
function Remove-EmptyValues { 
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Hashtable,
        [switch] $Recursive,
        [int] $Rerun)
    foreach ($_ in [string[]] $Hashtable.Keys) { if ($Recursive) { if ($Hashtable[$_] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { if ($Hashtable[$_].Count -eq 0) { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } else { Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Hashtable[$_] -Recursive:$Recursive } } else { if ($null -eq $Hashtable[$_]) { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } elseif ($Hashtable[$_] -is [string] -and $Hashtable[$_] -eq '') { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } } } else { if ($null -eq $Hashtable[$_]) { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } elseif ($Hashtable[$_] -is [string] -and $Hashtable[$_] -eq '') { $Hashtable.Remove($_) } } }
    if ($Rerun) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Rerun; $i++) { Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Hashtable -Recursive:$Recursive } }
function Add-PDFDocumentContent {
        [object] $Object
    if ($Script:Document) {
        $null = $Script:Document.Add($Object)
    } else {
        $Splat = $Script:PDFStart.DocumentSettings
        $Settings = New-PDFPage @Splat #-MarginTop $MarginTop -MarginBottom $MarginBottom -MarginLeft $MarginLeft -MarginRight $MarginRight -PageSize $PageSize -Rotate:$Rotate.IsPresent
        New-InternalPDFPage -PageSize $Settings.Settings.PageSize -Rotate:$Settings.Settings.Rotate -MarginTop $MarginTop -MarginBottom $MarginBottom -MarginLeft $MarginLeft -MarginRight $MarginRight
        $null = $Script:Document.Add($Object)
class CustomSplitter : iText.Kernel.Utils.PdfSplitter {
    [int] $_order
    [string] $_destinationFolder
    [string] $_outputName

    CustomSplitter([iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument] $pdfDocument, [string] $destinationFolder, [string] $OutputName) : base($pdfDocument) {
        $this._destinationFolder = $destinationFolder
        $this._order = 0
        $this._outputName = $OutputName

    [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter] GetNextPdfWriter([iText.Kernel.Utils.PageRange] $documentPageRange) {
        $Name = -join ($this._outputName, $this._order++, ".pdf")
        $Path = [IO.Path]::Combine($this._destinationFolder, $Name)
        return [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter]::new($Path)
function Get-PDFNamedPageSize {
        [int] $Height,
        [int] $Width

    $PDFSizes = @{
        '33702384' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A0'; Rotated = $false }
        '23843370' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A0'; Rotated = $true }
        '23841684' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A1'; Rotated = $false }
        '16842384' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A1'; Rotated = $true }
        '10574'    = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A10'; Rotated = $false }
        '74105'    = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A10'; Rotated = $true }
        '16841190' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A2'; Rotated = $false }
        '11901684' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A2'; Rotated = $true }
        '1190842'  = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A3'; Rotated = $false }
        '8421190'  = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A3'; Rotated = $true }
        '842595'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A4'; Rotated = $false }
        '595842'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A4'; Rotated = $true }
        '595420'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A5'; Rotated = $false }
        '420595'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A5'; Rotated = $true }
        '420298'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A6'; Rotated = $false }
        '298420'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A6'; Rotated = $true }
        '298210'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A7'; Rotated = $false }
        '210298'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A7'; Rotated = $true }
        '210148'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A8'; Rotated = $false }
        '148210'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A8'; Rotated = $true }
        '547105'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A9'; Rotated = $false }
        '105547'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'A9'; Rotated = $true }
        '40082834' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B0'; Rotated = $false }
        '28344008' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B0'; Rotated = $true }
        '28342004' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B1'; Rotated = $false }
        '20042834' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B1'; Rotated = $true }
        '12488'    = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B10'; Rotated = $false }
        '88124'    = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B10'; Rotated = $true }
        '20041417' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B2'; Rotated = $false }
        '14172004' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B2'; Rotated = $true }
        '14171000' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B3'; Rotated = $false }
        '10001417' = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B3'; Rotated = $true }
        '1000708'  = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B4'; Rotated = $false }
        '7081000'  = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B4'; Rotated = $true }
        '708498'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B5'; Rotated = $false }
        '498708'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B5'; Rotated = $true }
        '498354'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B6'; Rotated = $false }
        '354498'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B6'; Rotated = $true }
        '354249'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B7'; Rotated = $false }
        '249354'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B7'; Rotated = $true }
        '249175'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B8'; Rotated = $false }
        '175249'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B8'; Rotated = $true }
        '175124'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B9'; Rotated = $false }
        '124175'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'B9'; Rotated = $true }
        '756522'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'EXECUTIVE'; Rotated = $false }
        '522756'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'EXECUTIVE'; Rotated = $true }
        '7921224'  = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'LEDGER or TABLOID'; Rotated = $false }
        '1224792'  = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'LEDGER or TABLOID'; Rotated = $true }
        '1008612'  = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'LEGAL'; Rotated = $false }
        '6121008'  = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'LEGAL'; Rotated = $true }
        '792612'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'LETTER'; Rotated = $false }
        '612792'   = [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'LETTER'; Rotated = $true }
    $Size = $PDFSizes["$Height$Width"]
    if ($Size) {
        return $Size
    } else {
        return [PSCustomObject] @{ PageSize = 'Unknown'; $Rotated = $null }
function Initialize-PDF {
        [Array] $Elements
    foreach ($Element in $Elements) {
        $Splat = $Element.Settings
        Remove-EmptyValues -Hashtable $Splat
        if ($Element.Type -eq 'Page') {
            if (-not $Script:PDFStart.FirstPageUsed) {
                #$Area = New-PDFArea -PageSize $Element.Settings.PageSize -Rotate:$Element.Settings.Rotate -AreaType ([iText.Layout.Properties.AreaBreakType]::LAST_PAGE)
                #New-InternalPDFPage -PageSize $Element.Settings.PageSize -Rotate:$Element.Settings.Rotate

