId', $xmlnsMain, $TableStyle.Id);
                $name = $style.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'name', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $name.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $TableStyle.Id);
                $tblPr = $style.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblPr', $xmlnsMain));
                $tblStyleRowBandSize = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblStyleRowBandSize', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $tblStyleRowBandSize.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 1);
                if ($tableStyle.BorderWidth -gt 0) {
                    $tblBorders = $tblPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblBorders', $xmlnsMain));
                    foreach ($border in @('top','bottom','start','end','insideH','insideV')) {
                        $b = $tblBorders.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', $border, $xmlnsMain));
                        [ref] $null = $b.SetAttribute('sz', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToOctips $tableStyle.BorderWidth));
                        [ref] $null = $b.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'single');
                        [ref] $null = $b.SetAttribute('color', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertToWordColor -Color $tableStyle.BorderColor));
                [ref] $null = $style.AppendChild((GetWordTableStylePr -Style $Document.Styles[$TableStyle.HeaderStyle] -Type Header -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                [ref] $null = $style.AppendChild((GetWordTableStylePr -Style $Document.Styles[$TableStyle.RowStyle] -Type Row -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                [ref] $null = $style.AppendChild((GetWordTableStylePr -Style $Document.Styles[$TableStyle.AlternateRowStyle] -Type AlternateRow -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                return $style;
        } #end function GetWordTableStyle

        function GetWordStyleParagraphPr {
                Generates Word paragraph (pPr) formatting properties

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $Style,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $pPr = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pPr', $xmlnsMain);
                $spacing = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'spacing', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('before', $xmlnsMain, 0);
                [ref] $null = $spacing.SetAttribute('after', $xmlnsMain, 0);
                $keepNext = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'keepNext', $xmlnsMain));
                $keepLines = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'keepLines', $xmlnsMain));
                $jc = $pPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'jc', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Style.Align.ToLower() -eq 'justify') { [ref] $null = $jc.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'distribute'); }
                else { [ref] $null = $jc.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $Style.Align.ToLower()); }
                return $pPr;
            } #end process
        } #end function GetWordTableCellPr

        function GetWordStyleRunPrColor {
                Generates Word run (rPr) text colour formatting property only.
                This is only required to override the text colour in table rows/headers
                as I can't get this (yet) applied via the table style?

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $Style,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $rPr = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'rPr', $xmlnsMain);
                $color = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'color', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $color.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertToWordColor -Color $Style.Color));
                return $rPr;
        } #end function GetWordStyleRunPrColor

        function GetWordStyleRunPr {
                    Generates Word run (rPr) formatting properties

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $Style,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $rPr = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'rPr', $xmlnsMain); 
                $rFonts = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'rFonts', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $rFonts.SetAttribute('ascii', $xmlnsMain, $Style.Font[0]);
                [ref] $null = $rFonts.SetAttribute('hAnsi', $xmlnsMain, $Style.Font[0]);
                if ($Style.Bold) {
                    [ref] $null = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'b', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Style.Underline) {
                    [ref] $null = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'u', $xmlnsMain));
                if ($Style.Italic) {
                    [ref] $null = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'i', $xmlnsMain));
                $color = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'color', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $color.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertToWordColor -Color $Style.Color));
                $sz = $rPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'sz', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $sz.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, $Style.Size * 2);
                return $rPr;
            } #end process
        } #end function GetWordStyleRunPr

        function GetWordTableStyleCellPr {
                Generates Word table cell (tcPr) formatting properties

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $Style,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $tcPr = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tcPr', $xmlnsMain);
                if ($Style.BackgroundColor) {
                    $shd = $tcPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'shd', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $shd.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'clear');
                    [ref] $null = $shd.SetAttribute('color', $xmlnsMain, 'auto');
                    [ref] $null = $shd.SetAttribute('fill', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertToWordColor -Color $Style.BackgroundColor));
                return $tcPr;
            } #end process
        } #end function GetWordTableCellPr

        function GetWordTableStylePr {
                Generates Word table style (tblStylePr) formatting properties for specified table style type

