
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$latestSession = $null


function New-JsonrpcRequest($method, $params, $auth = $null)
    if ($params.output -eq $null -and $method -like "*.get")
        $params["output"] = "extend"

    return ConvertTo-Json @{
        jsonrpc = "2.0"
        method = $method
        params = $params
        id = 1
        auth = $auth
    } -Depth 20

function Get-ApiVersion($Session)
    $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $session.Uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body (new-JsonrpcRequest "apiinfo.version" @{})

function New-ApiSession
    Create a new authenticated session which can be used to call the Zabbix REST API.
    It must be called all other functions. It returns the actual session object, but usually
    this object is not needed as the module caches and reuses the latest successful session.
    The validity of the credentials is checked and an error is thrown if not.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The session object.
    PS> New-ZbxApiSession "http://myserver/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php" (Get-Credentials MyAdminLogin)
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    Auth 2cce0ad0fac0a5da348fdb70ae9b233b
    Uri http://myserver/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php
    WARNING : Connected to Zabbix version 3.2.1

        # The Zabbix REST endpoint. It should be like "http://myserver/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php".
        [uri] $ApiUri, 
        # The credentials used to authenticate. Use Get-Credential to create this object.
        # If this switch is used, the information message "connected to..." will not be displayed.
    $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ApiUri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body (new-JsonrpcRequest "user.login" @{user = $auth.UserName; password = $auth.GetNetworkCredential().Password})
    if ($r -eq $null -or $r.result -eq $null -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($r.result))
        Write-Error -Message "Session could not be opened"
    $script:latestSession = @{Uri = $ApiUri; Auth = $r.result}

    $ver = Get-ApiVersion -Session $script:latestSession
    $vers = $ver.split(".")
    if ( ($vers[0] -lt 2) -or ($vers[0] -eq 2 -and $vers[1] -lt 4))
        Write-Warning "PSZabbix has not been tested with this version of Zabbix ${ver}. Tested version are >= 2.4. It should still work but be warned."
    if (-not $Silent)
        Write-Warning "Connected to Zabbix version ${ver}"

function Invoke-ZabbixApi($session, $method, $parameters = @{})
    if ($session -eq $null) { $session = $latestSession }
    if ($session -eq $null)
        Write-Error -Message "No session is opened. Call New-ZabbixApiSession before or pass a previously retrieved session object as a parameter."

    $r = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $session.Uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body (new-JsonrpcRequest $method $parameters $session.Auth)
    if ($r.error -ne $null)
        Write-Error -Message "$($r.error.message) $($" -ErrorId $r.error.code
        return $r.result


Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
   public enum ZbxStatus
      Enabled = 0,
      Disabled = 1

function Get-Host
    Retrieve and filter hosts.
    Query all hosts (not templates) with basic filters, or get all hosts.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixHost objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxHost
    hostid host name status
    ------ ---- ---- ------
    10084 Zabbix server Zabbix server Enabled
    10105 Agent Mongo 1 Agent Mongo 1 Enabled
    PS> Get-ZbxHost -Id 10084
    hostid host name status
    ------ ---- ---- ------
    10084 Zabbix server Zabbix server Enabled
    PS> Get-ZbxHost "Agent*"
    hostid host name status
    ------ ---- ---- ------
    10105 Agent Mongo 1 Agent Mongo 1 Enabled
    10106 Agent Mongo 2 Agent Mongo 2 Enabled

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        # Only retrieve the items with the given ID(s).
        [int[]] $Id,
        # Only retrieve items which belong to the given group(s).
        [int[]] $HostGroupId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("HostName")]
        # Filter by hostname. Accepts wildcard.
        [string] $Name
    $prms = @{search= @{}; searchWildcardsEnabled = 1; selectInterfaces = @("interfaceid", "ip", "dns"); selectParentTemplates = 1}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["hostids"] = $Id}
    if ($HostGroupId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["groupids"] = $GroupId}
    if ($Name -ne $null) {$prms["search"]["name"] = $Name}
    Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "host.get" $prms |% {$_.status = [ZbxStatus]$_.status; $_.hostid = [int]$_.hostid; $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixHost"); $_}

function New-Host
    Create a new host.
    Create a new host.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixHost object created.
    PS> New-ZbxHost -Name "mynewhostname$(Get-Random)" -HostGroupId 2 -TemplateId 10108 -Dns localhost
    hostid host name status
    ------ ---- ---- ------
    10084 mynewhostname321 mynewhostname Enabled
    Contrary to other New-* functions inside this module, this method does not take pipe input.
    This is inconsistent and needs to be changed.