                # This adds margings to first page if New-PDFOptions is used but no margins were defined on New-PDFPage
                if (-not $Splat.Margins.MarginBottom) {
                    $Splat.Margins.MarginBottom = $Script:PDFStart.DocumentSettings.MarginBottom
                if (-not $Splat.Margins.MarginTop) {
                    $Splat.Margins.MarginTop = $Script:PDFStart.DocumentSettings.MarginTop
                if (-not $Splat.Margins.MarginLeft) {
                    $Splat.Margins.MarginLeft = $Script:PDFStart.DocumentSettings.MarginLeft
                if (-not $Splat.Margins.MarginRight) {
                    $Splat.Margins.MarginRight = $Script:PDFStart.DocumentSettings.MarginRight
                New-InternalPDFPage -PageSize $Splat.PageSize -Rotate:$Splat.Rotate -MarginLeft $Splat.Margins.MarginLeft -MarginTop $Splat.Margins.MarginTop -MarginBottom $Splat.Margins.MarginBottom -MarginRight $Splat.Margins.MarginRight
                #Add-PDFDocumentContent -Object $Area
                $Script:PDFStart.FirstPageUsed = $true
            } else {
                # This fixes margins. Margins have to be added before new PageArea
                $SplatMargins = $Splat.Margins
                New-InternalPDFOptions @SplatMargins

                $Area = New-PDFArea -PageSize $Element.Settings.PageSize -Rotate:$Element.Settings.Rotate
                Add-PDFDocumentContent -Object $Area
            # New-InternalPDFPage -PageSize $Element.Settings.PageSize -Rotate:$Element.Settings.Rotate
            # New-InternalPDFOptions -Settings $Element.Settings
            if ($Element.Settings.PageContent) {
                Initialize-PDF -Elements $Element.Settings.PageContent
        } elseif ($Element.Type -eq 'Text') {
            $Paragraph = New-InternalPDFText @Splat
            foreach ($P in $Paragraph) {
                #$null = $Script:Document.Add($P)
                Add-PDFDocumentContent -Object $P
        } elseif ($Element.Type -eq 'List') {
            New-InternalPDFList -Settings $Element.Settings
        } elseif ($Element.Type -eq 'Paragraph') {

        } elseif ($Element.Type -eq 'Options') {
            $SplatMargins = $Splat.Margins
            New-InternalPDFOptions @SplatMargins
        } elseif ($Element.Type -eq 'Table') {
            $Table = New-InteralPDFTable @Splat
            #$null = $Script:Document.Add($Table)
            Add-PDFDocumentContent -Object $Table
function New-InternalPDF {
        [string] $FilePath,
        [string] $Version #,
        # [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFPageSizeValidation } )][string] $PageSize,
        # [switch] $Rotate

    if ($Version) {
        $PDFVersion = Get-PDFConstantVersion -Version $Version
        $WriterProperties = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.WriterProperties]::new()
        $null = $WriterProperties.SetPdfVersion($PDFVersion)

    try {
        if ($Version) {
            $Script:Writer = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter]::new($FilePath, $WriterProperties)
        } else {
            $Script:Writer = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter]::new($FilePath)
    } catch {
        if ($_.Exception.Message -like '*The process cannot access the file*because it is being used by another process.*') {
            Write-Warning "New-InternalPDF - File $FilePath is in use. Terminating."
        } else {
            Write-Warning "New-InternalPDF - Terminating error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    if ($Script:Writer) {
        $PDF = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument]::new($Script:Writer)
    } else {
        Write-Warning "New-InternalPDF - Terminating as writer doesn't exists."
    return $PDF

function New-InternalPDF {
    if ($Script:Writer) {
        if ($Script:PDF) {
        $Script:PDF = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument]::new($Script:Writer)
    } else {
        Write-Warning "New-InternalPDF - Terminating as writer doesn't exists."

