$here = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent; $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $here -Parent; Import-Module "$moduleRoot\PScribo.psm1" -Force; InModuleScope 'PScribo' { Describe 'New-PScriboTableRow' { Context 'By System.Object.' { $service = Get-Service | Select -First 1; It 'returns a PSCustomObject.' { $row = New-PScriboTableRow -InputObject $service; $row.GetType().Name | Should Be 'PSCustomObject'; $row.PSObject.Properties['__Style'].Value | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'creates a row by a single named -Properties parameter.' { $row = $service | New-PScriboTableRow -Properties 'DisplayName'; ($row | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count | Should Be 2; ## Row __Style property added } It 'creates a row by named -Properties.' { $serviceProperties = $service | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name; $row = New-PScriboTableRow -InputObject $service -Properties $serviceProperties; ($row | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count | Should Be ($serviceProperties.Count +1); ## Row __Style property added } It 'creates a row by named -Properties and -Headers parameters.' { $properties = 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName'; $headers = 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name'; $row = New-PScriboTableRow -InputObject $service -Properties $properties -Headers $headers; ($row | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count | Should Be 4; ## Row __Style property added $row.Name | Should Not Be $null; $row.'Service Name' | Should Not Be $null; $row.'Display Name' | Should Not Be $null; $row.PSObject.Properties['ServiceName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty; $row.PSObject.Properties['DisplayName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } } #end context by System.Object Context 'By System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject.' { $serviceName = 'TestService'; $serviceServiceName = 'Test'; $serviceDisplayName = 'Test Service'; $service = [PSCustomObject] @{ Name = $serviceName; ServiceName = $serviceServiceName; DisplayName = $serviceDisplayName; } It 'returns a PSCustomObject.' { $row = New-PScriboTableRow -InputObject $service; $row.GetType().Name | Should Be 'PSCustomObject'; } It 'creates a table row by a single named -Properties parameter.' { $row = $service | New-PScriboTableRow -Properties 'DisplayName'; ($row | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count | Should Be 2; ## Row __Style property added } It 'creates a table row by named -Properties.' { $properties = 'Name','DisplayName'; $row = New-PScriboTableRow -InputObject $service -Properties $properties; ($row | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count | Should Be ($properties.Count +1); ## Row __Style property added } It 'creates a table row by named -Properties and -Headers parameters.' { $properties = 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName'; $headers = 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name'; $row = New-PScriboTableRow -InputObject $service -Properties $properties -Headers $headers; ($row | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count | Should Be 4; ## Row __Style property added $row.Name | Should Not Be $null; $row.'Service Name' | Should Not Be $null; $row.'Display Name' | Should Not Be $null; $row.PSObject.Properties['ServiceName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty; $row.PSObject.Properties['DisplayName'] | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } } #end context By System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Context 'By Hashtable.' { $serviceName = 'TestService'; $serviceServiceName = 'Test'; $serviceDisplayName = 'Test Service'; $service = [Ordered] @{ Name = $serviceName; ServiceName = $serviceServiceName; DisplayName = $serviceDisplayName; } It 'returns a PSCustomObject object.' { $row = New-PScriboTableRow -Hashtable $service; $row.GetType().Name | Should Be 'PSCustomObject'; $row.__Style | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'creates a table row without spaces.' { $row = New-PScriboTableRow -Hashtable $service; ($row | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count | Should Be 4; $row.Name | Should Be $serviceName; $row.ServiceName | Should Be $serviceServiceName; $row.DisplayName | Should Be $serviceDisplayName; } It 'creates a table row with spaces.' { $service = [Ordered] @{ Name = $serviceName; 'Service Name' = $serviceServiceName; 'Display Name' = $serviceDisplayName; } $row = New-PScriboTableRow -Hashtable $service; ($row | Get-Member -MemberType Properties).Count | Should Be 4; ## Row __Style property added $row.'Name' | Should Be $serviceName; $row.'Service Name' | Should Be $serviceServiceName; $row.'Display Name' | Should Be $serviceDisplayName; } } #end context by hashtable } #end describe Describe 'Table' { $pscriboDocument = Document 'ScaffoldDocument' {}; Context 'InputObject, By Named Parameter.' { $services = Get-Service | Select -First 3; It 'returns a PSCustomObject object.' { $table = $services | Table; $table.GetType().Name | Should Be 'PSCustomObject'; } It 'creates a PScribo.Table type.' { $table = $services | Table; $table.Type | Should Be 'PScribo.Table'; } It 'creates a table without a name parameter.' { $table = $services | Table; $table.Id | Should Not Be $null; $table.Name | Should Not Be $null; } It 'defaults to table style "TableDefault".' { $table = $services | Table; $table.Style | Should BeExactly 'TableDefault'; } It 'creates a table with -List parameter.' { $table = $services | Table -List; $table.List | Should Be $true; } It 'creates a table by named -Name parameter.' { $table = $services | Table -Name 'TestTable'; $table.Id | Should BeExactly 'TESTTABLE'; $table.Name | Should BeExactly 'TestTable'; } It 'creates a table by named -Name parameter with a space.' { $table = $services | Table -Name 'Test Table'; $table.Id | Should BeExactly 'TESTTABLE'; $table.Name | Should BeExactly 'Test Table'; } It 'creates a table by named -Columns parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $table = $services | Table -Columns $columns; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by named -Columns