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        # The name of the new host (not the visible name)
        [string] $Name,

        # The name as displayed in the interface. Defaults to Name.
        [string] $VisibleName,

        # A description of the new host.
        [string] $Description = $null,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Ids")]
        # The groups the new host should belong to.
        [int[]] $HostGroupId,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Objects")]
        # The groups the new host should belong to.
        [PSCustomObject[]] $HostGroup,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Ids")]
        # The templates the new host should belong to.
        [int[]] $TemplateId,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Objects")]
        # The templates the new host should belong to.
        [PSCustomObject[]] $Template,

        # An optional map of inventory properties
        $Inventory = @{},

        # The DNS or IP address to use to contact the host
        [string] $Dns,

        # The port to use to use to contact the host. Default is 10050.
        [int] $Port = 10050,

        # Should the newly created host be enabled? Default is true.
        [ZbxStatus] $Status = [ZbxStatus]::Enabled,

        # The ID of the proxy to use. Default is no proxy.
        [int] $ProxyId

    $isIp = 0
    try { [ipaddress]$Dns; $isIp = 1} catch {}

    if ($Hostgroupid -ne $null)
        $HostGroup = @()
        $HostGroupId |% { $HostGroup += @{"groupid" = $_} }
    if ($TemplateId -ne $null)
        $Template = @()
        $TemplateId |% { $Template += @{"templateid" = $_} }

    $prms = @{
        host = $Name
        name = if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VisibleName)) { $null } else { $VisibleName }
        description = $Description
        interfaces = @( @{
            type = 1
            main = 1
            useip = $isIp
            dns = if ($isIp -eq 1) { "" } else { $Dns }
            ip = if ($isIp -eq 0) { "" } else { $Dns }
            port = $Port
        groups = $HostGroup
        templates = $Template
        inventory_mode = 0
        inventory = $Inventory
        status = [int]$Status
        proxy_hostid = if ($ProxyId -eq $null) { "" } else { $ProxyId }

    $r = Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "host.create" $prms
    Get-Host -session $s -Id $r.hostids

function Remove-Host
    Remove one or more hosts from Zabbix.
    Removal is immediate.
    This function accepts ZabbixHost objects or host IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -HostId parameter.
    The ID of the removed objects.
    Remove all hosts
    PS> Get-ZbxHost | Remove-ZbxHost

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("Id")]
        # The ID of one or more hosts to remove. You can also pipe a ZabbixHost object or any object with a hostid or id property.

        $prms = @()
        $prms += $HostId 
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "host.delete" $prms | select -ExpandProperty hostids

function Enable-Host
    Enable one or more hosts from Zabbix.
    Simple change of the status of the host. Idempotent.
    This function accepts ZabbixHost objects or host IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -HostId parameter.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    Enable all hosts
    PS> Get-ZbxHost | Enable-ZbxHost

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)][Alias("Id", "Host")]
        # The ID of one or more hosts to enable. You can also pipe a ZabbixHost object or any object with a hostid or id property.
        $ids = @()
         $HostId |% {$ids += @{hostid = $_}}
        if ($ids.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "host.massupdate" @{hosts=$ids; status=0} | select -ExpandProperty hostids

function Disable-Host
    Disable one or more hosts from Zabbix.
    Simple change of the status of the host. Idempotent.
    This function accepts ZabbixHost objects or host IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -HostId parameter.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    Disable all hosts
    PS> Get-ZbxHost | Disable-ZbxHost

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)][Alias("Id", "Host")]
        # The ID of one or more hosts to disable. You can also pipe a ZabbixHost object or any object with a hostid or id property.
        $ids = @()
        $HostId |% {$ids += @{hostid = $_}}
        if ($ids.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "host.massupdate" @{hosts=$ids; status=1} | select -ExpandProperty hostids

function Add-HostGroupMembership
    Make a host (or multiple hosts) member of one or more host groups.
    This is additional: existing membership to other groups are not changed.
    This function accepts ZabbixHost objects from the pipe. Equivalent to using -Host parameter.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    PS> Get-ZbxHost | Add-ZbxHostGroupMembership (Get-ZbxGroup group1),(Get-ZbxGroup group2)
    Add two groups to all hosts

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)][ValidateScript({ $_.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'ZabbixHost'})][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        # The host or hostid to add to the hostgroup.

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        # The Host is added to this list of one or more hostgroups.
        $grpids = @($HostGroup |% {@{groupid = $_.groupid}} )
        $prms = @{hosts = @(); groups = $grpids}
        $prms["hosts"] += $Host.hostid
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "host.massadd" $prms | select -ExpandProperty hostids

function Remove-HostGroupMembership
    Remove a host (or multiple hosts) as a member of one or more host groups.
    This is additional: existing membership to other groups are not changed.
    This function accepts ZabbixHost objects from the pipe. Equivalent to using -Host parameter.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    PS> Get-ZbxHost | Remove-ZbxHostGroupMembership (Get-ZbxGroup group1),(Get-ZbxGroup group2)
    Make sure no host is member of two specified groups.

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)][ValidateScript({ $_.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'ZabbixHost'})][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        # The host or hostid to remove from the hostgroup(s).