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Object] $Style,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Header','Row','AlternateRow')] [System.String] $Type,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $tblStylePr = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblStylePr', $xmlnsMain);
                $tblPr = $tblStylePr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'tblPr', $xmlnsMain));
                switch ($Type) {
                    'Header' { $tblStylePrType = 'firstRow'; }
                    'Row' { $tblStylePrType = 'band2Horz'; }
                    'AlternateRow' { $tblStylePrType = 'band1Horz'; }
                [ref] $null = $tblStylePr.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, $tblStylePrType);
                [ref] $null = $tblStylePr.AppendChild((GetWordStyleParagraphPr -Style $Style -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                [ref] $null = $tblStylePr.AppendChild((GetWordStyleRunPr -Style $Style -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                [ref] $null = $tblStylePr.AppendChild((GetWordTableStyleCellPr -Style $Style -XmlDocument $XmlDocument));
                return $tblStylePr;
            } #end process
        } #end function GetWordTableStylePr

        function GetWordSectionPr {
                Outputs Office Open XML section element to set page size and margins.

            param (
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Single] $PageWidth,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Single] $PageHeight,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Single] $PageMarginTop,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Single] $PageMarginLeft,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Single] $PageMarginBottom,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Single] $PageMarginRight,
                [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $XmlDocument
            process {
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $sectPr = $XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'sectPr', $xmlnsMain);
                $pgSz = $sectPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pgSz', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $pgSz.SetAttribute('w', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips -Millimeter $PageWidth));
                [ref] $null = $pgSz.SetAttribute('h', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips -Millimeter $PageHeight));
                [ref] $null = $pgSz.SetAttribute('orient', $xmlnsMain, 'portrait');
                $pgMar = $sectPr.AppendChild($XmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'pgMar', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $pgMar.SetAttribute('top', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips -Millimeter $PageMarginTop));
                [ref] $null = $pgMar.SetAttribute('bottom', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips -Millimeter $PageMarginBottom));
                [ref] $null = $pgMar.SetAttribute('left', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips -Millimeter $PageMarginLeft));
                [ref] $null = $pgMar.SetAttribute('right', $xmlnsMain, (ConvertMmToTwips -Millimeter $PageMarginRight));
                return $sectPr;
            } #end process
        } #end GetWordSectionPr

        function OutWordStylesDocument {
                Outputs Office Open XML style document

            param (
                ## PScribo document styles
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Styles,
                ## PScribo document tables styles
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $TableStyles
            process {
                ## Create the Style.xml document
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                $xmlDocument = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Xml.XmlDocument';
                [ref] $null = $xmlDocument.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration('1.0', 'utf-8', 'yes'));
                $documentStyles = $xmlDocument.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'styles', $xmlnsMain));
                ## Create default style
                $defaultStyle = $documentStyles.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'style', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $defaultStyle.SetAttribute('type', $xmlnsMain, 'paragraph');
                [ref] $null = $defaultStyle.SetAttribute('default', $xmlnsMain, '1');
                [ref] $null = $defaultStyle.SetAttribute('styleId', $xmlnsMain, 'Normal');
                $defaultStyleName = $defaultStyle.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'name', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $defaultStyleName.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'Normal');
                [ref] $null = $defaultStyle.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'qFormat', $xmlnsMain));
                foreach ($style in $Styles.Values) {
                    $documentParagraphStyle = GetWordStyle -Style $style -XmlDocument $xmlDocument -Type Paragraph;
                    [ref] $null = $documentStyles.AppendChild($documentParagraphStyle);
                    $documentCharacterStyle = GetWordStyle -Style $style -XmlDocument $xmlDocument -Type Character;
                    [ref] $null = $documentStyles.AppendChild($documentCharacterStyle);
                foreach ($tableStyle in $TableStyles.Values) {
                    $documentTableStyle = GetWordTableStyle -TableStyle $tableStyle -XmlDocument $xmlDocument;
                    [ref] $null = $documentStyles.AppendChild($documentTableStyle);
                return $xmlDocument;
            } #end process
        } #end function OutWordStyleDocument