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-InternalPDF -ParameterName PageSize -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFPageSize
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-InternalPDF -ParameterName Version -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFVersion
function New-InternalPDFList {
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Settings

    $List = [iText.Layout.Element.List]::new()
    if ($null -ne $Settings.Indent) {
        $null = $List.SetSymbolIndent($Settings.Indent)
    if ($Settings.Symbol) {
        if ($Settings.Symbol -eq 'hyphen') {
            # Default
        } elseif ($Settings.Symbol -eq 'bullet') {
            $Symbol = [regex]::Unescape("\u2022")
            $null = $List.SetListSymbol($Symbol)

    foreach ($_ in $Settings.Items) {
        $null = $List.Add([iText.Layout.Element.ListItem]::new($_.Text))
    $null = $Script:Document.Add($List)
function New-InternalPDFOptions {
        [nullable[float]] $MarginLeft,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginRight,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginTop,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginBottom

    if ($Script:Document) {
        if ($MarginLeft) {
        if ($MarginRight) {
        if ($MarginTop) {
        if ($MarginBottom) {
    } else {
        # If Document doesn't exists it means we're using New-PDFOptions before New-PDFPage
        # We update DocumentSettings and use it just in case New-PDFPage doesn't have those values used.
        # Workaround, ugly but don't see a better way
        $Script:PDFStart['DocumentSettings']['MarginTop'] = $MarginTop
        $Script:PDFStart['DocumentSettings']['MarginBottom'] = $MarginBottom
        $Script:PDFStart['DocumentSettings']['MarginLeft'] = $MarginLeft
        $Script:PDFStart['DocumentSettings']['MarginRight'] = $MarginRight

    #if ($Settings.PageSize) {
    # $Script:Document.GetPdfDocument().SetDefaultPageSize([iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize]::($Settings.PageSize))
    # }
function New-InternalPDFPage {
        [string] $PageSize,
        [switch] $Rotate,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginLeft,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginRight,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginTop,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginBottom

    if ($PageSize -or $Rotate) {
        if ($PageSize) {
            $Page = [iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize]::($PageSize)
        } else {
            $Page = [iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize]::Default
        if ($Rotate) {
            $Page = $Page.Rotate()
    if ($Page) {
        $null = $Script:PDF.AddNewPage($Page)
    } else {
        $null = $Script:PDF.AddNewPage()
    $Script:Document = [iText.Layout.Document]::new($Script:PDF)

    if ($Script:Document) {
        if ($MarginLeft) {
        if ($MarginRight) {
        if ($MarginTop) {
        if ($MarginBottom) {

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-InternalPDFPage -ParameterName PageSize -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFPageSize
function New-InteralPDFTable {
        [Array] $DataTable

    if ($DataTable[0] -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
        [Array] $ColumnNames = 'Name', 'Value' # $DataTable[0].Keys
        [Array] $TemporaryTable = foreach ($_ in $DataTable2) {
            $_.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object Name, Value
    } else {
        [Array] $ColumnNames = $DataTable[0].PSObject.Properties.Name
        [Array] $TemporaryTable = $DataTable

    [iText.layout.element.Table] $Table = [iText.Layout.Element.Table]::new($ColumnNames.Count)
    $Table = $Table.UseAllAvailableWidth()

    foreach ($Column in $ColumnNames) {
        $Splat = @{
            Text = $Column
            #Font = $Font
            #FontFamily = $FontFamily
            #FontColor = $FontColor
            #FontBold = $FontBold
        $Paragraph = New-InternalPDFText @Splat
        #$Paragraph = New-PDFText -Text $Column
        [iText.Layout.Element.Cell] $Cell = [iText.Layout.Element.Cell]::new().Add($Paragraph)
        $null = $Table.AddCell($Cell)
    foreach ($_ in $TemporaryTable) {
        foreach ($Column in $ColumnNames) {
            $Splat = @{
                Text = $_.$Column
                #Font = $Font
                #FontFamily = $FontFamily
                #FontColor = $FontColor
                #FontBold = $FontBold
            $Paragraph = New-InternalPDFText @Splat
            #$Paragraph = New-PDFText -Text $_.$Column
            [iText.Layout.Element.Cell] $Cell = [iText.Layout.Element.Cell]::new().Add($Paragraph)
            $null = $Table.AddCell($Cell)
function New-InternalPDFText {
        [string[]] $Text,
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFFontValidation } )][string[]] $Font,
        #[string[]] $FontFamily,
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFColorValidation } )][string[]] $FontColor,
        [bool[]] $FontBold

    $Paragraph = [iText.Layout.Element.Paragraph]::new()

    if ($FontBold) {
        [Array] $FontBold = $FontBold
        $DefaultBold = $FontBold[0]
    if ($FontColor) {
        [Array] $FontColor = $FontColor
        $DefaultColor = $FontColor[0]
    if ($Font) {
        [Array] $Font = $Font
        $DefaultFont = $Font[0]