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ValidateScript({ $_.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'ZabbixGroup'})]
        # The Host is removed from this list of one or more hostgroups.
        $grpids = @($HostGroup |% {$_.groupid} )
        $prms = @{hostids = @(); groupids = $grpids}
        $prms["hostids"] += $Host.hostid
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "host.massremove" $prms | select -ExpandProperty hostids

function Update-Host
    Update the attributes of one or more existing Zabbix Hosts.
    Please note that this method actually updates all attributes of the host, even if they were not changed.
    This is first and foremost made to update direct attributes. To update linked linked objects like templates or interfaces, it is often more practical to use the dedicated cmdlets.
    This function accepts ZabbixHost objects, on pipe or as argument.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    Sets a new description for all hosts.
    PS> Get-ZbxHost |% { $ = "toto"; $_ } | Update-ZbxHost

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'ZabbixHost'})][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        # One or more hosts to update.
        $Hosts = @()
        $Hosts += $Host
        if ($Hosts.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "host.update" $Hosts | select -ExpandProperty hostids


function Get-Template
    Retrieve and filter templates.
    Query all templates (not hosts) with basic filters, or get all templates.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixTemplate objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxHost
    templateid name description
    ---------- ---- -----------
    10001 Template OS Linux
    10047 Template App Zabbix Server
    10048 Template App Zabbix Proxy
    10050 Template App Zabbix Agent
    PS> Get-ZbxHost -Id 10001
    templateid name description
    ---------- ---- -----------
    10001 Template OS Linux

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        # Only retrieve the template with the given ID.
        [int[]] $Id,
        # Only retrieve remplates which belong to the given group(s).
        [int[]] $GroupId,

        # Only retrieve templates which are linked to the given hosts
        [int[]] $HostId,

        # Only retrieve templates which are children of the given parent template(s)
        [int[]] $ParentId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("TemplateName")]
        # Filter by name. Accepts wildcard.
        [string] $Name
    $prms = @{search= @{}; searchWildcardsEnabled=1}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["templateids"] = $Id}
    if ($GroupId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["groupids"] = $GroupId}
    if ($HostId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["hostids"] = $HostId}
    if ($Name -ne $null) {$prms["search"]["name"] = $Name}
    Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "template.get"  $prms |% {$_.templateid = [int]$_.templateid; $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixTemplate"); $_}

function Remove-Template
    Remove one or more templates from Zabbix.
    Removal is immediate.
    This function accepts ZabbixTemplate objects or template IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -TemplateId parameter.
    The ID of the removed objects.
    Remove all templates
    PS> Get-ZbxTemplate | Remove-ZbxTemplate

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("Template")]
        # The templates to remove. Either template objects (with a templateid property) or directly IDs.

        $prms = @()
        $prms += $TemplateId 
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "template.delete" $prms | select -ExpandProperty templateids


#region host groups
function Get-HostGroup
    Retrieve and filter host groups.
    Query all host groups with basic filters, or get all host groups.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixHostGroup objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxHostGroup "Linux*"
    groupid internal flags name
    ------- -------- ----- ----
          1 0 0 Linux Group 1
          2 0 0 Linux Group 2
    PS> Get-ZbxHostGroup
    groupid internal flags name
    ------- -------- ----- ----
          1 0 0 Templates
          2 0 0 Linux servers
          4 0 0 Zabbix servers
    PS> Get-ZbxHostGroup -Id 1
    groupid internal flags name
    ------- -------- ----- ----
          1 0 0 Templates

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,
        # Only retrieve the groups with the given ID(s)
        [int[]] $Id, 
        # Only retrieve the groups which contain the given host(s)
        [int[]] $HostId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("GroupName")]
        # Filter by name. Accepts wildcard.
        [string] $Name
    $prms = @{search= @{}; searchWildcardsEnabled = 1; selectHosts = 1}
    if ($HostId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["hostids"] = $HostId}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["groupids"] = $Id}
    if ($Name -ne $null) {$prms["search"]["name"] = $Name}
    Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "hostgroup.get"  $prms |% {$_.groupid = [int]$_.groupid; $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixGroup"); $_}

function New-HostGroup
    Create a new host group.
    Create a new host group.
    This function accepts a ZabbixHostGroup as pipe input, or any object which properties map the function parameters.
    The ZabbixHostGroup object created.
    PS> New-ZbxHostGroup "newgroupname1","newgroupname2"
    groupid internal flags name
    ------- -------- ----- ----
         13 0 0 newgroupname1
         14 0 0 newgroupname2
    PS> "newgroupname1","newgroupname2" | New-ZbxHostGroup
    groupid internal flags name
    ------- -------- ----- ----
         13 0 0 newgroupname1
         14 0 0 newgroupname2

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("HostGroupName")]
        # The name of the new group (one or more separated by commas)
        [string[]] $Name
        $prms = @()
        $Name |% { $prms += @{name = $_} }
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        $r = Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "hostgroup.create" $prms
        Get-HostGroup -Session $s -Id $r.groupids

function Remove-HostGroup
    Remove one or more host groups from Zabbix.
    Removal is immediate.
    This function accepts ZabbixHostGroup objects or host group IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -HostGroupId parameter.
    The ID of the removed objects.
    Remove all groups
    PS> Get-ZbxHostGroup | Remove-ZbxHostGroup

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("Id", "GroupId")]
        # ID of one or more groups to remove. You can also pipe in objects with an "ID" of "groupid" property.

