.Synopsis The function changes input .DESCRIPTION The function changes input .EXAMPLE Set-YmInput -DeviceAddress -Input spotify .EXAMPLE Set-YmInput -DeviceAddress -Input tuner -PassThru response_code responde_message ------------- ---------------- 0 Successful request .EXAMPLE input-ym -DeviceAddress -Input cd .LINK Author: autor Link: Date: 26-08-2019 Version: version Keywords: keywords Notes: Changelog: #> function Set-YmInput { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [Alias('input-ym')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [string]$DeviceAddress, [switch]$PassThru ) DynamicParam { # Set the dynamic parameters' name $ParameterName = 'Input' # Create the dictionary $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary # Create the collection of attributes $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] # Create and set the parameters' attributes $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true $ParameterAttribute.Position = 1 # Add the attributes to the attributes collection $AttributeCollection.Add($ParameterAttribute) # Generate and set the ValidateSet $arrSet = (Get-YmInputList -DeviceAddress $DeviceAddress | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id) $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($arrSet) # Add the ValidateSet to the attributes collection $AttributeCollection.Add($ValidateSetAttribute) # Create and return the dynamic parameter $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection) $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter) return $RuntimeParameterDictionary } begin { } process { $Input = $PSBoundParameters[$ParameterName] if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Input)) { foreach ($Address in $DeviceAddress) { try { $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$Address/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/main/setInput?input=$Input" if ($PassThru) { $Response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Add-YmResponseCode } } catch { Write-Warning $PSItem } } } } end { } } |