and -Headers parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $table = $services | Table -Name 'TestTable' -Columns $columns -Headers $headers; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by mismatched named -Headers and -Columns parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name' ); $table = Table -InputObject $services -Name 'TestTable' -Headers $headers -Columns $columns -WarningAction SilentlyContinue; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by named -Columns, -Headers and -Style parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $styleName = 'TestStyle'; $table = $services | Table -Name 'TestTable' -Columns $columns -Headers $headers -Style $styleName; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Style | Should Be $styleName; } It 'warns with more than 2 columns with named -List parameter.' { $columnWidths = @(100,200,300); $table = $services | Table -List -ColumnWidths $columnWidths -WarningAction SilentlyContinue; $table.ColumnWidths | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'warns with mismatching columns and column widths.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $columnWidths = @(100,200,300,400); $table = $services | Table -ColumnWidths $columnWidths -WarningAction SilentlyContinue; $table.ColumnWidths | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'creates a table with specified column widths.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $columnWidths = @(25,35,40); $table = $services | Table -Name 'TestTable' -Columns $columns -Headers $headers -ColumnWidths $columnWidths; $table.ColumnWidths[0] | Should Be $columnWidths[0]; $table.ColumnWidths[1] | Should Be $columnWidths[1]; $table.ColumnWidths[2] | Should Be $columnWidths[2]; } It 'creates a table with embedded row style' { $service = $services[1]; Add-Member -InputObject $service -MemberType NoteProperty -Name __Style -Value 'MyRowStyle'; $table = $services | Table -Name 'TestTable'; $table.Rows[1].__Style | Should Be 'MyRowStyle'; $table.Columns -notlike '*__Style' | Should Be $true; } It 'creates a table with embedded cell style' { $service = $services[1]; Add-Member -InputObject $service -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name__Style -Value 'MyCellStyle'; $table = $services | Table -Name 'TestTable'; $table.Rows[1].Name__Style | Should Be 'MyCellStyle'; $table.Columns -notlike '*__Style' | Should Be $true; } } #end context InputObject, By Named Parameter Context 'Hashtable, By Named Parameter.' { [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary[]] $services = @( [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService1'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 1'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 1'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService3'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 3'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 3'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService2'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 2'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 2'; } ) It 'returns a PSCustomObject object.' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services; $table.GetType().Name | Should Be 'PSCustomObject'; } It 'creates a PScribo.Table type.' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services; $table.Type | Should Be 'PScribo.Table'; } It 'creates a table without a name parameter.' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services; $table.Id | Should Not Be $null; $table.Name | Should Not Be $null; } It 'defaults to table style "TableDefault".' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services; $table.Style | Should BeExactly 'TableDefault'; } It 'creates a table with -List parameter.' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services -List; $table.List | Should Be $true; } It 'creates a table by named -Name parameter.' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'TestTable'; $table.Id | Should BeExactly 'TESTTABLE'; $table.Name | Should BeExactly 'TestTable'; } It 'creates a table by named -Name parameter with a space.' { $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'Test Table'; $table.Id | Should BeExactly 'TESTTABLE'; $table.Name | Should BeExactly 'Test Table'; } It 'creates a table by named -Columns parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Columns $columns; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by named -Columns and -Headers parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'TestTable' -Columns $columns -Headers $headers; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by named -Columns, -Headers and -Style parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $styleName = 'TestStyle'; $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'TestTable' -Columns $columns -Headers $headers -Style $styleName; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Style | Should Be $styleName; } It 'creates a table by mismatched named -Headers and -Columns parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name' ); $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'TestTable' -Headers $headers -Columns $columns -WarningAction SilentlyContinue; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'warns with more than 2 columns with named -List parameter.' { $columnWidths = @(100,200,300); $table = Table -Hashtable $services -List -ColumnWidths $columnWidths -WarningAction SilentlyContinue; $table.ColumnWidths | Should BeNullOrEmpty; } It 'creates a table with specified column widths.' { [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary[]] $services = @( [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService1'; ServiceName = 'Test 1'; DisplayName = 'Test Service 1'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService3'; ServiceName = 'Test 3'; DisplayName = 'Test Service 3'; __Style = 'MyRowStyle'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService2'; ServiceName = 'Test 2'; DisplayName = 'Test Service 2'; } ) $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $columnWidths = @(25,35,40); $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'TestTable' -Columns $columns -Headers $headers -ColumnWidths $columnWidths; $table.ColumnWidths[0] | Should Be $columnWidths[0]; $table.ColumnWidths[1] | Should Be $columnWidths[1]; $table.ColumnWidths[2] | Should Be $columnWidths[2]; } It 'creates a table with embedded row style' { [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary[]] $services = @( [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService1'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 1'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 1'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService3'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 3'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 3'; __Style = 'MyRowStyle'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService2'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 2'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 2'; } ) $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'TestTable'; $table.Rows[1].