using( DocX document = DocX.Create( HyperlinkSample.HyperlinkSampleOutputDirectory + @"Hyperlinks.docx" ) ) { // Add a title document.InsertParagraph( "Insert/Remove Hyperlinks" ).FontSize( 15d ).SpacingAfter( 50d ).Alignment =; // Add an Hyperlink into this document. var h = document.AddHyperlink( "google", new Uri( "" ) ); // Add a paragraph. var p = document.InsertParagraph( "The hyperlink has been inserted in this paragraph." ); // insert an hyperlink at specific index in this paragraph. p.InsertHyperlink( h, 4 ); p.SpacingAfter( 40d ); // Get the first hyperlink in the document. var hyperlink = document.Hyperlinks.FirstOrDefault(); if( hyperlink != null ) { // Modify its text and Uri. hyperlink.Text = "xceed"; hyperlink.Uri = new Uri( "" ); } // Add an Hyperlink to this document. var h2 = document.AddHyperlink( "xceed", new Uri( "" ) ); // Add a paragraph. var p2 = document.InsertParagraph( "A formatted hyperlink has been added at the end of this paragraph: " ); // Append an hyperlink to a paragraph. p2.AppendHyperlink( h2 ).Color( Color.Blue ).UnderlineStyle( UnderlineStyle.singleLine ); p2.Append( "." ).SpacingAfter( 40d ); // Add an Hyperlink to this document. var h3 = document.AddHyperlink( "microsoft", new Uri( "" ) ); // Add a paragraph var p3 = document.InsertParagraph( "The hyperlink from this paragraph has been removed. " ); // Append an hyperlink to a paragraph. p3.AppendHyperlink( h3 ).Color( Color.Green ).UnderlineStyle( UnderlineStyle.singleLine ).Italic(); // Remove the first hyperlink of paragraph 3. p3.RemoveHyperlink( 0 ); document.Save(); Console.WriteLine( "\tCreated: Hyperlinks.docx\n" ); } #> function Add-WordHyperLink { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument, [string] $UrlText, [string] $UrlLink, [bool] $Supress = $true ) $Url = New-Object -TypeName Uri -ArgumentList $UrlLink return $WordDocument.AddHyperlink( $UrlText, $Url ) } function Set-WordHyperLink { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument, [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph, [Xceed.Words.NET.DocXElement] $Value, [bool] $Supress = $true ) $Data = $Paragraph.InsertHyperlink($Value) if ($Supress -eq $false) { return $Data } else { return } } |