        function OutWordSettingsDocument {
                Outputs Office Open XML settings document

            param (
                [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $UpdateFields
            process {
                ## Create the Style.xml document
                $xmlnsMain = '';
                # <w:settings xmlns:mc=""
                # xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
                # xmlns:r=""
                # xmlns:m=""
                # xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"
                # xmlns:w=""
                # xmlns:w14=""
                # xmlns:w15=""
                # xmlns:sl=""
                # mc:Ignorable="w14 w15">
                $settingsDocument = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Xml.XmlDocument';
                [ref] $null = $settingsDocument.AppendChild($settingsDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration('1.0', 'utf-8', 'yes'));
                $settings = $settingsDocument.AppendChild($settingsDocument.CreateElement('w', 'settings', $xmlnsMain));
                ## Set compatibility mode to Word 2013
                $compat = $settings.AppendChild($settingsDocument.CreateElement('w', 'compat', $xmlnsMain));
                $compatSetting = $compat.AppendChild($settingsDocument.CreateElement('w', 'compatSetting', $xmlnsMain));
                [ref] $null = $compatSetting.SetAttribute('name', $xmlnsMain, 'compatibilityMode');
                [ref] $null = $compatSetting.SetAttribute('uri', $xmlnsMain, '');
                [ref] $null = $compatSetting.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 15);
                if ($UpdateFields) {
                    $wupdateFields = $settings.AppendChild($settingsDocument.CreateElement('w', 'updateFields', $xmlnsMain));
                    [ref] $null = $wupdateFields.SetAttribute('val', $xmlnsMain, 'true');
                return $settingsDocument;
            } #end process
        } #end function OutWordSettingsDocument

        #endregion OutWord Private Functions
    process {
        $stopwatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingStarted -f $Document.Name);
        $xmlnsMain = '';
        $xmlDocument = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Xml.XmlDocument';
        [ref] $null = $xmlDocument.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration('1.0', 'utf-8', 'yes'));
        $documentXml = $xmlDocument.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'document', $xmlnsMain));
        [ref] $null = $xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SetAttribute('xmlns:xml', '');
        $body = $documentXml.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement('w', 'body', $xmlnsMain));
        ## Setup the document page size/margins
        $sectionPrParams = @{
            PageHeight = $Document.Options['PageHeight']; PageWidth = $Document.Options['PageWidth'];
            PageMarginTop = $Document.Options['MarginTop']; PageMarginBottom = $Document.Options['MarginBottom'];
            PageMarginLeft = $Document.Options['MarginLeft']; PageMarginRight = $Document.Options['MarginRight'];
        [ref] $null = $body.AppendChild((GetWordSectionPr @sectionPrParams -XmlDocument $xmlDocument));
        foreach ($s in $Document.Sections.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}[..]' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,36); }
            else { $sectionId = $s.Id; }
            WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent ($s.Level +1);
            switch ($s.Type) {
                'PScribo.Section' { $s | OutWordSection -RootElement $body -XmlDocument $xmlDocument; }
                'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $body.AppendChild((OutWordParagraph -Paragraph $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument)); }
                'PScribo.PageBreak' { [ref] $null = $body.AppendChild((OutWordPageBreak -PageBreak $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument)); }
                'PScribo.LineBreak' { [ref] $null = $body.AppendChild((OutWordLineBreak -LineBreak $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument)); }
                'PScribo.Table' { OutWordTable -Table $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument -Element $body; }
                'PScribo.TOC' { [ref] $null = $body.AppendChild((OutWordTOC -TOC $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument)); }
                'PScribo.BlankLine' { OutWordBlankLine -BlankLine $s -XmlDocument $xmlDocument -Element $body; }
                Default { WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $s.Type) -IsWarning; }
            } #end switch
        } #end foreach
        ## Generate the Word 'styles.xml' document part
        $stylesXml = OutWordStylesDocument -Styles $Document.Styles -TableStyles $Document.TableStyles;
        ## Generate the Word 'settings.xml' document part
        if ($Document.Properties['TOCs'].Count -gt 0) {
            ## We have a TOC so flag to update the document when opened
            $settingsXml = OutWordSettingsDocument -UpdateFields;
        else {
            $settingsXml = OutWordSettingsDocument;
        $destinationPath = Join-Path -Path $Path ('{0}.docx' -f $Document.Name);
        Add-Type -AssemblyName WindowsBase;
        try {
            $package = [System.IO.Packaging.Package]::Open($destinationPath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Create, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite);
        catch {
            WriteLog -Message ($localized.OpenPackageError -f $destinationPath) -IsWarning;
            throw $_;
        ## Create document.xml part
        $documentUri = New-Object System.Uri('/word/document.xml', [System.UriKind]::Relative);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingDocumentPart -f $documentUri);
        $documentPart = $package.CreatePart($documentUri, 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.main+xml');
        $streamWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($documentPart.GetStream([System.IO.FileMode]::Create, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite));
        $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($streamWriter);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.WritingDocumentPart -f $documentUri);

