function OutXml { <# .SYNOPSIS Xml output plugin for PScribo. .DESCRIPTION Outputs a xml representation of a PScribo document object. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ## ThePScribo document object to convert to a xml document [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Object] $Document, ## Output directory path for the .xml file [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.String] $Path, ### Hashtable of all plugin supported options [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Options ) begin { <#! OutXml.Internal.ps1 !#> } process { $pluginName = 'Xml'; $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew(); WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingStarted -f $Document.Name); $documentName = $Document.Name; $xmlDocument = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlDocument; [ref] $null = $xmlDocument.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration('1.0', 'utf-8', 'yes')); $documentId = ($Document.Id -replace '[^a-z0-9-_\.]','').ToLower(); $element = $xmlDocument.AppendChild($xmlDocument.CreateElement($documentId)); [ref] $null = $element.SetAttribute("name", $documentName); foreach ($s in $Document.Sections.GetEnumerator()) { if ($s.Id.Length -gt 40) { $sectionId = '{0}[..]' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,36); } else { $sectionId = $s.Id; } $currentIndentationLevel = 1; if ($null -ne $s.PSObject.Properties['Level']) { $currentIndentationLevel = $s.Level +1; } WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginProcessingSection -f $s.Type, $sectionId) -Indent $currentIndentationLevel; switch ($s.Type) { 'PScribo.Section' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlSection -Section $s)); } 'PScribo.Paragraph' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlParagraph -Paragraph $s)); } 'PScribo.Table' { [ref] $null = $element.AppendChild((OutXmlTable -Table $s)); } 'PScribo.PageBreak'{ } ## Page breaks are not implemented for Xml output 'PScribo.LineBreak' { } ## Line breaks are not implemented for Xml output 'PScribo.BlankLine' { } ## Blank lines are not implemented for Xml output 'PScribo.TOC' { } ## TOC is not implemented for Xml output Default { WriteLog -Message ($localized.PluginUnsupportedSection -f $s.Type) -IsWarning; } } #end switch } #end foreach $stopwatch.Stop(); WriteLog -Message ($localized.DocumentProcessingCompleted -f $Document.Name); $destinationPath = Join-Path $Path ('{0}.xml' -f $Document.Name); WriteLog -Message ($localized.SavingFile -f $destinationPath); $xmlDocument.Save($destinationPath); WriteLog -Message ($localized.TotalProcessingTime -f $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); ## Return the file reference to the pipeline Write-Output (Get-Item -Path $destinationPath); } #end process } #end function outxml |