__Style | Should Be 'MyRowStyle'; $table.Columns -notlike '*__Style' | Should Be $true; } It 'creates a table with embedded cell style' { [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary[]] $services = @( [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService1'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 1'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 1'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService3'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 3'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 3'; Name__Style = 'MyCellStyle'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService2'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 2'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 2'; } ) $table = Table -Hashtable $services -Name 'TestTable'; $table.Rows[1].Name__Style | Should Be 'MyCellStyle'; $table.Columns -notlike '*__Style' | Should Be $true; } } #end context Hashtable, By Named Parameter Context 'InputObject, By Positional Parameters.' { $services = Get-Service | Select -First 3; $tableName = 'TestName'; It 'creates a table by positional -Name parameter.' { $table = $services | Table $tableName; $table.Id | Should BeExactly $tableName.ToUpper(); $table.Name | Should BeExactly $tableName; } It 'creates a table by positional -Name parameter with a space.' { $table = $services | Table 'Test Name'; $table.Id | Should BeExactly $tableName.ToUpper(); $table.Name | Should BeExactly 'Test Name'; } It 'creates a table by positional -Name and -Columns parameters.' { $tableName = 'TestName'; $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $table = $services | Table $tableName $columns; $table.Name | Should Be $tableName; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by positional -Name, -Columns and -Headers parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $table = $services | Table $tableName $columns $headers; $table.Name | Should Be $tableName; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by positional -Name, -Columns, -Headers and -Style parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $styleName = 'TestStyle'; $table = $services | Table $tableName $columns $headers $styleName; $table.Name | Should Be $tableName; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Style | Should Be $styleName; } } #end context InputObject, By Positional Parameter Context 'Hashtable, By Positional Parameter.' { $services = @( [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService1'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 1'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 1'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService3'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 3'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 3'; } [ordered] @{ Name = 'TestService2'; 'Service Name' = 'Test 2'; 'Display Name' = 'Test Service 2'; } ) $tableName = 'TestName'; It 'creates a table by positional -Name parameter.' { $table = $services | Table $tableName; $table.Id | Should BeExactly $tableName.ToUpper(); $table.Name | Should BeExactly $tableName; } It 'creates a table by positional -Name parameter with a space.' { $table = $services | Table 'Test Name'; $table.Id | Should BeExactly $tableName.ToUpper(); $table.Name | Should BeExactly 'Test Name'; } It 'creates a table by positional -Name and -Columns parameters.' { $tableName = 'TestName'; $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $table = $services | Table $tableName $columns; $table.Name | Should Be $tableName; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by positional -Name, -Columns and -Headers parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $table = $services | Table $tableName $columns $headers; $table.Name | Should Be $tableName; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; } It 'creates a table by positional -Name, -Columns, -Headers and -Style parameters.' { $columns = @( 'Name', 'ServiceName', 'DisplayName' ); $headers = @( 'Name', 'Service Name', 'Display Name' ); $styleName = 'TestStyle'; $table = $services | Table $tableName $columns $headers $styleName; $table.Name | Should Be $tableName; $table.Columns.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Rows.Count | Should Be 3; $table.Style | Should Be $styleName; } } #end context Hashtable, By Positional Parameter } #end describe table } #end inmodulescope <# Missed commands: File Function Line Command ---- -------- ---- ------- table.ps1 Table 43 Write-Warning ('Table headers specified with no table properties. Headers will be ignored.') table.ps1 Table 43 'Table headers specified with no table properties. Headers will be ignored.' table.ps1 Table 44 $Headers = $Columns table.ps1 Table 65 $Columns = $object.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object Name -notlike '*__Style' | Select-Obje... table.ps1 Table 65 $Columns = $object.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object Name -notlike '*__Style' | Select-Obje... table.ps1 Table 65 $Columns = $object.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object Name -notlike '*__Style' | Select-Obje... table.ps1 Table 85 Write-Warning ('Table columns and column widths do not match. Column widths will be ignored.') table.ps1 Table 85 'Table columns and column widths do not match. Column widths will be ignored.' #> |