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Count; $i++) {
        [iText.Layout.Element.Text] $PDFText = $Text[$i]

        if ($FontBold) {
            if ($null -ne $FontBold[$i]) {
                if ($FontBold[$i]) {
                    $PDFText = $PDFText.SetBold()
            } else {
                if ($DefaultBold) {
                    $PDFText = $PDFText.SetBold()
        if ($FontColor) {
            if ($null -ne $FontColor[$i]) {
                if ($FontColor[$i]) {
                    $ConvertedColor = Get-PDFConstantColor -Color $FontColor[$i]
                    $PDFText = $PDFText.SetFontColor($ConvertedColor)
            } else {
                if ($DefaultColor) {
                    $ConvertedColor = Get-PDFConstantColor -Color $DefaultColor
                    $PDFText = $PDFText.SetFontColor($ConvertedColor)
        if ($Font) {
            if ($null -ne $Font[$i]) {
                if ($Font[$i]) {
                    $ConvertedFont = Get-PDFConstantFont -Font $Font[$i]
                    $ApplyFont = [iText.Kernel.Font.PdfFontFactory]::CreateFont($ConvertedFont)
                    $PDFText = $PDFText.SetFont($ApplyFont)
            } else {
                if ($DefaultColor) {
                    $ConvertedFont = Get-PDFConstantFont -Font $DefaultFont
                    $ApplyFont = [iText.Kernel.Font.PdfFontFactory]::CreateFont($ConvertedFont)
                    $PDFText = $PDFText.SetFont($ApplyFont)
        $null = $Paragraph.Add($PDFText)
# Validation for Actions
$Script:PDFAction = {
    ([iText.Kernel.Pdf.Action.PdfAction] | Get-Member -static -MemberType Property).Name
$Script:PDFActionValidation = {
    $Array = @(
        (& $Script:PDFAction)
    $_ -in $Array

function Get-PDFConstantAction {
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFActionValidation } )][string] $Action
    return [iText.Kernel.Pdf.Action.PdfAction]::$Action

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-PDFConstantAction -ParameterName Action -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFAction
# Validation for Colors
$Script:PDFColor = {
    ([iText.Kernel.Colors.ColorConstants] | Get-Member -static -MemberType Property).Name
$Script:PDFColorValidation = {
    $Array = @(
        (& $Script:PDFColor)
    $_ -in $Array

function Get-PDFConstantColor {
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFColorValidation } )][string] $Color
    return [iText.Kernel.Colors.ColorConstants]::$Color

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-PDFConstantColor -ParameterName Color -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFColor
# Validation for Fonts
$Script:PDFFont = {
    ([iText.IO.Font.Constants.StandardFonts] | Get-Member -static -MemberType Property).Name
$Script:PDFFontValidation = {
    $Array = @(
        (& $Script:PDFFont)
    $_ -in $Array

function Get-PDFConstantFont {
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFFontValidation } )][string] $Font
    return [iText.IO.Font.Constants.StandardFonts]::$Font

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-PDFConstantFont -ParameterName Font -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFFont
# Validation for PageSize
$Script:PDFPageSize = {
    ([iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize] | Get-Member -static -MemberType Property).Name
$Script:PDFPageSizeValidation = {
    # Empty element is added to allow no parameter value
    $Array = @(
        (& $Script:PDFPageSize)
    $_ -in $Array

function Get-PDFConstantPageSize {
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFPageSizeValidation } )][string] $PageSize,
        [switch] $All
    if (-not $All) {
        return [iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize]::$PageSize
    } else {
        return & $Script:PDFPageSize

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-PDFConstantPageSize  -ParameterName Version -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFPageSize
# Validation for Fonts
$Script:PDFVersion = {
    ([iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfVersion] | Get-Member -static -MemberType Property).Name
$Script:PDFVersionValidation = {
    $Array = @(
        (& $Script:PDFVersion)
    $_ -in $Array

function Get-PDFConstantVersion {
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFVersionValidation } )][string] $Version
    return [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfVersion]::$Version

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-PDFConstantVersion -ParameterName Version -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFVersion
function Convert-PDFToText {
        [string] $FilePath,
        [int[]] $Page
    if ($FilePath -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath)) {
        $ResolvedPath = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath
        $Source = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfReader]::new($ResolvedPath)
        try {
            [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument] $SourcePDF = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument]::new($Source);
            [iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.Listener.LocationTextExtractionStrategy] $ExtractionStrategy = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.Listener.LocationTextExtractionStrategy]::new()
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning "Convert-PDFToText - Processing document $ResolvedPath failed with error: $ErrorMessage"