        $prms = @()
        $prms += $HostGroupId 
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "hostgroup.delete" $prms | select -ExpandProperty groupids


Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
   public enum ZbxGuiAccess
      WithDefaultAuthenticationMethod = 0,
      WithInternalAuthentication = 1,
      Disabled = 2

function Get-UserGroup
    Retrieve and filter user groups.
    Query all user groups with basic filters, or get all user groups.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixUserGroup objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxUserGroup "*admin*"
    usrgrpid count name
    -------- ----- ----
           7 1 Zabbix administrators
    PS> Get-ZbxUserGroup
    usrgrpid count name
    -------- ----- ----
           7 1 Zabbix administrators
           8 4 Guests
           9 0 Disabled
    PS> Get-ZbxUserGroup -Id 7
    usrgrpid count name
    -------- ----- ----
           7 1 Zabbix administrators

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][Alias("UserGroupId", "UsrGrpId")]
        # Only retrieve the usergroup with the given ID
        [int[]] $Id,
        # Only retrieve groups which contain the given users
        [int[]] $UserId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("UserGroupName")]
        # Filter by name. Accepts wildcard.
        [string] $Name
    $prms = @{searchWildcardsEnabled=1; selectUsers= 1; selectRights = 1; search= @{}}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["usrgrpids"] = $Id}
    if ($UserId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["userids"] = $UserId}
    if ($Name -ne $null) {$prms["search"]["name"] = $Name}
    Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "usergroup.get"  $prms |% {$_.usrgrpid = [int]$_.usrgrpid; $_.users_status = [ZbxStatus]$_.users_status; $_.debug_mode = [ZbxStatus]$_.debug_mode; $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixUserGroup"); $_}

function New-UserGroup
    Create a new user group.
    Create a new user group.
    This function accepts a ZabbixUserGroup as pipe input, or any object which properties map the function parameters.
    The ZabbixUserGroup object created.
    PS> New-ZbxUserGroup "newgroupname1","newgroupname2"
    usrgrpid count name
    -------- ----- ----
           7 1 newgroupname1
           8 1 newgroupname2
    PS> "newgroupname1","newgroupname2" | New-ZbxUserGroup
    usrgrpid count name
    -------- ----- ----
           7 1 newgroupname1
           8 1 newgroupname2

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("UserGroupName")]
        # The name of the new group (one or more separated by commas)
        [string[]] $Name,

        # Status of the new group. Default is enabled.
        $Status = [ZbxStatus]::Enabled,

        # If members have access to the GUI. Default is WithDefaultAuthenticationMethod.
        $GuiAccess = [ZbxGuiAccess]::WithDefaultAuthenticationMethod
        $prms = @()
        $Name |% { $prms += @{name = $_; gui_access = [int]$GuiAccess; users_status = [int]$Status} }
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        $r = Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "usergroup.create" $prms
        Get-UserGroup -Session $s -Id $r.usrgrpids

function Remove-UserGroup
    Remove one or more user groups from Zabbix.
    Removal is immediate.
    This function accepts ZabbixUserGroup objects or user group IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -UserGroupId parameter.
    The ID of the removed objects.
    Remove all groups
    PS> Get-ZbxUserGroup | Remove-ZbxUserGroup

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("UsrGrpId", "UserGroup", "Id")]
        # Id of one or more groups to remove. You can also pipe in objects with an "Id" of "usrgrpid" property.

        $prms = @()
        $prms += $UserGroupId 
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "usergroup.delete" $prms | select -ExpandProperty usrgrpids

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
   public enum ZbxPermission
      Clear = -1,
      Deny = 0,
      ReadOnly = 2,
      ReadWrite = 3

function Add-UserGroupPermission
    Set permissions for user groups on host groups.
    Add, modify or remove permissions granted to one or more user groups on one or more host groups.
    This is idempotent.
    This is additional: existing permissions on host groups not mentionned in -HostGroup are not modified.
    This function accepts ZabbixUserGroup objects from the pipe. Equivalent to using -UserGroup parameter.
    The ID of the modified objects.
    PS> $usergroup11,$usergroup2 | Add-ZbxUserGroupPermission $hostgroup1,$hostgroup2 ReadWrite
    There is no Remove-UserGroupPermission, as this method with -Permission Clear actually removes a permission.

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][ValidateScript({ $_.groupid -ne $null})][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        # The host group(s) to add to the user group.

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=2)][ValidateScript({ $_.usrgrpid -ne $null})][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
        # The user groups to add permissions to. Can come from the pipe.

