<# .SYNOPSIS Updates a Zoom meeting poll. .DESCRIPTION Updates a Zoom meeting poll. .PARAMETER MeetingId The meeting ID. .PARAMETER PollId The poll ID. .PARAMETER Title Poll title. .PARAMETER Questions Array of questions. All elements should be HashTable. Requires three keys: [string]name - Question name [string]type - Question type single - Single choice multiple - Multiple choice [string[]]answers - Answers of the question Example: $Questions = @( @{name = 'Favorite number?'; type = 'multiple'; answers = @('1', '2', '3')}, @{name = 'Favorite letter?'; type = 'multiple'; answers = @('a', 'b', 'c')} ) Can also pass New-ZoomMeetingPollQuestion as an array. Example: $Questions = @( (New-ZoomMeetingPollQuestion -Name 'Favorite Number?' -type 'multiple' -answers '1','2','3'), (New-ZoomMeetingPollQuestion -Name 'Favorite letter??' -type 'multiple' -answers 'a','b','c') ) .EXAMPLE $Questions = @( (New-ZoomMeetingPollQuestion -Name 'Favorite Number?' -type 'multiple' -answers '1','2','3'), (New-ZoomMeetingPollQuestion -Name 'Favorite letter??' -type 'multiple' -answers 'a','b','c') ) Update-ZoomMeetingPoll 123456789 -PollId zKbEaqMKeU3soLJ7noFBR8 -Title 'Favorite numbers and letters' -Questions $Questions #> function Update-ZoomMeetingPoll { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position = 0 )] [Alias('meeting_id')] [string]$MeetingId, [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, Position = 0 )] [Alias('poll_id')] [string]$PollId, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [string]$Title, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [System.Collections.IDictionary[]]$Questions ) process { $Request = [System.UriBuilder]"https://api.$ZoomURI/v2/meetings/$MeetingId/polls/$PollId" $requestBody = @{} if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Title')) { $requestBody.Add('title', $Title) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Questions')) { $Items = @($Questions.ForEach( { @{ name = [string]$ type = ([string]$_.type).ToLower() # "single" or "multiple" answers = [string[]]@($_.answers) } })) $RequestBody.Add('questions', $Items) } $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestBody -Depth 10 #Uses -Depth because the questions.answers array is flattened without it. $response = Invoke-ZoomRestMethod -Uri $request.Uri -Body $requestBody -Method PUT Write-Output $response } } |