        $PagesCount = $SourcePDF.GetNumberOfPages()
        if ($Page.Count -eq 0) {
            for ($Count = 1; $Count -le $PagesCount; $Count++) {
                try {
                    $ExtractedPage = $SourcePDF.GetPage($Count)
                    [iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.PdfTextExtractor]::GetTextFromPage($ExtractedPage, $ExtractionStrategy)
                } catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning "Convert-PDFToText - Processing document $ResolvedPath failed with error: $ErrorMessage"
        } else {
            foreach ($Count in $Page) {
                if ($Count -le $PagesCount -and $Count -gt 0) {
                    try {
                        $ExtractedPage = $SourcePDF.GetPage($Count)
                        [iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.Parser.PdfTextExtractor]::GetTextFromPage($ExtractedPage, $ExtractionStrategy)
                    } catch {
                        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning "Convert-PDFToText - Processing document $ResolvedPath failed with error: $ErrorMessage"
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Convert-PDFToText - File $ResolvedPath doesn't contain page number $Count. Skipping."

    } else {
        Write-Warning "Convert-PDFToText - Path $FilePath doesn't exists. Terminating."
function Merge-PDF {
        [string[]] $InputFile,
        [string] $OutputFile

    if ($OutputFile) {
        try {
            [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter] $Writer = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter]::new($OutputFile)
            [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument] $PDF = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument]::new($Writer);
            [iText.Kernel.Utils.PdfMerger] $Merger = [iText.Kernel.Utils.PdfMerger]::new($PDF)
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning "Merge-PDF - Processing document $OutputFile failed with error: $ErrorMessage"
        foreach ($File in $InputFile) {
            if ($File -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $File)) {
                $ResolvedFile = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $File
                try {
                    $Source = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfReader]::new($ResolvedFile)
                    [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument] $SourcePDF = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument]::new($Source);
                    $null = $Merger.merge($SourcePDF, 1, $SourcePDF.getNumberOfPages())
                } catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    Write-Warning "Merge-PDF - Processing document $ResolvedFile failed with error: $ErrorMessage"
        try {
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning "Merge-PDF - Saving document $OutputFile failed with error: $ErrorMessage"
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Merge-PDF - Output file was empty. Please give a name to file. Terminating."
function Split-PDF {
        [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $FilePath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $OutputFolder,
        [string] $OutputName = 'OutputDocument',
        [int] $SplitCount = 1
    if ($SplitCount -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning "Split-PDF - SplitCount is 0. Terminating."

    if ($FilePath -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath)) {
        $ResolvedPath = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath
        if ($OutputFolder -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $OutputFolder)) {
            try {
                $PDFFile = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfReader]::new($ResolvedPath)
                $Document = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument]::new($PDFFile)
                $Splitter = [CustomSplitter]::new($Document, $OutputFolder, $OutputName)
                $List = $Splitter.SplitByPageCount($SplitCount)
                foreach ($_ in $List) {
            } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning "Split-PDF - Error has occured: $ErrorMessage"
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Split-PDF - Destination folder $OutputFolder doesn't exists. Terminating."
    } else {
        Write-Warning "Split-PDF - Path $FilePath doesn't exists. Terminating."
function Close-PDF {
        [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument] $Document
    if ($Document) {
function Get-PDF {
        [string] $FilePath

    if ($FilePath -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath)) {
        $ResolvedPath = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath

        try {
            $PDFFile = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfReader]::new($ResolvedPath)
            $Document = [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument]::new($PDFFile)
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning "Get-PDF - Processing document $FilePath failed with error: $ErrorMessage"

function Get-PDFDetails {
        [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument] $Document
    if ($Document) {
        [iText.Layout.Document] $LayoutDocument = [iText.Layout.Document]::new($Document)

        $Output = [ordered] @{
            Author       = $Document.GetDocumentInfo().GetAuthor()
            Creator      = $Document.GetDocumentInfo().GetCreator()
            HashCode     = $Document.GetDocumentInfo().GetHashCode()
            Keywords     = $Document.GetDocumentInfo().GetKeywords()
            Producer     = $Document.GetDocumentInfo().GetProducer()
            Subject      = $Document.GetDocumentInfo().GetSubject()
            Title        = $Document.GetDocumentInfo().GetTitle()
            Trapped      = $Document.GetDocumentInfo().GetTrapped()
            Version      = $Document.GetPdfVersion()
            PagesNumber  = $Document.GetNumberOfPages()
            MarginLeft   = $LayoutDocument.GetLeftMargin()
            MarginRight  = $LayoutDocument.GetRightMargin()
            MarginBottom = $LayoutDocument.GetBottomMargin()
            MarginTop    = $LayoutDocument.GetTopMargin()
            Pages        = [ordered] @{ }
        for ($a = 1; $a -le $Output.PagesNumber; $a++) {
            $Height = $Document.GetPage($a).GetPageSizeWithRotation().GetHeight()
            $Width = $Document.GetPage($a).GetPageSizeWithRotation().GetWidth()
            $NamedSize = Get-PDFNamedPageSize -Height $Height -Width $Width
            $Output['Pages']["$a"] = [PSCustomObject] @{
                Height   = $Height
                Width    = $Width
                Rotation = $Document.GetPage($a).GetRotation()
                Size     = $NamedSize.PageSize
                Rotated  = $NamedSize.Rotated
        [PSCustomObject] $Output
function New-PDF {
        [scriptblock] $PDFContent,
        [Parameter(Mandatory)][string] $FilePath,
        [string] $Version,

