
Function Expand-PaginationObject {
    Expand a Cumulocity pagination result

    Invoke-CumulocityRequest -Uri "/inventory/managedObjects" -QueryParameters @{ pageSize = 2000 } -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json | Expand-PaginationObject

    Get all managed objects in the platform (rest requests will be done in chunks of 2000)

    $data = Get-MeasurementCollection -Device testDevice -Raw -PageSize 2000 | Expand-PaginationObject

    Get a measurement collection, then retrieve all the measurements by iterating through the pagination object


    # Response from a Cumulocity rest request. It must have the next property.

    # Maximum number of pages to retrieve. If Zero or less, then it will retrieve all of the results
    $MaxPage = 0
  Begin {
    $InputCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

    Function Get-ResultProperty {
        [object] $InputObject
      # Detect the type of c8y object
      $Prop = $null
      if ($null -ne $InputObject.managedObjects) {
        $Prop = "managedObjects"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.operations) {
        $Prop = "operations"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.alarms) {
        $Prop = "alarms"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.measurements) {
        $Prop = "measurements"
      } elseif ($null -ne $ {
        $Prop = "events"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.auditRecords) {
        $Prop = "auditRecords"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.connectors) {
        $Prop = "connectors"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.newDeviceRequests) {
        $Prop = "newDeviceRequests"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.externalIds) {
        $Prop = "externalIds"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.retentionRules) {
        $Prop = "retentionRules"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.groups) {
        $Prop = "groups"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.roles) {
        $Prop = "roles"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.users) {
        $Prop = "users"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.references) {
        $Prop = "references"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.tenants) {
        $Prop = "tenants"
      } elseif ($null -ne $InputObject.options) {
        $Prop = "options"


  Process {
    $null = $InputCollection.Add($InputObject)

  End {
    $ProcessObject = $InputCollection | Select-Object -First 1

    Write-Verbose "Input Collection Count: $($InputCollection.Count)"

    if (($InputCollection.Count -eq 0) -or (($InputCollection.Count -gt 1) -and !$InputCollection[0].next)) {
      Write-Warning "Input object is not a Cumulocity Pagination Object"

    $ResultCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

    $Result = $ProcessObject

    $Prop = Get-ResultProperty -InputObject $Result
    if ($Result.$Prop -is [array]) {
      $null = $ResultCollection.AddRange($Result.$Prop)
    } else {
      $null = $ResultCollection.Add($Result.$Prop)

    $Iteration = 1

    $Done = $false

    if ($ {
      while (!$Done) {
        Write-Verbose "Requesting next item: (iteration $Iteration)"
        $Result = Invoke-CumulocityRequest -Method Get -Uri $ -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        # Detect the type of c8y object
        $Prop = Get-ResultProperty -InputObject $Result

        if ($null -eq $Prop)
          Write-Warning "Could not find the array object property. Only alarms, events, managedObjects, measurments and operations properties are supported"
          Write-Verbose "Found array object property [$Prop]"

        if ($Result -and $Prop) {
          if ($Result.$Prop -is [array]) {
            $null = $ResultCollection.AddRange($Result.$Prop)
          } else {
            $null = $ResultCollection.Add($Result.$Prop)

        $Done = !$Result -or !$ -or ($Result.$Prop.Count -eq 0) `
          -or ($MaxPage -gt 0 -and $Iteration -ge $MaxPage) `
          -or ($Result.$Prop.Count -lt $Result.statistics.pageSize)
        $Iteration += 1
