
param (
    [System.String[]] $Format = 'Html',
    [System.String] $Path = '~\Desktop',
    [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $PassThru

Import-Module PScribo -Force -Verbose:$false

$example34 = Document -Name 'PScribo Example 34' {

        Captions can be added to all tables. Note: List tables with a single
        row support table captions (as they output a separate table per row
        and the table numbering is then broken!).

        The default position is below the table, but this can be overridden
        by defining a custom table style using -CaptionLocation 'Above'.

        Table captions are prefixed with the word 'Table'. The prefix can be
        changed by defining a custom table style using the -CaptionPrefix

        Captions can be styled by defining the required style and assigning
        it to the table style's -CaptionStyle parameter.

    $servers = @(
        [Ordered] @{ 'Computer Name' = 'DC1'; 'Domain Name' = 'example.local'; FQDN = 'dc1.example.local'; 'IP Address' = '' }
        [Ordered] @{ 'Computer Name' = 'DC2'; 'Domain Name' = 'example.local'; FQDN = 'dc2.example.local'; 'IP Address' = '' }
        [Ordered] @{ 'Computer Name' = 'DC3'; 'Domain Name' = 'example.local'; FQDN = 'dc3.example.local'; 'IP Address' = '' }

    Table -Hashtable $servers -List -Key 'Computer Name' -Caption '- Server Information'

        The table above, will be rendered like so:

        Computer Name DC1 DC2 DC3
        ------------- --- --- ---
        DomainName example.local example.local example.local
        FQDN dc1.example.local dc2.example.local dc3.example.local

        Table 1 - Server Information

$example34 | Export-Document -Path $Path -Format $Format -PassThru:$PassThru