        [nullable[float]] $MarginLeft,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginRight,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginTop,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginBottom,
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFPageSizeValidation } )][string] $PageSize,
        [switch] $Rotate,

        [alias('Open')][switch] $Show
    # The types needs filling in for the workaround below. DONT FORGET!
    $Script:Types = 'Text', 'List', 'Paragraph', 'Table', 'Image'
    $Script:PDFStart = @{
        Start            = $true
        FilePath         = $FilePath
        DocumentSettings = @{
            MarginTop    = $MarginTop
            MarginBottom = $MarginBottom
            MarginLeft   = $MarginLeft
            MarginRight  = $MarginRight
            PageSize     = $PageSize
            Rotate       = $Rotate.IsPresent
        FirstPageFound   = $false
        FirstPageUsed    = $false
        UsedTypes        = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
    if ($PDFContent) {
        [Array] $Elements = @(
            [Array] $Content = & $PDFContent
            # This is workaround to support multiple scenarios:
            # New-PDF { New-PDFPage, New-PDFPage }
            # New-PDF { }
            # New-PDF { New-PDFText, New-PDFPage }
            # This is there to make sure we allow for New-PDF to allow control for -Rotate/PageSize to either whole document or to text/tables
            # and other types until New-PDFPage is given
            # It's ugly but seems to wrok
            foreach ($_ in $Content) {
                if ($_.Type -in $Script:Types) {
                } elseif ($_.Type -eq 'Page') {
                    if ($Script:PDFStart.UsedTypes.Count -ne 0) {
                        New-PDFPage -PageSize $PageSize -Rotate:$Rotate -MarginLeft $MarginLeft -MarginTop $MarginTop -MarginBottom $MarginBottom -MarginRight $MarginRight
                        $Script:PDFStart.FirstPageFound = $true
            if (-not $Script:PDFStart.FirstPageFound -and $Script:PDFStart.UsedTypes.Count -ne 0) {
                New-PDFPage -PageSize $PageSize -Rotate:$Rotate -MarginLeft $MarginLeft -MarginTop $MarginTop -MarginBottom $MarginBottom -MarginRight $MarginRight
                $Script:PDFStart.FirstPageFound = $true
        $Script:PDF = New-InternalPDF -FilePath $FilePath -Version $Version #-PageSize $PageSize -Rotate:$Rotate
    } else {
        $Script:PDFStart['Start'] = $false
        # if there's no scriptblock that means we're using standard way of working with PDF
        $Script:PDF = New-InternalPDF -FilePath $FilePath -Version $Version #-PageSize $PageSize -Rotate:$Rotate
        return $Script:PDF

    $Script:PDFStart['Start'] = $true
    #[iText.Layout.Document] $Script:Document = New-PDFDocument -PDF $Script:PDF
    #New-InternalPDFOptions -MarginLeft $MarginLeft -MarginRight $MarginRight -MarginTop $MarginTop -MarginBottom $MarginBottom

    Initialize-PDF -Elements $Elements
    if ($Script:Document) {
    if ($Show) {
        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath) {
            Invoke-Item -LiteralPath $FilePath
    $Script:PDFStart = $null
    #$Script:PDFStart['Start'] = $false

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-PDF -ParameterName PageSize -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFPageSize
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-PDF -ParameterName Version -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFVersion
function New-PDFArea {
        [iText.Layout.Properties.AreaBreakType] $AreaType = [iText.Layout.Properties.AreaBreakType]::NEXT_AREA,
        [string] $PageSize,
        [switch] $Rotate
    $AreaBreak = [iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak]::new($AreaType)
    if ($PageSize) {
        $Page = [iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize]::($PageSize)
    } else {
        $Page = [iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize]::Default
    if ($Rotate) {
        $Page = $Page.Rotate()
    return $AreaBreak

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-PDFArea  -ParameterName PageSize -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFPageSize

   TypeName: iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
AddStyle Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak AddStyle(iText.Layout.Style style)
CreateRendererSubTree Method iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer CreateRendererSubTree(), iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer IElement.CreateRendererSubTree()
DeleteOwnProperty Method void DeleteOwnProperty(int property), void IPropertyContainer.DeleteOwnProperty(int property)
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetAreaType Method System.Nullable[iText.Layout.Properties.AreaBreakType] GetAreaType()
GetChildren Method System.Collections.Generic.IList[iText.Layout.Element.IElement] GetChildren()
GetDefaultProperty Method T1 GetDefaultProperty[T1](int property), T1 IPropertyContainer.GetDefaultProperty[T1](int property)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetOwnProperty Method T1 GetOwnProperty[T1](int property), T1 IPropertyContainer.GetOwnProperty[T1](int property)
GetPageSize Method iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize GetPageSize()
GetProperty Method T1 GetProperty[T1](int property), T1 IPropertyContainer.GetProperty[T1](int property)
GetRenderer Method iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer GetRenderer(), iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer IElement.GetRenderer()
GetSplitCharacters Method iText.Layout.Splitting.ISplitCharacters GetSplitCharacters()
GetStrokeColor Method iText.Kernel.Colors.Color GetStrokeColor()
GetStrokeWidth Method System.Nullable[float] GetStrokeWidth()
GetTextRenderingMode Method System.Nullable[int] GetTextRenderingMode()
GetType Method type GetType()
HasOwnProperty Method bool HasOwnProperty(int property), bool IPropertyContainer.HasOwnProperty(int property)
HasProperty Method bool HasProperty(int property), bool IPropertyContainer.HasProperty(int property)
IsEmpty Method bool IsEmpty()
SetAction Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetAction(iText.Kernel.Pdf.Action.PdfAction action)
SetBackgroundColor Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBackgroundColor(iText.Kernel.Colors.Color backgroundColor), iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBackgroun...
SetBaseDirection Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBaseDirection(System.Nullable[iText.Layout.Properties.BaseDirection] baseDirection)
SetBold Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBold()
SetBorder Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorder(iText.Layout.Borders.Border border)
SetBorderBottom Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderBottom(iText.Layout.Borders.Border border)
SetBorderBottomLeftRadius Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(iText.Layout.Properties.BorderRadius borderRadius)
SetBorderBottomRightRadius Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderBottomRightRadius(iText.Layout.Properties.BorderRadius borderRadius)
SetBorderLeft Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderLeft(iText.Layout.Borders.Border border)
SetBorderRadius Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderRadius(iText.Layout.Properties.BorderRadius borderRadius)
SetBorderRight Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderRight(iText.Layout.Borders.Border border)
SetBorderTop Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderTop(iText.Layout.Borders.Border border)
SetBorderTopLeftRadius Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderTopLeftRadius(iText.Layout.Properties.BorderRadius borderRadius)
SetBorderTopRightRadius Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetBorderTopRightRadius(iText.Layout.Properties.BorderRadius borderRadius)
SetCharacterSpacing Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetCharacterSpacing(float charSpacing)
SetDestination Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetDestination(string destination)
SetFixedPosition Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFixedPosition(float left, float bottom, float width), iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFixedPosition(f...
SetFont Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFont(iText.Kernel.Font.PdfFont font), iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFont(string font)
SetFontColor Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFontColor(iText.Kernel.Colors.Color fontColor), iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFontColor(iText.Kerne...
SetFontFamily Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFontFamily(Params string[] fontFamilyNames), iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFontFamily(System.Collec...
SetFontKerning Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFontKerning(iText.Layout.Properties.FontKerning fontKerning)
SetFontScript Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFontScript(System.Nullable[iText.IO.Util.UnicodeScript] script)
SetFontSize Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetFontSize(float fontSize)
SetHorizontalAlignment Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetHorizontalAlignment(System.Nullable[iText.Layout.Properties.HorizontalAlignment] horizontalAlignment)
SetHyphenation Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetHyphenation(iText.Layout.Hyphenation.HyphenationConfig hyphenationConfig)
SetItalic Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetItalic()
SetLineThrough Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetLineThrough()
SetNextRenderer Method void SetNextRenderer(iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer renderer), void IElement.SetNextRenderer(iText.Layout.Renderer.IRenderer renderer)
SetOpacity Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetOpacity(System.Nullable[float] opacity)
SetPageNumber Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetPageNumber(int pageNumber)
SetPageSize Method void SetPageSize(iText.Kernel.Geom.PageSize pageSize)
SetProperty Method void SetProperty(int property, System.Object value), void IPropertyContainer.SetProperty(int property, System.Object value)
SetRelativePosition Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetRelativePosition(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
SetSplitCharacters Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetSplitCharacters(iText.Layout.Splitting.ISplitCharacters splitCharacters)
SetStrokeColor Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetStrokeColor(iText.Kernel.Colors.Color strokeColor)
SetStrokeWidth Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetStrokeWidth(float strokeWidth)
SetTextAlignment Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetTextAlignment(System.Nullable[iText.Layout.Properties.TextAlignment] alignment)
SetTextRenderingMode Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetTextRenderingMode(int textRenderingMode)
SetUnderline Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetUnderline(), iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetUnderline(float thickness, float yPosition), iText.Layou...
SetWordSpacing Method iText.Layout.Element.AreaBreak SetWordSpacing(float wordSpacing)
ToString Method string ToString()

