Function Initialize-PSWorkItemDatabase { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [OutputType("None","PSWorkItemDatabase")] Param( [Parameter( Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The path to the PSWorkItem SQLite database file. It should end in .db")] [ValidatePattern("\.db$")] [ValidateScript( { $parent = Split-Path -Path $_ -Parent Test-Path $parent }, ErrorMessage = "Failed to validate the parent path." )] [String]$Path = $PSWorkItemPath, [Switch]$PassThru, [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Force overwriting an existing file.")] [Switch]$Force ) Begin { $PSDefaultParameterValues["_verbose:block"] = "Begin" _verbose -message $strings.Starting _verbose -message ($strings.PSVersion -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion) } #begin Process { $PSDefaultParameterValues["_verbose:block"] = "Process" _verbose -message ($strings.InitializingDB -f $Path) Try { #using -f to accommodate culture with date times $comment = "PSWorkItem database created {0}." -f (Get-Date) $db = New-MySQLiteDB -Path $Path -PassThru -force:$Force -comment $comment -ErrorAction stop } Catch { Throw $_ } if ($db) { _verbose -message $strings.AddTables $props = [ordered]@{ taskid = "text" taskcreated = "text" taskmodified = "text" name = "text" description = "text" duedate = "text" category = "text" progress = "integer" completed = "integer" id = "integer" } _verbose -message $strings.AddTasks New-MySQLiteDBTable -Path $Path -TableName tasks -ColumnProperties $props -Force:$Force _verbose -message $strings.AddArchive New-MySQLiteDBTable -Path $Path -TableName archive -ColumnProperties $props -force:$Force _verbose -message $strings.AddCategories $props = [ordered]@{ category = "text" description = "text" } New-MySQLiteDBTable -Path $Path -TableName categories -ColumnProperties $props -force:$force _verbose -message ($strings.AddDefaultCategories -f $($script:PSWorkItemDefaultCategories -join ',')) #give the database a chance to close Start-Sleep -milliseconds 500 Add-PSWorkItemCategory -Path $Path -Category $script:PSWorkItemDefaultCategories -Force if ($PassThru) { Get-mySQLiteTable -Path $Path -Detail } } } #process End { $PSDefaultParameterValues["_verbose:block"] = "End" $PSDefaultParameterValues["_verbose:Command"] = $MyInvocation.MyCommand _verbose -message $strings.Ending } #end } |