        ## Create styles.xml part
        $stylesUri = New-Object System.Uri('/word/styles.xml', [System.UriKind]::Relative);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingDocumentPart -f $stylesUri);
        $stylesPart = $package.CreatePart($stylesUri, 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.styles+xml');
        $streamWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($stylesPart.GetStream([System.IO.FileMode]::Create, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite));
        $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($streamWriter);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.WritingDocumentPart -f $stylesUri);

        ## Create settings.xml part
        $settingsUri = New-Object System.Uri('/word/settings.xml', [System.UriKind]::Relative);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.ProcessingDocumentPart -f $settingsUri);
        $settingsPart = $package.CreatePart($settingsUri, 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.settings+xml');
        $streamWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($settingsPart.GetStream([System.IO.FileMode]::Create, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite));
        $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($streamWriter);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.WritingDocumentPart -f $settingsUri);

        ## Create the Package relationships
        WriteLog -Message $localized.GeneratingPackageRelationships;
        [ref] $null = $package.CreateRelationship($documentUri, [System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode]::Internal, '', 'rId1');
        [ref] $null = $documentPart.CreateRelationship($stylesUri, [System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode]::Internal, '', 'rId1');
        [ref] $null = $documentPart.CreateRelationship($settingsUri, [System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode]::Internal, '', 'rId2');
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.SavingFile -f $destinationPath);

        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingCompleted -f $Document.Name);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.TotalProcessingTime -f $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
        ## Return the file reference to the pipeline
        Write-Output (Get-Item -Path $destinationPath);
    } #end process
} #end function OutWord

function OutXml {
        Xml output plugin for PScribo.
        Outputs a xml representation of a PScribo document object.

    param (
        ## ThePScribo document object to convert to a xml document
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Document,
        ## Output directory path for the .xml file
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.String] $Path,
        ### Hashtable of all plugin supported options
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Options
    begin {
        #region OutXml Private Functions
        function OutXmlSection {
                Output formatted Xml section.

            param (
                ## PScribo document section
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Section
            process {
                $sectionId = ($Section.Id -replace '[^a-z0-9-_\.]','').ToLower();
                $element = $xmlDocument.CreateElement($sectionId);
                [ref] $null = $element.SetAttribute("name", $Section.Name);
                foreach ($s in $Section.Sections.GetEnumerator()) {
                    if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}..' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,38); }
                    else { $sectionId = $s.Id; }
                    WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent ($s.Level +1);
                    switch ($s.Type) {
                        'PScribo.Section' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlSection -Section $s)); }
                        'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlParagraph -Paragraph $s)); }
                        'PScribo.Table' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlTable -Table $s)); }
                        'PScribo.PageBreak' { } ## Page breaks are not implemented for Xml output
                        'PScribo.LineBreak' { } ## Line breaks are not implemented for Xml output
                        'PScribo.BlankLine' { } ## Blank lines are not implemented for Xml output
                        'PScribo.TOC' { } ## TOC is not implemented for Xml output
                        Default {
                            WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $s.Type) -IsWarning;
                    } #end switch
                } #end foreach
                return $element;
            } #end process
        } #end function outxmlsection

        function OutXmlParagraph {
                Output formatted Xml paragraph.

