function Add-WordList { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph, [ListItemType]$ListType = [ListItemType]::Bulleted, [alias('DataTable')][object] $ListData = $null, [InsertWhere] $InsertWhere = [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf, $BehaviourOption = 0, $ListLevels = @(), [bool] $Supress = $false ) $List = $null if ($ListData -eq $null) { return } $Type = Get-ObjectType $ListData if ($Type.ObjectTypeInsiderName -ne '') { $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeInsiderName } else { $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeName} if ($ObjectType -ne 'string' -and $ObjectType -ne 'PSCustomObject' -and $ObjectType -ne 'Hashtable' -and $ObjectType -ne 'OrderedDictionary') { $ListData = Convert-ObjectToProcess -DataTable $ListData $Type = Get-ObjectType $ListData if ($Type.ObjectTypeInsiderName -ne '') { $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeInsiderName } else { $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeName} Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - Outside Object BaseName: $($ListData.GetType().BaseType) Name: $($ListData.GetType().Name)" Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - Insider Object Name: $ObjectType" } if ($ObjectType -eq 'string') { Write-Verbose 'Add-WordList - Option 1 - Detected string type inside array' $Counter = 0; foreach ($Value in $ListData) { if ($ListLevels -eq $null) { $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListType $ListType -ListValue $Value -ListLevel 0 Write-Verbose "AddList - ListItemType Name: $($List.GetType().Name) - BaseType: $($List.GetType().BaseType)" } else { $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListType $ListType -ListValue $Value -ListLevel $ListLevels[$Counter] $Counter++ } } } elseif ($ObjectType -eq 'Hashtable' -or $ObjectType -eq 'OrderedDictionary') { Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - Option 2 - Detected $ObjectType" foreach ($Object in $ListData) { foreach ($O in $Object.GetEnumerator()) { $TextMain = $($O.Name) $TextSub = $($O.Value) $List = Format-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListType $ListType -TextMain $TextMain -TextSub $TextSub -BehaviourOption $BehaviourOption } } } elseif ($ObjectType -eq 'PSCustomObject') { Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - Option 3 - Detected $ObjectType" foreach ($Object in $ListData) { $Titles = Get-ObjectTitles -Object $Object foreach ($Text in $Titles) { $TextMain = $Text $TextSub = $($Object.$Text) $List = Format-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListType $ListType -TextMain $TextMain -TextSub $TextSub -BehaviourOption $BehaviourOption } } } else { throw "$ObjectType is not supported - report for support with explanation what you need it to look like" } $Data = Add-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -Paragraph $Paragraph -Supress $Supress if ($supress -eq $false) { return $data } else { return } } function Set-WordList { param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List, [int] $ParagraphNumber = 0, [alias ("C")] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$Color, [alias ("S")] [nullable[double]] $FontSize, [alias ("FontName")] [string] $FontFamily, [alias ("B")] [nullable[bool]] $Bold, [alias ("I")] [nullable[bool]] $Italic, [alias ("U")] [nullable[UnderlineStyle]] $UnderlineStyle, [alias ('UC')] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$UnderlineColor, [alias ("SA")] [nullable[double]] $SpacingAfter, [alias ("SB")] [nullable[double]] $SpacingBefore, [alias ("SP")] [nullable[double]] $Spacing, [alias ("H")] [nullable[highlight]] $Highlight, [alias ("CA")] [nullable[CapsStyle]] $CapsStyle, [alias ("ST")] [nullable[StrikeThrough]] $StrikeThrough, [alias ("HT")] [nullable[HeadingType]] $HeadingType, [nullable[int]] $PercentageScale , # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33" [nullable[Misc]] $Misc , [string] $Language , [nullable[int]]$Kerning , # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72" [nullable[bool]]$Hidden , [nullable[int]]$Position , # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585" [nullable[single]] $IndentationFirstLine , [nullable[single]] $IndentationHanging , [nullable[Alignment]] $Alignment , [nullable[Direction]] $DirectionFormatting, [nullable[ShadingType]] $ShadingType, [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$ShadingColor, [nullable[Script]] $Script, [bool] $Supress = $false ) foreach ($Data in $List.Items) { $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextColor -Color $Color -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextFontSize -FontSize $FontSize -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextFontFamily -FontFamily $FontFamily -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextBold -Bold $Bold -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextItalic -Italic $Italic -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextUnderlineColor -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextUnderlineStyle -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacingAfter -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacingBefore -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHighlight -Highlight $Highlight -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextCapsStyle -CapsStyle $CapsStyle -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextStrikeThrough -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextPercentageScale -PercentageScale $PercentageScale -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextLanguage -Language $Language -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextKerning -Kerning $Kerning -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextMisc -Misc $Misc -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextPosition -Position $Position -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHidden -Hidden $Hidden -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextShadingType -ShadingColor $ShadingColor -ShadingType $ShadingType -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextScript -Script $Script -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHeadingType -HeadingType $HeadingType -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextIndentationFirstLine -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextIndentationHanging -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextAlignment -Alignment $Alignment -Supress $false $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextDirection -Direction $Direction -Supress $false } if ($Supress) { return } else { return $List } } function Format-WordListItem { param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List, [ListItemType]$ListType = [ListItemType]::Bulleted, $TextMain, $TextSub, $BehaviourOption ) if ($BehaviourOption -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - This is Name: $($TextMain) With Value $TextSub - Proposed Text: $TextMain and $TextSub on separate line " $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListLevel 0 -ListItemType $ListType -ListValue $TextMain foreach ($TextValue in $TextSub) { $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListLevel 1 -ListItemType $ListType -ListValue $TextValue } } elseif ($BehaviourOption -eq 1) { $TextSub = $TextSub -Join ", " $Value = "$TextMain - $TextSub" Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - This is Name: $($TextMain) With Value $TextSub - Proposed Text: $Value " $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListLevel 0 -ListItemType $ListType -ListValue $Value } return $List } function Add-WordListItem { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List, [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph, [InsertWhere] $InsertWhere = [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf, [bool] $Supress ) if ($Paragraph -ne $null) { if ($InsertWhere -eq [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf) { $data = $Paragraph.InsertListAfterSelf($List) } elseif ($InsertWhere -eq [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf) { $data = $Paragraph.InsertListBeforeSelf($List) } } else { $data = $WordDocument.InsertList($List) } Write-Verbose "Add-WordListItem - Return Type Name: $($Data.GetType().Name) - BaseType: $($Data.GetType().BaseType)" if ($Supress) { return } else { $data } } function New-WordListItem { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List, [alias('Level')] [ValidateRange(0, 8)] [int] $ListLevel, [alias('ListType')][ListItemType] $ListItemType = [ListItemType]::Bulleted, [alias('Value', 'ListValue')]$Text, [nullable[int]] $StartNumber, [bool]$TrackChanges = $false, [bool]$ContinueNumbering = $false, [bool]$Supress = $false ) if ($List -eq $null) { $List = $WordDocument.AddList($Text, $ListLevel, $ListItemType, $StartNumber, $TrackChanges, $ContinueNumbering) $Paragraph = $List.Items[$List.Items.Count - 1] } else { $List = $WordDocument.AddListItem($List, $Text, $ListLevel, $ListItemType, $StartNumber, $TrackChanges, $ContinueNumbering) $Paragraph = $List.Items[$List.Items.Count - 1] } Write-Verbose "Add-WordListItem - ListType Value: $Text Name: $($List.GetType().Name) - BaseType: $($List.GetType().BaseType)" return $List } function Get-WordListItemParagraph { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List, [nullable[int]] $Item, [switch] $LastItem ) if ($List -ne $null) { $Count = $List.Items.Count Write-Verbose "Get-WordListItemParagraph - List Count $Count" if ($LastItem) { Write-Verbose "Get-WordListItemParagraph - Last Element $($Count-1)" $Paragraph = $List.Items[$Count - 1] } else { if ($null -ne $Item -and $Item -le $Count) { Write-Verbose "Get-WordListItemParagraph - Returning paragraph for Item Nr: $Item" $Paragraph = $List.Items[$Item] } } } return $Paragraph } function Convert-ListToHeadings { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument, [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List, [alias ("HT")] [HeadingType] $HeadingType = [HeadingType]::Heading1, [bool] $Supress ) $ParagraphsWithHeadings = New-ArrayList Write-Verbose "Convert-ListToHeadings - NumID: $($List.NumID)" $Paragraphs = Get-WordParagraphForList -WordDocument $WordDocument -ListID $List.NumID Write-Verbose "Convert-ListToHeadings - List Elements Count: $($Paragraphs.Count)" foreach ($p in $Paragraphs) { Write-Verbose "Convert-ListToHeadings - Loop: $HeadingType" $p.StyleName = $HeadingType Add-ToArray -List $ParagraphsWithHeadings -Element $p } if ($Supress) { return } else { return $ParagraphsWithHeadings } } |