Function Invoke-Command { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string] $Noun, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string] $Verb, [hashtable] $Parameters, [string] $Type = "c8y.item", [string] $ItemType, [string] $ResultProperty, [switch] $IncludeAll, [switch] $Raw ) $args = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $null = $args.Add($Noun) $null = $args.Add($Verb) foreach ($iKey in $Parameters.Keys) { $Value = $Parameters[$iKey] foreach ($iValue in $Value) { if ("$Value" -notmatch "^$") { $key = $iKey[0].ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + $iKey.SubString(1) if ($Value -is [bool] -and $Value) { $null = $args.AddRange(@("--${key}")) } else { if ($key -eq "data") { # due to cli parsing, data needs to be sent using "=" $null = $args.AddRange(@("--${key}", $Value)) } else { $null = $args.Add("--${key}=$Value") } } } } } $null = $args.Add("--pretty=false") if ($WhatIfPreference) { $null = $args.Add("--dry") } if ($VerbosePreference) { $null = $args.Add("--verbose") } # Include all pagination results if ($IncludeAll) { $null = $args.Add("--all") } $null = $args.Add("--raw") $c8ycli = Get-CumulocityBinary Write-Verbose ("$c8ycli {0}" -f $args -join " ") try { $RawResponse = & $c8ycli $args } catch { Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message # do nothing, due to remote powershell session issue and $ErrorActionPreference being set to 'Stop' # } $ExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE if ($ExitCode -ne 0) { try { $errormessage = $RawResponse | Select-Object -First 1 | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Error ("{0}: {1}" -f @( $errormessage.error, $errormessage.message )) } catch { Write-Error "c8y command failed. $RawResponse" } return } $isJSON = $false try { $response = $RawResponse | ConvertFrom-Json $isJSON = $true } catch { # ignore json errors, because sometimes the response is not we want # to return it anyways } # Return quickly if a non-json response is detected if (!$isJSON) { Write-Verbose "non-json response detected" $global:_rawdata = $RawResponse $global:_data = $null $RawResponse return } $NestedData = Get-NestedProperty -InputObject $response -Name $ResultProperty if ($ResultProperty -and $ItemType) { $null = $NestedData ` | Select-Object ` | Add-PowershellType $ItemType } if ($response -and $Type) { $null = $response ` | Select-Object ` | Add-PowershellType $Type } $ReturnRawData = $Raw -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResultProperty) -or ( $Parameters.ContainsKey("WithTotalPages") -and $Parameters["WithTotalPages"] ) if ($response.statistics.pageSize) { Write-Verbose ("Statistics: currentPage={2}, pageSize={0}, totalPages={1}" -f @( $response.statistics.pageSize, $response.statistics.totalPages, $response.statistics.currentPage )) } if ($NestedData) { $null = Add-Member -InputObject $NestedData -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PSStatistics" -Value @{ pageSize = $response.statistics.pageSize totalPages = $response.statistics.totalPages currentPage = $response.statistics.currentPage } } # Save last value for easier recall on command line $global:_rawdata = $response $global:_data = $null if ($null -ne $NestedData -or $NestedData.Count -ge 0) { $global:_data = $NestedData } if ($ReturnRawData -or ($null -eq $NestedData -and $null -eq $NestedData.Count)) { $response } else { $NestedData } } |