function Connect-WoolworthsRewards { param ( [string]$BaseUri = "", # defaultClientId, or wow[|Dev|Local|UAT|PT][Online|Mobile]ClientId in index.html footer script [string]$ClientId = "8h41mMOiDULmlLT28xKSv5ITpp3XBRvH" ) $script:Session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession $script:Session.Headers.client_id = $ClientId $script:BaseUri = $BaseUri $script:Auth = @{ bearerExpiry = [DateTime]::MaxValue refreshExpiry = [DateTime]::MaxValue } $script:Creds = @{ username = Read-Host 'Email or card number' password = Read-Host 'Password' -MaskInput } | ConvertTo-Json New-WRSession Write-Host 'Successfully authenticated to Woolworths Rewards' } function Disconnect-WoolworthsRewards { $body = @{'access_token' = $script:Auth.bearer} | ConvertTo-Json Invoke-WRRequest 'security/logout/rewards' 'POST' 'v2' -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json' } function New-WRSession { param ( $option = 'basic' ) $now = Get-Date # set before API call to avoid time desync with server $res = switch ($option) { 'basic' { Invoke-WRRequest 'security/login/rewards' 'POST' 'v2' -Body $script:Creds -ContentType 'application/json' } 'otp' { # TODO implement OTP initialisation Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method Post -Body @{ otp = $script:Creds action = 'VALIDATE_OTP' } } } Update-WRAuth $now $res } function Update-WRAuth { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [DateTime]$SessionStart, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $res # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName='bearer')] # [String]$Bearer, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName='bearer')] # [String]$bearerExpiredInSeconds, # [Parameter(ParameterSetName='refresh')] # [String]$refresh, # [Parameter(ParameterSetName='refresh')] # [String]$refreshExpiredInSeconds ) $script:Session.Headers.Authorization = "Bearer $($res.bearer)" $script:Auth.bearer = $res.bearer $script:Auth.bearerExpiry = $SessionStart.AddSeconds($res.bearerExpiredInSeconds) if ($res.refresh) { $script:Auth.refresh = $res.refresh $script:Auth.refreshExpiry = $SessionStart.AddSeconds($res.refreshExpiredInSeconds) } } function Invoke-WRRequest { param ( [String]$path, [String]$method = 'GET', [String]$version = 'v1', [String]$uri = "$($script:BaseUri)/$version/$path" ) $now = Get-Date if ($now -gt $script:Auth.bearerExpiry) { $script:Auth.bearerExpiry = [DateTime]::MaxValue if ($now -gt $script:Auth.refreshExpiry) { $script:Auth.refreshExpiry = [DateTime]::MaxValue New-WRSession } else { $res = Invoke-WRRequest 'security/refreshLogin' 'POST' 'v2' -Body (@{'refresh_token' = $script:Auth.refresh} | ConvertTo-Json) $script:Auth = Update-WRAuth $now $res } } "$method $uri", $script:Session.Headers | Out-String | write-host $res = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method $method -WebSession $script:Session @args return $ } function Get-WRTransactionPDF { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$downloadUrl ) return Invoke-WRRequest 'rewards/member/ereceipts/transactions/details/download' 'POST' -Body (@{'downloadUrl' = $downloadUrl} | ConvertTo-Json) } function Get-WRTransactions { param ( [Int]$Page = 1 ) Invoke-WRRequest "rewards/member/ereceipts/transactions/list?page=$Page" } function Get-WRTransactionDetails { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$ReceiptKey ) Invoke-WRRequest 'rewards/member/ereceipts/transactions/details' 'POST' -Body (@{receiptKey = $ReceiptKey} | ConvertTo-Json) } function Get-WRProfile { $res = Invoke-WRRequest "member/profile" return $res.member } # Get transactions # $res = @(1,2) | % { Get-WRTransactions $_ } | % { Get-WRTransactionDetails $_.receiptKey } # Itemise # $items = $res.receiptDetails.details | where __typename -eq 'ReceiptDetailsItems' | select -ExpandProperty items # Set price for quantified items, ignoring sale lines # for ($i=0; $i -lt $items.count; $i++) { # if ($items[$i].amount -eq '' -and $items[$i].description -notlike 'PRICE REDUCED*') { # $items[$i].amount = $items[$i+1].amount # $items[$i+1].amount = $null # } # } # Filter out quantities and sale lines # $items | ? amount -notin @('',$null) # $items | where description -like '*milk*' | measure-object -Sum amount | select Sum # GET member/profile # GET member/addresses # GET member/contacts # GET member/accounts/rewards/cards?addname=true loyalty card data # GET member/preferences/security OTP prefs # GET member/preferences/receipt # GET member/preferences/redemption # GET member/preferences/redemption/lock # GET customerdatareport/request/rewards rewards? # GET v2/security/hashcrn CRN hashes? # GET v2/security/social/status?type=Facebook facebook link status # POST secure/c2login-stepup resendOTP: false # POST wx/api-otp/verifytoken otptoken # GET wx/connect/v3/authetoken Apple card JWT? # { # "crn": "330000000000#######", # "edr_card": "#############", # "wallet_type": "APPLE", # "jwt_version": "1", # "created": "DateTime", # "env": "PROD" # } # GET /wx/connect/android/$JWT uses the apple JWT??? returns an android JWT with tons of metadata |