Import-Module PScribo -Force; $example7 = Document -Name 'PScribo Example 7' { <# Sections support automatic numbering, i.e. PScribo will automatically generate the section numbers/levels based on the nesting. To turn this on, use the 'GlobalOption' cmdlet. #> GlobalOption -EnableSectionNumbering -MarginTopAndBottom 72 -MarginLeftAndRight 54 Section -Name 'First Section' -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'This section should be labeled as "1 First Section".' } Section -Name 'Second "Styled" Section' -Style Heading1 -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'This section should be labeled as "2 Second Styled Section".' } Section -Name 'Third "Styled" Section' -Style Heading1 -ScriptBlock { Paragraph 'This section should be labeled as "3 Third Section".' Section 'Sub Section' -Style Heading2 { Paragraph 'This section should be labeled as "3.1 Sub Section".' } } } $example7 | Export-Document -Format Html -Path ~\Desktop |