$here = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent; $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $here -Parent; Import-Module "$moduleRoot\PScribo.psm1" -Force; InModuleScope 'PScribo' { Describe 'OutText' { $path = (Get-PSDrive -Name TestDrive).Root; It 'calls OutTextSection' { Mock -CommandName OutTextSection -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { Section -Name 'TestSection' -ScriptBlock { } } | OutText -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextSection -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextParagraph' { Mock -CommandName OutTextParagraph -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'TestParagraph' } | OutText -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextParagraph -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextLineBreak' { Mock -CommandName OutTextLineBreak -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { LineBreak; } | OutText -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextLineBreak -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextPageBreak' { Mock -CommandName OutTextPageBreak -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { PageBreak; } | OutText -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextPageBreak -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextTable' { Mock -CommandName OutTextTable -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { Get-Service | Select-Object -First 1 | Table 'TestTable' } | OutText -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextTable -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextTOC' { Mock -CommandName OutTextTOC -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { TOC -Name 'TestTOC'; } | OutText -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextTOC -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextBlankLine' { Mock -CommandName OutTextBlankLine -MockWith { }; Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { BlankLine; } | OutText -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextBlankLine -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextBlankLine twice' { Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { BlankLine; BlankLine; } | OutText -Path $path; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextBlankLine -Exactly 3; ## Mock calls are cumalative } } Describe 'OutTextBlankLine' { ## Scaffold document options $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; It 'Defaults to a single blank line.' { $l = BlankLine | OutTextBlankLine; $l | Should Be "`r`n"; } It 'Creates 3 blank lines.' { $l = BlankLine -Count 3 | OutTextBlankLine; $l | Should Be "`r`n`r`n`r`n"; } } Describe 'OutTextLineBreak' { ## Scaffold document options $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; It 'Defaults to 120 and includes new line.' { $l = OutTextLineBreak; $l.Length | Should Be 122; } It 'Truncates to 40 and includes new line.' { $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions -TextWidth 40 -SeparatorWidth 40; $l = OutTextLineBreak; $l.Length | Should Be 42; } It 'Wraps lines and includes new line' { $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions -TextWidth 40 -SeparatorWidth 80; $l = OutTextLineBreak $l.Length | Should Be 84; } } #end describe OutTextLineBreak Describe 'OutTextPageBreak' { ## Scaffold document options $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; It 'Defaults to 120 and includes new line.' { #$Options = New-PScriboTextOptions; $l = OutTextPageBreak; $l.Length | Should Be 124; } It 'Truncates to 40 and includes new line.' { $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions -TextWidth 40 -SeparatorWidth 40; $l = OutTextPageBreak; $l.Length | Should Be 44; } It 'Wraps lines and includes new line.' { $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions -TextWidth 40 -SeparatorWidth 80; $l = OutTextPageBreak $l.Length | Should Be 86; } } #end describe OutTextLineBreak Describe 'OutTextParagraph' { ## Scaffold document options $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; Context 'By pipeline.' { It 'Paragraph with new line.' { $testParagraph = 'Test paragraph.'; $p = Paragraph $testParagraph | OutTextParagraph; $p | Should BeExactly "Test paragraph.`r`n"; } It 'Paragraph with no new line.' { $testParagraph = 'Test paragraph.'; $p = Paragraph $testParagraph -NoNewLine | OutTextParagraph; $p | Should BeExactly $testParagraph; } It 'Paragraph wraps at 10 characters with new line.' { $testParagraph = 'Test paragraph.'; $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions -TextWidth 10; $p = Paragraph $testParagraph | OutTextParagraph; $p | Should BeExactly "Test parag`r`nraph.`r`n"; } It 'Paragraph wraps at 10 characters with no new line.' { $testParagraph = 'Test paragraph.'; $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions -TextWidth 10; $p = Paragraph $testParagraph -NoNewLine | OutTextParagraph; $p | Should BeExactly "Test parag`r`nraph."; } } #end context by pipeline Context 'By named -Paragraph parameter.' { It 'By named -Paragraph parameter with new line.' { $testParagraph = 'Test paragraph.'; $p = OutTextParagraph -Paragraph (Paragraph $testParagraph); $p | Should BeExactly "$testParagraph`r`n"; } It 'By named -Paragraph parameter with no new line.' { $testParagraph = 'Test paragraph.'; $p = OutTextParagraph -Paragraph (Paragraph $testParagraph -NoNewLine); $p | Should BeExactly $testParagraph; } } #end context -paragraph } #end describe outtextparagraph Describe 'OutTextSection' { $Document = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock { }; $pscriboDocument = $Document; It 'calls OutTextParagraph' { Mock -CommandName OutTextParagraph -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'TestParagraph' } | OutTextSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextParagraph -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextParagraph twice' { Mock -CommandName OutTextParagraph -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'TestParagraph'; Paragraph 'TestParagraph'; } | OutTextSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextParagraph -Exactly 3; } It 'calls OutTextTable' { Mock -CommandName