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        # The permission to grant on the specified groups. "Clear" means any rule concerning these groups will be removed from the user groups.
        [ZbxPermission] $Permission
        $newRights = if ($Permission -eq [ZbxPermission]::Clear) {@()} else {@($HostGroup |% {@{id = $_.groupid; permission = [int]$Permission}} )}
        $HostGroupIds = @($HostGroup | select -ExpandProperty groupid) 
        $usrgrpids = @()
        $prms = @()
        $usrgrpids += $UserGroup.usrgrpid
        # Note: there is no usergroup.massremove verb in the API. And the usergroup.massadd method cannot update existing permissions.
        # So we have to use the normal "update" verb. To do so we need to collect existing permissions and alter them.
        # This is done in "end" and not in "process" so as to make a single GET API request to fetch existing rights - much faster.

        if ($usrgrpids.Count -eq 0) { return }

        foreach ($usergroup in (Get-UserGroup -Id $usrgrpids))
            # First filter existing permissions - do not touch permissions which are not about the $HostGroups
            $rights = @()
            foreach($right in $usergroup.rights)
                if (-not($ -in $HostGroupIds))
                    $rights += $right
            # Then add permissions for $HostGroups
            $rights += $newRights

            # Finaly create the update object
            $prms += @{usrgrpid = $usergroup.usrgrpid; rights = $rights}

        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "usergroup.update" $prms | select -ExpandProperty usrgrpids

function Enable-UserGroup
    Enable one or more user groups.
    Simple change of the status of the group. Idempotent.
    This function accepts ZabbixuserGroup objects or user group IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -UserGroupId parameter.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    Enable all user groups
    PS> Get-ZbxUserGroup | Enable-ZbxUserGroup

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)][Alias("Id", "UserGroup", "GroupId", "UsrGrpId")]
        # The ID of one or more user groups to enable. You can also pipe a ZabbixUserGroup object or any object with a usrgrpid or id property.
        $ids = @()
         $ids += $UserGroupId
        if ($ids.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "usergroup.massupdate" @{usrgrpids=$ids; users_status=0} | select -ExpandProperty usrgrpids

function Disable-UserGroup
    Disable one or more user groups.
    Simple change of the status of the group. Idempotent.
    This function accepts ZabbixuserGroup objects or user group IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -UserGroupId parameter.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    Disable all user groups
    PS> Get-ZbxUserGroup | Disable-ZbxUserGroup

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)][Alias("Id", "UserGroup", "GroupId", "UsrGrpId")]
        # The ID of one or more user groups to disable. You can also pipe a ZabbixUserGroup object or any object with a usrgrpid or id property.
        $ids = @()
         $ids += $UserGroupId
        if ($ids.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "usergroup.massupdate" @{usrgrpids=$ids; users_status=1} | select -ExpandProperty usrgrpids


function Get-User
    Retrieve and filter users.
    Query all users with basic filters, or get all users.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixUser objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxUser "marsu*"
    userid alias name surname usrgrpsnames
    ------ ----- ---- ------- ------------
         1 marsu1 Zabbix Administrator Zabbix administrators
         2 marsu2 Guests
    PS> Get-ZbxUser
    userid alias name surname usrgrpsnames
    ------ ----- ---- ------- ------------
         1 Admin Zabbix Administrator Zabbix administrators
         2 guest Guests
    PS> Get-ZbxUser -Id 1
    userid alias name surname usrgrpsnames
    ------ ----- ---- ------- ------------
         1 Admin Zabbix Administrator Zabbix administrators

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][Alias("UserId")]
        # Only retrieve the user with the given ID
        [int[]] $Id,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true )][Alias("UsergrpId")]
        # Only retrieve users which belong to these user groups
        [int[]] $UserGroupId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("UserName")]
        # Filter by name. Accepts wildcard.
        [string] $Name
    $prms = @{selectUsrgrps = "extend"; getAccess = 1; search= @{}; searchWildcardsEnabled = 1}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["userids"] = $Id}
    if ($UserGroupId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["usrgrpids"] = $UserGroupId}
    if ($Name -ne $null) {$prms["search"]["alias"] = $Name}
    Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "user.get"  $prms |% {$_.userid = [int]$_.userid; $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixUser"); $_}

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
   public enum ZbxUserType
      User = 1,

function New-User
    Create a new user.
    Create a new user.
    This function accepts a ZabbixUser as pipe input, or any object which properties map the function parameters.
    The ZabbixUser object created.
    PS> New-ZbxUser -Alias "login1" -name "marsu" -UserGroupId (get-zbxgroup "GROUPNAME*").id
    userid alias name surname usrgrpsnames
    ------ ----- ---- ------- ------------
        19 login1 marsu GROUPNAME1,GROUPNAME2,GROUPNAME3
    Create a user from scratch.
    PS> $u = New-ZbxUser -Alias "login1" -name "marsu" -UserGroupId (get-zbxgroup "GROUPNAME*").id
    PS> $u | new-user -alias "login2"
    userid alias name surname usrgrpsnames
    ------ ----- ---- ------- ------------
        20 login2 marsu GROUPNAME1,GROUPNAME2,GROUPNAME3
    Copy a user.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "")]
        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "login_withgroupid")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "login_withgroupobject")]
        # Login of the new user. Must be unique.
        [string] $Alias,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "login_withgroupid")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "login_withgroupobject")]
        [Alias("Pwd", "passwd")]
        # Password of the new user. If not specified, a long random string is used (useful if authenticated
        # against a LDAP, as in that case the internal Zabbix password is not used).
        [string] $Password = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "pscred_withgroupid")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "pscred_withgroupobject")]
        # A Credential (from Get-Credential or other source) object containing both login and password for the new user.
        [PSCredential][System.Management.Automation.Credential()] $Credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        # Display name of the new user. If not given, the Alias is used.
        [string] $Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true )]
        # Type of user. Default is simple user.
        [ZbxUserType] $UserType = [ZbxUserType]::User,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "login_withgroupid")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "pscred_withgroupid")]
        # The ID of the groups the new user belongs to.
        [int[]] $UserGroupId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "login_withgroupobject")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, ParameterSetName = "pscred_withgroupobject")]
        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ValidateScript({ $_.usrgrpid -ne $null})]
        # The groups the new user belongs to.
        [object[]] $UserGroup,