            param (
                ## PScribo paragraph object
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Paragraph
            process {
                if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph.Value))) {
                    ## Value override specified
                    $paragraphId = ($Paragraph.Id -replace '[^a-z0-9-_\.]','').ToLower();
                    $paragraphElement = $xmlDocument.CreateElement($paragraphId);
                    [ref] $null = $paragraphElement.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateTextNode($Paragraph.Value));
                } #end if
                elseif ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph.Text)) {
                    ## No Id/Name specified, therefore insert as a comment
                    $paragraphElement = $xmlDocument.CreateComment((' {0} ' -f $Paragraph.Id));
                } #end elseif
                else {
                    ## Create an element with the Id/Name
                    $paragraphId = ($Paragraph.Id -replace '[^a-z0-9-_\.]','').ToLower();
                    $paragraphElement = $xmlDocument.CreateElement($paragraphId);
                    [ref] $null = $paragraphElement.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateTextNode($Paragraph.Text));
                } #end else
                return $paragraphElement;
            } #end process
        } #end function outxmlparagraph

        function OutXmlTable {
                Output formatted Xml table.

            param (
                ## PScribo table object
                [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Object] $Table
            process {
                $tableId = ($Table.Id -replace '[^a-z0-9-_\.]','').ToLower();
                $tableElement = $element.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement($tableId));
                [ref] $null = $tableElement.SetAttribute('name', $Table.Name);
                foreach ($row in $Table.Rows) {
                    $groupElement = $tableElement.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement('group'));
                    foreach ($property in $row.PSObject.Properties) {
                        if (-not ($property.Name).EndsWith('__Style')) {
                            $propertyId = ($property.Name -replace '[^a-z0-9-_\.]','').ToLower();
                            $rowElement = $groupElement.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement($propertyId));
                            ## Only add the Name attribute if there's a difference
                            if ($property.Name -ne $propertyId) {
                                [ref] $null = $rowElement.SetAttribute('name', $property.Name);
                            [ref] $null = $rowElement.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateTextNode($row.($property.Name)));
                        } #end if
                    } #end foreach property
                } #end foreach row
                return $tableElement;
            } #end process
        } #end outxmltable
        #endregion OutXml Private Functions

    process {
        $pluginName = 'Xml';
        $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingStarted -f $Document.Name);
        $documentName = $Document.Name;

        $xmlDocument = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlDocument;
        [ref] $null = $xmlDocument.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration('1.0', 'utf-8', 'yes'));
        $documentId = ($Document.Id -replace '[^a-z0-9-_\.]','').ToLower();
        $element = $xmlDocument.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement($documentId));
        [ref] $null = $element.SetAttribute("name", $documentName);
        foreach ($s in $Document.Sections.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}[..]' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,36); }
            else { $sectionId = $s.Id; }
            WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent ($s.Level +1);
            switch ($s.Type) {
                'PScribo.Section' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlSection -Section $s)); }
                'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlParagraph -Paragraph $s)); }
                'PScribo.Table' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlTable -Table $s)); }
                'PScribo.PageBreak'{ } ## Page breaks are not implemented for Xml output
                'PScribo.LineBreak' { } ## Line breaks are not implemented for Xml output
                'PScribo.BlankLine' { } ## Blank lines are not implemented for Xml output
                'PScribo.TOC' { } ## TOC is not implemented for Xml output
                Default {
                    WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $s.Type) -IsWarning;
            } #end switch
        } #end foreach
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingCompleted -f $Document.Name);
        $destinationPath = Join-Path $Path ('{0}.xml' -f $Document.Name);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.SavingFile -f $destinationPath);
        WriteLog -Message ($localized.TotalProcessingTime -f $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
        ## Return the file reference to the pipeline
        Write-Output (Get-Item -Path $destinationPath);
    } #end process
} #end function outxml

#endregion PScribo Bundle v0.7.2.180