<# .SYNOPSIS Remove phone numbers from a user's zoom phone account. .PARAMETER UserId Unique number used to locate Zoom Phone User account. .PARAMETER Number Specific phone number to be unassigned from zoom user. Use following command to get a list of phone numbers assigned to a user. Get-ZoomPhoneUser .PARAMETER AllNumbers Removes all phones numbers assigned to zoom user. .OUTPUTS No output. Can use Passthru switch to pass UserId to output. .EXAMPLE Remove-ZoomPhoneUserNumber -UserId -PhoneNumber +18011011101 .EXAMPLE Remove-ZoomPhoneUserNumber -UserId -PhoneNumber 18011011101 .EXAMPLE Remove-ZoomPhoneUserNumber -UserId -AllNumbers .LINK #> function Remove-ZoomPhoneUserNumber { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True, DefaultParameterSetName="SingleNumber" )] Param( # -UserID [parameter(ParameterSetName="SingleNumber")] [parameter(ParameterSetName="AllNumbers")] [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position = 0 )] [ValidateLength(1, 128)] [Alias('Email', 'Emails', 'EmailAddress', 'EmailAddresses', 'Id', 'ids', 'user_id', 'user', 'users', 'userids')] [string[]]$UserId, # -Number [parameter(ParameterSetName="SingleNumber", Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )] [Alias('Phone_Number')] [ValidateScript({(($_ -match "^\+[0-9]+$") -or ($_ -match "^[0-9]+$"))})] [string]$Number, # -AllNumbers [parameter(ParameterSetName="AllNumbers")] [switch]$AllNumbers, # -Passthru [parameter(ParameterSetName="SingleNumber")] [parameter(ParameterSetName="AllNumbers")] [switch]$PassThru ) process { foreach ($user in $UserId) { $ZoomUserInfo = Get-ZoomPhoneUser -UserId $user -ErrorAction Stop $VerifiedNumbersToBeRemoved = $ZoomUserInfo | Select-Object -ExpandProperty phone_numbers if ($Number) { if ($Number -match "^[0-9]+") { $Number = "{0}$Number" -f '+' } $VerifiedNumbersToBeRemoved = $ZoomUserInfo | Select-Object -ExpandProperty phone_numbers | Where-Object number -eq $Number if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VerifiedNumbersToBeRemoved)) { throw "The number provided is not assigned to user. Number: $Number" } } $VerifiedNumbersToBeRemoved | ForEach-Object { $Request = [System.UriBuilder]"https://api.$ZoomURI/v2/phone/users/$user/phone_numbers/$($" $Message = @" Method: DELETE URI: $($Request | Select-Object -ExpandProperty URI | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AbsoluteUri) Body: $RequestBody "@ if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Message, $User, "Remove $Number")) { $response = Invoke-ZoomRestMethod -Uri $request.Uri -Method DELETE if (-not $PassThru) { Write-Output $response } } } } if ($PassThru) { Write-Output $UserId } } } |