
    Text Plugin

    PScribo supports outputting plain text (.txt) documents.

    PScribo can output plain text formatted documents with multiple file encodings.

    There are some restrictions emposed by plain text documents which means that some PScribo functionality cannot
    either be partially or fully implemented:

    - Table output that cannot fit within the defined text output width with is truncated. This is a restriction of
      the 'Format-Table' cmdlet used to generate table output.
    - Only image links are included in the text output.
    - Headers and footers are not rendered in the output.

    The Text plugin accepts the following output customisation options:

        TextWidth [int] : Sets the default line length used for rendering output. If not specified,
                                      defaults to 120 characters per line. Note: table output is not wrapped.
        HeaderSeparator [char] : Specifies the character used for header breaks. If not specified, defaults to '='.
        SectionSeparator [char] : Specifies the character used for section breaks. If not specified, defaults
                                      to '-'.
        LineBreakSeparator [char] : Specifies the character used for line and page breaks. If not specified,
                                      defaults to '_'.
        SeparatorWidth [int] : Specifies the width of rendered line, page, header and section breaks. If not
                                      specified, defaults to the [TextWidth] value.
        Encoding [string] : Specifies the file encoding to use. Supported values are 'ASCII', 'Unicode',
                                      'UTF7' and 'UTF8'. If not specified, defaults to 'ASCII'.

    Output customisations are passed to the Export-Document cmdlet as a hashtable, e.g.

    PS> $document | Export-Document -Format Text -Options @{ TextWidth = 80 }