OutTextTable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Get-Service | Select-Object -First 3 | Table TestTable } | OutTextSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextTable -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextPageBreak' { Mock -CommandName OutTextPageBreak -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { PageBreak } | OutTextSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextPageBreak -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextLineBreak' { Mock -CommandName OutTextLineBreak -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { LineBreak } | OutTextSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextLineBreak -Exactly 1; } It 'calls OutTextBlankLine' { Mock -CommandName OutTextBlankLine -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { BlankLine } | OutTextSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextBlankLine -Exactly 1; } It 'warns on call OutTextTOC' { Mock -CommandName OutTextTOC -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { TOC 'TestTOC' } | OutTextSection -WarningAction SilentlyContinue; Assert-MockCalled OutTextTOC -Exactly 0; } It 'calls nested OutXmlSection' { ## Note this must be called last in the Describe script block as the OutXmlSection gets mocked! Mock -CommandName OutTextSection -Verifiable -MockWith { }; Section -Name TestSection -ScriptBlock { Section -Name SubSection { } } | OutTextSection; Assert-MockCalled -CommandName OutTextSection -Exactly 1; } } Describe 'OutTextTable' { ## Scaffold document options $pscriboDocument = Document -Name 'TestDocument' -ScriptBlock {}; Context 'As Table.' { $services = @( [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService1'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 1'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 1'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService3'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 3'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 3'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService2'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 2'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 2'; } ) It 'Default width of 120.' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'Test Table' | OutTextTable; $table.Length | Should Be 212; } It 'Set width with of 35.' { $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions -TextWidth 35; $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'Test Table' | OutTextTable; $table.Length | Should Be 335; ## Text tables are now set to wrap.. } } #end context table Context 'As List.' { $services = @( [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService1'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 1'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 1'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService3'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 3'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 3'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService2'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 2'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 2'; } ) It 'Default width of 120.' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services 'Test Table' -List | OutTextTable; $table.Length | Should Be 255; } It 'Default width of 25.' { $Options = New-PScriboTextOptions -TextWidth 25; $table = Table -Hashtable $services 'Test Table' -List | OutTextTable; $table.Length | Should Be 357; } } #end context table } } #end inmodulescope <#Code coverage report: Covered 80.00% of 110 analyzed commands in 1 file. Missed commands: File Function Line Command ---- -------- ---- ------- OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 49 $tocBuilder = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 50 [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendLine($TOC.Name) OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 51 [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendLine(''.PadRight($Options.SeparatorWidth, $Options.SectionSeparator)) OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 52 $maxSectionNumberLength = ($Document.TOC.Number | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum).Length OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 52 $Document.TOC.Number OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 52 Measure-Object -Maximum OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 52 Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 53 $Document.TOC OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 54 $sectionNumberPaddingLength = $maxSectionNumberLength - $tocEntry.Number.Length OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 55 $sectionNumberIndent = ''.PadRight($tocEntry.Level, ' ') OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 56 $sectionPadding = ''.PadRight($sectionNumberPaddingLength, ' ') OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 57 [ref] $null = $tocBuilder.AppendFormat('{0}{1} {2}{3}', $tocEntry.Number, $sectionPadding, $sectionNumberIndent, $tocEntry.Name).AppendLine() OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTOC 59 return $tocBuilder.ToString() OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextSection 94 [string] $sectionName = '{0} {1}' -f $Section.Number, $Section.Name OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextSection 100 $sectionId = '{0}..' -f $s.Id.Substring(0,38) OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextSection 104 [ref] $null = $sectionBuilder.Append((OutTextSection -Section $s)) OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextSection 104 OutTextSection -Section $s OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextParagraph 129 $text = "$padding$($Paragraph.Text)" OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextParagraph 129 $Paragraph.Text OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextLineBreak 145 $Options.TextWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width -1 OutText.Internal.ps1 OutTextTable 174 $Options.TextWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width -1 OutText.Internal.ps1 OutStringWrap 212 $textBuilder = $null #> |