function New-PDFDocument {
        [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument] $PDF
    [iText.Layout.Document] $Document = [iText.Layout.Document]::new($PDF)
    return $Document
function New-PDFInfo {
        [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument] $PDF,
        [string] $Title,
        [string] $Author,
        [string] $Creator,
        [string] $Subject,
        [string[]] $Keywords,
        [switch] $AddCreationDate,
        [switch] $AddModificationDate

    try {
        [iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocumentInfo] $info = $pdf.GetDocumentInfo()
    } catch {
        Write-Warning "New-PDFInfo - Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    if ($Title) {
        $null = $info.SetTitle($Title)
    if ($AddCreationDate) {
        $null = $info.AddCreationDate()
    if ($AddModificationDate) {
        $null = $info.AddModDate()
    if ($Author) {
        $null = $info.SetAuthor($Author)
    if ($Creator) {
        $null = $info.SetCreator($Creator)
    if ($Subject) {
        $null = $info.SetSubject($Subject)
    if ($Keywords) {
        $KeywordsString = $Keywords -join ','
        $null = $info.SetKeywords($KeywordsString)
function New-PDFList {
        [ScriptBlock] $ListItems,
        [nullable[float]] $Indent,
        [ValidateSet('bullet', 'hyphen')][string] $Symbol = 'hyphen'

    $Output = & $ListItems
    $Items = foreach ($_ in $Output) {
        if ($_.Type -eq 'ListItem') {

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'List'
        Settings = @{
            Items  = $Items
            Indent = $Indent
            Symbol = $Symbol
function New-PDFListItem {
        [string] $Text
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'ListItem'
        Settings = @{
            Text = $Text
function New-PDFOptions {
        [nullable[float]] $MarginLeft,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginRight,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginTop,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginBottom
        #[ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFPageSizeValidation } )][string] $PageSize

    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Type     = 'Options'
        Settings = @{
            Margins = @{
                MarginLeft   = $MarginLeft
                MarginRight  = $MarginRight
                MarginTop    = $MarginTop
                MarginBottom = $MarginBottom
            #PageSize = $PageSize

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-PDFOptions -ParameterName PageSize -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFPageSize
function New-PDFPage {
        [ScriptBlock] $PageContent,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginLeft,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginRight,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginTop,
        [nullable[float]] $MarginBottom,
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFPageSizeValidation } )][string] $PageSize,
        [switch] $Rotate
    if ($null -ne $Script:PDFStart -and $Script:PDFStart['Start']) {
        $Page = [PSCustomObject] @{
            Type     = 'Page'
            Settings = @{
                Margins     = @{
                    MarginLeft   = $MarginLeft
                    MarginRight  = $MarginRight
                    MarginTop    = $MarginTop
                    MarginBottom = $MarginBottom
                PageSize    = $PageSize
                Rotate      = $Rotate.IsPresent
                PageContent = if ($PageContent) { & $PageContent } else { $null }
    } else {
        # New-InternalPDFPage -PageSize $PageSize -Rotate:$Rotate.IsPresent

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-PDFPage -ParameterName PageSize -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFPageSize
function New-PDFTable {
        [Array] $DataTable
    if ($null -ne $Script:PDFStart -and $Script:PDFStart['Start']) {
        $Settings = [PSCustomObject] @{
            Type     = 'Table'
            Settings = @{
                DataTable = $DataTable
    } else {
        New-InteralPDFTable -DataTable $DataTable
function New-PDFText {
        [string[]] $Text,
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFFontValidation } )][string[]] $Font,
        #[string[]] $FontFamily,
        [ValidateScript( { & $Script:PDFColorValidation } )][string[]] $FontColor,
        [bool[]] $FontBold
    $Splat = @{ }
    if ($Text) {
        $Splat['Text'] = $Text
    if ($Font) {
        $Splat['Font'] = $Font
    #FontFamily = $FontFamily
    if ($FontColor) {
        $Splat['FontColor'] = $FontColor
    if ($FontBold) {
        $Splat['FontBold'] = $FontBold

    if ($null -ne $Script:PDFStart -and $Script:PDFStart['Start']) {
        $Settings = [PSCustomObject] @{
            Type     = 'Text'
            Settings = $Splat
    } else {
        New-InternalPDFText @Splat

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-PDFText -ParameterName Font -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFFont
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-PDFText -ParameterName FontColor -ScriptBlock $Script:PDFColor

Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Close-PDF', 'Convert-PDFToText', 'Get-PDF', 'Get-PDFConstantAction', 'Get-PDFConstantColor', 'Get-PDFConstantFont', 'Get-PDFConstantPageSize', 'Get-PDFConstantVersion', 'Get-PDFDetails', 'Merge-PDF', 'New-PDF', 'New-PDFArea', 'New-PDFDocument', 'New-PDFInfo', 'New-PDFList', 'New-PDFListItem', 'New-PDFOptions', 'New-PDFPage', 'New-PDFTable', 'New-PDFText', 'Split-PDF') -Alias @()