        # Mail adress to send alerts to
        [string] $MailAddress,

        # A severity mask for alerts. Only used if $MailAdress is specified. Default is Disaster,High
        [ZbxSeverity] $AlertOn = [ZbxSeverity]::Disaster -bor [ZbxSeverity]::High

        $prms = @()
        $media = @()
        if ($MailAddress -ne $null) 
            $media += @{
                mediatypeid = @(Get-MediaType -Type email)[0].mediatypeid
                sendto = $MailAddress
                active = [int][ZbxStatus]::Enabled
                severity = $AlertOn
                period = "1-7,00:00-24:00"
        $usergrps = @()
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in "login_withgroupid", "pscred_withgroupid")
            $UserGroupId |% { $usergrps += @{usrgrpid = $_} }
            $usergrps += $UserGroup

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in "pscred_withgroupid", "pscred_withgroupobject")
            $Alias = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
            $Pp = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

        $prms += @{
            alias = $Alias
            name = if ($Name -ne $null) { $Name } else {$Alias}
            type = [int]$UserType
            passwd = if ($Password -ne $null) {$Password} else { "" + (Get-Random -Maximum ([long]::MaxValue)) }
            usrgrps = $usergrps
            user_medias = $media
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        $id = Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "user.create"  $prms
        Get-User -Session $Session -Id $id.userids

function Remove-User
    Remove one or more users from Zabbix.
    Removal is immediate.
    This function accepts ZabbixUser objects or user IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -UserId parameter.
    The ID of the removed objects.
    Remove all users
    PS> Get-ZbxUser | Remove-ZbxUser

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("User", "Id")]
        # One or more users to remove. Either user objects (with a userid property) or directly IDs.
        [int[]] $UserId

        $prms = @()
        $prms += $UserId 
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "user.delete"  $prms | select -ExpandProperty userids

function Add-UserGroupMembership
    Make a user (or multiple users) member of one or more user groups.
    This is additional: existing membership to other groups are not changed.
    This function accepts ZabbixUser objects or user IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -UserId parameter.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    PS> Get-ZbxUser | Add-ZbxUserGroupMembership (Get-ZbxUserGroup group1),(Get-ZbxUserGroup group2)
    Add two groups to all users.
    Very slow when modifying many users as there is no "mass update" API for this operation in Zabbix.

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][Alias("Id", "User")]
        # User to add to the group
        [int[]] $UserId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Objects", Position=0)][ValidateScript({ $_.usrgrpid -ne $null})]
        # Group to add the user to
        [PSCustomObject[]] $UserGroup,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Ids",Position=0)]
        # Group to add the user to
        [int[]] $UserGroupId

        $prms = @()
        $groupids = @()
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Objects")
            $UserGroup |% { $groupids += $_.usrgrpid}
             $groupids += $UserGroupId
        foreach ($uid in $UserId)
            $User = Get-User -session $s -id $uid
            $grps = @()
            $existingGid = @($User.usrgrps.usrgrpid)
            $addedGid = @()

            foreach ($gid in $groupids)
                if (-not ($gid -in $existingGid))
                    $addedGid += $gid

            if ($addedGid.count -eq 0)
                # already in requested groups

            $addedGid += $existingGid
            foreach($gid in $addedGid)
                $grps += @{usrgrpid = $gid}

            $prms = @{
                userid = $User.userid
                usrgrps = $grps
            # Sad, but not mass API.
            Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "user.update"  $prms | select -ExpandProperty userids

function Remove-UserGroupMembership
    Remove a user (or multiple users) as a member of one or more user groups.
    This is additional: existing membership to other groups are not changed.
    This function accepts ZabbixUser objects or user IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -UserId parameter.
    The ID of the changed objects.
    PS> Get-ZbxUser | Remove-ZbxUserGroupMembership (Get-ZbxUserGroup group1),(Get-ZbxUserGroup group2)
    Make sure no user is member of two specified groups.

