#localized string data for verbose messaging, errors, and warnings. ConvertFrom-StringData @' AddArchive = ...archive table AddCategories = ...category table AddCategory = Adding PSWorkItem category {0} AddDefaultCategories = Adding default categories {0} AddIDColumn = Adding the ID column to the database table AddTables = Adding database tables AddTask = Adding PSWorkItem {0} with category {1} due {2} AddTasks = ...task table ArchiveCount = Getting a archive count CannotVerifyIDColumn = Cannot verify the tasks table column ID. Please run Update-PSWorkItemDatabase to update the table then try completing the command again. It is recommended that you backup your database before updating the table. CategoryCount = Getting a category count CategoryExists = The PSWorkItem category {0} already exists CategoryExistsOverwrite = The PSWorkItem category {0} already exists and will be overwritten CloseDBConnection = Closing the SQLite database connection CompleteTask = Completing PSWorkItem with id {0} CreateCategory = Creating PSWorkItem category -> {0} CutOffDate = Cutoff date is {0} DatabaseConnectionNotOpen = The database connection is not open or active DetectedCulture = Detected culture {0} DetectedParameterSet = Detected parameter set {0} Ending = Ending command FailedArchiveID = Cannot verify the archive table column ID. Please run Update-PSWorkItemDatabase to update the table then try completing the command again. It is recommended that you backup your database before updating the table. FailedQuery = Failed to execute query {0} FailedToFind = Failed to find an open PSWorkItem with id {0} FailedToFindArchiveID = Failed to find an archived work item with an ID of {0} FailedToFindArchiveCategory = Failed to find matching archived work items in the {0} category FailedToFindArchiveName = Failed to find any archived work items called {0} FailedToFindArchivedTasks = Failed to find any matching archived PSWorkItems FailedToValidate = Failed to validate {0} FailedVerifyTaskID = Could not verify that PSWorkitem {0}} [{1}] was copied to the archive table. FailToOpen = Failed to open the database {0} FilterItemsDue = Filtering for PSWorkItems due before {0} FoundCategories = Found {0} PSWorkItem categories FoundMatching = Found {0} matching PSWorkItem tasks GetAllCategories = Getting all PSWorkItem categories GetCategory = Getting category {0} GetData = Getting SQLite database information from {0} GetMetadata = Getting SQLite database metadata GetPreferences = Getting PSWorkItem preferences from {0} GetRaw = Getting raw data for table {0} from {1} GetReport = Getting work item report from {0} IDColumnExists = The column ID already exists in the archive table. No further action needed. InitializingDB = Initializing PSWorkItem database {0} InvalidCategory = The PSWorkItem category {0} is not valid InvalidHost = This must be run in a console host. Detected PowerShell host: {0} MissingName = Oops! You forgot to specify a name for your PSWorkItem. MissingDependency = Can't find or load the required module {0} MoveItem = Moving PSWorkItem to Archive. NoPreferenceFile = No PSWorkItem preference file found at {0}. Run Update-PSWorkItemPreferences to create it. NoWorkItemSelected = No PSWorkItem selected OpenDBConnection = Opening a SQLite database connection ProcessCategory = Processing PSWorkItem category {0} PSVersion = Running under PowerShell version {0} Refiltering = Re-Filtering found {0} PSWorkItems RefilteringTasks = Re-filtering for PSWorkItems due in the next {0} day(s) RemoveArchivedTask = Removing archived PSWorkItem with ID {0} RemoveArchivedTaskCategory = Removing archived tasks in the {0} category RemoveArchivedTaskName = Removing archived PSWorkItems by name {0} RemoveCategory = Removing category {0} RemoveTask = Removing the original PSWorkItem RemoveTaskID = Removing PSWorkItem with ID {0} RunTime = Command completed in {0} SavingPreference = Saving preferences to {0} SetTask = Setting PSWorkItem Sorting = Sorting {0} items Starting = Starting command TaskCount = Getting a PSWorkItem count TaskCreated = PSWorkItem {0} created tipCategory = Select a category for the PSWorkItem. Not required but recommended. tipClear = Clear the description tipDatabasePath = Specify the path to the SQLite file. It must end in .db tipDescription = Enter a brief description or comment for the PSWorkItem tipFilterTable = Filter the table by the selected category tipProgress = Specify a progress percentage for the PSWorkItem as an integer tipReport = A report of open items by category. You might need to scroll. tipTaskName = Enter the name for the new PSWorkItem. Required. Testing = I am a localized message TestingColumnID = Testing database for ID column UpdateArchiveTable = Updating archive table value UpdatePreference = Updating PSWorkItem user preferences UpdateTaskTable = Updating tasks table values UsingDB = Using SQLite database {0} UsingModule = Using module PSWorkItem version {0} Unsupported = This module is unsupported on this platform ValidateCategory = Validating PSWorkItem category {0} ValidateMove = Validating the move WarnNoTasksFound = Failed to find any matching open PSWorkItems WarnDescriptionOrName = You must specify either a description or a new name WarnAssemblyLoaded = Assembly {0} is already loaded in this PowerShell session WarnDetected = Detected version {2}{0}{5} which is less than the expected version of {3}{1}{5}. {4}There may be unexpected behavior in Terminal.Gui commands{5}. You may need to start a new PowerShell session and load this module first. WindowsOnly = This module requires a Windows platform. '@ |