
function Add-WordTableRow {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $Count = 1,
        [nullable[int]] $Index,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $List = New-ArrayList
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($Index -ne $null) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
                #Write-Verbose 'Add-WordTableRow - Adding new row'
                Add-ToArray -List $List -Element $($Table.InsertRow($Index + $i))
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
                #Write-Verbose 'Add-WordTableRow - Adding new row'
                Add-ToArray -List $List -Elemen $($Table.InsertRow())
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $List }
function Remove-WordTableRow {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $Count = 1,
        [nullable[int]] $Index,
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($Index -ne $null) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
                $Table.RemoveRow($Index + $i)
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table}
function Copy-WordTableRow {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $Index
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($Index -eq $null) {
        } else {
            $Table.InsertRow($Row, $Index)
function Get-WordTableRow {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $RowNr,
        [int] $ColumnNr,
        [int] $ParagraphNr,
        [switch] $RowsCount

    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($RowsCount) {
            # returns INT - Row count number
            return $Table.Rows.Count
        # returns Paragraph of a Table Row
        return $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNr].Paragraphs[$ParagraphNr]

function Set-WordTableRowMergeCells {
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $RowNr,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNrStart,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNrEnd,
        [switch] $MergeAll,
        [switch] $TrackChanges,
        [switch] $TextMerge, # Merges Text, otherwise leaves only text from 1st column
        [string] $Separator = ' ',
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Table) {
        if ($MergeAll -and $RowNr -ne $null) {
            $CellsCount = $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells.Count
            $Table.Rows[$RowNr].MergeCells(0, $CellsCount)
            for ($paragraph = 1; $paragraph -le $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Paragraphs.Count; $paragraph++) {
        } elseif ($RowNr -ne $null -and $ColumnNrStart -ne $null -and $ColumnNrEnd -ne $null) {
            $Table.Rows[$RowNr].MergeCells($ColumnNrStart, $ColumnNrEnd)
            if ($TextMerge) {
                [string] $Texts = foreach ($Paragraph in $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNrStart].Paragraphs) {
                } -join $Separator
            # Removes Paragraphs from merged columns - Leaves only 1st column Text
            foreach ($Paragraph in $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNrStart].Paragraphs | Select-Object -Skip 1) {
            if ($TextMerge) {
                Set-WordTextText -Paragraph $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNrStart].Paragraphs[0] -Text $Texts -Supress $True
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }

function Set-WordTableCell {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $RowNr,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNr,
        [System.Drawing.Color] $FillColor,
        [System.Drawing.Color] $ShadingColor,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $Table = Set-WordTableCellFillColor -Table $Table -RowNr $RowNr -ColumnNr $ColumnNr -FillColor $FillColor -Supress $false
    $Table = Set-WordTableCellShadingColor  -Table $Table -RowNr $RowNr -ColumnNr $ColumnNr -ShadingColor $ShadingColor -Supress $false
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }

function Set-WordTableCellFillColor {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $RowNr,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNr,
        [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $FillColor,
        [bool] $Supress = $false

    if ($Table -ne $null -and $RowNr -ne $null -and $ColumnNr -ne $null -and $FillColor -ne $null) {
        $Cell = $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNr]
        $Cell.FillColor = $FillColor
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }
function Set-WordTableCellShadingColor {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $RowNr,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNr,
        [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $ShadingColor,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Table -ne $null -and $RowNr -ne $null -and $ColumnNr -ne $null -and $ShadingColor -ne $null) {
        $Cell = $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNr]
        $Cell.Shading = $ShadingColor
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }

function Get-ColorFromARGB {
        [int] $A,
        [int] $R,
        [int] $G,
        [int] $B
    return [system.drawing.color]::FromArgb($A, $R, $G, $B)

Paragraphs : {Normal}
VerticalAlignment : Center
Shading : Color [White]
Width : 115,5
MarginLeft : NaN
MarginRight : NaN
MarginTop : NaN
MarginBottom : NaN
FillColor : Color [Empty]
TextDirection : right
GridSpan : 2
ParagraphsDeepSearch : {Normal}
Sections : {}
Tables : {}
Hyperlinks : {}
Pictures : {}
Lists : {0}
Xml : <w:tc xmlns:w="">
                           <w:tcW w:w="2310" w:type="pct" />
                           <w:gridSpan w:val="2"></w:gridSpan>
                             <w:jc w:val="center" />
                               <w:color w:val="0000FF"></w:color>
                             <w:t>Forest Summary</w:t>
PackagePart : System.IO.Packaging.ZipPackagePart

    /// <summary>
    /// Insert a row at the end of this table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Load a document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Load(@"C:\Example\Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Get the first table in this document.
    /// Table table = document.Tables[0];
    /// // Insert a new row at the end of this table.
    /// Row row = table.InsertRow();
    /// // Loop through each cell in this new row.
    /// foreach (Cell c in row.Cells)
    /// {
    /// // Set the text of each new cell to "Hello".
    /// c.Paragraphs[0].InsertText("Hello", false);
    /// }
    /// // Save the document to a new file.
    /// document.SaveAs(@"C:\Example\Test2.docx");
    /// }// Release this document from memory.
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <returns>A new row.</returns>
        public Row InsertRow()
      return this.InsertRow( this.RowCount );
    /// <summary>
    /// Insert a copy of a row at the end of this table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A new row.</returns>
    public Row InsertRow( Row row, bool keepFormatting = false )
      return this.InsertRow( row, this.RowCount, keepFormatting );
    /// <summary>
    /// Insert a column to the right of a Table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Load a document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Load(@"C:\Example\Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Get the first Table in this document.
    /// Table table = document.Tables[0];
    /// // Insert a new column to this right of this table.
    /// table.InsertColumn();
    /// // Set the new columns text to "Row no."
    /// table.Rows[0].Cells[table.ColumnCount - 1].Paragraph.InsertText("Row no.", false);
    /// // Loop through each row in the table.
    /// for (int i = 1; i &lt; table.Rows.Count; i++)
    /// {
    /// // The current row.
    /// Row row = table.Rows[i];
    /// // The cell in this row that belongs to the new column.
    /// Cell cell = row.Cells[table.ColumnCount - 1];
    /// // The first Paragraph that this cell houses.
    /// Paragraph p = cell.Paragraphs[0];
    /// // Insert this rows index.
    /// p.InsertText(i.ToString(), false);
    /// }
    /// document.Save();
    /// }// Release this document from memory.
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes a cell in a row and shift the others to the left.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rowIndex">index of the row where a cell will be removed.</param>
    /// <param name="celIndex">index of the cell to remove in the row.</param>
    public void DeleteAndShiftCellsLeft( int rowIndex, int celIndex )