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)][Alias("Id", "User")]
        # User to remove from the groups
        [int[]] $UserId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Objects", Position=0)][ValidateScript({ $_.usrgrpid -ne $null})]
        # Groups to remove the users from
        [PSCustomObject[]] $UserGroup,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="Ids",Position=0)]
        # Groups to remove the users from
        [int[]] $UserGroupId

        $prms = @()
        $groupids = @()
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Objects")
            $UserGroup |% { $groupids += $_.usrgrpid}
             $groupids += $UserGroupId
        foreach ($uid in $UserId)
            $User = Get-User -session $s -id $uid
            $grps = @()
            $existingGid = @($User.usrgrps.usrgrpid)
            $removedGid = @()
            $remainingGid = @()

            foreach ($gid in $existingGid)
                if (($gid -in $groupids))
                    $removedGid += $gid
                    $remainingGid += $gid

            if ($removedGid.count -eq 0)
                # already absent from requested groups

            foreach($gid in $remainingGid)
                $grps += @{usrgrpid = $gid}

            $prms = @{
                userid = $User.userid
                usrgrps = $grps
            # Sad, but not mass API.
            Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "user.update"  $prms | select -ExpandProperty userids


function Get-Action
    Retrieve and filter users.
    Query all actions with many filters, or get all actions.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixAction objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxAction
    Actionid Name def_shortdata OperationsReadable
    -------- ---- ------------- ------------------
           2 Auto discovery. Linux servers. {@{ConditionEvaluat...
           3 Report problems to Zabbix a... {TRIGGER.STATUS}:... {@{ConditionEvaluat...
           4 Report not supported items {ITEM.STATE}: {HO... {@{ConditionEvaluat...
           5 Report not supported low le... {LLDRULE.STATE}: ... {@{ConditionEvaluat...
           6 Report unknown triggers {TRIGGER.STATE}: ... {@{ConditionEvaluat...

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        # Only retrieve the action with the given ID
        [int[]] $Id,
        # Only retrieve actions which use the following hosts in their conditions
        [int[]] $HostId,

        # Only retrieve actions which use the following groups in their conditions
        [int[]] $HostGroupId,

        # Only retrieve actions which use the following triggers in their conditions
        [int[]] $TriggerId,

        # Only retrieve actions which send messages to these users
        [int[]] $UserId,

        # Only retrieve actions which send messages to these user groups
        [int[]] $UserGroupId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("ActionName")]
        # Filter by name
        [string] $Name
    $prms = @{searchWildcardsEnabled=1; selectConditions = "extend"; selectOperations = "extend"; search= @{}}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["actionids"] = $Id}
    if ($HostId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["hostids"] = $HostId}
    if ($HostGroupId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["groupids"] = $HostGroupId}
    if ($TriggerId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["triggerids"] = $TriggerId}
    if ($UserId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["userids"] = $UserId}
    if ($UserGroupId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["usrgrpids"] = $UserGroupId}
    if ($Name -ne $null) {$prms["search"]["name"] = $Name}
    $res = Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "action.get"  $prms
    $res |% { $action = $_; $action | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "OperationsReadable" -notepropertyvalue @($action.operations | Get-ReadableOperation) }
    $res |% {$_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixAction")}

$ActOpType = @{
    0 = "send message"
    1 = "remote command"
    2 = "add host"
    3 = "remove host"
    4 = "add to host group"
    5 = "moreve from host group"
    6 = "link to template"
    7 = "unlink from template"
    8 = "enable host"
    9 = "disable host"

$ActOpCmd = @{
    0 = "custom script"
    1 = "IPMI"
    2 = "SSH"
    3 = "Telnet"
    4 = "global script"

$ActConditionEvalMethod = @{
    0 = "AND/OR"
    1 = "AND"
    2 = "OR"

$ActOpExecuteOn = @{
    0 = "Zabbix agent"
    1 = "Zabbix server"

function Get-ReadableOperation([Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true )]$op)
        $res = New-Object psobject -Property @{
            OperationId = $_.operationid
            OperationType = $ActOpType[[int]$_.operationtype]
            EscalationPeriodSecond = $_.esc_period
            EscalationStartStep = $_.esc_step_from
            EscalationEndStep = $_.esc_step_to
            ConditionEvaluationMethod = $ActConditionEvalMethod[[int]$_.evaltype]
            MessageSubject = if($_.opmessage) {$_.opmessage.subject} else {$null}
            MessageContent = if($_.opmessage) {$_.opmessage.message} else {$null}
            MessageSendToGroups = $_.opmessage_grp | select usrgrpid
            MessageSendToUsers = $_.opmessage_usr | select userid
            CommandType = if($_.opcommand -ne $null) { $ActOpCmd[[int]$_.opcommand.type] } else {$null}
            Command = if($_.opcommand -ne $null) { $_.opcommand.command } else {$null}
            CommandUserName = if($_.opcommand -ne $null) { $_.opcommand.username } else {$null}
            CommandGlobalScriptId = if($_.opcommand -ne $null) { $_.opcommand.scriptid } else {$null}
            CommandExecuteOn = if($_.opcommand -ne $null) { $ActOpExecuteOn[[int]$_.opcommand.execute_on] } else {$null}


function Get-Proxy
    Retrieve and filter proxies.
    Query all proxies with basic filters, or get all proxies.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixProxy objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxProxy

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        # Only retrieve the item with the given ID.

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("ProxyName")]
        # Filter by name. Accepts wildcard.
    $prms = @{searchWildcardsEnabled=1; filter= @{selectInterface=1}; search=@{}}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["proxyids"] = $Id}
    if ($Name -ne $null) {$prms["search"]["name"] = $Name}
    Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "proxy.get"  $prms |% {$_.proxyid = [int]$_.proxyid; $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixProxy"); $_}


Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
   public enum ZbxSeverity
      None = 0,
      NotClassified = 1,
      Information = 2,
      Warning = 4,
      Average = 8,
      High = 16,
      Disaster = 32

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
   public enum ZbxMediaTypeType
      Email = 0,
      Script = 1,
      SMS = 2,
      Jabber = 3,
      EzTexting = 100

function Get-Media
    Retrieve and filter media (the definition of how a media type should be used for a user).
    Query all media with basic filters, or get all media.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixMedia objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxMedia -Status Enabled
    mediaid userid mediatypeid active
    ------- ------ ----------- ------
          1 3 1 Enabled

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        # Only retrieve the media with the given ID.
        [int[]] $Id,
        # Only retrieve media which are used by the users in the given group(s).
        [int[]] $UserGroupId,

        # Only retrieve media which are used by the given user(s).
        [int[]] $UserId,

        # Only retrieve media which use the give media type(s).
        [int[]] $MediaTypeId,

        # Only retrieve media which are in the given status.
        [ZbxStatus] $Status
    $prms = @{}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["mediaids"] = $Id}
    if ($UserGroupId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["usrgrpids"] = $UserGroupId}
    if ($UserId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["userids"] = $UserId}
    if ($MediaTypeId.Length -gt 0) {$prms["mediatypeids"] = $MediaTypeId}
    if ($Status -ne $null) {$prms["filter"] = @{"active" = [int]$Status}}
    Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "usermedia.get" $prms |% {$_.severity = [ZbxSeverity]$_.severity; $_.mediaid = [int]$_.mediaid; $[ZbxStatus]$; $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixMedia"); $_}

function Get-MediaType
    Retrieve and filter media types
    Query all media types with basic filters, or get all media types.
    This function does not take pipe input.
    The ZabbixMediaType objects corresponding to the filter.
    PS> Get-ZbxMediaType -Type Email
    mediatypeid type description
    ----------- ---- -----------
              1 Email Email

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        # Only retrieve the media type with the given ID.
        [int[]] $Id,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("Description")]
        # Filter by name. Accepts wildcard.
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=0)][Alias("MediaTypeType")]
        # Filter by type (email, SMS...)
        [ZbxMediaTypeType] $Type
    $prms = @{search= @{}; filter=@{}; searchWildcardsEnabled=1; selectUsers = 0}
    if ($Id.Length -gt 0) {$prms["mediatypeids"] = $Id}
    if ($Name -ne $null) {$prms["search"]["description"] = $Name}
    if ($Type -ne $null) {$prms["filter"]["type"] = [int]$Type}

    Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "mediatype.get" $prms |% {$_.mediatypeid = [int]$_.mediatypeid; $_.type = [ZbxMediaTypeType]$_.type; $_.status = [ZbxStatus]$_.status; $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"ZabbixMediaType"); $_}

function Add-UserMail
    Add a new mail type media to one or more users.
    Add a new mail type media to one or more users. Purely an ADD cmdlet - if there is already a mail media for the given user, it won't be
    modified and the user will have multiple mail media.
    This function takes ZbxUser objects or integer ID as pipeline input (equivalent to using -UserId parameter)
    The ID of the new media object(s).
    PS> Get-ZbxUser -Name toto1 | Add-ZbxUserMail

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=2)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("User", "Id")]
        # One or more users to modify. Either user objects (with a userid property) or directly IDs.
        [int[]] $UserId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, Position=0)]
        # Mail adress to send the alerts to
        [string] $SendTo,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=1)]
        # A severity mask. Default is Disaster,High
        [ZbxSeverity] $Severity = [ZbxSeverity]::Disaster -bor [ZbxSeverity]::High

        $users = @()
        $type = @(Get-MediaType -session $Session -type Email)[0]
        $media = @{mediatypeid = $type.mediatypeid; sendto = $SendTo; active = [int][ZbxStatus]::Enabled; severity = [int]$Severity; period = "1-7,00:00-24:00"}
        $UserId |% {$users += @{userid = $_}} 
        if ($users.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "user.addmedia"  @{users = $users; medias = $media} | select -ExpandProperty mediaids

function Remove-Media
    Remove one or more user media from Zabbix.
    Removal is immediate.
    This function accepts ZabbixMedia objects or media IDs from the pipe. Equivalent to using -MediaId parameter.
    The ID of the removed objects.
    Remove all users
    PS> Get-ZbxMedia | Remove-ZbxMedia

        # A valid Zabbix API session retrieved with New-ZbxApiSession. If not given, the latest opened session will be used, which should be enough in most cases.
        [Hashtable] $Session,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("Media", "Id")]
        # One or more media to remove. Either user objects (with a mediaid property) or directly IDs.
        [int[]] $MediaId

        $prms = @()
        $prms += $MediaId 
        if ($prms.Count -eq 0) { return }
        Invoke-ZabbixApi $session "user.deletemedia"  $prms | select -ExpandProperty mediaids